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Dragon Rising has been released

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Daddl has made good points, and is not 'defending the indefensible'. Dragon Rising neither deserves the Flashpoint title, nor is it a good game, but Daddl is not saying this, rather he is simply bringing a degree of normality to an otherwise hateful thread. BangTail: your efforts to reply to Daddl is simply proving him right.

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Hi all

So I understand all the more intelligent ones who got fooled into buying DR are buying ArmA instead. I suppose all the COD players who got fooled into paying for another overpriced direct to DVD animated movie will be next.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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Daddl has made good points, and is not 'defending the indefensible'. Dragon Rising neither deserves the Flashpoint title, nor is it a good game, but Daddl is not saying this, rather he is simply bringing a degree of normality to an otherwise hateful thread. BangTail: your efforts to reply to Daddl is simply proving him right.

Nah, I'm proving him very wrong.

Nothing he is saying brings any "normality" to the discussion. You're just not perceptive enough to understand that his purpose here is not objective in any way, shape or form.

Take the blinders off please :D

PS : If you'd care to copy and paste these "good points" you're referring to, I'd be happy to read them, as all I've seen is a silly fanboy who is wasting his time (and every one else's) :p

Edited by BangTail

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No, the point is that you people complain about the wrong things to the wrong people. The support people have nothing to do with the reasons you hate the game (imho 'hating' a game is silly enough), and that post was a very poor example of the things that actually ARE wrong with DR. It's the management that dictated the cuts, and the devs and testers who delivered a bugged game.

The fact that many here don't seem to make even basic distinctions and even need to use stuff like the above support mail to 'prove' CM's evil nature shows how seriously one should take your comments.

What's wrong with an average game? It's not the POS you people make it look like, and it's not the brilliant ArmA killer nobody expected anyways. If you don't like it (or actually hate it), then I recommend staying away from it, and not whining about it all day.

Seriously, some people here should get a live...

Okay, I couldn't just read this and let it slide....

First off, people were EXPECTING an entirely different game than what CM promoted all the way up until launch. When you tell the public "It's a direct sequel to the widly popular original Operation Flashpoint" It is assumed that you will retain what made the original great and not totally re-write everything, remove what made the original great except for the name. I feel that all of this negativity is the direct response to the actions of one person, Sion Lenton. This person feels that he is some sort of David Perry (Shiny Entertainment), or Sid Meier (Fireaxis). He is not. He's a wanna be. He loved the attention and lime light promoting the game and getting positive attention. TV shows, interviews, yadda-yadda. All the while continuing his campaign of "Everything of Operation Flashpoint brought up to speed with modern gaming rigs.... He lied. Through and through. His most successful title until taking on DR was the little Burger King games they were selling for $9.95 with a kids meal. Seriously. This was his claim to fame. He also started an MMO that was scrubbed by the executives for "Lack of Vision and Planning" in essence he got fired/sacked.

This is a modern day "bait and switch". For years (literally) we were spoon fed CGI pre-rendered graphics and told that it was "work in progress". Even up until the last E3 he continued his personal promotional campaign never wavering that in reality NOTHING from the original Operation Flashpoint made it into Dragon Rising. Not a single thing.

Tell me, what great part of the Original Operation Flashpoint made it into Dragon Rising? What, maybe a large island that you really can't free roam?

A so-so editor that is buggy and unfinished? What?

This is what people are upset about. It's not directly the "game", it's the cavalier attitude and marketing deception spear headed by Sion Lenton, that was followed up with a slap in the face patch. From a technical standpoint, the game is failure, without dedicated servers, no server controls, no CD key, no anti-cheat mechanisms, the multiplayer is doomed to fail and is. The single player is short. So their fanbase that was so gung-ho Codemasters got crapped on by this guy, and it's more a feeling of betrayal. Here he is promising everything that made the original great, and delivered nothing even close to his claims. The game is really about 5 hours long. And without multiplayer, that's the extent of your entertainment. People are STILL playing the original OFP after what 8-9 years? Compared to 5 hours with DR? That is epic failure. Epic. DR was promoted as a MILITARY SIMULATOR and it still says so on their promotional page for the game. It's still up there. Was hailed by the pre-launch CM fanboyz as "The Arma2 Killer". It's not an Arma2 killer, it's not even an Arma2 poke in the eye. It's nothing. In fact it has helped promote Arma2. When people didn't get what they were promised and waited for..... they then realized what Arma2 really was, and recognized just how further advanced Arma2 is, compared to this hollow shell of a game, that only has a slight reference, to the original because of it's name.

So when you say it's the failure of the suits to force the coders hands in development, you're dead wrong. Sion Lenton (Executive Producer) IS the suit. He is solely responsible for the marketing/vision/budget/development/success and then the failure of the game. I believe that the Senior AI programmer even left the project because he was a huge Operation Flashpoint fan, and saw what direction the game was heading. So they made a turn in the scope and reality of the game, but continued on the original path of shoveling the B.S. knowing full well, up until launch, they were lying. This is where the hatred comes from. The game is "ok". But NOWHERE near the expectations of the fan base. So people start defending the game, hoping (and demanding) some super patch to turn it into what they were promosed, but in reality, it will never be Operation Flashpoint, nor even a slight glimmer of the Original.

Here's a link that is very interesting. This is about the time Arma2 launched. He claims it's not a simulator, but their press releases DO show it as a simulator. This is after Arma2 was seen with the publisher "505" at E3 in June. His interview was done after E3. Notice the sudden "change of direction." He acknowledges the Original, but then changes direction quickly.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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Im coming from the CM forums......

Let me warn you all who intend to play/buy DR.

As much as it pains me to say it but im grown up enough to admit when i was wrong.... You guys over here in the BiS forums were right.

Please read all, this is NOT a BiS mashing post......, I am NO BiS fanboy nor am i anywhere near a Codemasters fan either (they destroyed that for me and many others ).

Ok first post here but ive been around for some time. I played arma1 and got sick of all the bugs so i never bought arma2 for that reason as i knew it would be more of the same. I was really hopeing that Dr was going to be a replacement for arma for both me AND my clan...... sadly this was not the case.

Dragon Rising ( i prefer to call it that as there's NOTHING "Operation Flashpoint" about the release. ) was going to be a full blown event for my clan, then the shit hit the fan. We were totally suckered in by DR's marketing, pretty vids, nice screenies and empty promises. A few even preOrdered, what a huge mistake that was.

The game was released in a semi finished but fairly polished state, then the reality set in.

-Co-op tether 275m,

-Only 4 players coop,

-No hope for choppers or tank battles or large scale battles,

-16v16 mp max,

- 4km's square "Maps"

-NO open world to play in just a "shoebox" to run around retardedly in.

-No lean ( meh not a big deal but w/e )

-No Jets

- An Utter shiet unashamedly console ported game with no tweeks for PC ( except mouse support and text chat, big fkin wow ) so we get just a shitty quality gfx as a 4yr old piece of crap that are consoles.

- NO DEDICATED SERVERS! i mean WTF which seriously retarded CM dev/bean counters thought they could run a decent FPS ( with no client side prediction ) on a stupid P2P system!

- No auto download of maps/mods

- DLC + patch which didnt address ANY issues brought up by the community.

- After the patch seemingly NO MOD SUPPORT!

- Ridiculous copy protection not worth a crap. On release day there were 10k leechers on bittorrent for the xbox and pc versions.... yes no cdkey OR verification!!!!! and ppl complain the pirates are ruining PC games omg.

- NO Anti cheat mechanism.

I could go on and on and on and on.....,

What worst of all is the utter lack of information and encouragement by CM to build a community. Basically if 3000 people bit CM in the ass asking for a community they wouldnt have a clue what to do or how to do it.

They are absolutely 31337 at staying quiet and doing nothing worth while filling ( whats left of the fanbase ) the fanbase with obscure comments which tell you nothing. I mean cmon a thread made in the PC forums requesting dedicated server files went into 1,540 replies and 79,606 views.... What did we get in response? a short message saying that Sion Lenton was breaking CM's protocol and also saying dedicated servers were not under development.

So they brought out a patch which futhur locks out the modding community GG CM sack the fkin lot of you!

Its no wonder whats left of the posters on the forums are filled so full of rage with CM performance on this game. I mean look at the Xfire stats!!!


This game died a death within a month! what do CM say about this? absolutely naff all.

This rant has gone on waaaay to long and i wouldn't blame you if you TL : DR

So out of the ashes id say this, I was bitter about BiS coming out of arma1 and QG but i give BiS something they certainly know how to keep up comms with the community and know how to support a game, CM has no clue how to do this and i really hope it bites them in the ass and they have financial trouble because of this whole polava. CM have no clue how to produce anything but regurgitated crap that console users are used to and should stay away from making any more games for PC.

Edited by b0b

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Im coming from the CM forums......

Let me warn you all who intend to play/buy DR.

As much as it pains me to say it but im grown up enough to admit when i was wrong.... You guys over here in the BiS forums were right.

Please read all, this is NOT a BiS mashing post......, I am NO BiS fanboy nor am i anywhere near a Codemasters fan either (they destroyed that for me and many others ).

Ok first post here but i

Welcome! Get out your Credit Card and download the true king of mil-sims.

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Thanks for the welcome... something im not used to after spending months wasting my time and effort on the CM forums.

I would buy A2 but my pc barely ran A1+QG so until an upgrade im just a bystander that knows where the true fans of pc Milsims + excellent community building stay, and thats here.

BTW sorry for my rant but i had to release it somewhere as negative topics in the CM forums are deemed as Off Topic, mad eh.

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Staying away? Isn't it so that this kind of business will harm the industry on the long term? It's getting pretty persasive, especially when gaming started to be cool and more suits came with their marketing stories, just staying silent while others are screaming will not cut it.

I for one doesn't like the way the industry is heading, it is already pretty similar to the music industry. Nothing wrong with average music and games, it's just that publishers seem to run things and decide what's best instead of the producers, like big men in a record company deciding what a musician can and can't say.

Luhgnut;1485670']You know' date=' some of the Chinese players are a tad upset with the music. They say it is supposed to be Chinese but listen to the guys voice. He sounds like he's puking.[/quote']

I ain't suprised, I never heard such a horrible thing. But it kinda fits the game. :rolleyes:

Ok first post here but ive been around for some time. I played arma1 and got sick of all the bugs so i never bought arma2 for that reason as i knew it would be more of the same. I was really hopeing that Dr was going to be a replacement for arma for both me AND my clan...... sadly this was not the case.

Welcome to this forum.

Yes, I wasn't interested in ArmA2 myself, after the ArmA1 disappointment. After some while I just bought it even though I knew it was gonna be buggy. Mostly because it's really the only game there is of it's caliber, and maybe I was a bit cynical, but I knew CM wouldn't make a true followup to OFP. Afterall it's still a niche game, so I am still supporting BIS after all these years, even for the bugs. But then again, they are not a big company.

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Luhgnut;1486979']So when you say it's the failure of the suits to force the coders hands in development' date=' you're dead wrong. Sion Lenton (Executive Producer) IS the suit. He is solely responsible for the marketing/vision/budget/development/success and then the failure of the game.[/quote']Yes, he's management ('producer', not 'developer', you wrote it yourself), he's responsible for allocating the available funds, if necessary raising more money or cancelling parts of the project. Just what I wrote. He's neither the lead developer nor the creative head, he's a 'suit' as you call it, the 'money guy'.

As for your expectations: for part you were deceived by their pr engine, for another part they simply seem to have underestimated the effort a project like a true OFP successor would require. This lead to cuts that hurt them now, as their potential fan base is dissapointed and has an alternative (at least on the PC) many might switch to/or already play instead: ArmA. So that's the situation: it looks good for ArmA and bad for CM - what's your problem (apart from the money you may have lost buying the game on its release date instead of waiting a bit)? Keep cool.

As I said before in this thread I didn't expect nearly as much as you and many others seem to have, so my disappointment was quite limited. Basically I got more or less what I expected. The 55 Euros the game cost me (console games are way more expensive than their pc counterparts) don't hurt me much - I still get enough enjoyable gaming out of the package to justify the expense.

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It surely does seem that the smaller dedicated PC gaming developers will clean up in the wake of the corporate mess that is the large PC gaming industry atm.

Wow 2 people welcomed me aft a rant, im not used to this kind of friendliness after the CM forums, It really is a bloodbath over there.


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Soo will there be a OPF3?

and my fav qoute out of context from the RPS interview " ...It’s going to be horrible to see..."

Edited by kklownboy

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Soo will there be a OPF3?

and my fav qoute out of context from the RPS" ...It’s going to be horrible to see..."

In the bloody wake of dragon rising i sincerely hope Codmasters ( not a typo ) doesn't attempt to make anymore PC games. They should stick what they are good at. Thats making the same old rubbish that console users will swallow time and time again. I for one will NEVER buy another CM product again after this farce.

What should be more disturbing to CM is that my Son is now showing interest in PC games, i will ultimately let him make his own decision on what to play, but i will warn him of this fiasco and the underhanded means that a lot of companies use to sell their products like the CM mess.

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I would buy A2 but my pc barely ran A1+QG so until an upgrade im just a bystander...

My PC actually runs ArmA 2 better than ArmA 1, I'd suggest buy the game now. There's a lot to learn and experiment with mission-making-wise (even if it's only barely playable) and given where you're coming from it'd be as well to know you like the game before laying down a lump of cash on an upgrade for it.

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My PC actually runs ArmA 2 better than ArmA 1, I'd suggest buy the game now. There's a lot to learn and experiment with mission-making-wise (even if it's only barely playable) and given where you're coming from it'd be as well to know you like the game before laying down a lump of cash on an upgrade for it.

Well i may give it a go soon..., unfortunately i have memory corruption errors and only have a amd64 dual core so until i can replace my memory and possibly cpu then im going to have to wait. Its on the cards though ;)

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As I said before in this thread I didn't expect nearly as much as you and many others seem to have, so my disappointment was quite limited..

Same here. I knew what I was getting (actually it was worse) but didn't write one negative posts on their forums to rant about anything. Still, CM deserves what they get as the fact that they mislead in just about every department in a major way is acknowledged by pretty much all but their most ardent supporters.

@Bob- let me be the third to welcome you. I didn't care for Arma1 very much at all either but if you can get Arma2 running -it's a blast. Bought 4 games this year (a lot for me) and Arma2 is the only one that I'll crave to play when away from my pc for a while.

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Yes, he's management ('producer', not 'developer', you wrote it yourself), he's responsible for allocating the available funds, if necessary raising more money or cancelling parts of the project. Just what I wrote. He's neither the lead developer nor the creative head, he's a 'suit' as you call it, the 'money guy'.

lol.... he is the developer, maybe he's not banging out code, but he is responsible for Vision. He is also the creative head. Maybe you should read those credits they fixed.

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Well i may give it a go soon..., unfortunately i have memory corruption errors and only have a amd64 dual core so until i can replace my memory and possibly cpu then im going to have to wait. Its on the cards though ;)

Welcome :)

Also when time/hardware permits then try the demo it will give you a faint idea of how ArmA 2 runs and how it feels like :cool:

Latest version and specially the beta version runs A LOT smoother, so have that in mind ;)

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Well i may give it a go soon..., unfortunately i have memory corruption errors and only have a amd64 dual core so until i can replace my memory and possibly cpu then im going to have to wait. Its on the cards though ;)

First off, welcome to a group with fierce opinions...ha ha

I don't blame you for being skeptical about performance, bugs and playability. You do need a good rig to get the most from ARMA II. I shelved my copy of ARMA I Gold for awhile and recently installed it again to play some of the mods and campaigns available for it. Ton of content available. I had recently upgraded my rig to a Quad Core with an OC GTX275 and ARMA I is smooth as silk with everything full tilt. I've got my second life out of it.

In spite of the bugs, ARMA II is by far the best BIS have developed and with these mods coming out, my oh my the potential is phenomenal. With the latest build, it now runs really well and I would say that I am satifisfied. DR is nothing more than a FPS console game and what ticks me off is I allowed myself to be sucked in to CM's brilliant marketing. All the media prior to release is not what it appeared, and yeah I have right to say this, I got shafted and they got my $40 bucks. At least with BIS, with ARMA II, I knew what I was getting into. CM, I gambled and it was wrong.

ARMA II is evolving in to a great piece of software and the money I spent is worth every penny.


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Well i may give it a go soon..., unfortunately i have memory corruption errors and only have a amd64 dual core so until i can replace my memory and possibly cpu then im going to have to wait. Its on the cards though ;)

You could always try the demo, and if it runs okay, know that the latest builds run better.


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i found some interesting things on 2 forums

one guy who informs about Dragon Rice and patch and etc, (somehow connected to CM) keeps on entering topics about Arma to say "it is too buggy, don't even test it" "it has a lot of bugs, cannot play it" and etc.

are some CM cooperators are using black-PR tactics to Arma2 ?

or CM fanboys ?

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If someone shouts "ArmA is buggy", answer "So name me 20-30 bugs you've encountered last week" :) It's funny to see how people will argue afterwards.

But I've noticed another strange thing in the last weeks. Seems like there are flashmobs on Youtube that rate ArmA II videos with 1 point to make the game look worse in the user's opinion. However I don't have any proof. Video uploaders should have an eye on their ratings.

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But I've noticed another strange thing in the last weeks. Seems like there are flashmobs on Youtube that rate ArmA II videos with 1 point to make the game look worse in the user's opinion. However I don't have any proof. Video uploaders should have an eye on their ratings.

Who honestly give a damn about youtube comments and ratings :confused:

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I love reading comments around the net (usually below reviews, like IGN) about Dragon Rising. Comments like :

"Being a long time serving officer in the US military I can tell you that this game it the most realistic game there is. It's tactics are spot on and commanding a squad in game is just like commanding a squad in real life, and I even learned a lot of new tactics from the game that I can use in real life"

The funny thing is, straight after that comment there's a single comment :

"..... but, you don't command a squad in Dragon Rising."

Oh, btw, Happy 200th Page thread day!

Edited by Bulldogs

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to the guy defending CMs customer support ( i belive Daddl his name was) , im sorry to burn your party, but there really is no custommer support. I got he same letter from them to check my ISP yadda yadda and I asked them why my friend with 100Mbit cable cant get his ping under 220 to join my game which is hosted on a 1000Mbit Cable... Really? I do need to change my gigabit network to not play a laggy game? DO i need to join NASA for that? That is kinda funny as im used to bitch about lag when my ping jumps to 40 not to 220. Bottom line is that CM really needs to reconsider their approach because having a scripted bot answearing machine which likes to name itself is os 80s style. On the other hand feel free to enjoy the product you bought, just please dont help the false marketing, i think CM did a really good job on that by themslves.

Edited by PJ[CZ]

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