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New island projects - what do you want?

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    • Jungle, seas, islands
    • Mountains, rivers, lakes, forests
    • Big residental areas
    • Snow lands
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Would like to see a entirely abandoned and wild island with terrain similar to chernogorsk but without towns or human influence. Would be immersive for tank battles and would call for real tactical play.

I would make it myself if it was as easy to make islands for Arma as it was OFP.

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He can "unite" countries and perform peace keeping duties out of FOBs or you can set a warfare where there can actually be border patrols and two commanders that issue "no hostilities" for like 30minutes and provocations are made on both sides ;)

Now that sounds like a lot of fun! :D

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There's been a lot of great suggestions here - I've made one or two myself... what I haven't done is actually contribute anything substantial since Flashpoint days...

I had vague ideas of a "Domination UK" mission/map combo... I even had the whole of the UK on a 20kmx20km map in-game and running... However, the problem with reducing realworld terrain to that degree is that it becomes VERY simplified... Now that doesn't necessarily matter... someone (Icebreakr?) was working on a "whole world" map - the fun being in scurrying from one nominally well-known place to another - not how accurate a representation of that place the actual 3-hut village that's supposed to be "London" is...

Anyway... I wasn't happy with the way the terrain was turning out on that one, so the "full UK and Ireland" project is on hold for now...

Since I had all the data and I actually LIVE here, I figured I could get better terrain detail by doing a "smaller" area... so... Scotland!


Clyde Estuary

There's a good variety of terrain here, from "relative" lowland... to islands...


Western Isles

Then, as you head north... all of a sudden it gets fairly wild...


(lower) Highlands

It's all impossibly narrow glens surrounded by high mountains - perfect guerilla-tactics ambush country (as the English found out on a regular basis a while back)..

Then, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse - it does!


(high) Highlands

Not much room for manoeuvring up here... and without a map you're lost real quick - and while you're looking around going "huh?" - the Clans come pouring out of some nameless glen - kick serious English butt and vanish again...

A classic tactic that worked nicely for centuries... until the English came up with a Cunning Plan... They sent some Colonel called "Roy" - who used to be in charge of the cannons - up North...

"Oi, Roy! - leave that Ordnance alone and get up there and do a Survey"...

And so he did - the English got Maps - followed up with a bit of random civilian slaughtering - and the traditional Scottish sport of Sassenach-Slapping was over...

Anyhow... smouldering resentment of the outcome of the Jacobite Rebellion aside :D - the landscape provides great tactical possibilities (but not very much cover) and (ironically - with the help of Colonel Roy's mapping efforts) could work out just nicely as an Arma 2 map...

There's a couple of urban conglomerates (Glasgow and Edinburgh) to the south which will have to be fairly generic (and reduced enormously in size, of course) - a few towns (ditto) and a whole lot of bugger all - which should be able to be portrayed fairly realistically...

I'm still totally at the terrain stage with this - I wanna fuss a bit and try to get it a little more in proportion without losing too much detail - or height...

I've georectified some google terrain pics - plus a generated one, so the Satmap will probably be a blend of the two...

It's all very much a learn-while-you-do process for me, and this is all very early stages as yet... but I reckon it'll all come together quite nicely... eventually...

I'll report back once I actually have something worth talking further about...

P.S. Does anyone know how to add a large pair of horns and a "do NOT mess with me" expression to the stock Brown Cow model???


Edited by Bushlurker

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Strange, nobody mentioned race tracks, but... I've made one anyway ;)

You have a chance to test it out on Island Panthera v2.3, here's a shot:



Edited by IceBreakr

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@bushlurker, how about a real location modelled at 1:1 size from scotland. for e.g. loch lomond, theres a military zone up there, for the flying aspect scottish glens and ageing mountains would be a popular hit. iam biased however being from glasgow :)

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for the flying aspect scottish glens and ageing mountains would be a popular hit

Heh my parents house seems to be used as a laser target, bloody Tornados! ;)

Has anyone experimented with GeoControl2 or 1 for that matter.

I licensed a copy of GC1 for use in Cryengine2 a while back.

If you can get your head round it, it's pretty awesome.

Apparently they are using it to create the landscapes for Bad Company2.

Could see some great stuff done in ArmA2 with this, in the right hands.... ah if only I had time enough these days.

Edited by Electricleash

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Awesome tool mate. I gonna check out the demo when i am done with my current island. The current one is using L3DT and that is an awesome product itself. This might give other possibilties. Who knows, i am realy curious in this area. cheers for reporting!

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I second the united states cities ideas. More soviet invasion (red dawn/ freedom fighters) style missions. :)

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Strange, nobody mentioned race tracks, but... I've made one anyway ;)

You have a chance to test it out on Island Panthera v2.3, here's a shot:

The best race track in OpF for the F1's was Old Carlston Raceway. A newer slicker version with a decent little city next to the home straight would be nice, also join a road to the airport and fill out with buildings.

I created one in the editor using some of philcommando's buildings, just gave it a more racetrack feel. I have no idea how to edit a map fully so I am no help to anyone.

Edited by Grub

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ICEBREAKR, I have a question about your Dualla map.

Is it a big island divided in two opposing countries ala dominican republic and Haiti? Or is it a map with two big islands each of them is one country?

I have tweaked for my own use the LCU and the newly released LCAC and I have already used them for landing operations and a two islands map would be very interesting for that.

What I would like is a big map with four to five medium sized islands (everon sized would be even better) to do island hopping (with one airport in each island if it was possible)

BTW, the new version of Panther is wonderful, keep up the good work!!!!

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mankyle: right now Isla Duala is WIP and both countries share one big island, but there are few smaller present too (but connected with bridges). Maybe I can post a scanned sketch up here since WIP shots are something I wouldn't show yet in this stage? :)

About the island hopping: you just gave me an idea. Maybe, just maybe, we could have three waring countries, engine allows it ? :) its not too hard to add a few more islands. And thanks about Panthera, a lot of work went into it, 80+ hours in just last 30 days :)

edit: sketch of Duala

Edited by IceBreakr

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I'm really looking forward to this. Please keep up the good work.


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Lots of Tonal, hell yes.

Awesome map, still know it like the back of my hand, he he.

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general look at island making:

when you will be doing car addon, you will not give wheels on roof and no seats at all and no steering wheel at all, don't you ?

when you do rifle addon, you will not give magazine at the end of muzzle flash, no handgrip, no sight, no buttstock but for example 2 rear sights next to each other 2 cm, don't you ?

the same rule goes to city

people live:

people die

people eat

people wash them self

people work

people buy

people learn in school

people travel

but in some addons (from OFP till today) villages, towns look like heap/mess of buildings stated on one place

some looks like "random placed objects"

but there are some basic urbanistic rules when creating city

when i was making islands for OFP i made ca.5 islands

every big city in Europe, Latin America has "old town" "market place" "cathedral" in center

first was market place and religion back to XVI-XVIII century

later in XIX century there was growth of manufactory and heavy industry

XX century are sleeping/living districts and business center

when you do city, it cannot be "some buildings placed"

people live in town, they need hospital, shop, police, government, park, disco, electro station

in OFP i made island with total real structure

city had:

coal heat-electro station (people need warm water, electricity) on border of city

hospital, police station, government place (with fences) was in center

there was church and near church cemetery

there were place for kids, sport football place

there was park for people to rest after work

there was some streets for people to live (blocks of flats)

there was wholesalers places, warehouses at city borders (people in city use a lot of products)




people in america live in small houses, some kilometers from sky scrapers where they work

people in europe live in blocks of flats and work near to job




center - business buildings, some government

other part of city, old market place, statue, hospital, police station, shops, court,

living district (houses, blocks of flats and streets, not buildings on ground), school

far from center - houses smaller, some garden, warehouse, school, place for kids, park,

far far - electro power and water heating station, warehouse, maybe military base, bus or railway station , maybe airport, maybe trash utilization

i preferred WRP TOOL cause it was superb, but maybe i will learn how to use VISITOR and than i will do big modern city

i saw addons where there were for example villages containing 4-5 buildings in village and one of them was large block of flats ?

who builds tall block of flats in such small village ?

how many people live there in 5 other buildings ? 10 ?

and in block 80 ?

and where is street ?

where is shop ?

nothing ? forest, 4 small poor houses and large block of flats ???

no street just dirt road leading to few buildings and 8 floor block ?

or warehouse in forest, dirt road , far from city

who need large warehouse many kilometers from big city ? squirrels ? 3 villagers living in small house ?

so i think not only art skills but also some engineering skills should be used when doing modern island with cities placed near Europe, America

Edited by vilas

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i totaly agree with you about the fact that when you build cities they need to be formed in a realistic manner, but all the examples you use about how a city should be composed is geared towards big cities which stretch dozens of kilometers and have thousands of inhabitants.

But when you build a city in game this city will almost always be the size of a minor city with countryside around it (except if you build a map which only has a city on it) and these minor cities or villages are shaped in a different way then the big cities you are talking about.

and secondly when you talk about the need for all kinds of services that need to be provided, you would need models for a school for example and when these are not provided and you cant make em yourself then you cant have that sort of facility in your city.

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@bushlurker, u need to get the Forth bridges in and the Falkirk wheel. Rosyth naval base could be used aswell, just ma 2 cents worth

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Grub: can you send me a map screenshot of Tonal and screenshots of places you really liked? ;)

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@vilas: good post!

thats probably the main reason why the avgani map was so popular. it looked just realistic!

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Err... they might look realistic but you still can't enter houses and clear them. Vilas, what use does that Hospital in A2 have if you can only climb on the roof but cannot take cover inside of for ex. 2nd floor? Closed buildings ARE NOT realistic, period.

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Yes, but one must make sacrifices in one area of realism, to achieve realism in the other. Realism is a double edged sword.

@Icebreakr, I realize that you want every building to be enter-able, but most of us wouldn't mind a few closed buildings for government, hospitals, police stations, etc...

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Bushlurker, that'll be a good terrain to "film" a Simple Minds music video remake! :D

(For those who wonder if the terrain is really like that or not...)

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Good video, though - those who haven't been to Scotland please note - that's a fairly flat bit in that video :)

Quite a lot of it looks like this...


I've made a few changes since I posted last...

Trying to cram the whole of Scotland into a 20x20km map just doesn't work... it's OK in the Trossachs and the lowland areas but it just gets too compressed up in the highlands... Up there it's an utter wasteland of over 200 x 1000m+ peaks... glens and gullys that look like someone used a giant rake on the landscape... it's all been torn up by major and recent glacial drift and - on a satellite scale - it shows!

I've cropped my target area down to "Low Flying Area 14" (Pilots will like it :D) which is still equivalent to an area of about 32,000 sq miles in Real World terms - 20x20km in Arma2 - its still reduced dramatically, but it looks a bit more "real" (cropping the highest peaks to under 400m helped too)...

My next big problem is gonna be inland water... theres a LOT of lochs - from little ones that may be skipped to big guys like Loch Ness - which can't really be ignored... I've been fooling with the "pond" models, but havent figured out how to use them properly as yet - you cant see them from certain angles, they can't be made big enough, you walk under them instead of swimming, etc... gonna have to do a bit of experimenting I guess...


Once I've actually finalised a terrain to the point where I'm actually placing objects (the endless bit!) I'll maybe post a couple more pics...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Grub: can you send me a map screenshot of Tonal and screenshots of places you really liked? ;)

Ahh, possibly, I'll get back to you. Have just upgraded, all OpF on old rig. Give me some time I'll see what I can do. :o

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Would there be any interest to see a small jungle chain of islands with only one big town and airport/FOB nearby? For guerrila hunt operations?

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