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Island Panthera for ArmA 2

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When you said

Skooma rebuilt as New Skooma, increased 300% for CQB fans, more realistic urban design.

I was expecting it to be much more building and less open ground. :) Mind you, those open spaces have left it so that the mission maker can add buildings in the gaps.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

Tankbuster: buildings are identical, its just the perception err... angle view :)

Are you suggesting i was drunk? :eek:

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Hans Ludwig: terrain (inc. sea) is 100km2 but there is around 40km2 of terrain (7x6km).

Tankbuster: next project Isla Duala will have large towns for intense CQB, Panthera is too small and I didn't want to focus on desert part that is fictional (rest of it resembles real NW part of Slovenia, EU).

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First I need to congratulate you for the VERY FINE FANTASTIC Island that you made ICE !!

Thank you !

Second: does anyone made single or coop missions for the ISLAND and can send me ? Plz contact by MP ! Or send us a link here in the FORUM !

Thanks for now !

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I've got a quick question. Is the island pretty much complete? I want to use it for a new campaign, but i don't want to risk having to keep updating due to changes such as buildings or town layouts.

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Sick1: thats correct, there will be no more layout changes.

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Sick1: thats correct, there will be no more layout changes.

Thanks buddy!:yay:

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WOW what terrain, kudos for a fantastic job,,,,, ive joined just to get this going on our server!!!!!!! We've been a big part of testing maps on Americas Army on the testtube servers and our clan has expanded to ARMA2 now, but adding maps/missions in ARMA is nothing like AA2.

What i would like to know is-

1.Has anyone completed a coop mission yet?

if so- where do i get it and what do i do with it.

2.Myself and another clan member dl'ed the map got it all to work in edit but cant host it to play one another as there are no missions to choose. What are we doing wrong?

3.All files were uploaded to our clan server but the missions that came with dl dont show up. When we try to join start a mission.

Very much a noob at this, we just trying to get it out there.

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There's only few missions for it now. I'm still working on coop pack and 2 PvP missions.

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<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNkpNQMsid4&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNkpNQMsid4&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>

latest video useing your island :D

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Is there anyone with this kind of problem ?


It looks like building shadows..or I dont know, but its very annoying, hope it will be fixed in the next version, if the problem is not on my side.

Yes I seem to get it only with this building. Unfortunately, its in many different important areas. Ill have to try to jack up the shadows settings I guess

This map is spectacular! :eek: Awesome dude...cant thank you enough!

Edit: Turned up shadows to high and it went away. Map is perfect cheers!

Edited by katdogfizzow

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katdogfizzow: be sure to get new v2.31, the hangar has been replaced with A1 one so it should work on all shadow settings. BIS messed it up in A2 with this object.

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I'm guessing this may have been mentioned already... if not just wondering did the residents of Panthera forget to pay their electricity bill, there is no lighting anywhere on the island ? :)

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SGT_Savage: thats right, place is already too crowded in the tight valleys. I would add more details but you have to understand that scale is 1:7 to RL terrain. Therefor I had to leave out couple of details.

I'll focus on that kind of stuff on upcoming island that is fictional and with a "scale 1:1" ;)

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Hello lads,

Just wondering does this need to be installed client side as well, I'v installed it on the server in a mod folder useing the mod folder directive however its not howing up on the server listing, Can anyone help?



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I just noticed something.. did you change something with the sea colour? If so, can you make it only affected this island, not the whole other islands?

Because in my game I saw the coastal waters are clear blue in every islands. but without panthera island, the coastal waters in chernarus and utes have a slight green tint on it. I kinda like it. since chernarus is located somewhere in green sea, I think it's logical. But somehow with your island, every islands have clear blue coastal.

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IceBreakr you could outsource it to a standalone addon, so that people can remove it,

when desired.

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Centipede: Can't you start with -world=empty and have it fixed that way? I mean for now. I guess its a problem need solving if it affects other islands. But for now since with that you dont get any island loaded on start. Just an idea. Havent tested myself.


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Centipede: Can't you start with -world=empty and have it fixed that way? I mean for now. I guess its a problem need solving if it affects other islands. But for now since with that you dont get any island loaded on start. Just an idea. Havent tested myself.


havent tried that, but i think it wont work because, for example: the game start at utes by default, so I just go to the editor at utes and look at the coast... if panthera is activated, the coast is blue.

Or am I missing the point?

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Sea colour IS settable in an island config, sounds like it may be overriding the default seacolor class or something - would need a wee config tweak or patch to fix, or as Kju suggested, an optional addon. No big deal... I'm sure IceBreakr will sort it sooner or later... He's currently doing impressive things with satellite textures on his new Isla Duala - my guess is, sooner or later, he'll get around to applying that new expertise to Panthera, and maybe iron out any final reported quirks like this at the same time...


Edited by Bushlurker

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I've read all the pages for this post and wish to up load them to the server. Which files do I put where, do I put all of them into the mpmissions or Addons folder on the server or do I just up load the panthera2.pbo to the mpmissions folder.

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