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ARMA II Beta Builds Released: Latest version/build: 1.04.6xxxx

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The completion radius is currently important for units moving in the Combat mode.

Definition: The completion radius allows units to call the waypoint completed once they are inside of given circle.

Notes: this does not necessarily mean the waypoint is complete once they are inside of the circle. The way it works now it is complete one unit is inside and does not think it would be reasonable to move any closer.

So completion radius is only valid for Combat mode? It would make sense if completed flag was set for all modes. I.e. for planes in safemode, currently they will always overfly the waypoint (and more than often turn the wrong way initially). In real aviation you tend to break off before reaching the waypoint so that straighter lines are flown, like, without overshooting the intended flight path.

Not sure if this is the case still in Arma2, but in Arma1 we had the problem where air units given a high flyInHeight would never reach the waypoint. If this is still the case, a large completion radius might make the "3D sphere" large enough to that the waypoint would be completed even at high altitudes.

Did anyone try the waypoint nightmare I talked about earlier? Do you get the same results or am I just unlucky?

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So completion radius is only valid for Combat mode? It would make sense if completed flag was set for all modes. I.e. for planes in safemode, currently they will always overfly the waypoint (and more than often turn the wrong way initially). In real aviation you tend to break off before reaching the waypoint so that straighter lines are flown, like, without overshooting the intended flight path.

Not sure if this is the case still in Arma2, but in Arma1 we had the problem where air units given a high flyInHeight would never reach the waypoint. If this is still the case, a large completion radius might make the "3D sphere" large enough to that the waypoint would be completed even at high altitudes.

Did anyone try the waypoint nightmare I talked about earlier? Do you get the same results or am I just unlucky?

No, it's valid for all modes, but it's important for combat mode because a loarger radius allows the leader to seek for nearby cover and still complete the waypoint

With a 0 completion radius, even in combat mode, leader needs to get out of cover and exactly at the waypoints position to complete the waypoint, and that may be problematic

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Just tried the Manhattan mission from the Campaign to see if any performance improvements have been made here..... sadly it still runs as badly as before!

But I cant see why... this is what is happening:

At the very start of Manhattan mission when the chopper drops you of in the field I get around 22 to 24fps.

My CPU is at about 75% (C2Duo @ 3.44ghz) and my GPU is not working hard (i can tell this by GPU temp + PSU Load which I both have monitored on my 2nd monitor).

So I'm really puzzled as to why the missions/campaign run so badly compared to the editor/mp.

And yes ofcourse there is 10x more AI scripts running with the campaign mission, BUT if that is the case why is my CPU at only 75% average... it should either be maxing out, or if my GPU is the limit it should be running hot.

Also if I drop myself into the same area in the editor and run around I get close to 45fps.

Another thing, if I look into the sky in the Manhattan mission I get around 2fps improvement.... yet if I do the same in the editor drop in mode I get 60+ (limited to 60 by vsync).

So if the campaign missions (Manhattan as an example) are much more demanding than a drop in game why is the hardware not being maxed out? There must be something going wrong here!

EDIT: Also wanted to add that if I drop myself into the same spot from the editor and run around my CPU is at 97% (maxed out pretty mjuch) and my GPU is working a lot harder... average fps would be 40ish vs 22 in Manhattan mission!

Edited by Yapab

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There is a bug in controllers option menu that gives the

"Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_ACTION_CONTEXT"

error line in arma2.rpt.

AI medics/corpsman need to get faster + directly to wounded units if they are close (~12m) to them.

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AI medics/corpsman need to get faster + directly to wounded units if they are close (~12m) to them.

Not if this doing would be suicidal. currently medics do their job well if not engaged. You cant exspect more.

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If a soldier goes down there's usually an enemy soldier left with his sights on that very spot. An instant "Medic auto healing" would only mean the medic gets shot.

I actually like - both in the First Aid system and with medics - that you have to manually order guys onto the job under fire. You can first cover them properly that way.

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Did I wrote that I want an "instant Medic auto healing"? :confused:

Situation in combat:

one or more soldiers are wounded -> teamleader order his medic/corpsman to heal soldier X -> medic/corpsman gets ~12m close to soldier X and goes around him and back and to the left side and to the right... >> wounded soldier dies.

I'm asking for a bit more faster and direct way if the medic is close to the wounded soldier. ;)

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Still a lot client CTDs in MP with the latest beta :(

Specially with player driven vehicles or planes (no, not the same as the CTDs in 295 though the problem might be related, not sure about that).

Yesterday I was sitting in a BMP 3 as driver, Yoma as passenger.

First my A2 crashed to desktop, a few seconds later Yoma had a BSOD.

A lot of player driven vehicles involved during that point of the mission, and a lot of clients crashed.

Edit: Server was running 60400, most of the clients had 60393, mission without addons.


Edited by Xeno

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Last beta effected performance for me in a poor way.

+1 worse performance at forests and big cities.

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+1 worse performance at forests and big cities.


various types of bushes and trees to cause the FPS drop

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on start, which world do you see? are you adding .pbo addons directly to your game root addons or you make a separate folder for them?

Utes - the scenes with the Khe Sanh.

Don't have any addons installed in the game root addons, and I'm not using any addons aside from the beta modfolder.

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That's because the editor doesn't have any AI or scripts running.

Yes I know this, and if you read my post I ask why the CPU is not getting maxed out then?

If there are more AI/Scripts/Threads running in the mission why is the CPU at 75%... it should be maxing out if its having to do extra work load.

The GPU is also not running anywhere near maximum, so thats the problem I see... the campaign missions run slow yet do not use the systems maximum performance, something is amiss!


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Performance, barring some lag spikes, has been... flawless. This is a new thing for me in Arma.

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I think the latest beta (60393) have little worse performance again. I am also getting these errors in my custom mission (black forest):

This error came about 10sec after triggering a script to set the ACM:

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret
File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 23
Error in expression <ll BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_array select _index>
 Error position: <_index>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _index
File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_selectRandomWeighted.sqf, line 59
Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolCZ/: Missing word CeaseFireE

The whole ACM stopped working after that.

This is the my script (for ACM) that I´ve been using succesfully before:

waitUntil {!isNil {myACM getVariable "initDone"}};

waitUntil {myACM getVariable "initDone"};

sleep 4;

if (ap==0) then {[0, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.1) then {[0.1, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.2) then {[0.2, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.3) then {[0.3, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.4) then {[0.4, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.5) then {[0.5, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.6) then {[0.6, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.7) then {[0.7, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.8) then {[0.8, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==0.9) then {[0.9, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

if (ap==1) then {[1, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;};

[myACM, 350, 450] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc;

if (aa==1) then {[0.1, 0.5, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;};

if (aa==2) then {[0.3, 0.8, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;};

if (aa==3) then {[0.5, 1.0, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;};

[["CDF","RU"], myACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;

[myACM, [blist1,blist2,blist3,blist4,blist5,blist6,blist7]] call BIS_ACM_blacklistAreaFunc;

//next is for ambient civilian module

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["spawnDistance",500];

if (avv == 1) then {["air_patrol", 0, myACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;};

if (true) exitWith {};

This (ambient civilian module bug?) is also coming very often (the error message is coming all the time after appearing first time. I think its also dropping the performance.):

Error in expression <completedFSM _fsm
(_twn != _unit && _da>
 Error position: <_statusChanged
(_twn != _unit && _da>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _statuschanged

RPT-file also have these right after the earlier error (if they are connected somehow):

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\nastoupit.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\ten01.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\vehicles\car.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\zero.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\six.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\one.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\zero.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\seven.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\six.wss', header cannot be loaded.
Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\vehicles\man.wss', header cannot be loaded.

More of those (I removed the repeating lines):

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\veli.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\vystoupit.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\nastoupit.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\sesedat.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\nastoupit.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\report\pozor.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\direction\west2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\report\odtebe.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\report\blizko.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\numbers\three2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\numbers\five2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\numbers\six2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\numbers\seven2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\numbers\eight2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\numbers\nine2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\numbers\eleven2.wss', header cannot be loaded.

Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\vystoupit.wss', header cannot be loaded.

I´ve also noticed (in every game version) that AI convoy drives really badly between Mogilevka and Stary Sobor. AI driven trucks stuck really easily to slopes near 076095 and the convoy never drive trought the Stary Sobor when continueing to north (they always flank over the grassarea at 076073)

Edited by SaOk

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Also get a lot of RPT errors from different things. Lots of like above "cant load sounds", and some others. Will test play a while and provide RPT later.

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Link to the beta patches is down? I get a 'page not available' message....

works for me.

I have something strange going on. I would appreciate it if someone could try this:

1) go to the editor, and start editing a new mission in Chernarus

2) put the player unit, and an empty utility truck (ammunition)

3) preview the mission

4) go to the truck, and grab a couple of 30 rounds clips, or any other ammo

5) try to put them back, and see if it works

it's like the capacity of the truck is 0, and all ammo go back to the ground when you put it back

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CG: We have seen many things go lost in the betas. Im guessing it is because they work on those parts? Like what you mentioned and laser dot, SOM module features (UAV & Arty Laser). They all more or less stopped working.

I also seen complaints on memory leaks. Playing over time will load textures slower. To me it seems with the latest beta's that even model LOD's load slower after a while. Watched a Cobra last night after some hour of play and it had the far away LOD even when it flew close to me. Kept looking at it but it never changed. Dont know if that is the same type of problem however.

Maybe it will all be wrapped up good in 1.05.

i agreed with you

i played 4 hour in mp. after this i change to the editor and my armaII have various stutter an lod problems.

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I have something strange going on. I would appreciate it if someone could try this:

1) go to the editor, and start editing a new mission in Chernarus

2) put the player unit, and an empty utility truck (ammunition)

3) preview the mission

4) go to the truck, and grab a couple of 30 rounds clips, or any other ammo

5) try to put them back, and see if it works

it's like the capacity of the truck is 0, and all ammo go back to the ground when you put it back

Replicated - the truck's default loadout is way more than it can actually carry. Only tested with the Russian one. If you take enough stuff out, it'll eventually start working properly again. I've seen this before when I was adding my own cargo load to a helo and got a bit carried away.

It does actually end up on the ground. This is what I ended up with by the time the amount of cargo in the truck matched what it could actually carry (click for full image):


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Replicated - the truck's default loadout is way more than it can actually carry. Only tested with the Russian one. If you take enough stuff out, it'll eventually start working properly again. I've seen this before when I was adding my own cargo load to a helo and got a bit carried away.

It does actually end up on the ground. This is what I ended up with by the time the amount of cargo in the truck matched what it could actually carry (click for full image):


Strange, I was pretty sure that a while ago the truck's default loadout was actually way less, not way more. I also saw something similar happening with a CRRC, but in that case you really had to empty it.

Thanks for trying

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Beta Build 60588 up for grabs.

[60588] Fixed: MP client could not use laser designator in vehicles.

[60525] Fixed: Changing window size is no longer possible inside of video options screen.

[60522] Improved: Longer view distance for objects when high view distance is used.

[60457] New: FreeTrack support using FreeTrackClient.dll

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