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ARMA II Beta Builds Released: Latest version/build: 1.04.6xxxx

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Doesn't look like the patch modifies any effects. It doesn't touch ca.pbo which is where they are.

True, but still - particle effects in general appear to look better somehow. Is it possible that they simply modified/improved particle rendering in the engine?

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Just curious if anyone had tested AI infantry vs vehicles:

Place some AI with AT launchers (player as teamleader) and some opfor vehicles (wheeled and tracked) with waypoints.

As soon as the vehicles in range the AI fires one shot at them with their rifles. Why the AI warn their enemies if they have launchers? :confused:

Why the AI is still running around if the opfor vehicles are in LOS and there is cover very close to AI's position? Instead they walk around and getting shot by enemies. Arent there parameters which let the AI know where they are exposed and where they are safe or covered?

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True, but still - particle effects in general appear to look better somehow. Is it possible that they simply modified/improved particle rendering in the engine?

I guess it is. I never noticed anything different but if it's there a screenshot comparison would be nice.

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Checked the bloom and i cant see any difference from the previous version. Checked a heli pad and the glow/radiance was the same.

But who knows. :) Hard to know when not everything is in the changelog. It has psychological effects for sure. Im still now after tests think the 59025 lags my game more when there is action. But it might be all in my mind as i dont know if anything is changed in that area.


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erm, havent checked the helipad, but in town, most notably the roofs, the bloom i think easier on the eyes. maybe it has always been like that, just that I only noticed it now... hmm

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Im still now after tests think the 59025 lags my game more when there is action. But it might be all in my mind as i dont know if anything is changed in that area.

This is a very keen observation I think. Yesterday, I tested 59025 and 58926 and I have noticably worse FPS whenever action ensues. While in open areas, FPS is fine in both versions, when I meet enemy soldiers, it drops significantly with 59025 while with 58926 it remains the same (or drops insignificantly). Tested this on one particular situation from a saved position.

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With the last patch version, you can go through trees.



I am using the latest b patch (59025) and trees are normal on my pc.

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Maybe the lag when action starts is a "good" thing though. It can be that the AI is smarter? No idea really, but yes during action it feels laggier.

Walk through trees? Hope your not using the old version of Kju's "Low Vegetation" addon? The previous build made us go through trees. I will test clean and see.


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Holy cow, I can't keep up with the betas (that is NOT a complaint but a compliment!)

My comments a page or so back are looking to be two (2!!!) versions old now. Confusingly awesome situation we have here. DL'ing the latest now!

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I must admit that having these betas is just brilliant. It keeps the fanboi's like me really happy to see progress is being made on an almost daily basis.

Keep up the good work BIS! You have my full support.

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Build 59025, no problems with the trees. They stop me from moving forward as they always do.

Have you maybe installed kju's "proper vegetation mod"? I had that problem when that mod was installed a couple of days ago.

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Wrong. You can play at any server. Betas are presented as 1.03 patch.

Only if the server doesn't kick you for onDifferentData.

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Build 59025, no problems with the trees. They stop me from moving forward as they always do.

Have you maybe installed kju's "proper vegetation mod"? I had that problem when that mod was installed a couple of days ago.

I poo pah the idea of that being a problem, it cured my "Oh no, my AI pilot just crashed into a tree" issue completely. It looks a bit dumb but for the sake of simulation that is o.k. by me.

I say bring it in as standard.

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I poo pah the idea of that being a problem, it cured my "Oh no, my AI pilot just crashed into a tree" issue completely. It looks a bit dumb but for the sake of simulation that is o.k. by me.

I say bring it in as standard.

LOL I can understand that. Trees have often saved me from enemy choppers thanks to their terrible flying skills.

But seriously, I wish the AI flying could be improved so that wouldn't be a problem. They crash way too much, it's like they're incredibly drunk.

Perhaps the game is also a bit too harsh on choppers hitting trees. They explode way too easily, maybe they should just bounce off a bit with some damage unless they hit them hard.

I think the mouse movement issue can be considered solved. Personally I just set the slider to 0, and that feels perfect IMO. People with cheaper mice with low DPI can turn it up to reduce stuttering movement.

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Like i said earlier: If anyone can move through trees - check if you run Kju's "proper vegetation mod". The previous version let us move through trees and bushes. There is no version numbers so you do best in just downloading the latest version.

Link: http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/proper-projects/Vegetation_Tweak_Visuals

Check the bottom of that page.


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"Removed mouse smoothing to reduce mouse lag in some situations"? I hope this will be optional then, not removed.

It's an option in the control options.

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Confirmed M249 SAW has no tracers in 59025.

Also more lag when action happens compared to 59008, but have no idea what is changed in the beta for this to happen.

EDIT: I have to check about the SAW. I just popped out an automatic rifleman. Maybe they use the non traced round as standard? Damn i dont even remember if ARMA2 comes with traced and non traced rounds for us to choose from lol? I have to check. My mind is getting real old.

EDIT2: Ok so we have only 1 type of ammo for the SAW. Hmm i think i read before ARMA2 was released that BIS said we will get different types of ammo for the weapons. Traced and non traced etc. They coming in a patch or OpA?

Tracers not working with the M249 SAW (v59025).

Edited by Alex72

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The SAW tracers are only visible through NVG. It's always been like that.

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The SAW tracers are only visible through NVG. It's always been like that.

Wut? Im pretty sure i seen it in earlier builds. Or maybe im just old. Big chance. :)

Thanks Matt.

EDIT: Pretty sure BIS said we were getting different ammo for the weapons though. Didnt dream that up. I hope.

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