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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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You can do FLIR with an addon now.

No, you can't. Not on this level that's for sure.

Only one other thing annoys me: they started this before Arma 2 was complete, stripping resources and talent away from their Arma 2 release to cover this area before someone else did.

Well you should be able to rest easy tonight as that never happened. They didn't stop working on Arma 2 to put all their efforts into OA. In fact, I believe we already had this discussion once back when OA was announced. The same answer the developers themselves gave us back then stands now.

In all honesty, how is the already extensive feature list not worth the price? You get 1 (or more) new campaign(s), more SP and MP missions, 2 (possibly 3?) new maps, many new units, factions and weapons, new radio voices/system, new vehicles and most of all; gameplay improvements. These come in the form of FLIR, new HUD for vehicles, flashlights, PEQ lasers, vehicle countermeasures, and many other things which I can't think of now and we may not find out about until the game is actually released. On top of all that, there are performance and graphical improvements. Now how is that not worth the price? Seriously?

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"You can do FLIR with an addon now."

This is typical of the whiners - talking out of their proverbial arses !

Please get your facts straight. We have a 'faked' FLIR - with OA we will be getting the real deal.

I'll be buying it as soon as it comes out!

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^^ Some reviewer even called it a new game and not en expansion due to all that Zipper mentioned. The reviewer felt it was a new game and thats a damn good marker of what BIS has done with this stand alone expan... game.

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They've done the temperate north, they are soon to release the dry lands, so the next expansion- assuming there is one- will be either snow or jungle

Now if I was having probs with framerates due to trees etc, quick fix, make an expansion with few trees -> pragmatic and kills 2 birds with 1 stone. New release OA yay, and bye bye tree problem. Oh look it's a desert type expansion... Surprised? Well er no. Plus VBS has desert type so many models already researched / modelled etc So personally I won't hold my breath for a "jungle" type island anytime before CPU speeds double. Not being negative, just seems logical? My bet snow would be next IF there is a next!

Then again Modelling a Sweden or Norway has too many trees, so maybe next one will be so cold that even trees can't grow lol... er northpole or something :) Hmm doesn't really appeal too much that (and BIS know it) lol 2 move to that iceberg NW.(the white one) All make seal and ice goggle addons :) 3 what do you mean you wont go prone cos your nuts will freeze, you ain't a squirrel!


PS Anyone care to do English Translation of the German preview? ... pretty plz

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I hope BIS come up with a better solution for drawing grass and concealing units at distance. It's one of the few things that still strike me when looking at the screenshots.

Ah, and also units reactions when either a missile impacts or a vehicle blows up nearby. From the vids they still seem to just carry on marching regardless or sometimes drop to the deck. For the sake of sniping and airstrikes we could do with better enemy dispersion when something very loud threatens to end them.

Edited by Daniel

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Me too, so what do you think? Will we get really 3 new Maps, or was it just a typo

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Oh and add grass to the why is desert a good addon to make.. er... less grass... thx for reminding me.... its all... well logical with the least problems?


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Der Erweiterung bietet drei neuen Karten

English: 'The expansion offers three new maps'

Really hope this isn't a typo :D

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"Die Erweiterung"

Yes i really hope this too, what could it be then?

We have Takistan, we have the City of Zagrabad

And....maybe a Island like Utes or something?

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"Die Erweiterung"

Yes i really hope this too, what could it be then?

We have Takistan, we have the City of Zagrabad

And....maybe a Island like Utes or something?

I think it would be kinda unfair to the guys who own ARMA2 and don't want to buy OA, if the OA guys get utes :j:

but it did say 'neuen Karten' and Utes technically isn't 'neu' is it? :p

*'neu' is 'new' for anyone who didn't know :D

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There where no real new facts in the german preview at gamestar.

Most important:

- there were only some minor bugs

- he was supprised about the fire support by the ai

- not better but less buggy ai

- new radio messages (in opposition to some findings on the sshots he mentioned that there isn't the old system with the clock for enemy positions)

- oposite to arma2 the training missions are useful

and all the other stuff we already know (new maps, missions, units, ...)

Edited by honkitonk

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There where no real new facts in the german preview at gamestar.

Most important:

- there were only some minor bugs

- he was supprised about the fire support by the ai

- not better but less buggy ai

- new radio messages (in opposition to some findings on the sshots he mentioned that there isn't the old system with the clock for enemy positions)

- oposite to arma2 the training missions are useful

and all the other stuff we already know (new maps, missions, units, ...)

Thanks for translation, it sounds great :cool:

I'm REALLY looking forward to OA. Even if the price was 100$ i wouldn't miss it, already had countless hours of fun with ArmA 2 and the editor and OA will only bring more if thats even possible :p

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- new radio messages (in opposition to some findings on the sshots he mentioned that there isn't the old system with the clock for enemy positions)

So its not the old clock? Wonder what it is then. Brand new system?

SASRecon: *'neu' is 'new' for anyone who didn't know

Tonci didnt say that we might get Utes. He said an island "like" Utes. Meaning a smaller island as well as the main one. ;)

Gen Protection: Oh and add grass to the why is desert a good addon to make.. er... less grass...

But Afghanistan like Takistan is not just desert. It has big green zones. Only south of the new island is pure desert. The rest is various green areas with rich grass and bushes etc. But its said BIS put extra care in making the veggies easier on performance. Lets hope.

EDIT: Cant wait... June come fast please!

Edited by Alex72

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Thanks for the english summary Honkitonk!

extra care in making the veggies easier on performance. Lets hope.

+1 for turbocharged veggies :)

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Its a shame the AH64 cannon sounds so crappy. :(

Meh, they weren't gonna last for very long anyways with the sound mods anyways.

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So its not the old clock? Wonder what it is then. Brand new system?

He wrote that they have shorter an more precise radio messages. Perhaps they made new sound samples.

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Its a shame the AH64 cannon sounds so crappy. :(

Could be a placeholder for all we know. But if these are the normal sounds I would think it's a bit weird. Mainly because they (cannon and the flare) sound like used weapons sounds. I'm quite sure the flare is a grenade launcher sound. I would have though that the flare would be more of a fizzing sound then a puffing solid-mass sound. Whatever it will be it's nice to have in mind that we also have a mighty good community for such fix'ups ;)

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the flares sounded like the same sound tanks would use in game when you launch the smoke canisters. They may very well be placeholders considering the faction video that BIS released you could hear the flares from the C-130 which sounded different from the video. We have no idea when the AH-64d/AH-6x video was taken and on what build.

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Oh and i think self designation is there no doubt, towards the end just for a second or two you can see the player switch back to the AH64 while still targeting and all the same options are there, probably nothing but i thought i would point it out now that ive seen the video properly.

The HUD display is identical but AH64 has been replaced with AH-6X option to switch to.

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Found some interesting picks from Youtube commentaries:

#ARMA2official@UberPanzer666 The game is generating AI' radio chat automatically. This means that you meet an enemy (two soldiers). They are located 500 metres from you in North direction. The game knows all these information so your AI team mate says: Two enemy, 500 metres, north.

But you can meet 8 enemies or 1 enemy + tank or 5 tanks + 10 enemy soldiers. This way the game can react on actual situation. There are hundread of possible situations so to have all fluid you would need milion sentences recorded.

5 days ago

#ARMA2official@LandrosRadick I´ve asked the guy responsible for sounds ingame. One of the feature we are now trying to communicate is fact that the new radio protocol is much improved in Arrowhead. The original radio protocol had ca. 1800 words/character. The new protocol has ca. 1300 words/character + we made the word chain much more consistent (i.e. move to position now sounds as one sentence, not three separate words). But it's really important to understand that crossfading can't supply the real voice.

#ARMA2official@LandrosRadick moreover it's also fact that to finalize 6 different characters mean to record, cut and finalize 15.000 voice files :)

1 day ago

#ARMA2official@LtChris909 Hello, yes 26th April is not right. We are going to release a short press release today or tomorrow which will announce the exact release date :) 12 hours ago

Nothing much, but still interesting to read if ya missed it hehe :)

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Found some interesting picks from Youtube commentaries

Wow, great find. Thanks for posting those here. I usually try to avoid looking at YouTube comments because I can practically feel my IQ drop a few points whenever I read them. :D

Good to hear that BIS have actually improved the radio voices. Will be interesting to hear how they sound in-game.

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Yeah good find Mafia101.

Sounds great! And the explanation should be official so those who do not understand that it takes tons, tons and tons of recordings to make it sound fluent in ALL situations that can happen in this game. It sounds better now according to BIS, but it will still have robotic-ish sentences here and there - that is unavoidable. :)

Not fussed what so ever though, and i think OA just sounds better and better. Bring it on!

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