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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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That the AI does enter buildings has been happening since ArmA 1, now they're even more dangerous when they come after you.

But to be honest: In ArmA they climbed ladders up more often than now, but

thats a good thing, because they did it often on not-so-well-thought occosations in the past.

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Maybe asked before, but I'm curious does the FLIR apply also to M1A1 tanks and possibly other vehicles? M1 tanks have greenish color scale opposed to gray/white scale in choppers and UAVs.

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Processor? ArmA 2 requires at least a quad-core to run decently. A powerful GPU with a weak processor (as in my case) will not run the game well. ;)

I have a duel core and it runs 30-35 fps so you don't really need a quad core, just make sure all your other components are good if you don't have a quad core.

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Thermal imaging is only for all new weapons and vehicycle. (like Bradley, Hummer Avanger and other M1A1 tank have night vision and thermal. But am like AH64 This is killler.

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Thermal imaging is only for all new weapons and vehicycle. (like Bradley, Hummer Avanger and other M1A1 tank have night vision and thermal. But am like AH64 This is killler.

Doh, silly me, forgot to check the FAQ:


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EDIT: n/m spammer gone

EDIT: Oh well better not waist a post. Speaking of optics. Am I the only one happy that the gun camera footage for the heli's including the ULB are in black and white monochome when not using the thermal imaging? (give or take a green hue)

Edited by Steakslim

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No, you aren't the only one who like it. I like everything what BIS give me, I'm excited of every part of the game. Of course I'm double excited when I see OA stuff.

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While it may not be entirerly accurate the fact that the FLIR works as FLIR is enough for me and even better if it's on vehicles..they made mention of a single takistan tank having the ability so assumedly the abrams and bradley will also have it.. Besides, as far as Hue goes there is probably some way to change it.

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For the Czechs out here, JRC (Game) seems to have started a competition with Arrowhead as the price for the top 3 winners.


All you have to do is answer the 3 trivial questions and send an email with your phone number and address. Be aware that by doing so you agree to submit your details for marketing purposes. I'll skip.

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I watched a demo of one mission where the player has to take out incoming Su-25 Frogfoot planes with some old soviet-era AA gun.

I must say that it looked ridiculous that he took them all out as they went for their first pass.

If you remember the Shilkas and Vulcans in Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, it was nearly impossible to line up a shot against fast moving planes with them and even if you managed to, you had to deal with the armor.

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The planes passing buy where pretty close, and the player took a moment to for each plane to get the stream of bullets in the flight path of the planes. It isn't really any different from how ArmA2 is now so I wasn't surprised to see it. I mean one can use a Mk19 effectively against aircraft (i know it's my favorite anti-helicopter weapon lol).

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The planes passing buy where pretty close, and the player took a moment to for each plane to get the stream of bullets in the flight path of the planes. It isn't really any different from how ArmA2 is now so I wasn't surprised to see it. I mean one can use a Mk19 effectively against aircraft (i know it's my favorite anti-helicopter weapon lol).

This, the player was shooting in front thats why they were taken down so easily, mainly was hitting the cockpit.

I remember doing that in Bad company (not against jets) but it was AWESOME!

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BI said they would have DLC for OA does anyone have and idea of what they may offer?

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a patch, I'm talking about content new factions, units

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I'm guessing similar to 1.05 for ArmA 2. Maybe a new vehicle or mini-campaign. I'll take anything from BI for free :p

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I'm guessing similar to 1.05 for ArmA 2. Maybe a new vehicle or mini-campaign. I'll take anything from BI for free :p

Hell, I'll take just about anything from BIS even if it's not free. :D

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Pay DLC will be the best way when it's worthy of pay.

Small but free DLC enhances ARMA2 nearly nothing.

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Pay DLC will be the best way when it's worthy of pay.

Small but free DLC enhances ARMA2 nearly nothing.

say wha?

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This thread is turning into a troll gathering.

Offtopic: I watched a 4 part series about VBS2 features, now I know this is very old news bros but I was literally drooling when watching it.

Real time editor I wish this was in Arma 2

Just watching that video makes me want to buy Arma 2 again wish I could buy VBS2.

Also cannot wait for Operation arrowhead demo.

And great work on the new beta patches BIS, Seriously cranking out those bugs your programmers need some vacation soon.

Anybody think that BIS will make another expansion/or small update like Queens Gambit?

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Anybody think that BIS will make another expansion/or small update like Queens Gambit?

We all hope for future games from them.

Maybe a Armed Arrowhead Assault Operation :D

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Anybody think that BIS will make another expansion/or small update like Queens Gambit?

I think , bis will make little big DLC instead :)

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I think , bis will make little big DLC instead :)

Something like Sims DLC's?

-Narco Bussisnes

-Home stuff :drinking:

-Pets Smuggling

-Bomb voyage

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