Nickos 10 Posted August 13, 2009 I think that when BIS fixes the most of major(and minor) problems, they should release some expansion-patch, like they did with ArmA 1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yapab 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Thanks for the info and update on patch 1.04 and whats happening with you guys! I love the game, its a true PC game and you really have gone far above what other FPS games have in recent years. Yes there are bugs but overall I've enjoyed many hours already with friends in the campaign coop... honestly this is one of the best executed coop campaign modes in a FPS game. The story, cut scenes, videos are all synced across every player in the coop, unlike other games which simply give you a lobby screen and you have to select which "sp" mission to play together. Also we are only up to mission 4 and its amazing what you have done, being able to play freely and look for these guys the way we want (bikes, hummers, choppers) is just awesome! Thanks for the update, looking forward to performance improvements as I feel the game could run quite a bit faster once optimised, otherwise I have almost no bugs to report apart from no 5.1 surround (every other game works) and funny bug of Razor team killing us if we accidentally shoot an friendly soldier in the field :) Keep up the good work, it would be good to see an ARMA2 campaign mission / expansion that would be available for purchase, Id buy it for sure! (just like warhead was for crysis, shorter game but also cheap and good) Yapa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShaiCZ 10 Posted August 13, 2009 So what will 1.05 be addressing :D I almost wet my pants after reading this - SOOO hilarious:o)))) Otherwise - Excellent news, great to see BIS changing their communication strategy! Be honest BIS, did it hurt to post ONE comment that does SUCH a service to the community?;o) Looking forward to more news and patches! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Thanks Mr.P. Its nice that there's been a response to the recent forum threads, and at least shows that you chaps are still here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bascule42 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Nice one P... *looks to the future with a burgeoning sense of hope*. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Potatomasher 0 Posted August 13, 2009 (edited) the second area we're prioritising is improving performance Excellent news indeed. Now we know there's something done with performance and not just tiny little not so urgent bugs fixed. :p as well as to grant access to interim versions, to those community members willing to help us with testing various aspects of planned changes in the core engine. I wonder how someone can sign for this ? I would be very interested to be part of this if needed. Edited August 13, 2009 by Potatomasher Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kozzy420 21 Posted August 13, 2009 Good to hear, BI deserves alot of credit for putting these patches out, the game is already fantastic and alot of fun, but yes it does have some bugs. Good to hear a great game will continue to get better! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MQ-9 Reaper 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Excellent news ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USSRsniper 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Nice, don't care about patches, but the tools would be interesting :) Will they be released with patch 1.04? or before the patch? :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moerty-RR- 10 Posted August 13, 2009 could we get an MP kill count fix? it's HIGHLY irritating to jump into a t-72 playing as opfor and get negative kills for neutralizing blufor, other vehicles and weapon systems suffer from the same bug, in fact even commandeering an enemy vehicle and neutralizing targets should not be penalized. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjsoques 0 Posted August 13, 2009 I've noticed more mod/dev involvement recently, is there a way to tag threads to show that a mod and/or developer has replied in that thread. I know some forums that do that and I think that would be really interesting to see! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted August 13, 2009 Just do what I do: check all the devs' postcounts. If they go up, find their latest posts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjsoques 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Just do what I do: check all the devs' postcounts. If they go up, find their latest posts. haha, that's awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yapab 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Just do what I do: check all the devs' postcounts. If they go up, find their latest posts. hahhaah this is actually what I do! I see there is another Stalker here :) This thread, arrowhead thread and marketing thread are currently very active with posts and replies from dev's ohara, planck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cm 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Awesome news, I would be very interest in helping with the interim versions. How do I sign up?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjsoques 0 Posted August 13, 2009 hahhaah this is actually what I do! I see there is another Stalker here :)This thread, arrowhead thread and marketing thread are currently very active with posts and replies from dev's ohara, planck! Yeah, it really is awesome, I hope it doesn't keep them from their work too much but it is nice hearing informal updates on what's truly does go a long way in morale and optimism for the future of ARMA2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yisc 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Good news and I do hope (with a lot of other people) that there will be a, hugh, performance boost. There's one thing I'm also hoping for, when this performance boost is actualy realised, I hope an update demo will be made. The reason I ask this is because I've only seen the current demo, which isn't that good on my machine, but that one can't be patched so there's nothing to compare for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted August 13, 2009 Excellent initiative. I really hope this is evidence of a new policy of regular, deliberate and planned communication from the BIS team. I know everyone there must be working like dogs but as has been frequently noted in these forums, communication will buy you a lot of goodwill whilst bugs are being fixed. Agree absolutely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-=seany=- 5 Posted August 13, 2009 Thanks for the update. Its what we where all praying for and hoped (guessed) was being worked on but it's great to hear it from the "horses mouth", as it where :) Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xtreme1989 10 Posted August 13, 2009 I'm definitely gonna buy this :cool: ! Arma2 is immense and I think some people (@whiners) just don't see the beauty of this amazing game, campaign is one thing but in arma it's just one feature of the many this game has to offer. I don't post much in the forums but I occasionally read some topics and I just want to let the developers know I support them 100% ! Looking forward for this expansion ;) ---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ---------- edit: ** wrong topic ** sorry :blush: @ Community update Very nice ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xk_pt 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Thanks for the info! These "Updates" are a good thing, and should be maintained through the long life this game will have. Yes, I did "wine" a bit..........because I get mad with all the bugs.........but those that are around since Operation Flash Point, know the true potential of this game isn't the built in campaign, but the community content and Multiplayer. Since the campaign isn't working for me, I just go straight to MP, but there I found the holy grail of bugs...........the "receiving" screen bug........which I can't fix. And doesn't allow me to enjoy even the MP. Do hope this is fixed with the next update :) Cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cid_gen_bondorf 0 Posted August 13, 2009 (edited) I love the idea of having regular updates to fix peoples issues with the game. But I probably speak on behalf of many Steam users when I say that I hope that patches aren't too regular. Unless Bohemia Interactive and Steam can somehow tune the patching system with ARMA2 over Steam. The last 134MB patch cost us Steam users around 4.5GB. I would not want to see this happen too often. My monthly internet bandwidth is 20GB (Shared upload/download). :banghead: p.s. Thanks for the update by the way Placebo. Always nice to hear news on what we can expect with the game. :ok: Edited August 13, 2009 by CID_Gen_Bondorf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GunSlingerAUS 10 Posted August 14, 2009 Great to finally see some feedback from the devs. A little late mind you, but let's hope it's the beginning of something beautiful. Relieved to hear that performance in urban areas is getting looked at - even on my system, running at medium graphics settings, these areas become unplayable (below 20fps), so I hate to think what it's like for the majority of the player base, who have even worse systems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vasmkd 12 Posted August 14, 2009 Good be honest i expected it. The game has bugs but like placebo said they have deadlines and publishers decide them. Personally I would rather buy the game with some bugs than wait another 3/6 months to get it more stable. I am keeping myself busy with editor, testing vehicles, screenshots, single player missions, multiplayer and looking for bugs to post about on these forums ;). There are quite a few to be honest. Will get into campaign later Have no doubt that this game will be a success after a few patches. Thanks for the updates Share this post Link to post Share on other sites