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Mark XIII (DayZ)

HiFi - Single Sound Modules (Weapons BETA released!!)

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I just wanted to say I really appreciate your sound mods, they blow the original sounds out of the water. Also the fact that they are modular is awesome so I can mix it with other sound mods to my personal liking. I have one question though. If I use your Hi-Fi for the A10 and I am running another sound mod (that runs moduler, i.e. vopsound) that covers the fixed wing aircraft, as a whole, will your mod only alter the A10 only and the others fixed wing aircraft remain altered by vopssound, or does it cover the A10 and the rest go to vanilla sound for Arma2? I hope what I am asking makes sense. Thank you again for amazing sounds.

Edit: Actually I am runnning the TRSM mods. Each sound mod is seperate for wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles, rotary wing and fixed wing but still the same concept as above with vopsound, so the the question remains the same. Thanks you in advance for any answers to this question.

Hey mate, really glad you like the sounds. Always makes it all worthwhile when we get good feedback :) . And to answer your question.. I'm not sure to be honest. As far as I'm aware Our A10 should work fine with Vop or TRSM as long as you have them in the right order in your modline.

To be honest with you I never use other sounds mods, only once have I done this (Tango's Tracked vehicals :D ) and since I've started working on the vehicals myself I've stopped using it. (Nothing personal towards Tango, I think he'd understand that I need a 'clear' head when editing my own stuff, although its certainly gonna be hard to attain the same quality as Tango's work).

Sorry, I didn't answer your question very well did I, can anyone confirm the HiFi A10 works with both Vop/TRSM ?


just spent the last few hours finally putting together my favorite sounds in one folder (all the HiFi are in of course) and I don't want to leave the damn editor now... I'm having too much fun messing around listening to this stuff.

Thanks a lot! You guys go through a lot of effort and it's much appreciated. The sounds are amazing. Next time I go to the farm to shoot, I will think to myself, damn I wish my guns sounded as good as they do in Arma 2.

Ha great stuff, again it really give us guys a boost when people report back with such nice comments :) AND.. Next time your shooting, take something with your and record the audio. Your day at the range could end up in HiFi ;)

Anyways, thats me I've not been up this late in along time.. damn infection!

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Thank you for the response Mark. I do know for sure it will work with vopsound and TRSM, I do run a mix and match sound mod already. I just wasn't sure if it would completely replace the fixed wing aircraft sound modules for those mods or just the A10. I appreciate it anyway and if anyone knows this for sure please let me know. I am looking forward to your other sounds you are working on as well;).

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If I use your Hi-Fi for the A10 and I am running another sound mod (that runs moduler, i.e. vopsound) that covers the fixed wing aircraft, as a whole, will your mod only alter the A10 only and the others fixed wing aircraft remain altered by vopssound, or does it cover the A10 and the rest go to vanilla sound for Arma2?

Yes and no :)

The best way to answer this is if the soundmod for fixed wing is a blanket pbo IE 1 pbo for ALL fixed wing then its not "fully" modular Id say thats partial modular in my book (IE fully modular is a pbo per aircraft type one by one like marks has done for his rifle sounds). So in that situation Marks a10 pbos would need to be higher priority in order for them to be picked up via Arma and ignore the a10 sounds/config "within" the other sound mods fixed wing blanket all pbo which is lesser priority.

This isn't always guaranteed, but it wont revert to vanilla becuase it will try a10 of hifi first if highest then revert to the next sound mod pbo before it ever goes back to vanilla. To have vanilla would be a situation where no pbos reference a certain sound and config for a certain type of vehicle so arma just runs its own.

The only true way to have this run perfect is for all sounds to be split into individual pbo's and one config per aircraft/vehicle type as mark has done with rifles. then you can sit them parallel to each other without a priority shuffle and hit & miss attempts and they would then each work next to one another nice and happy.


Ok, to answer that in a professional manner 'Totally F*cking Awesome' ! LOL, joking aside I just tried a '10 group vs group' battle and well... The above expression matched my face upon the first go....

That said, I do need to fix somethings before I think about releasing the hits. Mainly the body and man hits, very sadly these aren't working. Damn shame simply because the 'by caliber' way means you'll hear how big the round is and the damage its doing to you. A good tactical aid and good for immersion. The other side of this is how will it run on other machines.. Not sure, but when we get a beta ready you can let us know

In the words of Homer Simpson:

"hmmmmmmmmmm, beta ...... :p"
Edited by mrcash2009

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The only true way to have this run perfect is for all sounds to be split into individual pbo's and one config per aircraft/vehicle type as mark has done with rifles. then you can sit them parallel to each other without a priority shuffle and hit & miss attempts and they would then each work next to one another nice and happy.

Sounds like a plan, so who's gonna ask all the other sound guys to follow suit and break their stuff down into a more modular format....I find it quite funny that since A2, most of the soundmods roughly follow the NA layout.. Come on guys, think ahead of the game... AND THINK OF THE PLAYERS :D

Also, thanks for answering the question :D

PS. Did you get your msn sorted ? ;)

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Hi guys,

the download link in the initial post (link to HiFi A-10 & HiFi Weapon Systems v1.3) is broken at armaholic!?

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The best way to answer this is if the soundmod for fixed wing is a blanket pbo IE 1 pbo for ALL fixed wing then its not "fully" modular Id say thats partial modular in my book (IE fully modular is a pbo per aircraft type one by one like marks has done for his rifle sounds). So in that situation Marks a10 pbos would need to be higher priority in order for them to be picked up via Arma and ignore the a10 sounds/config "within" the other sound mods fixed wing blanket all pbo which is lesser priority.

Thanks Mrcrash and Mark, I had a feeling that is how it would work. Do I place Marks A10 mod earlier in the mod order to make it the higher priority?

Sounds like a plan, so who's gonna ask all the other sound guys to follow suit and break their stuff down into a more modular format....I find it quite funny that since A2, most of the soundmods roughly follow the NA layout.. Come on guys, think ahead of the game... AND THINK OF THE PLAYERS

I agree wholeheartedly Mark. I love the way you break down your sounds. I hope everyone starts to follow suit with it. I personally try to use one mixed sound mod folder and add all the sounds I like the best to it(I think it's cleaner this way). Everyones ears are different, some people prefer the sounds of one mods M4 but maybe they like the sound of another mods M249. The way you do it allows for you to choose your own preference. I will voice my support for modular sound files whenever possible. Thanks again.

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Sounds like a plan, so who's gonna ask all the other sound guys to follow suit and break their stuff down into a more modular format....I find it quite funny that since A2, most of the soundmods roughly follow the NA layout.. Come on guys, think ahead of the game... AND THINK OF THE PLAYERS :D

Thank you for stating this.. it is all about the player. Just like how CBA's purpose is to bring some type of regulation to addons, I think there should be some type of protocol in how sound MODS are put together. However, we are all free people and can decide how our product is produced. That is where capitalism comes in and if we dont like it then dont use it and hopefully the lack of demand for a certain product or addon would bring the makers into an agreement.

To be frank, Mark XIII as a whole I do not prefer to use your sounds. That is not to say I would not use a certain sound if I like it. I like to mismatch my sounds and from reading the threads I do have high respect for you. I am closely watching and listening to your HiFi mod in hope of finding sounds in future updates. I have faith that will happen as I can tell you are a professional and always move forward with improvement.

Thanks for you time.. and that is my two cents....

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Yupp. ATM only HiFi is broken up into per/unit sample pbo`s.

@ Mark,

looking forward to HiFi final, the vehicle weapons (GAU-8/AIM-9/AGM-65 ...) are already a keeper. Good job on these :cool:

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Hey Mark,

well just two things i wanna to let you know.

1. In my mission.sqm in "addons[]=" i always get the entry "hifi_smaw".

2. Please throw a smoke grenade.

To me it sound's a bit strange... Something like shooting a rifle grenade launcher.

That's all so far.

Thanks and keep it up! ;)

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To be frank, Mark XIII as a whole I do not prefer to use your sounds. That is not to say I would not use a certain sound if I like it. I like to mismatch my sounds and from reading the threads I do have high respect for you. I am closely watching and listening to your HiFi mod in hope of finding sounds in future updates. I have faith that will happen as I can tell you are a professional and always move forward with improvement.

Well mate, you should look through my older works. Plenty of weapons sounds since I changed them for pretty much every release.


Yupp. ATM only HiFi is broken up into per/unit sample pbo`s.

@ Mark,

looking forward to HiFi final, the vehicle weapons (GAU-8/AIM-9/AGM-65 ...) are already a keeper. Good job on these

I was wondering if maybe you would be interested in splitting up some of your modules further ? Maybe per vehical ?

And, thanks mate I rate your work on here above most so its nice to get a compliment from someone in the know ;)


well just two things i wanna to let you know.

1. In my mission.sqm in "addons[]=" i always get the entry "hifi_smaw".

2. Please throw a smoke grenade.

To me it sound's a bit strange... Something like shooting a rifle grenade launcher.

That's all so far.

Thanks and keep it up!

Thanks for the bug finds mate, sadly I kinda knew about this but couldn't fix at the time, however I beleive Andersson has corrected these errors for the next update :)

Well I continue to make steady progress with the bullets hits, also been working on HiFi Air.... Inbetween doing them I've been tweaking the weapons abit too.

I'll keep you posted as to any changes ;)

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Yes, Im aware of the smoke grenade sound. Must inform you all though that Im going away for 2 weeks. Will be fixed asap when I return. I'm expecting a poke from MarkXIII...

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Well mate, you should look through my older works. Plenty of weapons sounds since I changed them for pretty much every release.

Thanks for the suggestion... you see I was right when I called you a 'class act' type of guy! Where can I find these gems?

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Thanks for the suggestion... you see I was right when I called you a 'class act' type of guy! Where can I find these gems?

Well, I know longer keep backups of HiFi since my old HD died so I'm guessing you'll have to hit google and search for 'HiFi FX mod' also, HiFi 1.5/Warfare was particularly good so maybe search for that.. The daddy of all HiFi is HiFi Novus Aevum, that may also interest you. Thats available on many A1/2 fan sites as well as Kelly's Heroes, HiFi's Home :)

Just remember, good things are worth abit of effort ;)

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Well, I know longer keep backups of HiFi since my old HD died so I'm guessing you'll have to hit google and search for 'HiFi FX mod' also, HiFi 1.5/Warfare was particularly good so maybe search for that.. The daddy of all HiFi is HiFi Novus Aevum, that may also interest you. Thats available on many A1/2 fan sites as well as Kelly's Heroes, HiFi's Home :)

Just remember, good things are worth abit of effort ;)

True and I hope I wasn't seeming lazy by asking you where to find them, just never hear or saw your previous HiFi releases. Will get back to you later....

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@JonPL, I am surprised that you didn't like the gun sounds. Which aspect of the gun sounds do you not like?
I don't really have decent audio system here [GF's house] so they probably sound very flat compared to my 6.1. However, they gave me the feeling of being too soft (in my own custom soundpack half of the armory can make You deaf), which I don't like. I especially hate the super-unpowerful pistols, which doesn't even do "bang". This isn't going well with my shooting experience.

However, like I stated, impacts, echo's and nade explosions are the best I ever heard.

Edited by JonPL

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HiFi weapons sounds is always my favorite sound MOD,especially those for AK series,amazing. M4's is nice,but donn't like M16's which gives me a weird feeling that I shot out nothing but just air,could you change it back.?

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@LaoFeiMao, Mark worked on a whole new set of sounds for ALL weapons and the new ones are the SHIT! :) You are gonna love the new M16s!

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Great! I am so looking forward to a new HiFi release! Way to go, Mark! :-)

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holy... new sound set for ALL weapons!!! can they current HiFi sounds still improve? :D

HiFi ist at moment the best soundmod in my opinion :notworthy:

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@Bensdale, prepare to be blown away by the whole new set of sounds! :) They are , imo, 100 times better than the current released ones, not to mention environmental sounds that are truly surround sounds!

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Wait you mean Birds and Stuff like that in Souround Sound? OMG I´m so happy to have a (True) Souround Sound Headset

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Hi guys,

Thanks for the comments and feedback on the last beta release of the weapons pack. I went away and cooked up some new modules based on some suggestions made by our external playtesters and comments you guys had made here.

These new modules are going to be thoroughly tested in MP on a dedicated server for the next two weeks at least. However, if things go well and we don't find too many bugs, and the guys don't hate the new sounds a public release could come sooner.

When I released the last beta, I added the Extra's folder which offered some additional modules, some of which were basically placeholders till I had the time to create better. Well, I've created better :) so come next release you should see the following;




These modules have been completely rewritten along with lots of addition content. I personally don't consider them beta's but we'll see what you think...

Like I've said previously HiFi is changing, the way we offer our material to you will change also. Watch this space for details or check over at our official forums @Kellys Heroes :)



I would like to state that I take no responsibilty for any damage that may occure to equipement or persons whilst using latest HiFi modules, in particular the weapons & explosions, which are extremely loud in first person compared to other releases.


Edited by Mark XIII

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I would like to state that I take no responsibilty for any damage that may occure to equipement or persons whilst using latest HiFi modules, in particular the weapons & explosions, which are extremely loud in first person compared to other releases.


This makes this soundmod win. :D

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