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max power

WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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you have to finish the matv, i've been wanting one for arma 2 ever since i saw em driving down the highway here in ky

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A few updates from SAM. I have continued the work with the swedish RG32M, but still not done with the damn model =( Had to spend some time on optimizing and welding. What's left now is just the rear wheel-axle, window-protections, carve out a simple interior and throw on a machinegun! Just passed 9000 faces.




Oh, and I almost managed to finish a DBAL for our weapons too. Some details left with wearing and shadows/highlights, and then to generate normalmap, smdi, etc. Will most likely lower texture-resolution from 1024 to 512 though, hence the unnessecary sharpness on a fairly small object. This piece is at 804 faces.



Edited by Mr. Bravo

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absolutely great... yeah please... good to see a growing mrap family i really waiting for them so much...can we expect ace2 integration???

are they further mraps in production? :bounce3:

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For me the M-ATV is the coolest looking Mraps mother' out there!

And your model looks sweet!It would be a shame to be just a tease!

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I hope not.

There's no need to be rude like that. Having it integrated wouldn't hurt you as long as it's still released standalone. :glare:

I'm happy with it either way, as long as it's available someday.

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why ?

it will make a nice addon.

would suck if it is dependant on anything 3rd person.

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kdh plate carrier multicam and all that crap. finally got it in after 2 days of boring work on textures.Doesn't help that there is no head proxy (:D) kdh isn't even near complete, and the normals are pissing me off now :(

so this raises the question.. is anyone interested in multicam us army dudes? i dont really like multicam that much, nor do i like the new plate carrier. But it wouldn't kill me to throw together 6+ units with all the models in my 'inventory' .

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There's no need to be rude like that. Having it integrated wouldn't hurt you as long as it's still released standalone. :glare:

I'm happy with it either way, as long as it's available someday.

Please explain how that was rude?

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Ok sure.

The original guy asked about the possibility of ACE integration. What should have followed was the addon's author replying either:

  • Yes, I intend to make the mod compatible with ACE / donate it to them
  • No, I don't care about ACE and it will be for Vanilla

Both are perfectly acceptable answers, since it's his mod and he can do what he wants.

What happened, was someone else chose to step in and voice their snide opinion about a mod that ends up as the scape goat in many threads. It's basically saying "fuck ACE, I don't want it molesting this addon", which certainly comes across as rude.

As I said before, making it ACE-compatible doesn't hurt anyone. Making it ACE-dependent, well sure - but that doesn't seem likely. It would have been better to not say anything OR state why it's wrong for the addon to work with ACE. But, simply throwing "I hope not" out there is a rude jab. There's nothing wrong with having your opinion but it's immature to go and spread hate around in various threads.


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Animalmother is just butthurt that others don't care about his beloved ACE2.:shocked:

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very funny enad...

while yes they're "ACE MOD" they're also another group of people who are making mods as a hobby aren't they.. animal has every right to not be pleased with what he/they said , how would you feel if we all started sighing about the mentioning of your mods? how would you feel if everyone opposed the idea of contribution to your mod? i wouldn't be happy, would you?

we're only going in circles with this.. must we continue?

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Hi guys,

I'd like to thank all of you for your hard work, you're really making ArmA better everyday that passes.

Each time I went on Armaholic I felt like a kid in a toy store at christmas exept that I could have everything I wanted, cause it's free !

Unfortunatly there's not much I can do to thank you in a proper way.

All I can offer is a free-voucher for a picture you could use to advertise your work.

Here is what I did for ADuke's Helo Pack : 1,2,3

And this one was for the Tomcat made by Southy

If you are interested just send me a PM, I'd be more than happy to help you :)

You can browse through most of my pics here

Edited by Macadam Cow

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