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So addon like this don't exist :(

b00ce If I had known something about creating mods to arma 2, I would started from creating this dropship addonon at first place :))


Vilas I was thinking about that someone could eventually link with your great APC with marines addon to this dropship. (Could you release another APC model but in gray paint scheme? Like this what was shown in Game : Aliens vs Predator 2? In movie it was in gray or dark green scheme?)

Here you go. Haven't tried them yet.


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i will do update, i will do "texture selection" and than any reskin by community will be free and possible

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the Magpul Masada/Bushmaster ACR would be cool to have in ArmA 2. My freind is making a 3D model for it, maybe I can convince him to learn how to create a weapon out of it in ArmA 2.

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Anyone had permission to port CAT Afghasnistan over to ArmA II? T'was my favourite map for OFP :'). Would love to see it again.

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Schancky, I think PMC Tactical is planning to port it over to Arma 2. They already did it for ArmA, so I believe it'll soon arrive to Arma 2 too.

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Don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but it is better than some people who start a new thread...

On armed assault info, there are two jets: L159 and CM-170 that i have downloaded; they are really nice aircraft but the cockpits on both are sort of poor quality compared with the rest of the planes, and sort of ruins the planes for me :)...

neither are mentioned on the BIS forums and I'm just wondering if the person who converted them(i think) or anyone else would like to improve them?

i have no idea how to mod or have the time to do it- i really appreciate the arma 2 modders for making arma 2 what it is- i just hope i don't appear too demanding :)


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Back on OFP and Arma we were provided with a wonderful set of generic infantry by [sEN]Archangel.

Does anyone know if he's intending to update for ArmaII? Or if there's any similar projects?

Its nice to sometimes have a mission that isn't USA v Russia. Ok we have generic insurgents these days, but how about the generic Blufor?

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Schancky, I think PMC Tactical is planning to port it over to Arma 2. They already did it for ArmA, so I believe it'll soon arrive to Arma 2 too.

Glad to hear it. Cannot wait!

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Would be very nice if someone could do a reskin of the F-35B and Harrier in the game to make them RAF or RN.

I know RKSL is working on a lot of UK airpower but it should be a relatively simple change of markings on the F-35/JSF and I don’t know of anyone who has plans to do that.

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I would like to see a real rifle range take shape with individual target frames that are manable like a staic implement such as an artillery gun does. They could be set out individually in a row to simulate a real known distance rifle range in suitable places within the ARMA world.

The targets would be pulled by another online player via up down toggle or the movement of the mouse. Upon reaching the bottom of the carrier the bullet hole could turn into a 3 inch spotter, and the target is run back up for the shooter to see it's placement.

With this we could simulate accurately the USMC rifle qualification with 5v 200 yrd (able) target, 5v rapid 300yrd (dog) target, and 5v 500 meter (baker) target for a 250 pt agg of 50 rds.

We would also need to be able to adjust sights for windage and elevation with the standard M16A2.

I would love for someone to help me do this.

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Would be very nice if someone could do a reskin of the F-35B and Harrier in the game to make them RAF or RN.

I know RKSL is working on a lot of UK airpower but it should be a relatively simple change of markings on the F-35/JSF and I don’t know of anyone who has plans to do that.

Actually that would be a very quick job, mostly changing the logos and modifying the AV8B model (which is MLOD from A1). I may look at doing this (I already have a modified harrier for A1 I never released which was meant to be a GR7)

EDIT: bugga it I'll do it now

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Actually that would be a very quick job, mostly changing the logos and modifying the AV8B model (which is MLOD from A1). I may look at doing this (I already have a modified harrier for A1 I never released which was meant to be a GR7)

EDIT: bugga it I'll do it now

Thank you RicoADF, I’m looking forward to it and I hope it goes well. :bounce3:

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I haven't found a T-72B "Rogatka" (Т-72Б "Рогатка") with search.

Has anyone seen or maybe even made an addon with it?

(It is a heavily modified T-72, by its characteristics (ТТХ) it is close to T-90/T-90A tanks. Was showed on public in 2006)



I have seen requests for it even in OFP's forum threads!

Maybe someone could make this addon?

I would be happy!


Also BMD would be great (BMD-2, BMD-3, BMD-4)

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I just saw this video posted over at militaryphotos.net. It's Remington's new ACR or Adaptive Combat Rifle. Oh... I want the real one in my grubby little meat hooks. lol Here's the video supposedly "leaked" 2010 shot show.

A new toy for the ACE Mod team to make? :D Three calibers to choose from; 5.56mm NATO, 6.5mm and 6.8mm Remington SPC. Here's their website: Remington Military That sniper rifle is pretty damn sweet too (Modular Sniper Rifle). Check the videos out. Some great sounds while suppressed. :cool:

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Current statement of ACE team on the Remington ACR that it seemingly won't be purchased by the US military in the near future, so they stay clear of it at the moment

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I remember someone was already working on a 75th RR mod, but I haven't heard about that for months. So could someone create a 75th Rangers Regiment addon?



-Ranger vehicles?

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I would like to see some Generic SWAT units, there was some very nice ones in ArmA...

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I'm making a request for a T-55 Enigma, maybe vilas T55 model could be used as a base and the armour addons added?.

Iraqi armour would be great for desert islands. There was even accounts of one of these beasts taking several milan missle hits and still being operational, they had to finish it off with a chopper.


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it is Rygugu model, but i think "Enigma" can be done, those brick blocks are made of somekind of concrete or from what ?

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-You never were angry seeing your AI buddies in your squad changing to pistols instead of rifles?

- You would like to say an AI to use a rocket launcher to engange an enemy that is hidden in a house?

Well here is my addon request:

Can anybody make an action menu addon that forces the AI to use a certain weapon. I.e. 5, change to rifle. Or, 2 change to AT4?

My candidates:

- ACE2 (could implement this)

- GL4 (as SNKMAN can do almost everything :))

- Anybody else who would surprise the community with this!

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it is Rygugu model, but i think "Enigma" can be done, those brick blocks are made of somekind of concrete or from what ?

Sorry I forgot it was Rygugu's model.

As for the possibility of it being done, that would be greatly appreciated! :).

I would do it myself but I have very poor modeling skills.

As for the Enigmas Armour, they are hollow steel boxes with metal plates welded inside several centimeters apart stacked upon each other. I guess they were very effective at disrupting shaped charges and of course adds modest extra protection for kinetic pentrators as well.

Iraqi T-55 Enigma with Concrete slabs

[b]enigma is not concrete.

The Enigma modification basically consists of
the installation of extra armour blocks on the
parts of the vehicle most likely to be subject to
enemy fire. 

Although the blocks are large and
very thick, they are not solid; rather, they are hollow
boxes made from steel plates welded together, with four
additional plates inside, spaced several centimetres apart.[/b]

The hull has two large, slab-like panels on the
glacis plate, with holes cut into them so that the
vehicleís towing hooks remain accessible. 

These blocks are held on the front of the hull by means
of four bolts passing through them, near the corners, and
by one or two bolts into vertical brackets welded to the
glacis plate. 

A smaller block, held on by two bolts going
through it, is fitted on the top of each mudguard, filling
the gap between the glacis blocks and the side armour.
This latter consists of a row of eight blocks,
the front edge of which is approximately level
with the hinge that holds on the front curved
section of mudguard. 

The first block has its top
sloping forward, but all the others are rectangularó
though they are not of equal size, getting larger toward
the back.
The side armour is fixed to the vehicle by
brackets on the rear (inside) face of each block,
through which two bolts pass into a horizontal
steel bar of 5 â—Š 10 cm cross-section running
along the side of the mudguard. More steel bars behind
it anchor this to the hull side; these bars, of 5 â—Š 5 cm
cross-section, appear to have been welded on top
of the normal mudguard. 

Additional braces made from steel sheet have
also been fitted.
On the turret, the
armour consists of
four, wedge-shaped
blocks on each side of the

The rear three blocks on
each side are the same size, but
the front block is larger; it is also wider on the left than
on the right, but this is probably explained by the fact
that the T-55ís turret is asymmetrical in order to acco-
modate the gunner.

The turret blocks are spaced away from the
main armour by a framework made from hol-
low metal beams, like those used for the side
armour mountings but of 5 â—Š 7 cm cross-section.
Along the rear edge of each block is a vertical beam with
spacers made from the same material to hold the
mounting assembly some distance away from the turret.
The lower spacer is horizontal, while the top one is fit-
ted at 90∞ to the vertical bar. 

These spacers are simply
welded to the turret, but their length varies depending
on the block. The first block on the right and the second
one on the left side also have such a mounting at the
front edge of the block. Steel plates, cut to fit the
turret curve, close the gaps between armour and
turret at the front and back of each section of
four blocks.

Running between the mountings are two horizontal
crossbars, one near the top and one near the bottom
edge of the block. The armour blocks are bolted to these
by brackets similar to those used for the hullside blocks,
but shallower in height. 

There is one bracket above and
one below each of the crossbeams.
The exception to all of the above is the left
front block, which does not appear to have a
shaped plate, and which is hinged at its top so
that it can be lifted up for access to the driverís
hatchówhich would otherwise be blocked. 

The hinge consists of two sections welded to the turret, holding
between them a third section that is welded to the
block. Additionally, the left front block does not have
the normal mounting brackets, but instead has two
lengths of steel beam, some 15 cm long,
welded to its back to space it away from
the turret. Two steel coil springs
attached to the top of the
block, and to the turret, pro-
vide the counter-balance
needed to lift the heavy piece of
armour, and a locking lever is located
on the inside to secure the block in the down

A further locking pin is located on the second
block, presumably for use by another crew member to
lock the block down after the driver has entered
his compartment

The right rear block is also hinged, but has no
springs; the hinge itself is also of completely dif-
ferent design to that of the left front armour
block. Furthermore, the normal spacing
brackets are installed on this block, but so is an
additional one with a gap of a few cen-
timetres between
it and the vertical
bracket of the
block in front. 

The purpose of this
blockís hinge is
most likely so that
one of the engine
access hatches can be openedóthe ones at the front of
the engine deck are normally blocked by the turret, so
on a standard T-55 that must be traversed through
90 degrees before the hatches can be opened for mainte-
nance. With the additional armour, even when the tur-
ret is traversed to the right, the rear armour block would
be in the way of one of the hatches if it were not hinged.
Finally, the rear of the turret has two arms
extending from brackets welded to the rear of
the turret, with a crossbar connecting the two at
the back. 

Four rectangular blocks of armour
hang from the rear as a counterweight to the mass of the
added armour on the front face, which would otherwise
have made traversing the turret very difficult.
One of the most noticeable things about the
additional armour is the construction, which
appears extremely shod-
dyólarge weld beads are
visible all over, and even without
measuring them, it is obvious
that no two blocks are exactly
the same size (except perhaps
by accident rather than design).
Take out a tape measure, and it
becomes very clear that perfection was
not foremost on the Iraqisí minds when they con-
structed this armour. 

For example, the bottoms of the
side armour blocks are in line while their tops are not
(leading to the conclusion that they were lined up on
the ground), but the metal bar onto which the blocks
are bolted slopes downward slightly from front to back
on one side, and from back to front on the other; since
the bar is welded onto the side of the tankís mudguard,
the result is that the rear blocks sit slightly higher or
lower than the front ones.

The strange thing is that this gives the tank the appear-
ance of having armour that was hastily cobbled togeth-
er out of whatever materials were available, while the
details lead to another conclusion. The most obvious
proof of this is in the lights: all of them, including the
small station-keeping lights for night driving, have been
repositioned on top of the new armour, with power
cables extended to make sure they workówhich is not
something to be expected from a rush job.

The T-55 normally has three fuel cells on the right
mudguard: one in front of the turret, and two behind
it. The front one was removed for the Enigma con-
version, as the mudguard it sits on had to be
strengthened. The long, narrow bin that is normal-
ly on the left-hand mudguard was put in roughly
the fuel tankís place, however. 

An oil tank is normally located between the fuel tanks, but
this was moved to be on top of the exhaust, on
the left mudguard. Finally, the rectangular
bin that is at the front of the left mudguard
was placed on top of the struts that hold the
turret rear armour/counter-balance.

A point of note is that some tanks, such as the one pic-
tured on the following pages, has a Russian-style
loaderís hatch with machine gun mount. Some other pic-
tures of uparmoured T-55s, however, show vehicles that
were fitted with Iraqi-designed loaderís hatches with
machine gun mounts.

Colours & markings
Like most other Iraqi vehicles, the Enigma tanks
were painted in a sand colour, to blend in with the
desert terrain. Although notorious for having worn
paint that chipped off all over the vehicle, judging by
photographs taken in the 1991 Gulf War, the paint
jobs of Enigma T-55s were in fairly good condition,
certainly compared to a lot of other
Iraqi equipment.

The Enigma tanks were apparently
used mainly (or perhaps exclusive-
ly) as command tanks, though at
which level (company, battalion,
etc.) is not known. As most captured
examples seem to have been repainted
since their arrival at the various museums, any
original markings on them have been obliterated;
the tank in this net.book an exception, but it does
not appear to have had any Iraqi markings at all

Edited by TristanYockell

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