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Yes because of this millionst "Any cance..."-post he made a Tu 160.


Oh wait no he didnt. Thats the Tu-160 done by Sarmat exclusivly for the russian community. And me. Trololol.


Sarmat are wise not to mention their questionably realized addons in this forum. You seem to lack that wisdom. This is the second time we have run into this problem, you and I.

+ 1 infraction for trolling.

You and your multiple trolling accounts are suspended.

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Abusive, racist, sexist, homophobic comments (or any other type of bigotry), personal attacks and name calling are not allowed either on the forum or through PM's. If you receive a PM that is abusive or you find offensive please forward it to a moderator who will investigate.

Flame-baiting is also not tolerated; flame-baiting is making a post to someone that is obviously intended to elicit an angry response. Mocking/teasing/ridiculing someone or the point someone wants to make is also flamebaiting. This also applies to other areas of the forums such as leaving visitor messages on people's profiles, messages posted in social groups, as well as quoting someone against their wishes in your signature to belittle/tease/mock them. If someone asks you to remove something they posted on the forum from your signature you must remove it. Common sense tells you that posting someone's PMs without permission is also flamebaiting and will be punished.

§5) No Spam

We deem spam as making a thread or posting a reply that has no real worth, is irrelevant, useless and offers nothing to a discussion. Messages of banned members are also considered as spam. If your post/thread is not able to illicit or sustain an in depth conversation then it's spam. This also applies to other areas of the forums such as leaving visitor messages on people's profiles. Spam may be dealt with by post count reduction, PR and/or WL.

§11) No duplicate accounts

Having several accounts is strictly forbidden. If you want to get a new account contact a moderator. If you wish to change your name for any reason we will be happy to do that, if you discover you inadvertently ended up with two accounts we can merge them for you, better to inform a moderator than risk being banned as a "dupe".

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CVC helmet? there's on in OPF, ArmA 1, ArmA 2, ArmA 2 OA, and BAF.

That looks awfully similar to a CVC helmet at least, what's the difference? other than the missing screw.

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I have been looking for a Bell 412 and was wondering if someone had made one in the past.

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I have been looking for a Bell 412 and was wondering if someone had made one in the past.

Not for A2/OA afaik

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I am planning on making it, but only if it's possible to recreate that image it creates.

excellent *tents fingers*

anyway, without seeming like a ass and requesting something else

would it be possable for someone to make a training object like this:


with LOD's to match to shoot through?

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Requesting somebody with the skills and time create some Afghan National Army and some Taliban for all the kickass afghan terrains out there.

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lost brothers was working on taliban. They needed to be exported to arma 2, a task I took but unfortunately I lost the files.

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Is there any possibility to make some generic US SF-like units with changeable arm patches (army SF, MARSOC, SEALs, Delta, AFSOC etc)?

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'Urination' (to be used with USMC)

This has been done a long time ago.



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I believe we need COIN dedicated aicrafts in Arma2 to be flown on maps such as Isla Duala, Tropica, Lingor or Tigeria ... "engaging hostile troops at low altitude, low speed in a jungle and mountainous area" is something I am missing !

That's why I had asked CheyenneAH56 to port his Bronco to Tigeria air forces.

But I will be quite glad to have more of them, such as the EMB-314 Super Tucano, the IA-58 Pucara, the A-67 Dragon and PC-9 Pilatus/ T-6 Texan ... or even an old Cessna A-37 Dragonfly.

pc-9 you say?


rather basic, id call it an alpha

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i would love to see a warthog, pelican or scorpion tank.id love if someone could this and if the pelican could be more like a heli than a plane. thank you please message me if you think about doing this.

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Is there any SHIP addons for Resistance ?


I have a 3 way battle and it would be so balanced if i could find a frigate

for Resistance or something like that.

Im using Frigate Pack beta 5 by Gnat so that covers east and west

and makes BattleZone even more wicked to play on the island maps.

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