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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Mod 2

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It is easy to do for the M79 because it has a one-round magazine. Sights cannot be animated, so it simply deletes the current weapon and puts a new one in the soldier's hands to flip the sights up/down. This however automatically makes the weapon load the most full magazine available in the inventory, so if you do it for a normal rifle the rifle will get magically reloaded.

Ye but M203 is also one round magazine. Maybe it could be done that by default the M203 sight is down , but when you switch to M203 it comes up ?

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It is easy to do for the M79 because it has a one-round magazine. Sights cannot be animated, so it simply deletes the current weapon and puts a new one in the soldier's hands to flip the sights up/down. This however automatically makes the weapon load the most full magazine available in the inventory, so if you do it for a normal rifle the rifle will get magically reloaded.

It *can* be worked around for rifles with some ugly methods, but the question is if it is worth it considering the strain the mod puts on the average computer anyway.

I thought they already use the same method for rifles when you switch to the CQB sights.

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Small ask, whats up with the scar and HK416/417 Weapons, will they come back in ACE2?

Thanks for answere :-)

(Hope it, these Weapons rockZ!!)

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Well, I think that such features as crosshair should be optional. If you want it - you'll have it and if not than switch it off:)

It's optional already. Just take a brush-pen and put a dot onto the middle of your monitor:D (anyway make sure to set the floating zone to zero :D)

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It's optional already. Just take a brush-pen and put a dot onto the middle of your monitor:D (anyway make sure to set the floating zone to zero :D)


(a bit off-topic but..)

I can see a whole bunch of servers in MP they have Crosshair=off

Who is to guarantee ME that they are NOT using "custom" dot?? :p

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there was a m14 varient that I used to use all the time in ACE 1, it had a fully working laser site. hopefully that will get incorporated in ACE 2 :D

yeah, those ebr's are lovely.

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Correction: You had a bug with parallax effect of the the Aimpoint sight making you see the red dot even when not looking through the sights.

No weapon in ACE1 had 'working laser sights', and not red dot either ^^

lol even if it was a bug it made shit easy as hell to hit.

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I heard that you guys are searching Beta testers for the A.C.E.2 Mod (rumors spreed fast among german forums)

Well I´m in if you still need somebody

EDIT: By the way, my Dev Heaven Nick is also tonci87 and I´m a Member of the 4players Arma2 Group

Edited by Tonci87

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I heard that you guys are searching Beta testers for the A.C.E.2 Mod (rumors spreed fast among german forums)

Well I´m in if you still need somebody

I guess that 100% who posted on this thread till today would love to be a beta tester too :D.


Will be a system like Inko disposable come with the mod since launch?

Its awesome to have the AT-4 and RPG-18 discarded after a shot like in real life.

Will be possible to carry more then 1 tube like ACE1?(Realy hope this feature stays)

Have seen some pics from Russian AT soldiers on Georgia, some guys has carring 2 RPG-18 on the back.

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The M14 parallax bug forced me to remove them from missions.

Agree on optional crosshairs, but only according to server or mission policies. Meaning, if server or mission allows you to, you can turn on/off custom crosshairs as you see fit. A more realism based server might deny this oppurtunity completely, without sacrificing lock indicators (which is the case if you turn off vanilla crosshairs).

The server can deny you from using 3rd party crosshairs by disallowing certain addons.

You better half might disallow you from putting a nail in the center of the screen. :) Also, it wouldn't work with floating zone in the first place :)

Edit: Oh, realize now "custom" dot ment a painted dot, not a custom addon dot :)

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Ye but M203 is also one round magazine. Maybe it could be done that by default the M203 sight is down , but when you switch to M203 it comes up ?

M16+M203 is not a one shot weapon thou. You cannot do the tirck without reloading the M16 magazine for free.

Unless we're talking about stand alone M203. ;)

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So... I see it mentioned that ACE2 will focus on the US vs Russia kind of things. Any new and exciting hardware for the russkies?


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Quick teaser. I'm making some "tacti-cool" versions of Panda's M4 which were in ACE1. The shortdot is Dasquade's.


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Haha, that scope looks like it belongs on a bb gun.

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Indeed nice model, do you plan to make the frontal grip hand anim "right" ( christian M4 to say )? Because i'm quite sure that there are troubles to make that "look good" when the grip it's too close to the body ( so works better with longer weapons ) but maybe you got that covered already ;)

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Its already done.

Does it looks "good" enough ( no broken wrist or misplaced arm )?

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Great work Scuba. That'll look real nice on my Army units :D!

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