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ARMA II Comref

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Thanks a lot Maruk. :)

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Cheers Maruk.


Hell yeah, still got that little gem! :yay:

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Wow, nice... And fast :)

Hmm, under Editor... I'm guessing this is future still, but very exiting nonetheless...

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As always, thanks a lot Marek!

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Some really sweet new ones. :)

Now I just need the game...

owner object *drool*

Edited by zyklone

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Thx Maruk, very useful!

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Oh dudes! you guys are working really quick BIS! :)

Keep up the good work!

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Unless my eyes are decieving me this comref contains compeletly "new" commands, said to have been available back in the good old OFP-days. Nevertheless many of them are unknown to me, despite seven years of OFP editing.

Example: FSM handle getFSMVariable name

I never encountered commands like that before, despite seven years of OFP-editing. Did I just miss them? Were they always hidden inside the aged OFP warhorse, even though they weren't in the public comrefs back then? Or are they actually new commands, listed as OFP commands by mistake? Or do I just have a hopelessly outdated comref on my harddrive?

It's not really that important. I'm just curious.

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It appears all new commands are listed as 'OFP' but with a Version Required of something above 2.92..

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Some things never change, you know :D

btw: In ArmA 2 1.01 and above there is a built in command reference in the the game. Surprisingly, I am using it myself a lot, very simple and convenient.

You probably know autocomplete using Tab but now when your are over a valid command you may press F1 to see its comref entry including an example which that you can copy to the edit field in the editor.

I often use Tab to autocomplete /eg. I start typing setD and press tab to get setDamage and I then click on the comand and press F1/.

  Shadow.D. ^BOB^ said:
Cheers Maruk.


Hell yeah, still got that little gem! :yay:

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Thanks, that will be needed :)


what about accessing turret weapons?

Edited by zGuba

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thank you so much, EXACTLY what i neded right now.. a list of commands on ONE page, so i can photoread them more easily... thanks alot! (BTW i love the new look/game .. it actually runs better on my machine than ArmA 1 did)

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Thx a lot for the comref Maruk!

Can someone enlighten me on the versions though? Version 2.0 would be ArmA2 1.0 or what? :P

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can't find deleteTeam in comref.. ?

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Major thanks Maruk!

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  GranQ said:
can't find deleteTeam in comref.. ?

looks like a few commands are missing in the comref

agent, agents, isagent, ... isn't there, too

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The documentation for taskHint is wrong.

It should be:

taskHint [stringToOutput,[r, g, b, a], iconName];

iconName can be:





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