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ARMA 2 DE 1.01 (final) Impressions - Post ALL Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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  The-Tim said:
First i found the performance bad (and i still miss the normal aa as said above), but i found out that object detail and terrain detail on low give you a giant boost, if i put them both on low i gain like 15 fps (20-25 --> 35-40)

Same here, thanks for confirming this :). In terms or performance gain vs. visual quality penalty, this is probably the #1 most important thing to do when tweaking gfx settings.

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Just a quick commend after 5 days of intensive playing.

If you are interestied in the campaign and the single player scenarios, you will most likely be disappointed by the current state of Arma 2. I came to the conclusion that the campaign is in a almost unplayable state. Non-triggered mission scripts, mission critic units that get destroyed (for example your extraction helo), units that get stuck, AI that is often overwhelmed by the scenario (especially in urban terrain) and plenty of crashes (about every 2 hours of gaming, especially when auto-saving). There are plenty of show-stoppers in the campaign and I ended up replaying the mission "Manhatten" over and over again, unable to go on. I tried about 1/3 of the offered single missions but could not complete a single one yet, mostly because your team is unable to handle the tasked mission (gets whiped out or does not procede).

If you are interested in setting up your own scenarios in the editor or play MP, I guess you will have a better and smoother expierience.

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Ok, you guys will not believe what just happend! I was driving in the city, and my car got stalled on the tracks!! I couldn't move and I had to get out cause a train was comming, i grabbed my camera, and took a picture just before it smashed into my car. I would have taken a video, but my camera said that i got 5 seconds left of battery life, so all I was able to get was this picture.


Edited by Nicholas

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  Sabre Tooth Sniper said:
Healing vid. More than one guy healing at a time, Long time to heal and it seems to be wound specific. Better anims aswell, no more generic hand moving 10 sec job.

Is it just me or did it seem that your guy licked the blood off his face? The animations are funny in 1st person. Epic addition to the game though.

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Pssh, in my mind, the trains in ArmA 2 are not static. xD

Anyway, check out my youtube channel for ArmA 2 videos. I am uploading a video of me just flying the UH1Y through Chernarus. My youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JohnnyBoy755

I am also playing ArmA 2 on Windows 7 64-Bit RC Build 7100. it's running smooth and I'v had absolutely NO technical problems, only graphical bugs.

Edited by Nicholas

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  Rick_James5591 said:
I guess I never did install the patch yet LOL, i got it downloaded but not installed. I think by "Taxi" mode for v-22 is when your flyign in hover mode, it is REALLY hard to turn it, so with the patch they must have made it easier to turn it and stuff, otherwise you cant really controll it well in hovermode.

Drat, I guess no making a video of taxiing helicopters with the music thunderstruck for us then. In the pictures thread there were some screenshots and a video posted of the MQ-9's FLIR but we see mostly landscape, I was wondering if we could see a video of how the FLIR relates in terms of vehicles.

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  #DK#Hitman said:
Is it just me or did it seem that your guy licked the blood off his face? The animations are funny in 1st person. Epic addition to the game though.

I've seen one healing animation that looks like the medic is jerking off the wounded guy. Don't know what this is supposed to represent, but it looks funny as hell...

Heal your friends... with a quick hand job! :D

On the whole the advanced medic system is pretty aweseme though. Had some good times in coop campaign, like getting shot, falling to the ground, barely managing to squeeze off the last few bullets in my mag to kill the enemy... then getting healed to fight another day.

Beats having to restart the mission every time.

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  MBot said:
Just a quick commend after 5 days of intensive playing.

If you are interestied in the campaign and the single player scenarios, you will most likely be disappointed by the current state of Arma 2. I came to the conclusion that the campaign is in a almost unplayable state. Non-triggered mission scripts, mission critic units that get destroyed (for example your extraction helo), units that get stuck, AI that is often overwhelmed by the scenario (especially in urban terrain) and plenty of crashes (about every 2 hours of gaming, especially when auto-saving). There are plenty of show-stoppers in the campaign and I ended up replaying the mission "Manhatten" over and over again, unable to go on. I tried about 1/3 of the offered single missions but could not complete a single one yet, mostly because your team is unable to handle the tasked mission (gets whiped out or does not procede).

If you are interested in setting up your own scenarios in the editor or play MP, I guess you will have a better and smoother expierience.

Are you using the beta patch? that fixed up alot errors i had with the mission before manhatten?

Next, are you running everything on high with large view distance etc? i had to set almost all to either low or normal in order to play long enought to not have an OOM crash.

And yes i have completed manhatten twice ( only because i screw up the first time and it made the next mission extremely agonizing) dispite the many scripting bugs after many uses of the revert/load button and some pure dumb luck in taking out a t72 and bmp with a LAV-25s m242 cannon using those sabot rounds (APFDS or something)

Edit: @ Maddog

My only gripe is that i keep getting shot in the worst places and it ends up killing the medic or anyone else who comes to save me, but thats more of the fact that i suck than BIS fault xD

ON a serious note though, i havent had the AI carry me or drag me to a better position to give medical help from cover yet

Edited by thyco

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  Sabre Tooth Sniper said:
Healing vid. More than one guy healing at a time, Long time to heal and it seems to be wound specific. Better anims aswell, no more generic hand moving 10 sec job.

Just outstanding.

Wasn't expecting that.

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Drat, I guess no making a video of taxiing helicopters with the music thunderstruck for us then. In the pictures thread there were some screenshots and a video posted of the MQ-9's FLIR but we see mostly landscape, I was wondering if we could see a video of how the FLIR relates in terms of vehicles.

Are you the guy that messaged me on youtube? I had someone message me about a video of FLIR in different scenarios. I am working on several different videos at once. So it's hard to keep up with all the requests lol.

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  #DK#Hitman said:
Is it just me or did it seem that your guy licked the blood off his face? The animations are funny in 1st person. Epic addition to the game though.

Not my vid, just to say. This guy has quite a few nice vids. Just wish they had proper titles.

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  Rick_James5591 said:
Are you the guy that messaged me on youtube? I had someone message me about a video of FLIR in different scenarios. I am working on several different videos at once. So it's hard to keep up with all the requests lol.

Nope, can't say that it is, seems I'm not the only one interested in the FLIR.

Don't strain yourself too hard, right now I imagine your piled down with all those requests since everyone is getting excited in seeing the game more in depth,thanks for the videos thus far, it's appreciated. :)

Edited by NodUnit

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  fromz said:
My 9800GT's Very High Page1

Yes but what are your other specs and what was your framerate etc, what were all settings set at?

Im very curious since i have an 8800GT and its basicly identical to a 9800GT.

Edited by Placebo

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4200+ OC and OC, 3GB, MSI 9800GT







And set video opinions all VeryHigh, framerate 7-30, Just simple scene in editor.

If I want it playable... framerate 30+ etc, Must set them lower and lower

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wow nice screenies there fromz :P, maybe upload a video if possible? Could you show me some more?

you running it on a 4200+ Dual core? what speed? im surprised it works pretty well..

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He optimized the settings for taking still pictures.

I doubt that you can play with settings like that.

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Here's my rubbish attempt at a Rally Stage, for some added randomness:

The stock ArmA II Cars don't go very fast on gravel roads unfortunately, anyone planning a Rally Car mod? :p

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Boomar remove image tags when quoting please.

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  dvolk said:
I made a video of the new Improved AI as well


Yes, sad but true... a single AI not in group will act like that. seems they dont have direction on what to do that a leader would give.

but still, calling ARMA2 is unplayable is a bit too much dont you think?

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Don't you need a separate game logic responsible for surrendering?

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