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Like "night" and "day," things have changed here on the forum. Before the Alpha, the Moderators kept a tight control of the forum and they kept the "BF3 / COD forum mentality" at bay; but today things are starting to drift out-of-control. I'm assuming that since the Alpha's release, BIS has told the Moderators to be a little more "tolerant" of the new members (which is fine), but how far are you going to let people get "out-of-control"? :p

I don't want to see this Great Forum turn into a "free for all." I hope you "crack that whip". :D

As PuFu mentioned, things like that should be discussed in this thread or PM'd to myself or specific moderators you need to discuss such things with. I've merged yours here.

If you believe something is out of line with our forum rules, please use the report to moderator button (report-40b.png) to report such issues. This helps us greatly to locate offending posts/threads considering we're only a small volunteer force in comparison to the amount of new people with interest in our little community Arma 3 has attracted.

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Thank you for your concern. Please follow Sniperwolf's instructions.

If anyone sees something they think might be a rule infraction, please report it. There is a high volume of posts, probably close to 1500 in a few hours sometimes, and we certainly can't read them *all*.

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Thank you for your concern. Please follow Sniperwolf's instructions.

???? I am discussing the subject in "This Thread" like what Sniperwolf suggested.

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???? I am discussing the subject in "This Thread" like what Sniperwolf suggested.

Discussion means being polite and respectful to people you discuss things with, your post above Max's was not. I believe you have received an appropriate answer to your question? Is there something else you'd like to ask us? :)

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Like "night" and "day," things have changed here on the forum. Before the Alpha, the Moderators kept a tight control of the forum and they kept the "BF3 / COD forum mentality" at bay; but today things are starting to drift out-of-control. I'm assuming that since the Alpha's release, BIS has told the Moderators to be a little more "tolerant" of the new members (which is fine), but how far are you going to let people get "out-of-control"? :p

I don't want to see this Great Forum turn into a "free for all." I hope you "crack that whip". :D

That's definitely not going to happen. The forum rules are still in place and are enforced where necessary. It's true though that we're going to be a bit more relaxed especially when it comes to the newbies. Also a lot of our work is done more in the "background" now, e.g. moving or merging threads silently, or not mentioning any sanctions in the thread. But we're still far, far away from having a "BF3 mentality".

As said by my other "colleagues" already, if you see a rule violation, do not hesitate to hit the report to moderator button and we come to the rescue. Especially with the many new posts and threads made on a daily basis now we need you to keep your eyes open as we simply are not able to see anything or check every thread/post made. :)

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Discussion means being polite and respectful to people you discuss things with. I believe you have received an appropriate answer to your question? Is there something else you'd like to ask us? :)

Okay. But, look at these two thread links:


Post: CPU Thermal Paste could be your troubles on Low FPS numbers or "lagging"


You should know my reputation by now....I'm not here to start trouble but to help and support BIS. I'm one of their greatest cheerleaders and supporters. If you read those threads, I was just an honest broker giving friendly advice.....then the post's went sour with vitriol comments. My posts start out in a friendly manner, but then the noobies just keep coming and coming with their vitriol. Anyway.......

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Okay. But, look at these two thread links:


Post: CPU Thermal Paste could be your troubles on Low FPS numbers or "lagging"


You should know my reputation by now....I'm not here to start trouble but to help and support BIS. I'm one of their greatest cheerleaders and supporters. If you read those threads, I was just an honest broker giving friendly advice.....then the post's went sour with vitriol comments. My posts start out in a friendly manner, but then the noobies just keep coming and coming with their vitriol. Anyway.......

I'm not questioning your dedication to the series or BI.

What I'm saying is that calling new members "noobies" is quite degrading to the new people that have come to participate.

On the other hand if you see any member causing trouble, new or old, the thing anyone should do is report it to us and stay out of it. We're here to deal with those things.

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One last time:

If you see behaviour that concerns you, and you think it is breaking the forum rules, please use the report button. This thread is not an appropriate place for user reports.

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One last time:

If you see behaviour that concerns you, and you think it is breaking the forum rules, please use the report button. This thread is not an appropriate place for user reports.

Rodger Wilco. :icon_hug:

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Not sure if this issue has been raised yet, but here goes:

With the addition of all of the new A3 forums/subforums, the BI MILITARY GAMES FORUMS overview has become cluttered. I don't mean "disorganized", as it is clearly well-ordered, but it is not as easy as it used to be to find a particular subforum now simply due to the sheer number of subforums. I like having everything on one page, but I think that a simple thing like double separators between game forums would help a lot in this regard.

We're aware of this, we plan to make some minor changes to make it easier to distinguish sections for different games. :)

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Are we suppose to see infraction information to other members? I seem to see everybody's infraction points, post of which they got the infraction from, reason for infraction, and the moderator which initialized it, now.

Edited by colossus
First sentence clarification.

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Go to your profile and you should see a tab that says Infractions. Yes you're allowed to see that stuff. It's only visible to you however.

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Are we suppose to see infraction information to other members? I seem to see everybody's infraction points, post of which they got the infraction from, reason for infraction, and the moderator which initialized it, now.

it's now visible to everyone because we added specific visual notifications (marking) about posts which were reason of the warning / infraction ... but for that being visible, every registered user must be able see it

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it's now visible to everyone because we added specific visual notifications (marking) about posts which were reason of the warning / infraction ... but for that being visible, every registered user must be able see it

Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification, Dwarden. :)

It seemed to me like it was a tool for the moderators to convey infraction information between one another and the individual in question. Still, I hope this won't be abused by anyone as a means to harass individuals for their infractions, whatever the case and situation.

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Hopefully it will let conversations get back to a decent level when people don't feel obliged to respond to an unsavoury post (for example).

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Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification, Dwarden. :)

It seemed to me like it was a tool for the moderators to convey infraction information between one another and the individual in question. Still, I hope this won't be abused by anyone as a means to harass individuals for their infractions, whatever the case and situation.

Well, you know. Discussing moderation in the public forum and hounding users by PM or other means are not permitted. Unless the person that wants to make a big deal about other infractions wants infractions of their own to display, I think this should sort itself out.

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inb someone asks: yes the report icon now changes to red if someone else reported it before, so think twice before reporting already reported posts (you can still do that if you need to) ;)

Edited by Dwarden

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Hello I received another infraction today for a little gif i had in my signature.

I've read the rules again and to the best of my ability tried to understand them especially on the images sides (clan posts etc)

But yes I digress, basically i had a little gif in my signature that was over 100kbs? How can you tell if its over a 100kbs? I know this is a dead noddy question but I'm not computer literate

I'm by trade a professional soldier infantry to be precise. And it seems I've been slammed with a "warning" for something. That i don't understand i honestly didn't know i was in breach of your code of conduct.

So basically I'm appealing to you moderators better judgement to give me the benefit of the doubt on the last infraction i was given. I don't want to get banned because of a misunderstanding.

as i explained to FRL Myke i have learning difficulty most prominent ones being ADD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalica and complications from a head wounded sustained whilst serving in Afghanistan.

Solution: I wont post any more pictures except the ones the MOD team tell me are within the 100kb boundarys.

But please don't ban me for something silly if I've breached the rules by making this post then i apologize in advance but i did not know were else to post this.

Thank you for your time.

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Right mouse button on a picture->Properties. The size will be there in bytes.

Googling for '100kilobytes to bytes' will use googles built in converter to tell you that 100 kilobytes is 102400 bytes. :)

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Hello I received another infraction today for a little gif i had in my signature.

I've read the rules again and to the best of my ability tried to understand them especially on the images sides (clan posts etc)

But yes I digress, basically i had a little gif in my signature that was over 100kbs? How can you tell if its over a 100kbs? I know this is a dead noddy question but I'm not computer literate

I'm by trade a professional soldier infantry to be precise. And it seems I've been slammed with a "warning" for something. That i don't understand i honestly didn't know i was in breach of your code of conduct.

So basically I'm appealing to you moderators better judgement to give me the benefit of the doubt on the last infraction i was given. I don't want to get banned because of a misunderstanding.

as i explained to FRL Myke i have learning difficulty most prominent ones being ADD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalica and complications from a head wounded sustained whilst serving in Afghanistan.

Solution: I wont post any more pictures except the ones the MOD team tell me are within the 100kb boundarys.

But please don't ban me for something silly if I've breached the rules by making this post then i apologize in advance but i did not know were else to post this.

Thank you for your time.

Don't worry about it, Cross888. It was only a warning. The warnings are only to inform you that you have breached a rule. They don't count for infraction points or anything like that. We appreciate that you are not knowingly breaching the rules.

Just a heads up that if you wish to comment on moderating stuff, your best bet is to contact the moderator who did the action via PM, which it seems like you did. This thread is not normally used for that kind of thing, only for general inquiries.

If you have any more specific questions, feel free to PM a moderator.

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Requesting that I have my post count restored to it's original number of ~500

It was reduced several years ago due to infractions but I have been on good behavior ever since! (Don't remember who reduced it.)

Thanks a lot!

Edited by Chipper

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Is someone feeling funny today, or it just happened that i am all out of report "units" (in simpler English, i cannot report other people (outside the forum rules) posts no more, like i always do :icon_twisted:)..?

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Looks like we've got some new functionality that changed the way reports work, I've just reported your post and it's a bit different than usual.

Try it now and let us know if you're still running into the same thing, there seemed to be some issues earlier with the new functionality.

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