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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Public Release!

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not seen any here yet,   not any that aren't livable atleast wink_o.gif

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i experience extreme slowdown on start of mission 3 of the spec ops campaign (the mission after intercept the president in the village) with queens gambit and ACE 1.06. It goes from about 30+fps which i get usually to 1 frame every few seconds. Other missions seem to run fine.

am using beta but thats never happened before.

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found another bug ithink.

some iraqi insurgents for some reason dont have AKs but rather pull out their pistols. see rpg grenadier and atniarmour guys for the problem.

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found another bug ithink.

some iraqi insurgents for some reason dont have AKs but rather pull out their pistols. see rpg grenadier and atniarmour guys for the problem.

Ive noticed some if not all AKs don't even work......model just sits on my back and is unselectable.

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Have no other ammo/missiles then FFAR

in helis..Its the AH_1z and AH64 with AALL weapons

in em...

I have tried different keys but i cant get /smoke/illum

/flachette and to work...

I place me and an empty Ah1z or Ah64 on the map...

The ones with ALLLL ammo...Nothing else...

Arma 1.14 ACE 1.06 only no other addons...

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sickboy send his love towards you cross for ^^ post wink_o.gif

i thought i needed mentioning in public

for the rest of ppl posting bugs here, note that you have a higher chance of someone actually looking over it if you follow the above links

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Pls report any bugs/suggestions here...


You can view the list of existing issues/bugs and their status in the issues tab. You can filter to your liking


Ace Mod main page;



someone post this links in the first page so they don't get lost in the jungle of pages

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Is it just my setup (1.06) that you don't get credit for blowing up vehicles, just the people in them? I played four different A.C.E. missions on 3 different A.C.E. servers and got the same result. On a A.C.E. Dominiation one I used two TOW tripods to blow up six tanks during the enemy counterattack and only got credit for the crews. Weird.

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someone post this links in the first page so they don't get lost in the jungle of pages

They are. First post links to the BIKI which has all the information for our Mod.


Maintaining links everywhere's a bit annoying, hence our Biki page is our main info resource.

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Gotta say damn fine work on 1.05! The parachuting is probably the most realistic in the game world. Or is there maybe a parachute simulator around that is a bit better? smile_o.gif

One thing that can be better with time is Datakills VDV unit that is using the wrong backpack that is put on. The backpack works and that is ofcourse good, but with the real one it would be sweeter so they look like proper VDV units. Wish i was good enough to do that in O2...

Turning on ground is too slow. Test on the ground and youll see. wink_o.gif

Sway is a bit much still in crouch. Resting the weapon should eliminate sway completelly (very little as it is so its not too bad, but still).

But all in all as usual - superb stuff.



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72 @ Mar. 19 2009,21:57)]Turning on ground is too slow.

Press any of the movement keys (W S A D) as you turn, or perform a roll.

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We lack an animation in ArmA that is moving up your leg a bit and twist up your torso (hard to explain but i think you understand me). That way you move 90 degrees prone very fast in reality. The way the value is now i agree its realistic as of the position we are in (body stretched out full). But lacking that animation of twisting to the side i just feel there should be a value of speed in the middle between they both to compensate. I just thaught its slightly too slow. Im not after super moves, god forbid. Just a slight increase of speed to even out what we lack in moves (anims).

Just venting whats on my mind. Its a super mod and i think it can be even more perfected with small tweaks. Small ones. smile_o.gif

Kind regards


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I found some minor issues with ACE mod v1.06.  While looking at the weapons crate, the magazines for the M14/M21 and FAL use the G36 magazines.  They should use the 20 rnd 7.62 NATO mag.  The reticle for the M40A3 uses the wrong mildot.  It should be the oval mildot like the .50 cal sniper rifle.  On the Bradley IFV's, the muzzle blast on the 25mm cannon is about 1 foot behind the muzzle brake.

GD Mast

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is it possible to have 2 turning speed for prone when in 1st person view? like when we turn with mouse the speed would be slower but with your guns pointing forward, but have much faster speed when using keyborad, but with the same animation played in 3rd person view which have the gun swinging around?

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Thanks guys, we're glad you guys are enjoying our work!

GD Mast and other reporters; please consider that reporting and tracking issues at our tracker can be benificial to both, reporters and developers.

You find the link at our BIKI: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki...._issues

Tnx in advance.

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Sorry to post this here guys but i couldnt post anything at ACE forums for some reason.

On Desert island with ArmA 1.15b, ACE 1.06 and no other addons but QG i CTD everytime i raise the VD. Even a little bit only. Tested a lot with all other islands and no probs up to 10000. Thaught id let you know at least. I cleared the RPT and then reproduced it.

I think its the section with tons of "Unknown type of vertex shade" that does it?

RPT: http://web.comhem.se/aphex/Crash_ARMA.txt



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72 @ Mar. 20 2009,12:59)]...

Thanks for the report.

I would suggest reading the post above yours, or the announcements made in this thread, the acemod shoutbox and the acemod news section,

A support ticket sounds about right, tnx thumbs-up.gif

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New place... Ok, well i said im sorry and i tried to post the good old way on the ACE Forums. Even when logged in i cant post. Not allowed. Was too tired to even see your post above mine when i posted.


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Sorry if my question clutters up this thread a bit but I've just installed ACE and I'm a bit lost as to what mods have been incorporated in it. Before ACE I ran mods like HiFi, ArmaEffects, JTD, lowplants, RUG_DSAI and some unit outfit replacements. Can somebody tell me if any of these are a part of the ACE mod?

Are there other mods that are recommended to complement ACE?

Keep up the great work, one mod to rule them all! This is the holy grail of modding! smile_o.gif

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Not sure if Hifi will work with ACE. Check one of the user sites to see if there was a newer version released for ACE. ArmAEffects is part of ACE, it has a newer non-public version. JTD works just fine with ACE. Lowplants too, at least I use it and haven't noticed any problems. RUG DSAI, not sure. And most replacements probably wont work since they only replace vanilla BIS units and ACE units have different class names then the BIS ones.

There are some more mods that will not work with ACE and they've been mentioned in here some where. Best bet is to do a "print this topic" search for mods you are wondering about.

If a mod requires XEH it will probably work. Just make sure you only use the same XEH version that comes with the most recent version of ACE. If you have any other XEH versions in mod folders that you are using there will surely be problems.

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I love the new ACE 1.06, but I've noticed a significant bug/feature cutdown.

No helicopters have a realistic targeting system anymore with the missiles.

Unless I've overread something, I think this should be fixed ASAP.

I now have the same old "Target boxes", when I use a missile on a helicopter.

P.S. I've downloaded only one addon: Talibans, which does not seem to be affecting this.

I've also removed all the addons that is included in ACE now. (VDV), and I am using ACE's XEH.

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