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Latest ArmA2 & ArmA2:OA Press Coverage | NO discussion here!

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I like that the two reviewers assume the roles of both regular FPS players(6.5/10) and a milsim players(9/10).

Yeah, that was a neat idea. Both kinds of players now should know what to expect, it's like saying "HC fans, this is a MUST for you, CoD fans, sorry, but you wouldn't enjoy it." Lots of reviews are too clouded by reviewer's incilination towards one of the group and you have a very little chance of knowing, whether the game is really that bad or the reviewer was just angry that he couldn't keep running after a hit to his head that came from nowhere.

I was also quite impressed that it seemed they actually rated the game FOR the game itself, I don't think I've heard the word "bug" once.

Btw, I love the CoD4 sniper part, "Ooooh, teh Coriolis effect!" :

Edited by Myshaak

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I just saw that ArmA II was Gamespots #1 game on its most popular list. This wasn't out of just PC games either it was out of all platforms and also out of games released and not yet released.

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I just saw that ArmA II was Gamespots #1 game on its most popular list. This wasn't out of just PC games either it was out of all platforms and also out of games released and not yet released.


Indeed Number one in its most popular list good


They also did a good review giving it 8 out of 10, just click the image of ArmA top of that page to get there.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Yup! Today's one for the record books! Well two if you count both top games for PC and top of ALL games!

Wooo Number one! Number one! Number one!



Rank: 1 of 59,481 of all games.

Rank: 1 pf 11,536 of all PC games.

Well done BIS, you rock. :)

Edited by Victor

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Hi all

I think part of ArmA II's increasing popularity is that there is a giant leaning curve hump at the start caused by all the ego-stroker FPS negatively training players to think they are good when they are not.

When they play ArmA II the first time they just die a lot so they nit pick and focus on anything trying to explain why they are no longer l33t.

Then they start to understand the difference between cover and concealment and stop being Rambo Cannon Fodder (RCF) I even saw the change take place on Berzerk, first week I am in the top three in the leader board 4 weeks latter and trying to spot a numpty has become hard and I am back to my position of sub 10 on the leader board most days.

The RCF have been killed off by a combination of evolution and I think the influence of clan servers has improved things a lot. When people play on a clan server they learn to be patient and move from cover to cover; as fast as ArmA II AI is at killing you, humans are faster. The maximum a regular player is out in the open is 3 seconds. People plan their moves, and look for the dips in terrain.

They are also no longer scared crap-less of Armor. They now know how to deal with it. Roads into town get mined and marked, every defilade spot can hide AT. The edges of forests get scanned and hunted by AT wolves.

We are now moving into the next phase; players realise they are best working in a team. Add hock teams are forming. Or meeting on the field at pre arranged times and spots for assaults on the flag. Infantry fire teams with tanks, spotting targets providing AA support and an AT. While the Tanks and grenade launchers prep fire the targets, other infantry speed in on motor cycles/cycles secure an LZ followed by a swift helicopter landings or para drops; para drops are low openers now but even so I think the para drop only work at night or in covered positions.

It will be interesting to see how it all evolves.

Kind Regards walker

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Sounds like a great step foreward!

I've allways been with 6thSense.eu and we've seen loads of new people come mostly thanks to Sickboy's great community work here, and they all love to learn how to play the game and now are stepping up from grunt position and giving FTL and SL roles a shot allready, things seem to go a lot faster then they did with ArmA.

BI you guys really did a great job! I wonder if you'll come near the OFP sales (or the equevalant in this economy) because you really deserve it!

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Congrats BIS. Bugs et. al, it's a great game. I'm enjoying it!

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Congrats on the GameSpot 8.0 score BIS! Very fair review from them!

I also see it's the #1 game on GameSpot! WOO!

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Off topic posts deleted. let's stick to the thread title thanks.

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What is their update frequency btw. and how do they calculate these numbers based on what :confused:

Hi mr.g-c

If you read it says "Ratings based on user activity from yesterday"; same as it says each day that ArmA II has been number one, in other words they are calculated daily. And they are based on user activity. Basically more people interested in playing ArmA II than any other game including consoles.


There is the link check for your self.

It does not surprise me that ArmA II is beating COD in all honesty; it has the re playability of a fish burger you have eaten and shit. It lasted me three days, about the same as a bad case of the runs. The MP game play of COD is atrocious no wonder people are leaving it in droves.

I guess what it means is that people find ArmA II a better game than other games. In the end it is as many have pointed out that the Real Virtuality Engine games are better value for money.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Arma 2 deserves it's top place imho. This game still needs some ironing out, specifically the AI 'knowsabout' which I hear is resolved in the next patch, but it's got enough legs to be loads of fun in the long haul. Just for a change up, I went out and bought GTA4 as it was dirt cheap and I love sandbox destruction, had a blast for 2 days and now seriously doubt if I will ever load it up again. There is just a huge disconnect between it's linear storyline and the mayhem you create between cutscenes. I just can't find another game besides Arma2 that really gives me that feeling of "I'm going to be playing this for a long time".

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did anyone update with the gametrailers review that points out this is a faulty product? just curious.


averaging 75.60 on Gamerankings metarating now. bugs and optimization issues are a common theme in all reviews i've read.

---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

Yup! Today's one for the record books! Well two if you count both top games for PC and top of ALL games!

Wooo Number one! Number one! Number one!



Rank: 1 of 59,481 of all games.

Rank: 1 pf 11,536 of all PC games.

Well done BIS, you rock. :)

um. do you know that one of the main drivers of popularity for achieving that is the forum activity for the game?

check out the GS forum - it's active as hell because of all the bugs and complaints... nearly all posts are about buggy AI, performance problems, hardware compliance, etc. and a lot of the posts are made by a few users... having it on the number one does not mean it's the number one played game in other words. it means a lot of people are looking at the forums and a lot are looking at the page - which makes sense seeing the review was posted recently and there have been a couple features on GS.

either way, wait for sales to come out for the month if you don't believe me. or check out steam - it hasn't been on the top 10 sales list for weeks.. nowhere to be found there so obviously not even the most popular PC game at the moment on Steam.

Edited by Placebo

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Jaundiced is correct, if you look down the right of the list on both screenshots, you'll also see that a few of those top games havn't even been released yet.

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or check out steam - it hasn't been on the top 10 sales list for weeks.. nowhere to be found there so obviously not even the most popular PC game at the moment on Steam.

B.S. ! It was in the top ten until today for sales. Maybe learn to read and understand.

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B.S. ! It was in the top ten until today for sales. Maybe learn to read and understand.

Why is it that everyone who says anything against Arma2 is insulted or ridiculed as a Call Of Duty lover?

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Why is it that everyone who says anything against Arma2 is insulted or ridiculed as a Call Of Duty lover?

My aunt is the queen of England. My car is a Lamborgini. Arma II hasn't been in Steams top ten for weeks.

All of them contain the same amount of truth. How is it bashing when someone is pissed a blatant (or uninformed) lie? Why do you imply 'Yeah! That's Right!' to something that bashes Arma II, but is wholly incorrect?

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well it hasn't been on top for a while when i look at it, and certainly isn't now. is barely making top 5 for action games on steam... being beaten by older games.

either way, minor petty nitpicking by both of you on a very valid point. this game isn't on the top of GS popularity list because people are buying it or because its great.. it's because a lot of people are using the forums due to bugs and issues with the game. their list isn't populated based on sales or reviews - purely on community activity.. trust me - ask them if you don't believe.

this game has great potential, but needs GREAT work yet to be done - this is being reflected in public reception, review, and sales. this is the only point i care about, and the only point BI should care about.

stay on top of community updates. release hotfixes if you have to - don't just adopt this sit back and say 'its done when its done' attitude. people don't take that these days. this is coming from someone who has been supporting the company for nearly a decade and can prove it if need be. people that suffered throught his with Arma I especially are getting quite frustrated - this shouldn't be the norm. development should lead to less bugs and a more high quality product.

Edited by jaundiced

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At least in the U.S., it was in the top ten Steam sellers as recently as yesterday (Saturday, July 26) if I recall correctly. There were a bunch of cheap sales going on on Steam this weekend (I bought two games myself - btw, Penumbra is really quite cool if you haven't tried it) so it's hardly surprising that it dropped off over the weekend. Most of the games on the top 10 are older games right now because of the sale. It hardly has much to do with Arma II.

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Why is it that everyone who says anything against Arma2 is insulted or ridiculed as a Call Of Duty lover?

Like I said , learn to read and understand. I never insulted or ridiculed you or anyone else for that matter as a cod lover because they've dissed arma2.

And I'm not going to get into a mud slinging match with you because I think you'd fail to comprehend what I'd be saying.:D

---------- Post added at 08:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 AM ----------

At least in the U.S., it was in the top ten Steam sellers as recently as yesterday (Saturday, July 26) if I recall correctly. There were a bunch of cheap sales going on on Steam this weekend (I bought two games myself - btw, Penumbra is really quite cool if you haven't tried it) so it's hardly surprising that it dropped off over the weekend. Most of the games on the top 10 are older games right now because of the sale. It hardly has much to do with Arma II.

Thankyou, what I was saying before.

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To celebrate how about a release of the 1.3 patch?

Ok sorry, wishful thinking from my side ^^

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PC Format(UK) gives ArmA II a score of 91 and a gold award.

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