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...with walking/running + reloading...i'll buy ARMA 2 just for those... biggrin_o.gif

Great job BIS....  smile_o.gif

I'm in the same boat. Seeing the guy reload on the move and not being anchored to earth the by the massive weight of Arma1 binocs gave me enough reason to buy Arma2. Now, if they do something really special with artillery and squad leading (which, it looks like they already have) I may be forced to pre-order it, if the opportunity is available.  smile_o.gif

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please reupload 2,3,4 somewhere than filefront, as example filefactory or VIMEO stream

I might reformat them into rmvb or MP4 after i download them all(the size doesnt make sence anyway), i can send you if you want, but might take some time just to download them through

Please   inlove.gif

mp4 or rmvb sounds good

damnit, i dl the files 2 times and they are all borken

anyone have a useable DL manager that can dl popup type?

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I have same problem, I hate filefront, I don't understand, why didn't more mirrors (as example armedassault.info or more another services)? crazy_o.gif

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I have same problem, I hate filefront, I don't understand, why didn't more mirrors (as example armedassault.info or more another services)?  crazy_o.gif

i think noone gives a shit on the porblem others have anyway

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why did they put stupid music over the part about the new sounds?

(vid 4)

Maybe they agreed with BIS that only BIS is allowed to give examples of those new sounds or something like that. It's more then a coincidence that it is only on the new sounds part.

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Video's 3 and 4 are awesome.

-Civilians flee from combat (Without pausing constantly/lying down on the ground for no reason)

-Both short and <s>tall</s> less short grass

-AI cant see trough grass (Don't know if it has changed in functionality compared to ArmA1.14)

-Absolutely stunning shaders. wow_o.gif

-The action menu is in the left side of the screen now? tounge2.gif

-View moves when turning a car (Really nice smile_o.gif )

-Default in car view seems to hide the hands (So i dont know if they move with the steering wheel or not, but if they dont then at least its 'hidden', i just couldnt understand what he was saying)

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File front is a strange beastie.


I guess the FF bandwidth does have its moments.  crazy_o.gif

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Damn, I like what I see so far smile_o.gif

Graphics look better then OFP2 imo, but I hope I can run the game with a decent framerate this time. For me, 25fps is not fluid.

- AI can strafe and lean, this will make a HUGE improvement!

- I also like the new context sensitive command menu. But I don't like the look of it. Why do they use such big fonts? It could be a bit more subtile, no?

Lots of things I'm pleased with. Actually, to much to mention...

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Do they have motion blur in the game ?

In First Person view, it seems so when they move the head fast...

No sure though, it could be an artefact from the video/compression...

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Do they have motion blur in the game ?

In First Person view, it seems so when they move the head fast...

No sure though, it could be an artefact from the video/compression...

I disabled it in Crysis since it made me sick (really!wink_o.gif

As long you can disable it its ok...

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Point taken (from way back in the pages)... I'll try to concentrate on what I see on the movies and not request type comments. Although it is very hard to let go when you get this excited biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Tall grass is ok as long as the AI have no special advantages/disadvantages to it.

Advance in prone so the enemy cant see you, then go up to sitting position and take them out

As much as I would like this to be true, it just isn't. Although I visually like the mix of short and taller grass which is much more realistic than the all tall grass in early ArmA versions and all low grass in later ArmA versions (frame rate issue only I think, and I still can't play with grass in woodland with big resolution and everything else on its lowest or off setting - bad rig I guess).

However, grass will not only be in the way too often (realistic), but nothing can be done about it (unrealistic). I.e. there (most likely) no way to use natural elements such as a stone to rest your M249 SAW, and such the weapon becomes pretty much useless since you have to go prone to do any decent hits with it. At least with ArmA. Turning off grass makes this weapon useable again since laying in grass is the only option. Maybe ArmA II will be slightly better and give some supression effects while using it, but being able to hit with it is also important. You just can't use some weapons effectively while standing or kneeling. Maybe kneeling could be given less recoil to dampen this drawback, despite the recoil being not accurate compared to the real thing.

I'm noticing with horror that switching to scope view looks quite laggy (yet again).

The weapon (SPR? Sniper something?) used have mounted bipods. Will they be useable now?

Walking with binocs and reloading = finally! biggrin_o.gif Awesome!

I noticed the (barely audiable) talk about the new hemispherical lighting model; different lighting color from below than from above. But does this also stretch into all directions? I mean, will the "glowing atmosphere" (red near sun if sun is below horizon, blue on the other end) provide lighting, also on the terrain? In ArmA, when sun is below horizon and there is no moon, there is absolutely no atmospheric glow affecting the landscape - superdark! Hoperfully this will change now?

Edit: Oh, and one inportant feature that I haven't seen mentioned yet: Will we the consumers have access to that "debug console", or will it be removed (sigh) prior to release?

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Vids look good. But I wonder if theyre going to fix that bug with interior shadows. (interior parts dont cast shadows in normal ArmA and yet not in Arma2 either)

Thats not so much a bug as much as adding another LOD, you can have shadows casting from objects from all interior views, http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Oxygen_2_-_Manual

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However, grass will not only be in the way too often (realistic), but nothing can be done about it (unrealistic).

You could just lie down in the vicinity of the grass thats in your view, then it flattens? huh.gif

Quote[/b] ]Do they have motion blur in the game ?

In First Person view, it seems so when they move the head fast...

No sure though, it could be an artefact from the video/compression...

I think its because it was recorded with a camera.

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Yes it flattens near you, but not far enough away, and there is no way of prepping it flat either. In real life I would either flattened it to have a clear view in front of me while in the defence, used a natural "bump" which is hard to come by in ArmA, extended the bipod and raised by stance just a little bit. In ArmA you're left with only the flattened grass which doesn't help as much as it should. In low grass this is better, but in taller grass (not in ArmA) this wouldn't do anything...

Checking the Hind; is that a working moving map on the panel or am I dreaming? It looks like a chart with a destroy marker on it.

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I have same problem, I hate filefront, I don't understand, why didn't more mirrors (as example armedassault.info or more another services)?  crazy_o.gif

i think noone gives a shit on the porblem others have anyway

If you dont know what you are talking about its best to say nothing.

Try to think about it for a minute instead of talking bullshit out of your ass.

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so far that i can seen , i go love ArmaII

only they need is grass cover aircraft shelters or old soviet styl hardend aircraft shelters , like the control tower that he show on video

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BIS, thank you for the moving with binocular!!! GREAT JOB!

AND for the website! wink_o.gif

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I just saw it, i must've refreshed it thousands of times tounge2.gif

Now, let's take a look...

Thanks, BIS.

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From the new website, game info box at the bottom, 'combat', RE the AI:

"The unique AI think and act independently, changing tactics on the fly. No scripts. No pre defined pathways. ArmA 2's AI share information, communicating with each other to hunt players down. They'll use cover and artillery, adapting to your actions and the changing environment."


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Vids look good. But I wonder if theyre going to fix that bug with interior shadows. (interior parts dont cast shadows in normal ArmA and yet not in Arma2 either)

Thats not so much a bug as much as adding another LOD, you can have shadows casting from objects from all interior views, http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Oxygen_2_-_Manual

Bug doesnt have to be engine-related. It isnt casting shadows while it should, so its a bug.

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Vids look good. But I wonder if theyre going to fix that bug with interior shadows. (interior parts dont cast shadows in normal ArmA and yet not in Arma2 either)

Thats not so much a bug as much as adding another LOD, you can have shadows casting from objects from all interior views, http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Oxygen_2_-_Manual

Bug doesnt have to be engine-related. It isnt casting shadows while it should, so its a bug.

Sorry to go against, but a bug is a program error that shouldn't be. This is a missing feature.

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I wouldnt call it a missing feature since ArmA can handle those shadows without any problem, its childs play to fix it and theres actually no reason to not being implemented. Missing feature would be for example few posts back mentioned working bipod. These shadows arent there, because BI didnt notice it or forgot.

Verbalism... wink_o.gif (hope its a good translation)

(edit: sorry if my previous post looked offensive, I should have added some emoticons)

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