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Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

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About that custom texture feature...

That.... Is.... Awesome ! notworthy.gif

Absolutely fantastic work guys !

Looks great with the added ERA blocks - I just hope that it won't be delayed for long because of this never-ending discussion, about model numbers, exact placement of ERA blocks and camoflage...

Looking forward to next release smile_o.gif

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seems like a rought B or S version on T-72M1, which never existed, exept  knowing that Iraqi tryed upgrading even T-72M with optict gunner sight(not even with laser sight) to T-72B standarts. Russian sources claims that it was a big failure...

None manuefacturers upgrades are far behind tests and schemes...

P.S. I'm drunk and i'm far behind "tank expert" cualification, i always thought i'm military analytic/inteligence. smile_o.gif

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seems like a rought B or S version on T-72M1, which never existed, exept  knowing that Iraqi tryed upgrading even T-72M with optict gunner sight(not even with laser sight) to T-72B standarts. Russian sources claims that it was a big failure...

None manuefacturers upgrades are far behing tests and schemes...

P.S. I'm drunk and i'm far behind "tank expert" cualification, i always thought i'm military analytic/inteligence. smile_o.gif

Its funny...I'm drunk too...and oddly enough, I could understand what you were rambling about! That's awesome! lol!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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...will the standard SLA green still be included? wink_o.gif


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That custom texture is a very intresting thing, pretty nice and saves quite some MBs.

Any details on how its done?

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That custom texture is a very intresting thing, pretty nice and saves quite some MBs.

Any details on how its done?

Yes it saves MBs as we don't need to create .p3d models for every paint scheme in our addon.

The way to do this is very simple.

1) select all faces that are using single texture

2) create new selection


3) in config.cpp under vehicle class put something like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hiddenSelections[] = {"01_co","02_co","03_co","04_co"};

where *_co are selections used by our T-72

4) now those selections will be invisible in game, to avoid this we need to use setObjectTexture command under Init EventHandlers of our addon or later in game

For our T-72 we used following code

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Extended_Init_EventHandlers


class CH_T72 {

init = CH_Textures = [_this select 0, ""BIS""] execVM ""\ch_t72\scripts\textures.sqf"";";



and here is example code for textures.sqf

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_tex = _this select 0;

switch (_this select 1) do


case "BIS" :


_tex setObjectTexture [1,"\ch_t72\data\t72_1_co.paa"];

_tex setObjectTexture [2,"\ch_t72\data\t72_2_co.paa"];

_tex setObjectTexture [3,"\ch_t72\data\t72_3_co.paa"];

_tex setObjectTexture [4,"\ch_t72\data\t72_4_co.paa"];



And that will be all. Fell free to use this code or change it whatever you like wink_o.gif

We still need to test this feature to ensure that there is no negative impact on performance and it works fine in multiplayer.

Need to say that this hole idea of custom textures is inspired by Dune Bugge addon by Sebastian Muller from OFP smile_o.gif

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It's a very nice feature you have there... It would be nice that such an option could be integrated within the mission editor (in unit window, select texture).

BIS, please get inspiration from this !


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I totally agree smile_o.gif

When reviewing the T-72 pics, I noticed that on the pic posted by T_bone on June 17 2008,17:14, the tanks seems to have a driver hatch included.

I always missed this feature. wow_o.gif

Happy looking forward when released version will be available notworthy.gif

Best Regards and keep up your good work thumbs-up.gif


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How is your custom texture working in MP ?

I'm very interested to say the least... I have various skins for a Hind model and would love to know your experience in that matter.

Quoting Suma speaking of hiddenselections for multiple texture swapping :

Quote[/b] ] (Suma @ June 05 2008,07:38)

That was really the original purpose, but with ArmA you can also change textures on "hiddenSelections" using "hiddenSelectionsTextures".

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It's a very nice feature you have there... It would be nice that such an option could be integrated within the mission editor (in unit window, select texture).

I haven't yet delved into ArmA scripting, but is there no way a script could read a unit's name (as entered in the editor) and the information be embedded in that field by the mission maker? So a name "wood1_010" would select the "wood1" skin and apply the number of "010" as a skin decal.

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I haven't yet delved into ArmA scripting, but is there no way a script could read a unit's name (as entered in the editor) and the information be embedded in that field by the mission maker?  So a name "wood1_010" would select the "wood1" skin and apply the number of "010" as a skin decal.

That could be done. Or one could have a logic per map (and side?) that identifies the kind of camouflage to be applied. Depending on the exact features wanted it can be done in many ways.

Could also be set in the init-field of the vehicle with for example [this,"DESERT"] execVM "TankTexture.sqf" or however one feels is best.

Really, really nice to see proper camouflage-switching, and I hope that BIS makes it standard on their vehicles in one way or another for ArmA2, so that they are all easily reskinned!

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How is your custom texture working in MP ?

I'm very interested to say the least... I have various skins for a Hind model and would love to know your experience in that matter.

Quoting Suma speaking of hiddenselections for multiple texture swapping :

Quote[/b] ] (Suma @ June 05 2008,07:38)

That was really the original purpose, but with ArmA you can also change textures on "hiddenSelections" using "hiddenSelectionsTextures".

I tried to implement this style of skin-selection into the T-72 ERA "style" project for testing and blueprint purposes. It is included in the RC 1D Custom Texture Pack.

I hope that I have figured it out the right way, according to the info Mateck has given some days ago and the improved version, Mateck sent me. notworthy.gif

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Time for small W.I.P update biggrin_o.gif Today we have M1A1 (HA) revisited. Mateck made an EAPU model and CWS, also frontal IFF panel has been added.




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Nice update! why isnt the commander holding his m2 wth hands, or is it like CROWS? Also, you should add some helmets hanging from those backbags, a crewhelmet, or a MICH or PASGTs or something like that. Just awesome.. inlove.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Nah, you don't want to hang helmets on the outside of your backpacks on a tank...if they fall off you'd be liable for a few hundred bucks to Uncle Sam that would be docked out of your paycheck. But yeah, it would be good for the commander to have the same animation as the loader even if he can't reach the M2 as its up higher then the M240 that the loader is using.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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They've given the commander that animation because the M2 on an M1A1 can only be operated from inside the turret using a solenoid switch. If you look, the mount has been completely remodelled so that it is accurate for the M1A1, as such there are no external controls for the M2.

The manually operated one on BIS's M1A1 is in reality, only found on M1A2.

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Ah..righto. Didn't realize they removed the manual ability to fire the M2. Must be why in Iraq I see some commander's with their M4's at the ready as they stand in the hatch.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Why should they replace something that's not broken? The M1A2 is still a very competent MBT.

EDIT: oops, I didn't scroll down all the way to see the smileys, disregard all I said above icon_rolleyes.gif

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T_Bone & Mateck, that is fabulous inlove.gif

The FLIR looks great thumbs-up.gif

Looking forward to your release, yay.gif


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