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USAF F-16C Falcon

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Err: F-16 CAS should have 14Rnd instead of 38Rnd FFAR magazine... if I'm not mistaken...

EDIT: I was mistaken, it's 38 smile_o.gif

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It's got two rocket pods though....

Could you get a scripted afterburner effect on the aircraft???

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It's got two rocket pods though....

Could you get a scripted afterburner effect on the aircraft???

2nd on that. Thats the only thing the plane needs.. Speed smile_o.gif

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awesome addon smile_o.gif

one thing but, it seem to land to low in autopilot..

other than that it awesome.

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Edited by Andre

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Absolutely awesome.  Yeah I think the entire ArmA community was waiting very eagerly for this addon being that it fullfills a major gap in ArmA.   My question is whether this model is based on the OFP model or whether it is an entirely new model done from scratch.   The reason why I ask is that I would really like to get your permission to make an Israeli version of it, but if our last textures we did (but never released) for our ArmA variants don't map onto it, then yeah that probably won't work.  

If you're interested in doing an Israeli Airforce variant we can also send you the textures to see if they're up to snuff for you.  Right now we got tanks, infantry, and a Ch-53 for our mod in ArmA, but no airplanes at the moment.  If anything hopefully we can use this F-16 as a template for converting the two-seater F-16I Sufa that we made based off of your OFP model.  smile_o.gif

At any rate, until all that works out, I'm happy as can be to use your awesome F-16 in American missions.

I hope you become the awesome force in the ArmA community that you were (and still are) in the OFP community.

Now we just need an international model for a C-130 for airborne (paratrooper) missions and for your excellent AN-72 Coalar to be converted.


Max Res (Maximum Respect as Rizla Ranger says)

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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After playing with this add-on for a short while, I have to say "Thank you". I can't begin to express with words how truly awesome this add-on is and it's just a BETA version! I can't wait to see the finished product!

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We need the F-15 biggrin_o.gif

Could you make the speed of the aircraft faster so it actually goes mach 2 or at least mach 1. It would be good if you could make it accelerate a lot more because it is slow for an afterburning aircraft.

Oh and one more thing, it doesn't really sound like a fighter jet

Try getting this type of effect for sound


and this type of acceleration

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@ Footmunch

Thanks for the addon !! It is very much appreciated all the hard work you have put in to it.

I have noticed a few things

1. I see other members of the forum have pointed out regarding when looking over your left shoulder the aircraft disappears

2. When you place yourself as a soldier standing in the middle of the Pariso airfield and the F16 starts to taxi you cant see the undercarriage unless you zoom in - it makes the plane look as if they are floating

3. When using autoland the AI aircraft lands short of the runway runway and also when use the Landat command at pariso (i asked a mate who is an addon maker as well what could be the cause of this, he did suggest that you might want to have looka the centre of gravity of the model)

4. Dont Know if it is meant to be like that but the aircraft does not lock onto targets ( I apologise if it is meant to be this way)

5. I think if you added and afterburner script to the config that would make the aircraft awesome.

Other than that she does handle well and it is a pleasure to fly here (not that i am much of a pilot but it cetainly does make it easier to fly than the Bis Harrier and A10)

Once again thanks a lot for making this brilliant addon and i look foreard to the next one

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Awesome addon, it's real pleasure to fly. One thing though, I'm hyper sensitive to high frequency sounds and there's this high pitched sound in the loop which drove me crazy, got a headache after 5 mins of flying.

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Just to let you knw running my settings on full as i do [ new quad core :P ] anyways with all setting on v.high the bug when you look over your left/right shoulder is gone.

But awesome addon biggrin_o.gif

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Think it's right shoulder. As others have said, an afterburner glow/speed boost would be awesome! Cheers!

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1) Performance/Speed : I'll try upping the top speed and the weight a little - this should increase the thrust to weight ratio and help out with the AI landing. I'll look into afterburner scripts.

2) Cockpit 'rear'/ over the shoulder: This is being fixed right now.

3) Size/scale : The model's sized to the same scale as the BIS A-10, but I think the pilot could be moved a little in the resolution lods to make him sit a bit higher.

4) Weapon locking : I can't reproduce the problems with the hand-held AA systems (ie I can lock up the F-16 with the Strela). Also, the CAP version will not lock onto ground targets - this is as designed.

5) Weapon errors : My mistake on the rocket numbers - I'll fix it immediately.

6) Nav lights : Yep, they'll be moved.

7) Self-shading on GBU version : Will be fixed.

8) Engine sounds : These are being worked on. I'll filter the very high frequencies where necessary.

9) Other versions/models : Once I expose the roundel and tailcode selections, international (Norway, Belgium, Spain, etc) versions should be doable. I can't commit to specific F-16I/D/A models at the moment - sorry. However, total reskins should also be easier now that the whole model is mapped to a single texture: RACS and IAF paint jobs are being considered.

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nice job on that , footmunch

im testing a new skin for the F-16


good for marines clans smile_o.gif

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That reskin looks great but keep in mind that the USMC ONLY use that as an aggressor aircraft for OPFOR training and not as a real combat aircraft.

To Footmunch: Thanks buddy, just let me know if you need textures or pictures of IAF aircraft.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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this plane is great, and the first addon fighter in ArmA smile_o.gif

could you give some hints on what´s your next project Footmunch?

and whats your ambitions?

is it to re release all planes you made for OFP or is it totally new projects with some "best of" from OFP?

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Don't know if this has been mentioned, but will the next version(s) have a joystick modelled? Unsure how difficult this is to do, but i'd prefer a simple grey stick to nothing at all.

Giving this plane a lot of use, thanks again!

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Very nice aircraft! some things i discovered was that there was no joystick in the cockpit and that it turns very slowly.

Some sugestions would be to add a flame fx that you had on other addons that was pretty cool, and maybe a AA missile alert and flares / chaffs thingy with a 50/50 chance of missing or hitting the f-16.

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Great work!

The one thing I'm wondering about is, is it possible to make a script for rearming a single aircraft with different weapons (think Falcon 4.0) instead of 3 versions each set up differently?

I really hope this one takes off in multilayer. Can you say F-16olution?

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DUDE YA SO GOT TO make a version of the Viper. <some pilots call it that instead of the falcon>

For the Royal Sahrani Air Force. heck maybe some Nato reskins.

other then that a amazing job JOB biggrin_o.gif

LOoking forward to F15s and F22s HECK throw in the good old F4 an awacs for kicks

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3. When using autoland the AI aircraft lands short of the runway runway and also when use the Landat command at pariso (i asked a mate who is an addon maker as well what could be the cause of this, he did suggest that you might want to have looka the centre of gravity of the model)

No, bit more complicated than that.

Thanks for Footmunch Friday guys !!

Lovely work!

Love the way the missiles drop away and then fire smile_o.gif

If it hasn't already been mentioned, canopy glass needs to be moved to top so you don't end up being an x-ray viewer.

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Quote[/b] ]4) Weapon locking : I can't reproduce the problems with the hand-held AA systems (ie I can lock up the F-16 with the Strela). Also, the CAP version will not lock onto ground targets - this is as designed.

it's arma config bug. AA system got low maxLeadSpeed value and thus do not attack fast air targets. And i can't make ai f-16 unit attack air targets with AA missile. maybe for the same reason

I'm using Arma Effects mod. When i fire GAU gun i have huge wierd smoke trail. i wonder if you can inherit from different class or smth...

Acceleration seems to be a bit slow, but how can it be fixed ? More mass like for choppers ? or acceleration in cfgVEhicles works ?

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