mr.g-c 6 Posted December 29, 2007 As i heard, the final non-beta release could be the last Patch for Arma, i thought we could start this thread and suggest some minor tweaks/changes based on the actual 1.09 beta, to be incorporated into the final patch. Please make it as clear and ordered (numbering) as possible so the developers have a easy and clean overview. Suggestion-List: 1. You have already tweaked the M136(AT4) to be more realistic and more like it is in real-life in 1.09beta, exept of the following little tweaks to make it even better: Remove the Smoke-Trail of projectile and alter the sound a bit (just remove the "pfff-sound" from the projectile) and we will have an nearly perfect realistic M136(AT4) 2. Add some radio-noise and distortions to VoIP when you hear speeches from Global and Team-chat. For example the same background noises,as when your team-leader gives you orders or when the famous "Papabear" from the Missions gives you orders. For Direct and vehicle chat it is of course realistic without such radio-noise and distortions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxbbcc 6 Posted December 29, 2007 1. Tweak AI hearing to be between the earlier pinpoint hearing and the current (beta) deafness. 2. Tweak SVD Dragunov loading time - currently it's too slow. 3. Tweak NVG reaction to light sources: it blacks out too easily. 4. Tweak tree LODs - what we have now looks bad and is constantly morphing, even after minimal movements. 5. Fix bikes: they can be shot up (3-4 shots) so that the looks changes to the destroyed texture but it can still be used. It takes a few more shots to actually destroy it. 6. SPR has no muzzle flash when not looking through the optics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heavy Metal 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Fix the Vista 3GB memory limitation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opteryx 1562 Posted December 29, 2007 Ability to turn spec/norm maps off in Graphic options!!! This would be awesome. -edit- This would be only relevant to objects of course, NOT terrain, just to clarify. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted December 29, 2007 I would say tweak the Stryker, so that transportMaxMagazines is set to 100 (same as M113) and transportMaxWeapons is set to 20. These entries are missing for the Stryker, making it inherit the values from the Car class, which is 50/10 I believe. Currently, you can't carry much in the Stryker, making it quite useless from a mission designers point of view. Replacing inventory fills up the ground instead of the Stryker because of its very low carrying capabilities. I do not know what would be realistic values, but I think a Stryker would be able to carry some Javelin rockets as well as some extra ammunition for the units. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Money 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Bradley M2A2 to match the East BMP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blazen 0 Posted December 29, 2007 I have a few suggestions. 1. In the 1.09 beta the SVD was turned into a single shot weapon, IT IS NOT! 2. The Stryker should be able to take two RPG's but should be disabled on the first hit, possibly killing some crew. 3. I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of back blast from weapons like RPG's M136. 4. It was so much easier to drive vehicals like cars and trucks like in OFP. Why did BI take out all of the good things OFP brought to the game and replace it with !@#!. There's alot of good things that ArmA brought to the game, however in order to make somthing better you don't add what the good things the game needs and take away all the good things the game already has. Fix the driving in ArmA. It should be fluent and easy like it was in OFP! 5. Ahh to H@!! with the final patch there's so many things this game needs to ever be as good as OFP was..... lets just wait for OFP 2 Sorry for the double post but I have one more thing that should be detrimental to a final patch. Trees don't stop a 70 ton tank dead in it's tracks like they do in ArmA. Hell for that matter small trees don't stop a Hummer going no more than 20 mph, so how are they gonna stop an M1A1 going any speed? Sorry for the triple post lol. There's so many things this game is missing I could go on all day. Here's a few more things I thought of in the past 2 mins or so. There's no women civs in ArmA. Why? There's no police in ArmA. Why, there's a police vehical? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted December 29, 2007 1 - Who (of importance) suggested it was the last patch coming? 2 - How is this thread seriously going to catch the "needed" fixes vs the bug reporting systems and even the 1.09 feedback or patch threads? ...... hence the the "new content" requests now appearing here ! ffs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted December 29, 2007 I thought about starting a thread like this but i predicted it would turn into one giant and unreasonable wish list. There are small things that wouldnt be hard to fix: [*]In the editor under groups the blufor mechanised squad uses a stryker ATGM (wich doesnt have back seats). [*]In the editor under groups the RACS mechanised squad uses a blufor M113 (uh)? [*]A.i. controled helicopters hover too high, if you give an a.i. controled helicopter a transport unload waypoint the disembarking soldiers will take injury from falling of the helicopter . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juan 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Sorry for the double post but I have one more thing that should be detrimental to a final patch. Trees don't stop a 70 ton tank dead in it's tracks like they do in ArmA. Hell for that matter small trees don't stop a Hummer going no more than 20 mph, so how are they gonna stop an M1A1 going any speed? I second that. Also, I noticed that in single player I never been able to have the sights working in the stryker, but I do in MP, extrange. Also, I noticed the other day that if you are the gunner in a UAZ and change from gunner to driver, and then from driver to gunner, there is no more sights there to be used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Also, I noticed that in single player I never been able to have the sights working in the stryker, but I do in MP, extrange.Also, I noticed the other day that if you are the gunner in a UAZ and change from gunner to driver, and then from driver to gunner, there is no more sights there to be used. Cant replicate .. V brings my sights up all the time. If you want to provide reliable bug reports be sure to run the game without any mods? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted December 30, 2007 Gnat @ Dec. 30 2007,00:42)]1 - Who (of importance) suggested it was the last patch coming?2 - How is this thread seriously going to catch the "needed" fixes vs the bug reporting systems and even the 1.09 feedback or patch threads? ...... hence the the "new content" requests now appearing here ! ffs 1 - i heard that in many Forums and i also think to remeber it was here by any official, but that shouldn't be the topic here now please, ok? 2 - you can't be sure that it will, but i hope the community only post minor changes/improvements over current content of 1.09... What BIS think is "important" and incorporates later is their choice... So again: No new content suggestions please! - only "minor" improvements/changes/tweaks.... Also double-and triple check if the issues you want to "tweak" appear WITHOUT any other mods running! This is very important! Regards, Christian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smellyjelly 0 Posted December 30, 2007 The biggest issue with Arma, in my opinion, is that the vehicles are blow up too commonly. Gunshots and water should never blow up a vehicle, just disable it. It'd be nice if helicopters wouldn't explode everytime they crash too, so we have a small chance of survival. I'm not expecting for that to get fixed, but I thought I'd bring it up, as I personally find it annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted December 30, 2007 Blazen there is an edit button, use it please rather than triple posting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted December 30, 2007 ~ Fix the comand option not working in the BMP-2 commander position (very old bug) ~ Remove the BMP-2 barrel from the optics vision. It's block the lower half. ~ Give the player the option to holster a handgun... like A.I. can do it since 1.0 ~ Prevent vehicle explosion just because they are stuck in the water. ~ REDUCE the AA and MANDPADS missiles manouverability to a degree that makes missile evasion at beam and high speed at least a possibility. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrj-fin 0 Posted December 30, 2007 -Ability to walk inside moving vehicles "aircraft carriers"(GEO lod issue) -Free mouse control on vehicles and commanding cursor -interiors in tanks (quality doesnt matter) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted December 30, 2007 1 - i heard that in many Forums and i also think to remeber it was here by any official, but that shouldn't be the topic here now please, ok? What !! "shouldn't be the topic" ?! But thats the whole pretence you used to open this thread ..... instead of everyone using the normal places to have their say. But surprise surprise, its turned into a general wish list. Fine then ...... - Aircraft suspension working correctly on raised (ie Carrier) RoadWay LODs. - All-Axis fine control of the camera (camera.sqs) using either mouse or 4 axis joysticks. (Well, at least up-down / left-right) - GEO and RoadWay LOD to be allowed beyond 64 meters (want 150m) - Config/model control over the water spray points on boats/ships - Config/model control over underwater view (ie remove fog for subs) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted December 30, 2007 Gnat @ Dec. 30 2007,13:35)]1 - i heard that in many Forums and i also think to remeber it was here by any official, but that shouldn't be the topic here now please, ok? What !! "shouldn't be the topic" ?! But thats the whole pretence you used to open this thread ..... instead of everyone using the normal places to have their say. Gnat man, i don't want to "fight" with you about it. Again its not the topic of this forums-thread, but as far as i remember Placebo told something like this: "There will be some beta patches (ie. 1.09 beta 1.10 beta 1.11 beta and so on), until its more or less perfect and bug-free -> then it will be released as the one FINAL PATCH. "Sorry Placebo if i don't repeat it correctly" So this Thread has the topic suggest those minor improvements/tweaks/changes to be incorporated into the FINAL PATCH No matter if it will be called 1.10 ,1.11, 1.12 or 1.35 Did you understand it now? Best Regards, Christian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icehollow 0 Posted December 30, 2007 - THE BLOODY SOUNDBUG WHERE YOU CAN'T HEAR OTHER PLAYERS FIRING. (And I know this wasn't just me since 6thsense biki lists it as a proper bug that was supposed to be fixed by a patch) - ladder bug - keep new recoil system however make the actual recoil higher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted December 30, 2007 icehollow if you use 6thSense mod then it's known issue (stereo sounds) in older version of 6thS mod (should be fixed in 1.12) or You speak about 'CLEAN' pure Arma install (no addon no sound mod or else) ? ladder bug ? that should be fixed since 1.08 hotfix and it's in 1.09beta maybe we need AMD.ATI specific compiled shaders too lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoRailgunner 0 Posted December 30, 2007 1. fix all bugs (beta1.09 sahrani has again those spikes Some graphic bugs) 2. free/name (unique) all objects/stuff in editor 3. bring more realism to the game, there enough "hollywood" shooter(& series) on the market 4. wheather conditions (storm, blizzard etc.) with more affect at units, landscape, sea -maybe as ArmAII pretest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted December 30, 2007 1. fix all bugs (beta1.09 sahrani has again those spikes Some graphic bugs) Ohh Yes! I have this graphical issues again in 1.09 - they were totally gone in 1.08 for me, but i had them also before 1.08 Dunno what BIS have changed, but in 1.08 it was "better" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
december 0 Posted December 30, 2007 I am sure someone said it but, fix the bikes, again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icehollow 0 Posted December 30, 2007 icehollow if you use 6thSense mod then it's known issue (stereo sounds) in older version of 6thS mod (should be fixed in 1.12)or You speak about 'CLEAN' pure Arma install (no addon no sound mod or else) ? ladder bug ? that should be fixed since 1.08 hotfix and it's in 1.09beta maybe we need AMD.ATI specific compiled shaders too lol Well the only sixth sense mods I have are the editor update and a weapon pack, neither of which I see how they could affect the general sound. EDIT: Also the sixth sense pack 1, which includes six_CRDS.pbo (blood mod) , six_editorupdate.pbo , six_tracers.pbo , six_markers.pbo . By ladder bug, I mean in some buildings you can climb up the ladder, and you will be stuck at top, so when you climb down you may clip through a wall and be stuck there too, the only way out of it is to use the "drop from ladder" action. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted December 30, 2007 Gnat @ Dec. 30 2007,13:35)]1 - i heard that in many Forums and i also think to remeber it was here by any official, but that shouldn't be the topic here now please, ok? What !! "shouldn't be the topic" ?! But thats the whole pretence you used to open this thread ..... instead of everyone using the normal places to have their say. Gnat man, i don't want to "fight" with you about it. Again its not the topic of this forums-thread, but as far as i remember Placebo told something like this: "There will be some beta patches (ie. 1.09 beta 1.10 beta 1.11 beta and so on), until its more or less perfect and bug-free -> then it will be released as the one FINAL PATCH. "Sorry Placebo if i don't repeat it correctly" So this Thread has the topic suggest those minor improvements/tweaks/changes to be incorporated into the FINAL PATCH No matter if it will be called 1.10 ,1.11, 1.12 or 1.35 Did you understand it now? Best Regards, Christian You do know that "final" simply means the non-beta version of the pacth right? This is exactly the same knee-jerk "zomg BIS doesnt love us so isnt making any more patches" reaction as after 1.05 final and 1.08 final were announced And how is this thread any different or needed over the other 2 1.09 feedback threads? Its not more organised, its not more sensible, and its just turning into another "zomg do want!" wishlist thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites