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FFAMM v1.3

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Fromz's Feeling ArmA Melioration Mod v1.3 (Update to perfected version)


by: Fromz, Sickboy, Maddmatt

[email protected]

This mod is a meliorate modification for the military combat simulation game Armed Assault, Released start Version 1.3.

For see the effects of this mod, download the sightworthy arma movie <ArmA: FFAMM1.3> created by fromz.

FFAMM1.3 Movie - Youtube

Thanks cervomix and ofpdeadeye

FFAMM1.3 Movie - Chinese webside

Downlaod Hi res video - 58MB here or there

Download FFAMM1.3 Perfected Version -11,9 MB (Thanks Foxhound and armaholic.com)

Download FFAMM1.3 Perfected Version - 11,9 MB(Thanks ofpdeadeye and ArmedAssault.info)

Download FFAMM1.3 - 11,6 MB (Thanks jammydodger and armed-assault-zone)

Download FFAMM1.3 - 11,6 MB (Thanks Stavanger and Combat-Prison.net)

Other Mirrors HERE or HERE (rapidshare)



This mod gather and edit acoustical effect all based on real weapons' sounds, and rework in sound configs. Namely Fromz Sounds;

Based on “SIX_Tracers†by Sickboy (sb_at_6thSense.eu), rework the scrips, models and textures, meliorate on bullet  tracers effect;

Based on “Matt_ArmAEffects†by Maddmatt, amend a little of the mod's effect elements, such as  textures and particles;

About the "Fromz Sounds", If you need re-develop, please notice the author.

About the "SIX_Tracers" and "Matt_ArmAEffects", copyright and work harvest belong to Sickboy and Maddmatt, If the authors

has any objection, Plaese contact [email protected], I will dispose that as soon as possibile.If the users of FFAMM1.3 don't like the rework

verion of SIX_Tracers and Matt_ArmAEffects, please download the original verions, and delete the .pbo files in ffamm addons folder.



1. Transcribed real weapon sounds, improved sound configs, polished mod files, Nothing tamper with original game;

2. Impactful bullet  tracers effect;

3. Toned up exploder effect;

4. All the mods dispense with any other files, You can edit your missions with FFAMM, and don't worry about the compatibility;

5. Test under ArmA 1.08, support ArmA:Queen's Gambit.

6. For FFAMM1.3P, Just unrar the files to ArmA folder.



1. Run the install application: FFAMM_ins.exe, browse to your own ArmA directory, OK;

2. If you want to use other ArmA MODs, for example Queen’s Gambit, you can writed down "-mod=DBE1;@FFAMM" in your link;

3. For uninstall just simplely delete the @FFAMM folder, or delete the elements you don't want.

NEWS & UPDATE (Oct.23,2007):


*AK74,AKS74PSO,SVD,M4SPR,M16A4 series,M107,M203Muzzle,GP25Muzzle & M203Muzzle explode sounds are perfected;

*The Tracers' bugs with Extended Init Event Handler mods and New Rain Effect are fixed;

*Volume issues like bullets hitting vehicles is fixed;

Download "FFAMMV1.3P" OR you can wait the the future formal version "FFAMM1.4"(Recommended)

Maybe I will added some AI improvements at Version 1.4(Maybe)


Zhuozhou, China

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that upload site for your video is not working right for me.. can you not upload it to standard youtube.com please :P or a direct download link ..



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Wow...excellent Movie thumbs-up.gif Try out now this mod

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Nice movie, it's from "Over There", right?

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

Yeah, that's from the first episode if I'm not mistaken.

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Any more mirrors for this? The d/l is so slow it won't actually start crazy_o.gif

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I can't see/find the movie. sad_o.gif I go to the page and see a bunch of huh.gif's lol. Tried the site both in firefox and ie7--no go. hopefully a youtube video will be up soon. crazy_o.gif

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I can't see/find the movie. sad_o.gif I go to the page and see a bunch of huh.gif's lol. Tried the site both in firefox and ie7--no go. hopefully a youtube video will be up soon.  crazy_o.gif

I can't visit the youtube now, Maybe i am in China.

When i can visit i will upload the movie on there. or someone can give me another online video side?

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I beleive YouTube is blocked in China. I'm sure Armed-Assault.net, ArmedAssault.info, Ofpmm.info or others might help you upload it on YouTube or Google.

PS: What music is used on the movie?

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Hopefully one of them can help, because I'm just dying to see that video. tounge2.gif

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Very kool video!

Downlaoding the mod now.

Sounds, from the video, sound extremely boner!


Whered you get those voices? are those custom? :0


NVM, saw the ned of video!

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I beleive YouTube is blocked in China. I'm sure Armed-Assault.net, ArmedAssault.info, Ofpmm.info or others might help you upload it on YouTube or Google.

PS: What music is used on the movie?

Yes, I am sure youtube have been blocked start at 17th, October.So I cann't upload the video to youtube, Sorry.

The music is from "OverThere", I have no mind of its name.

"Whered you get those voices? are those custom? "

I record the voices from movie and edit them, then i use wav2lip edit in ArmA, One by One, The time is the key.

"the video is excellent ! "

Thank you, Hope you like it~ wink_o.gif

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Hmm, something must have gotten wrong with the video upload. YouTube version is 3:18, but the one at

YouKu.com is 6:16.

Doesn't matter that much, looks great smile_o.gif

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Hmm, something must have gotten wrong with the video upload. YouTube version is 3:18, but the one at

YouKu.com is 6:16.

Doesn't matter that much, looks great smile_o.gif

Youtube must done gotten sth wrong then. I'll try to fix it...sry for the inconvenience crazy_o.gif

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tried to add the pbo´s and hpp´s into my addon folder and getting the message "Include file @FFAMM/Addons/SIX_Misc.hpp. Its in my addon folder, does it have to be named FFAMM?

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damn, video is really beautifull, nvgoogle anim could be great, weapon sounds rocks

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Nice and good video ,but M4/SPR sounds sux ,becuse those are from old jam ofp addon and are unreal lol  biggrin_o.gif

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Some new things what i spotted in long version :

- Those AK sounds are totally wrong

- SVD sound , svd don't have bolt action crazy_o.gif

That's all what i seen right now tounge2.gif

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Yep awful AK sounds is the first thing i noticed in the mod) The M4/M16 are OK though.

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