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Sand Flea

Influx of Bad Gamers?

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Is it just me, or has anyone else felt recently that the gameplay in ArmA went down? I feel like there are many more jackasses and BF2 losers playing now than ever. Evolution doesn't feel fun to me anymore because I can't find a server where people get along. I have a 3/4 record this past week for servers turning into a TK/Cheatfest. And there are a ton of servers that keep dumbing things down and editing perfectly good missions so everyone gets a G36 and a Javelin. That just doesn't do it for me.

Anyone know of a good server where people still play Armed Assault and not Verbal Assault?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
  (Sand Flea @ Aug. 11 2007,00:33) said:
Anyone know of a good server where people still play Armed Assault and not Verbal Assault?

VCB Public. We operate a "Zero Tolerence policy". Act like a twat and you're gone! smile_o.gif

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KaRRiLLioN's Server. (IP in sig).

Also a ZERO tolerance policy.

If any one of the following are done ONCE it is PERMA-BAN:

1. Intentional TK's

2. Cheating.

3. Hacking/Illegal Game Copies.

As long as a registered admin is logged in. I'm on there at least a little while everyday. I've been strict to the point where it's funny to go into other servers and see all the people playing there that I just banned. It's great fun.

The only issue with the server: The RTS server hogs. The server has been for over 5-6 years a CTF/Coop/DM/C&H variety server...but since there isn't any of those map type fans in Karrs server we hardly play the good stuff. Average is 1-3 bans per day. I do not ban if the evidence is not circumstantial though. It has to be proven one way or another.

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Is it just me, or has anyone else felt recently that the gameplay in ArmA went down? I feel like there are many more jackasses and BF2 losers playing now than ever.

With that statement I frag you too!

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  (RockofSL @ Aug. 11 2007,02:22) said:
  (Sand Flea @ Aug. 11 2007,00:33) said:
Anyone know of a good server where people still play Armed Assault and not Verbal Assault?

VCB Public.  We operate a "Zero Tolerence policy". Act like a twat and you're gone!  smile_o.gif

Indeed. This isn't even the usual 'no-tolerance' policy either.

Too many servers get bogged down in the 'has this person done enough to be banned' bureaucracy.

Has quite a good success rate I might add.

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Just came off a game with again some idiot cheating. Brought up some story about bo or something like that. Seriously needs something doing about the number of twats wreaking this great game!

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Evo Maps - Personelly i dont like the maps, but thats not the discussion.

Its probely the no.1 Hacker loved map, because the mass of people hide them confused_o.gif

No one works together ( BF2 Jackasses / CS Kiddies )

They just rush to a car or whatever and drive away usually hitting you on the way crazy_o.gif

The only way to play the game as ive stressed, is with a group of friends. or a server like KaRRiLLioN's.

My advice, make friends with the forum / OFP vets. You can always trust them to have a good clean fun game wink_o.gifpistols.gif

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every game has it's idiots. kick and ban them as they come along.

88th Blue Devils Server is normally a safe bet.

cheat = banned

TK = kick off

TK again = banned

currently have a "moron list" posted on the 88th forums.

feel free to add someone if you have proof pistols.gif

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Cheating seems to be a hell of a lot more common in Arma! Especially as we have these muppets churning out cheats and actually using it as some form of online gaming! Was reading their forums recently and they actually think cheating in game ladders is not right, but spoiling peoples normal game is perfectly fine.... Maybe its time to find out where they play and start ruining their games biggrin_o.gif

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I have to agree Arma now is just worse then BF2 the way players act ill spend half my gaming time telling people to stop moaning and whining and accusing and just play the game. Seriously i think more people spend their life typing in bad sh$$t about what they hate about Arma on servers rather then actually play the damn game.

Then you have the problem of Tker's. Dear god they drive us insane when me and my mates are on our server 3/10 of the people that come in have to be kicked for TK'ing. Its just so stupid and there doesnt seem to be a end to it.

Until someone releases a mod which enhances players brains from a whining 9 year old to a mature gamer Arma will just be slated again and again and again

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I was just playing on a server today... evolution... And I was taking off in a UH-60 and this TK'er shot the tail rotor with an M136 and we spun out and crashed. And then I got blamed for all the TK's since nobody really knew what happened. And then I was banned. Hooray! Some German server so I don't care to much.

It is annoying, because evolution is volumes better than the Beserk bs where everyone is just a leetpwningsniper with a javelin, but it always attracts the most TK'ers. I think they just do it out of frustration with not being able to play the game.

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  (Celery @ Aug. 11 2007,02:11) said:
The MCY Gay Bar is always gay.

QFT, i always have a laugh there.

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Yeah MCY Gaybar is the place to go if your looking for a laugh but is it me or has it been down a few weeks

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Was playing last night on the Lafayette Federation server and we (myself and a follow 31st MEU member) were in Bagongo clearing it out, got in a fire fight with four or five AI (SLA), after we killed them we waited to see if there was anymore running around in that area and lo-and-behold someone ran along a fence about 50-75m from where we engaged those AI at and starts shooting at us. So we return fire, kill the guy, who turns out to be a friendly and my unit member is then BANNED for the TK (immediately) without being able to apologize or say what happened and then as I'm in the middle of typing out what happened and asking why he was banned. I got banned as well, for returning fire (but not getting a TK). I suggest everyone steers clear of that retard infested server.

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I hope that the servers that Ban for TK have Humans doing

the Banning.

Can a script tell that the 12 players that died, were shot down by a Shilka? and that the server or player suffered a Lag spike?

Dont get me wrong I say BAN their ARSE! but how often has the above happened?

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Happens every day really. You ll end up TKing some one no purposely if you share a vehicle and it goes to damage one and blows itself up your blamed for the deaths

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There seems to be a major difference between Arma and some more mainstream games, in my opinion, in relation to which servers are ok to go on.

On CS:S, for example, you can safely assume that a large amount of servers will be ok to go on, especially the ones that have a large population. Similar story with BF2, and others.

It's a sorry state of affairs when you find a game like Arma is sufficiently riddled with cheaters, teamkillers and griefers that your best bet is to find a single 'safe' server and spend all of your time playing there. Apart from the two VCB servers and the 88th server, I haven't been on any others, and from what we've seen on here - I'm not sure there is anything to gain by doing so.

This game insists on shooting itself in the foot sometimes.

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I'd like to qualify the statement "there's an influx of bad gamers".

I only play coop, and my point here is not to bash all other styles of gameplay: to everyone their fun.

I simply would like to say that everytime I've played true coop missions, either on my server (left public) or on a few public ones, the people I've played with have turned out to be communicative and constructive as a whole. Not once have I been bothered to the extent of having to kick off, let alone ban, anyone.

This reply is really to state that there are great gamers out there. Off the top of my mind, Frog [sAS], Braddock, excalibur, DanCan, John Kennedy, Rick [Fr], Tricky, etc. are among the folks I don't know and have had brilliant fun with.

There are several threads on cheaters, and on how the MP ArmA community is doomed to die, etc. I don't agree. My experience so far has been truly fantastic. Was I lucky? I don't know, and it doesn't change anything. I've had a great time.

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  (StevoIRL @ Aug. 12 2007,23:57) said:
Yeah MCY Gaybar is the place to go if your looking for a laugh but is it me or has it been down a few weeks

its not down. wink_o.gif

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the fact is theres annoying cocks on every server, its life. the cheats are just going to get worse any time now. they got there OFP cheats finally converted to Arma, what a bucnh of losers they are... rofl.gif

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I totally agree with Igor. But I think it's a little bit like bugs. Search and thou shall find. I usually get as much teamplay as I give. I play most of my coop games on public servers and it's alway with great joy, I discover how many really are willing to work as a team. Grifers are only as disruptive as you allow them to be. However I do avoid Bezerker and Evo mission.

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