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Chammys Sound Mod

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Ok, now tested and must say awsome work Chammy.

It brings new athmosphere to ArmA. smile_o.gif

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sounds of rifles/rpg's are way too quiet imo (i'm used to modwarsound) so would be great if these could be upped.

other than that, nice work.


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when i first tried the mod I opened up the editor and placed ammobox and tested all the sounds, and wasnt very impressed.

But then I went to evolution server, and we had a battle at caoy, and WOW , the firefight sounded awesome!!ak firefing, and explosions, and stuff, I nearly crapped my pants tounge2.giftounge2.giftounge2.gif

but yeah m4/m16 and saw sounds need to be fixed....

AT4 is perfect right now.

Dunno if its me or arma bug, but the same thing happened in FDF too. U could hear bullets wizzling past ur head and ricoheting off the ground, but no1 was shooting at me anywhere near crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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In real life someone who is shooting a weapon hear for a short time the shot with more than 180 dB(A) [soundlevel-peak]. (Sound-level-peak of silenced-weapon about 130 dB(A)).

Of course you cant realise this dB's with a sound-card (max 90 dB(A)?) but you have to try to come near the real sound-heaviness. And thats missing in the mod.

But i know if you do so probably the fantastic distance-sounds are also changed. But i dont know the details. Maybe there is a way to accommodate the two things or maybe not.

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when i first tried the mod I opened up the editor and placed ammobox and tested all the sounds, and wasnt very impressed.

But then I went to evolution server, and we had a battle at caoy, and WOW , the firefight sounded awesome!!ak firefing, and explosions, and stuff, I nearly crapped my pants tounge2.giftounge2.giftounge2.gif

but yeah m4/m16 and saw sounds need to be fixed....

AT4 is perfect right now.

Dunno if its me or arma bug, but the same thing happened in FDF too. U could hear bullets wizzling past ur head and ricoheting off the ground, but no1 was shooting at me anywhere near crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

Yeah, I think thats the great thing about this mod, its designed to sound good in battle and not just standing some where on your own with all the weapons crates popping off rounds, which is exactly what I also did to test it out biggrin_o.gif. But later I played some Evo' with headphones on and it really is quite amazing. Explosions are probably my favorite, so much better than default. Good work Chammy and thanks for letting us beta test wink_o.gif

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What needs to be fixed:

- M134 Miniguns need to be a little quieter, they're ****ing loud as hell.

- M16/M4 sounds, just not that great of a sound

- AKs defiantly need a new sound

- M203 needs some more "umpphh" to it, make about as loud (if not louder) as the GP25

- Smoke grenades need some kind of sound, make 'em hiss...

- Flares (40mm) need to pop when they light up. And need to sizzle while they're lit.

- AGM-65 Mavericks need to sound different then FFARs

- AIM-9 Sidewinders need to sound different then FFARs

- M134 Miniguns (@ 4,000 RPM) need to sound more like it at 2,000 RPM just faster. Not two completely different sounds.

- M2 Browning need a deeper sound.

- Ground Vehicle Weapons (M1A1/T72/BMP/BRDM/Stryker) all need to have louder sounds.

What sounds great:

- Grenade sounds

- M249/M240/PK

- GP25 Grenade Launcher

- AT4/RPG-7


- Overall Ambiance

- Fantastic Firefights

All in all, keep up the great work, I love the sounds and once you release a more final version, it will one of the required addons for the 31st.

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Luv the mod Chammy! Thanx alot for all the time and effort youve put into it! smile_o.gif


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I must admit thought it sounded great,but some didnt?

Then i realised had FDF on too and was conflicting! rofl.gif

All in all damn good!

Room for improvement as above posts say!

Just glad i've got the beta! notworthy.gif

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Just feel the need to say that the zips and cracks as the rounds go over or near you is fucking awesome!

Me n CK were on top of a hill with BMPs, BDRMs , snipers an all sorts of shit shootin at us, and it sounded fucking awesome. It was totally brilliant. THANK YOU CHAMMY!

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Ya, a few things to modify but overall, firefights have never sounded so good.

This one stays on my HD. thumbs-up.gif

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Just feel the need to say that the zips and cracks as the rounds go over or near you is fucking awesome!

Me n CK were on top of a hill with BMPs, BDRMs , snipers an all sorts of shit shootin at us, and it sounded fucking awesome. It was totally brilliant. THANK YOU CHAMMY!

yepp! got to agree!

tested the sounds in editor! very good!

But fooking hell! Get into game and bloody hell-amazing!

Well Bloody Done! xmas_o.gifnotworthy.gifxmas_o.gifnotworthy.gifxmas_o.gif

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This is definetely a very good sound mod !

Firefights do have a very aggressive and frightening aspect.

There is still room for improvement, though, like many have already stated. But overall, considering its only a beta-stage addon, it's already great !

Do you plan on improving other sounds, like vehicles ?


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yes we will, right now we are working on vehicals and other things right now, soon release on em to.

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^Yeah I'm really looking forward to that. smile_o.gif

Gotta love this mod. Firefights are so fu*king intense and awesome! biggrin_o.gifinlove.gif

Anyway I have made a little clip using Chammys Soundmod. smile_o.gif So for those who haven't been able to try this MOD yet, get a preview here:

Watch it here: ArmA - Chammy's Soundmod (on Youtube)

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Ok guys, i'm now releasing alittle more...

These sounds change the screams of ure comrads and i think the enemy, check em out and feedback!


Unpbo Charictars.pbo, data/sound, replace, repbo.

Charictar Screams DL

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Nice one!

Just waiting for damn virus scan to finish then ill have a play

With the character sounds! smile_o.gif

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^Yeah I'm really looking forward to that. smile_o.gif

Gotta love this mod. Firefights are so fu*king intense and awesome! biggrin_o.gifinlove.gif

Anyway I have made a little clip using Chammys Soundmod. smile_o.gif So for those who haven't been able to try this MOD yet, get a preview here:

Watch it here: ArmA - Chammy's Soundmod (on Youtube)

wow_o.gif OMG! My pants are wet now inlove.gif

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Hm did you mean by Charictars.pbo characters.pbo? I dont have Charictars.pbo in my addons map.

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It's sure as hell a good mod if one is far away from the battle. And it isn't bad when close up, either, I quite like it.

However, I do agree when I say the 1st person sounds need more ooomph.

Smashing job though! Please take all of the previous pages' constructive criticism into account before the last version is released. Just lovely. biggrin_o.gif

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I love this soundmod !

Chammy, youre the Man !

Im looking forward to the next Versions they will come !

At last i have a little Question to Chammy

A view weeks ago, I was watching a Video (on Youtube) about the "Chammys Sound Mod ".

It shows an Urban fight and there was much more Ambiance at the surrounding Area .

Is this a feature that will come in one of the next Versions ?

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Someone make Youtube video of the character sounds then? First one to gets a bucket of chicken!

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Excellent soundmod indeed!

Guess I have the same question as (ST6)Predator about the radio traffic sounds during combat...are those sounds implemented in next version?

(hope they are not a ".pbo-file" which must be triggered in editor...)

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