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Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

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Sorry froggyluv, I really don't want or like to argue with you, but I think you'll never get it that the 'shouting out' that "all of this should have already been included" is a very positive criticism and it's oposite to 'giving it up' or 'to make a peace with it' or 'to go with the flow'.

And seriously, I wish this patch will solve many things in the game 'which laready should be fixed in the original'. wink_o.gif

FACT: It wasn't.  How will whining about it help it? Just be thankful you have the option of patches.

We all know that's how stuff goes with OFP/ ArmA- it's been like this since OFP first came out. If you don't like BIS' way of doing things, you know what you can do I'm afraid.. As I said, just be thankful it's possible for it to be fixed!

No, I'm just thankful that I have your attention and I'm really like over the moon because of it. Not really, so (be) go(ne) and pest some one else with your ingenious remarks.

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Quote[/b] ]As I said, just be thankful it's possible for it to be fixed!

Just being objective again but why would it not be possible to be fixed?, it was relesead early because of budget restraints and for all intents and purposes it's still under development, what i think is behind alot of the troubles is that people were not aware of this when purchasing the game. (yes we know they shouldn't advertise it as a beta because no none would buy it, but do not expect people not familiar with BIS, and OFP to like that)

It is true any other product would not be able to be sold in this state, ie a music CD with missing or uncomplete tracks etc.

I am lucky in that i played OFP and also did a little research before i bought the game so i knew it was a work in progress, does this make the situation right...no but it's all down to whether you can accept the current state or not, BIS are not the best developers or company but they are showing some passion and dedication to their work so nothing can be done but wait for more patches and watch the games development, again this is just whether individualy you can accept that with a game or not, for now i can but as i have said before i think there needs to be a surprise or two in the next few patches (mainly in the AI department) to keep everyone happily playing and enjoying their product rather than hanging around the forums waiting to defend it or attack it.

ArmA is not the best game on the market but for the genre it's the only game there is really, so if we want it better we will just have to wait.

All the best smile_o.gif

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as i already stated (and sadly turn truth) this kind of thing would just fuel another BBQ party confused_o.gif

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I started this thread yesterday, and the usual trolls have already turned it into 9 pages of useless bullshit.

Do you not see that there are already threads to complain or praise ArmA, or to troubleshoot your problems? Do you have to turn every thread into a stupid and pointless argument? Do you realise that the rest of us don't enjoy reading your crap?

This was for discussing the patch, just because there isn't much to discuss doesn't mean you should spam it with your non relevant junk.

I'm not just referring to one person. You can figure out for yourself whether this relates to you or not.

I just skimmed through this whole thread, and I found nothing that was actually worth the time spent reading it.

I wasted my time starting this thread confused_o.gif

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Lunatic @ June 02 2007,18:14)]I'm sorry to say this is obviously what people now expect when a new game is released. What a sad state of affairs for the gaming community. You can now pay 40 quid TO BE A BETA tester for buggy software!

If BI weren't releasing patches (such as this one with 500 fixes in it) then yes, I'd agree with you.

But this bitching about "Paying 40 quid to beta test" is just BS. Yes, you paid money for a possibly premature version of the game, but oh what a worse world it would be if BI weren't releasing patches? Then I'd be right there with you on your soapbox pissing and moaning about it.

Since BI are releasing patches which we have some input into I'm not going to complain.

Bring on the patch I say.

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I wasted my time starting this thread confused_o.gif

No, you wasted your time writing the above post. whistle.gif

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Hmm another thread demonstrating the high tensions in the ArmA community, all of which I can understand but hopefully the future will only bring resolutions.

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I wasted my time starting this thread confused_o.gif

No, you wasted your time writing the above post. whistle.gif

Just like everyone else wasted their time posting in and reading this topic.

How can you call this thread worthwhile? The discussion hardly has anything to do with the topic. All the damn trolls want attention, and it actually pisses me off a little.

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I wasted my time starting this thread confused_o.gif

No, you wasted your time writing the above post. whistle.gif

Just like everyone else wasted their time posting in and reading this topic.

How can you call this thread worthwhile? The discussion hardly has anything to do with the topic. All the damn trolls want attention, and it actually pisses me off a little.

Its like having a convo with a brick wall isnt it matt.

At some point you just stop caring. wink_o.gif

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To madmatt my apologies i haven't been here long and sort of got swept up in the argument, i have tried to keep my posts pretty neutral and as no one responds to them i believe they may be to sensible for these forums biggrin_o.gif (only joking will stop looking in the mirror and preening), while i'm here though if someone could look at my posts and tell me if they are suitably either neutral, friendly, constuctive etc will give me some insight into how i conduct myself in the future (ie has anyone got a problem with the tone etc) would be good to know smile_o.gif

And yes on topic am looking forward to the patch, many "interesting" conversations to follow i'm sure smile_o.gif

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At some point you just stop caring. wink_o.gif

But you never stop posting   tounge2.gif .

@Matt, this was innevitable. I appologise for participating in the offtopic discussion, but with little to go on and with the earlier patches only fixing some of the bugs, i suppose there are some whos patience are getting a bit streched.

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Its like having a convo with a brick wall isnt it matt.

At some point you just stop caring. wink_o.gif

Haha so true rofl.gif

If we stopped giving the trolls so much attention then they wouldn't come to destroy every topic whistle.gif

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No worries bro, lets just waitand see what the patch actually delivers rather then speculate.


Sorry dude, I guess i got my panties in a bunch seeing all the negative comments before the patch is even out. Maybe it would have been better to wait and start an impressions thread as waiting always ups the tension

Cheers biggrin_o.gif

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Seems my response had more of an effect than I was expecting.

Anyway I probably went a bit far by saying '9 pages of useless...', since not everything was offtopic. It's just that threads often get taken off topic with barely relevant complaints and people complaining about BIS. Then we got the people comparing ArmA to things like a car without wheels crazy_o.gif How can you compare a game to a car, they don't work in remotely the same way tounge2.gif Then of course it turns into an argument and people call each other whiners and fanboys.

Too many threads have gone this way.

Anyway now all that's left to do is play ArmA and wait for the patch biggrin_o.gif

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i dont care what whiners say personally i just play and enjoy a unqiue experence from a game which is impossible to find elsewhere needless to say "if you dont like it go play another game"

anyway nice job BIS my download manager is on standby for your patch  thumbs-up.gif

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@ Brainless arguing fanboys: I stated before several times: Taking money by suggesting you get something which in the end is not true is cheating. If I would do this to you in another area you would hang me at next tree. But for BI all this is ok.

And BI is so cool that they even state in interviews "k, we needed money so we just released as it is" both this strange Placebo and (2nd hand info) Suma.

Just one thing would have made me silent: After BI faced the fact that they can't get it ready in time (which means they do not understand their business) they could have decideded to release it as a demo instead of cash what they have. They could get the cash for 6-12 months from somewhere else as any other company has to do it, even from shareholders (if you decide to turn your company that way).

But suggesting that, being in trouble, justifies cheating thousands of customers is almost criminal, and froggy, scrub, Balschow and all the other fanboys sharing this somehow criminal mind set. Strong words, I know, but here is something going really wrong.

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Innocent and Clueless: You keep trying to say that we've been ripped off by BIS. I dont feel at all ripped off, as does 90% of the community, people paid for a game and its great. Sure it has bugs like any other. But you keep trying to portray ArmA as something which is unplayable, which is 100% not the case. Some people have hardware issues but the game itself is not unplayable.

I think you are being far too hard nosed about this whole game. Hundreds of people are playing multiplayer right now. They wouldnt be playing ArmA if it was as bad as you make out. Quit moaning about BIS patching their game, jesus.

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@ Brainless arguing fanboys: I stated before several times: Taking money by suggesting you get something which in the end is not true is cheating. If I would do this to you in another area you would hang me at next tree. But for BI all this is ok.

And BI is so cool that they even state in interviews "k, we needed money so we just released as it is" both this strange Placebo and (2nd hand info) Suma.

Just one thing would have made me silent: After BI faced the fact that they can't get it ready in time (which means they do not understand their business) they could have decideded to release it as a demo instead of cash what they have. They could get the cash for 6-12 months from somewhere else as any other company has to do it, even from shareholders (if you decide to turn your company that way).

But suggesting that, being in trouble, justifies cheating thousands of customers is almost criminal, and froggy, scrub, Balschow and all the other fanboys sharing this somehow criminal mind set. Strong words, I know, but here is something going really wrong.

This is exactly the kind of stuff I am referring to confused_o.gif

May as well just ignore it nener.gif

Quote[/b] ]@ Brainless arguing fanboys
Flaming icon_rolleyes.gif

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Oh, I am not moaning about that they still try to finish the development of ArmA (you used the wrong word patching as I did it several times). I even support this.

Maybe there is something wrong with your game browser, I see more than hundred only in the night. Still less then OFP.

Read my previous post, I wrote that ArmA is somehow playable since 1.05+ but not like OFP. This is because of so many bugs with the standard addons.

Be careful with 100%. I exclude from my considerations the CTDs (I do not have BSODs with 1.07beta2) the remaining bugs left over....

I like that BI tries to solve what they did, I do not like the fanboy mindset that I have to fall on my knees and make into my pants because I should feel lucky to get ANYTHING fixed.

They were cheating, they have to fix it.

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Wow, It's as if BIS is the only one doing this.. Oh wait, EA has done it with BF, NovaLogic has done this with DF2 (remember the one that could not run on most computers?) Gothic 3 can't be run on many configs of the same hardware, like ArmA. Basically, it happens. If you're such a business guru and have such an inside story on what BISs' capacities and options were why did you not.. Wait again.. You don't have any inside info, your just guessing like the rest of us.. Don't claim to know what their options are, as you have no ideas even of the business laws of the Czech republic are.

The options we had were:

1- Possibly no ArmA, BIS goes full tilt into VBS2.

2- BIS releases an unfinished product to get much needed cash and makes good with effort until ArmA is in a finished state. (in progress with 1.08)

Being a 'cup half full' type of achiever that wants the job done (since the options may have been simply it would not be finished) I'd call it a slam dunk for #2. But that's being a positive thinker who appreciates good efforts. Go ahead and say your dismal, downcast, all-knowing retort that evades my counterpoint to drudge up more gunk about BIS from the bottom of that black thing you call a soul.


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Since this thread is already fucked up (many would say because of me);

@Maddmatt - I hope you do not see this my post as trolling (as you see the others of mine here);  It's not nice if the thread starter is behaving like he owns a thread (and anything/everything in it), but if you're like behaving like such, then proove your maturity and also act like such; go ask the moderators to close this -I think you said it yourself- pretty useless and pointless thread.

And just as a side note to that 'trolling thing'; if there would be a 9 pages full of posts similar like "Amazing job" and "yeah juhuuu! a lifesign of the next official patch! juhuuuu!" and "Keep up the good work BI! yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif" and not to go on, that would not bother you one bit, right boss? And I'm not against such a fanboy parties, not at all, have a blast, what do I care about it, I'm just pointing out the double standards which are symtomatical for the fanboys, if you catch my drift.  wink_o.gif

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Nice try I&C naggin or u only want to hijack this thread?

Don't get the blueprint from ArmA or an codebook from BIS yet rofl.gif

Can u read headline of this thread - only 4 u again:

Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

Pls make your own thread like

"how to get rich with computer games" or sth. else wink_o.gif

So back 2 topic

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Scrub, you ignore option 3:

Release that what hit me as 1.00 as a demo, and bring that 1.05+ as the first release (would have been still strange).

And we old farts could finance BI devs by annual fees.

For me it makes a difference to get for 42€ a ruin sold as working game or someone telling me honestly that he needs money and asks for a customer credit.

BTW I asked, is 2166 fixed? If not bye bye crCTI and many other missions

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@Maddmatt - I hope you do not see this my post as trolling (as you see the others of mine here); It's not nice if the thread starter is behaving like he owns a thread (and anything/everything in it), but if you're like behaving like such, then proove your maturity and also act like such; go ask the moderators to close this -I think you said it yourself- pretty useless and pointless thread.

So just because I'm complaining about people going off topic and ruining a thread, I'm behaving as though I own this thread? Is it too much to ask for people not to spam?

Quote[/b] ]

And just as a side note to that 'trolling thing'; if there would be a 9 pages full of posts similar like "Amazing job" and "yeah juhuuu! a lifesign of the next official patch! juhuuuu!" and "Keep up the good work BI! yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif" and not to go on, that would not bother you one bit, right boss? And I'm not against such a fanboy parties, not at all, have a blast, what do I care about it, I'm just pointing out the double standards which are symtomatical for the fanboys, if you catch my drift. wink_o.gif

I never said I wanted that. But at least it wont be hijacking the thread. As it is, the current discussion doesn't have much to do with the topic. Isn't it obvious?

@INNOCENT&CLUELESS: Wrong thread, if you want to complain them please go to the relevant thread. Stop spamming other threads.

If a mod wants to close this thread, then go ahead. I don't care. People like 'INNOCENT&CLUELESS' have spammed and trolled the crap out of it already.

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