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ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

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Ok, the graphics are far far better than OFP but if any of you really think ArmA is leaps and bounds ahead of OFP then your deluding yourselves. And at the end of the day you must think eye candy is what really matters.

Eye candy, gameplay, size, new features, new possibilities...

I thought that by now everyone knew that BIS is not a large developer working under the financial support of a $$'s publisher, and that all was made in a very short time frame... i also thought that everyone understood why the game had to come out early.

Its not like the game is even all that expensive and you even had a demo to try it out before purchasing it.. i am very happy to own this great game and see it being supported like no other game out there. I see years of gameplay value in it and im willing to try every beta patch BIS releases.

If you dont like the game and dont apretiate the work being done to improve it why are you even here confused_o.gif?

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We're agree, but somehow we don't. Noone disputes ArmA isn't OFP and a half. The added half is an optimized engine, not eyecandy. As for the long road, the Deja Vu, that's the way it is with a fresh start, you start all over, but with your experiences, skills and knowledge intact.

When you buy software you better be a little forgiving, because you also buy the bugs. Buying ArmA I knew two things for sure:

1. That OFP needed alot of support.

2. That BiS provided said supported.

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Eye candy, gameplay, size, new features, new possibilities...

New capacities in sheer volume of AI/players, viewdistance, types of vehicles, FPS, Terrain grid size, mission types...

Openness of the FSM models (this will be fun) and new scripting commands.

(just had to add to your list)

Was OFP THAT bad?  With more efficient and capable guts, is OFP ver2.1055143  not such an improvement?  Provided it works on your system.  wink_o.gif

Edit: Dratz, beat me to it Dallas nener.gif

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Well i just played ArmA Beta on my Local hosted Server (arma_server.exe) and DAAAMN what's up!!??

On my map in the Editor i got about 15 - 20 FPS and now on my Local hosted Server i get 30 - 40 FPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

WOW that's just AMAZING!!!!!!

And well 99% of my time i'm working in the Editor or i do some Script's, so i always play in Window Mode but tonight i played in Fullscreen Mode and am i the only noticed that or did someone else notice it...?

The Graphic ( Textures, Effects and so on ) look's daaamn awesome now!!! inlove.gif

Damn it i'm just a little bit confused... Why do i get in the Editor 15 - 20 FPS and on a Locas hosted Server 35 - 40 huh.gif

Anyway this night was the best since i bought ArmA!!!!!!


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I thought that by now everyone knew that BIS is not a large developer working under the financial support of a $$'s publisher, and that all was made in a very short time frame... i also thought that everyone understood why the game had to come out early.

i am very happy to own this great game and see it being supported like no other game out there.

To answer the first part of the quote.

The game was not made in a very short time, it took 2 years and it's basically a more optimized flashpoint, hell even expansions don't take that long to make and come on, Arma is a flashpoint expansion.

The second part of the quote is really answered in your first part.

Why do you think ArmA, like flashpoint is so well supported. It keeps you from chucking it in the bin and thus enables BIS to keep your support for the next game. Also the promise of a new addon or a new feature in the next patch makes you think your getting something for free, when actually you really should of had them in ver 1. I mean come on, it'll be 7 updates before the US release in no more than 5 months. These updates you so like wont come this thick and fast for the next 5 months i can guarantee that.

I can't wait until i finnish work tomorrow, i'll be a little less negative by then.... tounge2.gif

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well let's hope after more armies buy VBS2 ...

then maybe some of the "features" slips down to ArmA too

{hope is the right word}


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I'm not going to be a very happy customer signing 5 years with the Foreing Legion, only to discover they don't do their jungle training in a BiA virtual jungle. wink_o.gif

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Maybe we have already the VBS2 "ingame editor".

I guess it is nothing new to place objects like in crCTI and TB or to remove vehicles and cargo and place it somewhere else (bridgescript to overcome stupid AI).

I guess the value add in VBS2 is then that much more unit info is available for the selected unit(s) and maybe a good GUI to edit it.

But somehow I am sure that someone can rebuild that in ArmA.

I remember the X-cam from OFP times.

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Bought C&C3 finished it in 2 days, played 2 days of MP bored.

Bought rainbow six finsihed it in 1 day played 1 day of buggy MP bored.

Bought Fear and Extraction point Finsihed both in 2 days played 1 day of MP pew pew action bored.

Bought ARMA, fine tuned my PC like a nut 6 weeks later still having fun and play it 90% of the time. I play Mp as thats my bag and everytime I play new things happen, I pull of new stunts or tricks, find new hiding spots etc.

To me ARMA has longevity of games Like WOW or GTA.

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The game was not made in a very short time, it took 2 years and it's basically a more optimized flashpoint, hell even expansions don't take that long to make and come on, Arma is a flashpoint expansion.

Arma is a standalone game using a much improved and optimised dx9 graphics engine, you just choose to disregard Arma's major improvements over OPF.

The gameplay and editing interface is in many ways similar to OPF... thats a rather positive thing if you ask me.

2 years on a project like this is not alot of time if we consider how much was improved and achieved... yes, even graphically. Most game series improve graphically, have you played Doom? ID spent 5 years doing a graphically enhanced DX9 graphics engine... can you call it an expantion? Most other game series improve graphically and become more limited because of the extra candy, Arma on the contrary doesnt just look great but is more capable in every single aspect.

You seemed happy enough playing vbs1 (a rather expensive OPF build with new models and small engine tweaks), i dont know why you have this attitude towards Arma considering how much better it is and for only €30...

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After adjusting the setting of my video card, now I can get stable 30fps. 1.05.5143 is much better than 1.05. Hope BIS can fix more bugs in the next patch.

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Odd patch behaviour or machine but if I use the maxmem=512 statement then I see to get less texture popups and performance appears to be improved (I have 2Gb DDR and 512 X1950Pro) but on some occassions I lose performance and the game runs poorly.

After a reboot before the game I appear to get the best performance, is the game shutdown not clearing the memory correctly ? Is there something taht can 'clean' my ememory on exit ?

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errrrr about the sprocket solution, how do i change arma.exe back to arma.locked?huh.gif the file stay's .exe no matter what I do.

NWM i D/L'ed a little prog that lets u change extensions....

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errrrr about the sprocket solution, how do i change arma.exe back to arma.locked?huh.gif the file stay's .exe no matter what I do.

NWM i D/L'ed a little prog that lets u change extensions....

On explorer select Tools, Folder Options, View, and untick the Hide Extensions for known file types radar.

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Beta Patch Feedback


Quote[/b] ]5137 - Fixed: Increased thrust when hovering stable in VTOL mode.

I guess it's nice now to be able to hover at 0 speed (maybe even climb?) when in VTOL mode... but unfortunately makes descending under VTOL mode EVEN SLOWER... really really slow. I'm a fan of a normal landing anyway but adjusting the minimum thrust to a lower value would be nice. I understand this is for the "keyboard flyers" that want to just hold Q and have it descend gently, but for us real folks with joysticks having to idle the throttle to get a 1 m/s descent is kinda annoying. Haven't tested with joystick yet.

Quote[/b] ]5137 - New: Player can use Eject to disembark the vehicle while leaving engine on.

This works as advertised. Really neat to have a new feature. Unfortunately the AV-8B Harrier crawls forward very slow at idle thrust and engine left on! Maybe leaving the engine on while disabled should mandate minimum thrust (enough so it doesn't move)?

Quote[/b] ]5139 - Fixed: Vehicles did not rearm when no ammo was remaining

Thank you! Awesome!

Quote[/b] ]5143 - New: New config value soundBurst to allow playing sound for each bullet in a burst

Yeah but you didn't change the M16 burst bug. I have 1-2 rounds left in a magazine, fire a 3 round burst and I still hear 3 shots. I guess you are working on it.

Quote[/b] ]5142 - Fixed: Eye adaption was reset when getting in/out of the vehicle (most visible with NVG)

Yes! Another awesome fix!

Beta Patch Questions


If a MP server is running the patch and the client isn't, or vice versa. Who controls such fixes as the "Reload from 0 ammo" bug? Would a AH-1 with 0 hellfires reload from an ammo truck with just the client patched or server patched or would it take both?

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Quote[/b] ]5143  - New: New config value soundBurst to allow playing sound for each bullet in a burst

Yeah but you didn't change the M16 burst bug. I have 1-2 rounds left in a magazine, fire a 3 round burst and I still hear 3 shots. I guess you are working on it.

That would be included in the modified data pbos that are not included in this patch (remember, it's only an engine update).

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So far betapatch runs very well for me. (Better performace)


Amd Athlon Dual Core 4400+

Asus A8N-E

GeForce 7950 GT


Windows XP Pro 64bit

Please BIS fix the bug that when switching to full fire mode than to another item the weapon is again in single mode. This really shouldn's be that much work but it's a very annyoing and very old bug!

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Please BIS fix the bug that when switching to full fire mode than to another item the weapon is again in single mode. This really shouldn's be that much work but it's a very annyoing and very old bug!

Well, seeing how it only takes 0.0000001 seconds to switch back to auto, I see no problems there... you can cycle through fire modes instantaniously (even while firing) if you haven't noticed.

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Please BIS fix the bug that when switching to full fire mode than to another item the weapon is again in single mode. This really shouldn's be that much work but it's a very annyoing and very old bug!

Well, seeing how it only takes 0.0000001 seconds to switch back to auto, I see no problems there... you can cycle through fire modes instantaniously (even while firing) if you haven't noticed.

There could be a bit of realism in there too?

For example the main assault rifle used by the Finnish Defence Forces, RK-62, works so that if you want full fire mode, you must first switch the weapon to single fire mode and then back up one notch to full fire mode. So that when you prepare the weapon for firing, you can't avoid switching first to the single fire mode. I don't know about other rifles but that's how it is for RK-62. Maybe we could imagine that in-game, if you switch away from your weapon to some other item, your character automagically switches the weapon to a safer mode...? Imagine now, real hard smile_o.gif well of course we could say that BIS should let us be completely in charge of when the fire mode is changed. So that you could leave your weapon into a very dangerous mode and shoot yourself in the leg or something while looking through your binoculars, holding your weapon on your lap.

Best Regards,


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It's pretty annoying to use the weapon modes; Switch to semi/automatic--- after that if u want to go back to single---m203launcher-grenade-smokegrenade(green)-smokegrenade(white)-single mode and u realise ur dead in the ground lol banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif

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Please BIS fix the bug that when switching to full fire mode than to another item the weapon is again in single mode. This really shouldn's be that much work but it's a very annyoing and very old bug!

Well, seeing how it only takes 0.0000001 seconds to switch back to auto, I see no problems there... you can cycle through fire modes instantaniously (even while firing) if you haven't noticed.

There could be a bit of realism in there too?

For example the main assault rifle used by the Finnish Defence Forces, RK-62, works so that if you want full fire mode, you must first switch the weapon to single fire mode and then back up one notch to full fire mode. So that when you prepare the weapon for firing, you can't avoid switching first to the single fire mode. I don't know about other rifles but that's how it is for RK-62. Maybe we could imagine that in-game, if you switch away from your weapon to some other item, your character automagically switches the weapon to a safer mode...? Imagine now, real hard smile_o.gif well of course we could say that BIS should let us be completely in charge of when the fire mode is changed. So that you could leave your weapon into a very dangerous mode and shoot yourself in the leg or something while looking through your binoculars, holding your weapon on your lap.

Best Regards,


Going on from that, should there not be a safety mode, which would be especially useful in co-op online play when some stupid pikey presses their LMB by mistake?

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Well yes if we aim for high realism then we would need to be able to switch our weapons "off". Another question is how practical it is in a computer game.

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Quote[/b] ]Going on from that, should there not be a safety mode, which would be especially useful in co-op online play when some stupid pikey presses their LMB by mistake?

There are hardly enough keys on the common keyboard to properly accomodate all these individual weapons and firemodes along with everything else.

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