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Dynamic War

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Update time


Fixed ambush not ending, in theory...

Added hint for seeing the medic before getting another mission

Eject player units from vehicles before extraction

disabled radio on chopper cutscene

Less uaz's on Patrol mission on Cadet mode

Reduced spawning enemy armour, it was a bit excessive!

Scattered Officer more on Raid

Removed hint if no airstrike available

Artillery will arrive quicker

Added 1 mag to AT soldier

Added MG to group at start

Action Loons @ base should no longer look at walls...

Named all units that use radio and changed some of the text

Tweaked the fleeing script

Moved the western satellite base to speed the tanks' arrival

Added 2 more Search and destroy locations

Change UAZ to MG.

Evac radio msg will appear when mission complete

Changed mission complete msgs

Added confirmation dialog for transport

Markers should be neater



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MrN, thanks for the update. Trying it out... smile_o.gif

Edit: here's an update. The ambush job now works fine, it ends properly. I still have the same problem with the kill the officer job. I don't know if this helps, but when I shoot the officer, he's immediately removed from the map (the body immediately disappears) - I saw this through the scope. The same thing happens then - when I get transported back to base, the officer doesn't have the end mission menu item.

This happened with 0.92c, and the kill the officer job was the 4th in the chain. When I reloaded to the autosave and got a different mission, it ended properly (defend the base.)

Thank you very much for your update, though - it's a good mission and it gets better every time you post something. smile_o.gif

Edit 2: it seems that the savegames are getting excessively big, even when there is no job in progress. I'm at a point where after the 9th mission, the autosave is ~7 MB and the game started crashing when I reload it.

I noticed that there are quite a few dead enemy soldiers lying just around the base - the ones that gout out of vehicles and then got shot. Although all other enemy units are removed from the map, these always stay around, even after the job is done. I have ~25 around my base, but I'm sure I have at least another ~25 around other locations (where I had jobs before.) Is there a way to get rid of these when a job is finished? I'm sure it'd help with the savegame size.

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Hey MrN, any updates perhaps? Or are you waiting for ArmA 1.09? Or is RL just hogging you down?

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Missed this post, soz.

Bit of everything really, I'm a bit bored of editing the same mission again and again. Also, I've recently changed jobs and editing/playing time is at a premium or I'm just too knackered to try!

I have a half assed update kicking around but recently I've been playing MP and chucking together a couple of missions for that.

I will finish it off I just don't know when. Any issues people have would be good to know so I can tidy things up as much as possible.

The main thing I know about is the Raid mission not ending/no action at base.

Any others?



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I just downloaded this campaign and Tacrod's too. Wow. I wish there were more like this. Hope you continue too keep up the hard work on this. Excellent job man! smile_o.gifpistols.gif

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Hello Mr. N!

I know that you are probably onto bigger and better things, but this mission is pretty awesome. I truly appreciate your work here.

Is there any chance that you might be able to update this to the 1.09 patch?

I have found that the fps are back to being very low with the new patch. I think that the mission needs a few optimizations to get it back to it's 1.08 glory.


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I played this in 1.09 with some mods, using the "no effects" option or whatever it's called because FPS was low otherwise.

Save games don't crash anymore in 1.09 smile_o.gif

Hope you work on it some more, and improve performance with effects turned on. It's a great mission.

Some comments:

The raid missions, where you kill the officer, are easily done without even leaving the base. All you do is call an airstrike, or artillery, or missiles and it's done. Same with the mission where you destroy vehicles in an enemy base.

Maybe you could randomize their position more, instead of showing exactly where they are on the map you could highlight an area for the player to search.

The airstrike seems to drop 8 bombs, but the Harrier only carries 5 or 6.

Artillery is quick to hit the target and very powerful. I completed an ambush mission by simply calling artillery on their path. Too quick and powerful maybe?

Once in a POW mission, the POWs were killed so I couldn't end the mission. They spawned in a cemetary behind a church, in a town near the northern tip on North Sahrani. A bunch of UAZs were squeezed into the same cemetary, so they were killed either by fire aimed at the UAZs or the UAZs exploding.

When you choose an LZ, and the confirmation message comes up, after clicking no the action menu options for LZ paradrop didn't show up again.

When the blackhawk drops you off, after dumping out the whole squad at once it gets launched up in the air, then lands again and takes off normally.

Instead off scripting the landings like that, could you spawn an invisible heli 'H' and use the land command or create a transport unload waypoint so the chopper lands more naturally?

The colour overlay in 'focus' mode gets cut off at the sides on a widescreen display.

Also, maybe limit the focus somehow? Makes things too easy.

After killing an officer, I tried to call chopper support to help fight remaining enemies (there were a lot). But the choppers never came, they seemed to get deleted shortly after spawning. Don't they work when a mission is considered 'complete'?

Tank/infantry/APC support takes ages to reach most places, especially in the north. Could you make more bases around the map for them to spawn at?

I see you added some custom smoke effects to destroyed vehicles. IMO it doesn't look that great, I'd rather have effects like that in mods.

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I agree with the post above.  It would be great to see Mr.N to come out with one more update for this after the 1.09 patch is released. (Maybe a moving frontline too!?) Dynamic campaigns are my favorite, his and tacrods are the only ones out unfortunately.  Great to hear it still works with the 1.09, and on top of that the save game/loading save point is fixed!

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I'm sure we'll see more from this guys soon.

Maybe not on this mission, but on another.

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Cheers chaps for the feedback. I've yet to try it in 1.09 but it's good to see that the savegame issues may finally be sorted!


It's been a while since I've loaded this up and dread the thought to be honest, the longer the editing process goes on the more complex it seems to get.

Thanks Maddmatt for the detailed feedback, it's a good reminder of what needs doing.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe you could randomize their position more, instead of showing exactly where they are on the map you could highlight an area for the player to search.

Good plan

Quote[/b] ]The airstrike seems to drop 8 bombs, but the Harrier only carries 5 or 6.


Quote[/b] ]Artillery is quick to hit the target and very powerful. I completed an ambush mission by simply calling artillery on their path. Too quick and powerful maybe?

I think I may have adjusted the delay on the last version released so it was quicker, maybe too far. It is powerful but I like it that way. wink_o.gif It can get you out of trouble at times. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Once in a POW mission, the POWs were killed so I couldn't end the mission.

Damn, I thought I'd fixed that. I always seem to have trouble with that mission.

Quote[/b] ]When you choose an LZ, and the confirmation message comes up, after clicking no the action menu options for LZ paradrop didn't show up again.


Quote[/b] ]Instead off scripting the landings like that, could you spawn an invisible heli 'H' and use the land command or create a transport unload waypoint so the chopper lands more naturally?

I know this isn't perfect but the alternative is the AI hovering around looking for a place to land getting shot to sh*t or just flying off without dropping you off. I seem to have just as much trouble with Arma pilots as OFP ones, I've tried alternatives and am not happy with them, this works so it stays. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]The colour overlay in 'focus' mode gets cut off at the sides on a widescreen display.

Also, maybe limit the focus somehow? Makes things too easy.

I'll have a look at the widescreen thing.

I may make the focus time-out, maybe depending on kills or rating, don't know yet. It bugs me too that it doesn't run out and is unlimited.

Quote[/b] ]Don't they work when a mission is considered 'complete'?

Hmmm, no don't think so. I guess I should change this?

Quote[/b] ]Tank/infantry/APC support takes ages to reach most places, especially in the north. Could you make more bases around the map for them to spawn at?

I've always considered the North to be enemy territory so it doesn't feel right to have friendly bases up there. This is partly why I speeded up the artillery so the player has at least some assistance.

Quote[/b] ]I see you added some custom smoke effects to destroyed vehicles. IMO it doesn't look that great, I'd rather have effects like that in mods.

Fair point, they are old OFP FX! Now there are a lot more mods out I could probably get rid of the FX altogether, it would certainly make some of the scripts easier to manage and it would get the variable count down. Not that it should matter anymore... smile_o.gif


Thanks smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Is there any chance that you might be able to update this to the 1.09 patch?

Not 100% sure what I need to change yet that's specific to 1.09, I've been obssessed with DAC and CWR since the patch came out so I've not noticed too many other things that might be fundamentally different. Any examples you can give me of where/how the slowdown occurs?


Quote[/b] ](Maybe a moving frontline too!?)

That's been rattling around my head for months but I can't see me having time\motivation\inspiration to pull it off effectively.


Quote[/b] ]Maybe not on this mission, but on another.

Know something I don't. wink_o.gif

I have had a couple of other missions in the public domain but they sank without a trace so I stick to piddling around in the editor.

I'm toying around with something as mentioned above with the awesomely powerful DAC and CWR but time is a precious thing... tounge2.gif

I'll get some uber-coffee in over the weekend, boot up 1.09 and Dynawar and see what happens.


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Quote[/b] ]Maybe not on this mission, but on another.

Know something I don't. wink_o.gif

...I'm toying around with something as mentioned above with the awesomely powerful DAC and CWR but time is a precious thing... tounge2.gif

I'll get some uber-coffee in over the weekend, boot up 1.09 and Dynawar and see what happens.

yay.gif Great news.

I didn't know DAC was around for ArmA, or do you mean you are creating ArmA Dac?

Interesting news anyway.

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Quote[/b] ]Maybe not on this mission, but on another.

Know something I don't. wink_o.gif

...I'm toying around with something as mentioned above with the awesomely powerful DAC and CWR but time is a precious thing... tounge2.gif

I'll get some uber-coffee in over the weekend, boot up 1.09 and Dynawar and see what happens.

yay.gif Great news.

I didn't know DAC was around for ArmA, or do you mean you are creating ArmA Dac?

Interesting news anyway.

Clicky linky

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Dynamic War seems to work well with 1.09 - the save issue is gone.

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I'll get some uber-coffee in over the weekend, boot up 1.09 and Dynawar and see what happens.

Then I wait this weekend before playing this mission! Really looking forward to it as I finally have some time to play smile_o.gif

Of all the suggestions above I really wish that you remove all extra effects. There is mods for that if people want it.

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Update on United Sahrani


Added DAC and Grouplink 2 smile_o.gif

Rewrite and streamline of some of the spawn scripts for better looping and use of eventhandlers.

Removed old effects scripts

Removed Hud action, it was bad...

Airstrike now drops 6 bombs not 8

The VIP will be scattered a bit so it won't be as easy to hit him with artillery if you're not near enough to spot him, hopefully this won't mean an endless search for him though.

Tinkered with the insert and evac scripts

Support scripts will now exit when the mission is ended by the player not when the mission objective is complete.

Added civilians, player will lose rating if he shoots them

Reduced the artillery shell count

Focus will timeout, higher the rating the longer it lasts

Kind of fixed pilot dialog

Haven't had time to test properly, I'm working on the assumption I haven't broken anything I haven't touched. biggrin_o.gif

Currently uploading so give it a minute or two.



EDIT- Running 1.09beta is HIGHLY recommended!

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Beautiful! It's great to see this mission get a little make over. I'll give it a go very soon. Thanks! thumbs-up.gif

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Nice. Does the Sahrani United Version use anything else from Queens Gambit besides the island? Any other differences between the normal and QG version?

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Quote[/b] ]Does the Sahrani United Version use anything else from Queens Gambit besides the island? Any other differences between the normal and QG version?

Nope, just a last minute addition, I can't keep up with one version let alone two! I may change it for future versions but there are some interesting differences in the islands so it makes a change of scenery if nothing else.


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Quote[/b] ]Holy crap, you work quick, nice job as always



Forgot a couple of things:

It now requires this

I didn't check the widescreen focus overlay, that'll have to be another update.

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