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Quote[/b] ]Oh chopper Ai gets often confused by mountains and just hovers rather than gaining altitude.

Can't say I've experienced this...my choppers just sometimes bash into the side of the mountain. biggrin_o.gif

I have had a similar thing happen.

when returning to base, the chopper would speed up, then pull back and slow down, then speed up, then pull back and slow down....all the way back to base. It was as though it could not calculate it's route or as if it was waiting for something or someone, like a slower unit..

nothing else to report.

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This mission has made huge progress since it started. There are still a few issues that bother me though.

1. The chopper is often incredibly slow, frequently stopping for no apparent reason. Is its speed mode set to full? Making sure the speed mode is always set to full should help.

Wiki link for setSpeedMode.

2. Infantry support seems useless. They are so slow to get to a place that it's just not worth the wait to call them. Maybe if they had a chopper, with speed mode set to full that would help?

3. Other ground support is also pretty slow. I guess this is mostly due to their slow pathfinding though. Maybe forcing their speed mode to full would also help? They seem to have trouble getting through Corazol when calling for support in the north. Maybe having a base just outside the town would help? That way they don't have to travel through the town.

4. This happened a while ago, it may have been on an older version and I don't know if you already fixed it.

I was in the extraction chopper heading back to base, it got shot down on the way so I had to eject.

I tried to call another chopper, but it never came. Maybe the chopper wasn't respawning correctly, or the new chopper wasn't being given the move command.

Or you made it like that because it's not worth sending another chopper to extract a few soldiers crazy_o.gif

5. I think enemies surrender too easily. They often still outnumber my squad by the time they surrender. Once I was defending the town from a huge attack, and I was surprised at how easily they surrendered. There were plenty left, enough for a tough fight.

I hope you can sort out most of these. Once the last few issues are fixed, then it's probably time to start working on your next mission smile_o.gif

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Madmatt does have a point, sometimes the extraction helicopter is extremely slow. And calling in any support besides the CAS is useless since the mission is often already done by the time they get there.

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I have played one task of the mission with v1.09, veteran (with DAC/GL).

- I got my first task (patroling in north-sahrani). The only choice of weapons which i and my team had in the task was M4 and the radio. That was ok.

I got my second task (ambush an convoy). The only choice of weapons which i and my team had in the task was M4 and radio. That was FAR from being ok.

Why can i not put together my own arms which are suiteable for the task?

- Why at the mission-briefing no general situation-report about the whole thing: which territoy is enemy-territory, which territory is safe so far, etc?

- the "benefits" of using DAC and random stuff is the target-situation is often very unreal, robotic, not realistic, evolution-like (quantity instead of quality).

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Quote[/b] ]Oh, and does anyone have any mods that they use to enhance this map? ie XAM etc?

I haven't tried any mods but it's worth hunting down the Fromz sound pack. Makes an extraordinary difference.


Quote[/b] ]when returning to base, the chopper would speed up, then pull back and slow down, then speed up, then pull back and slow down....all the way back to base. It was as though it could not calculate it's route or as if it was waiting for something or someone, like a slower unit..

Is it still doing this? I accidentally left a domove command in one of the loops which I think is what was causing this but I thought I'd removed it in the last version.


Quote[/b] ]The chopper is often incredibly slow, frequently stopping for no apparent reason.

As mentioned above the delays should have stopped in the latest version and I'm loath to use the setspeedmode command as it increases the chance of chopper/mountain interventions, I just use time acceleration.

Quote[/b] ]Infantry support seems useless

In fairness it's ok if you're near one of the bases, I did have them in trucks at one point but they ended up driving straight into the mission area and they'd all get killed in one go. tounge2.gif I guess I could use a chopper spawned at the base to pick them up and drop them off.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe forcing their speed mode to full would also help?

It is. smile_o.gif

Maybe some of the locations could be tweaked to speed up their journey a bit.

Quote[/b] ]Or you made it like that because it's not worth sending another chopper to extract a few soldiers

Nope I'm not that cruel! Could be a bug, I thought I'd done something about that in the latest version but it could be I've broken it instead.

Quote[/b] ]I think enemies surrender too easily.

Yep, maybe. I'm used to using all the suppport options so when I play it "feels" ok for them to surrender with airstrikes, artillery and all the malarkey going on around them. Do you think the players squad should outnumber the enemy troops for them to surrender? Could be a tricky one to manage particularly if only the player is still alive but I'll look into it.

Quote[/b] ]Once the last few issues are fixed, then it's probably time to start working on your next mission

Pfff... AA2 will be out by the time I've finished this. wink_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]And calling in any support besides the CAS is useless since the mission is often already done by the time they get there.

I would suggest calling it to your desired location before getting into the chopper, they generally make good progress by the time you get to the mission location. Unless this location is up at the extreme north and you haven't got any bases up there.

Then you're stuffed. tounge2.gif

The support is a tricky one for me because I don't want to just spawn in AI where you like, I'd rather they actually come from specific locations.


Quote[/b] ]Why can i not put together my own arms which are suiteable for the task?

Because I said so. smile_o.gif

You will find as you play on you will get more equipment, early on it's limited.

Quote[/b] ]- Why at the mission-briefing no general situation-report about the whole thing: which territoy is enemy-territory, which territory is safe so far, etc?

Because in all the time I've been doing this I don't think anyone's brought it up before, it hadn't occured to me. I'm not convinced it would make a big difference but if you feel differently and want to rewrite the mission scripts for your own use then be my guest. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]- the "benefits" of using DAC and random stuff is the target-situation is often very unreal, robotic, not realistic, evolution-like (quantity instead of quality).

Not quite sure what you mean here.

You could select the no DAC option at the beginning. confused_o.gif

If you're refering to not liking the random elements then sorry I don't think you'll like this mission. The whole reason I keep editing and playing this is no two plays are exactly the same. I love the way the AI will adapt to being created, given a few simple commands and left to their own devices...most of the time anyway. tounge2.gif


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I think the enemy surrender is just right. Most missions are fairly hard, especially if I don't use support options, so in many cases it's good when they finally give up. smile_o.gif Having them surrender at some point is also good to avoid having to find that very last one or two enemies hiding away.

Having to overpower the enemy would make some of the missions very hard - I'd vote against that.

Besides bugfixing, I'd say, MrN, add more variations to missions: more and more locations, some hardcoded stuff (like in one of my earlier post - snipers, etc.) I'm pretty sure changes like those would make this (already great! smile_o.gif ) mission even better.

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Having to overpower the enemy would make some of the missions very hard - I'd vote against that.

If they were not overpowered, why the hell would they surrender? wink_o.gif

Then I'd suggest to leave it as is for Cadet mode, but make them fight more on Veteran. It's just that on the larger missions there are still loads of them left, it just doesn't make sense for them to all give up.

I see this huge force coming towards me, which makes me think it's going to be a tough fight. Then after shooting a few and calling an artillery strike and some support, they just give up confused_o.gif

I don't find the missions hard when I use some support. The support actually does most of the work a lot of the time.

My FPS does get pretty low in the latest versions during missions. Especially during 'Defend the base' type missions. Maybe turning DAC off would help me, but then the island seems dead confused_o.gif

I don't know if you can do any more about that. Would be nice if you could.

I notice the SLX GL3 scripts in there, Grouplink 2 Plus, and suppression. Are these all used? Maybe they are bringing down performance then.

By the way, maybe add the odd AA soldier and Shilka during missions so that the air support doesn't have such an easy time smile_o.gif

I haven't seen any Shilkas yet, at least I don't remember any.

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What do you mean by "loads of them" surrendering? I only saw more than 5-10 surrender when there were some bugs in the mission - in those cases there were many of them left, but otherwise I never see more than a few left.

I easily killed 70-80 during a single defend the town mission and they only surrendered after that.

I only use support when there is armor around and I cannot deal with them, but I take out infantry myself (and my team, given enough distance.)

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I've tried mucking around with ECS, ECS_core.pbo, the ecs pbos for voices, etc.

I want to be able to hear my guys calling out enemy locations because it makes it easier for me to know what's going on and I like to play with subtitles off. I can get the guys to call out after editing the ECS junk, but if I resume or load a mission like that I get the same error message saying I can't play the map because the voices/quiet pbo is just soooo important.

Any recommendations?

EDIT: Okay, I found some other guy's edited core pbo and I'm going to give it a shot, if it don't work I'm gonna be right back here.

EDIT 2: Okay, I got it to work, but I only get patorl missions as my first mission. I go to area, smoke the enemies, and now I can't end the mission.

EDIT 3: I drove all my guys to base to find the commander won't end it. So I drove all the way to the marker and my job was done. Now I'm on the fourth mission.

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This works so well with ECS or XAM and the atmosphere is great. I have got to the point now that I am completely modifying this (for my own pleasure) and have turned it into a complete war zone. Added a flight of respawning Su34's, added a respawning patrolling F16 and the air is now a little more dodgy unless the F16 gets a sniff of red jets smile_o.gif

I cannot say how much I enjoy this mini campaign, a brilliant addition for anyone.


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anybody had a go at a multiplayer version of this. I would love it if you could spawn as the opfor and help them stop the bluefor complete the missions.

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Quote[/b] ]Oh chopper Ai gets often confused by mountains and just hovers rather than gaining altitude.

Can't say I've experienced this...my choppers just sometimes bash into the side of the mountain. biggrin_o.gif

I have had a similar thing happen.

when returning to base, the chopper would speed up, then pull back and slow down, then speed up, then pull back and slow down....all the way back to base.  It was as though it could not calculate it's route or as if it was waiting for something or someone, like a slower unit..

nothing else to report.

I have looked into this as this was probably the most frustrating part for me, everything was spot on. I fiddled with the helo script and noted that although in the spawnhelo script this line was <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_inserpilot setBehaviour "careless" in the next line <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_inserpilot setCombatmode "red" it was red. I just changed it to "blue" and there are no issues (as of yet) flying anywhere.

Mr.N, could you test that and see if it is worth including in a (possible) further version? Also, could the new version of mando_missiles be used instead of the old version and maybe include a sam unit? Would be interesting if there were random flights of enemy aircraft/helos flying around smile_o.gif


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Hello all,

Fingers crossed this solves the helo issue. GJ on finding it.

For us editing morons, in which file of the pbo is the script? so, we can try this out before Mr N Implements it (if it indeed is the root cause) for our own edification.

Oh, another thing, Ive been having difficulties with slow downs on this campaign on some missions.

Im running a Dell E520 with 1gig Ram and a 7950gt ko (512mb) card. (all arma settings Low/Norm or off) what spec are you running and do YOU get fps issues?

Especially I've had them in defend the base.

I've been talking to Mr N and I think Its just me n my rig, but Id be interested to know how you chaps fare.

I mean this in regard to THIS particular Mission not to ARMA as a whole.

As AFAIK it's one of the most complex and "busy" missions about, which its also why it's one of my faves.



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Whilst I have a 5600X2 and 2GB OCZ I only have a lowly 7600GT but I only have issues with big missions. Saying that it has got worse with 1.11 and will revert back to 1.09.

Anyway, back to DW. De-pbo it and got to the Helo script folder, look for Spawn_HElo.sqs. Open that and you will find the two lines I talked about in my previous post;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_inserpilot setBehaviour "careless"

_inserpilot setCombatmode "blue"

Change blue to red.

Re-pbo and test.

Now, I have only played a few missions over and over (testing other things) and as yet I have not had that "stop start" behaviour. Good luck.


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thanks for the quick reply,

Just found the code, but its good to have it confirmed.

Will test in a mo.

Now, the next thing....

I was replacing some of the units with my favourites and generally just buggering around, but this mission appears to use references to units, rather than the "usual" way of placing the unit and entering the code in the map editor.

So, obviously I can alter any vehicle at base (and your own squad) but when looking for the chopper (which Id like to alter to a Heuy) it seems to be a call to a reference file, again the Spawn_HElo.sqs.

Now, where it says _helo = "UH60MG" createvehicle _sp, I would assume i need to replace this for the "unique ref" of the huey.

Is this correct?

Lastly, the main reason for opening the pbo was for me to limit the amount of friendly troops present at the base to keep that framerate down and to maybee limit the amount of attacking troops, as I dont want to keep pestering Mr N for my own personalised version!

But I'll be a monkeys uncle if I can locate the variables i need to alter.

I'll keep trying myself, but any help would be appreciated smile_o.gif

Also, and really lastly, I'm not sure I can get along with the "Run Away!" soundclip, it does always bring a smile to my face, but does sound rather like "Monty Python's Holy Grail to me."

Its not, is it?




I tried this

_inser_group = CreateGroup HWM_Air

_helo = "HWM_UH1H" createvehicle _sp

didnt work though:( and also altering my squad to indipendants (and copying code over in editor) was also unsucessful.

Still some other radii changes i needed I managed to do smile_o.gif

If I need any more editing help Ill ask in edit forum, but these bits are really just relating to this mish.



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Sorry for not replying earlier.

Good to hear ppl are starting to rummage around in this and changing stuff. However, for anyone doing this you have my apologies. wink_o.gif I'm not the most organised scripter and there is stuff kicking around that isn't being used and there are some bugs still present. No deal-breakers now that I'm aware of but a couple of little niggles I need to tidy up.

This brings me onto

Quote[/b] ]Anyway, back to DW. De-pbo it and got to the Helo script folder, look for Spawn_HElo.sqs. Open that and you will find the two lines I talked about in my previous post;

Code Sample

_inserpilot setBehaviour "careless"

_inserpilot setCombatmode "blue"

Change blue to red.

Re-pbo and test.

Now, I have only played a few missions over and over (testing other things) and as yet I have not had that "stop start" behaviour. Good luck.

If you're editing the Spawn_HElo.sqs script in the Helo folder then I'm afraid you're not going to see any benefit. This folder isn't used currently, the scripts in here were going to be part of a chopper control dialog but I lost my patience trying to get the bloody things doing what I wanted to so I disabled it in public versions. If you open up the "Helo" dialog you can have a look and marvel at it's uselessness. smile_o.gif

The scripts you actually want are in the fly folder, spawn_extra.sqs and extrafly.sqs for the evac chopper. You will see I've already used setcombatmode, but thanks for the effort . smile_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]Also, and really lastly, I'm not sure I can get along with the "Run Away!" soundclip, it does always bring a smile to my face, but does sound rather like "Monty Python's Holy Grail to me."

Its not, is it?

Yep. If it bugs you look in the enemy folder and open the chicken.sqs script and delete

Quote[/b] ]?_r<5:_t say ["runaway1",0];goto "end"

?_r<10:_t say ["runaway2",0];goto "end"

?_r<15:_t say ["runaway3",0];goto "end"

That'll stop it running.

Quote[/b] ]_inser_group = CreateGroup HWM_Air

_helo = "HWM_UH1H" createvehicle _sp

What are you trying to change? The evac chopper script is mentioned above, the insertion chopper is in the fly folder called spawn_inser.sqs.

If it's the UH60 at the base just change the unit in the editor, the "dude_monitor" script will replace it when a mission is ended.


Glad you got there in the end. wink_o.gif

Easter pressie smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]


Close dialog on extraction after 30 secs

Fixed the Player EH broken in last version when bulletcam is used

More tweaks of looping scripts and deleting scripts

Stop some units spawning at main base, it was getting a bit busy

Fixed ammo crates not refreshing.


0.92K QG Version



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Excellent. Thanks. It is getting a bit busy if I add a few M1A1's and play a few missions. Especially, if the first three are defend missions.

I just updated my MB and CPU to X48 Intel and Core2Extreme and with 8Gb DDR3 1800hz of RAM, so I can handle just about anything ArmA can give. But still after killing too many guys too quickly by the 3rd mission things get jittery.

I think too much spawning going on.

This mission keeps getting better.


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Just a quick question: Me and my boys went on a patrol mission and we borrowed one of the blackhawks for fun. It was enjoyable to mow down those enemy squads with miniguns. My chopper only has 500 bullets left, where do I go to get rearmed?

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Quote[/b] ] My chopper only has 500 bullets left, where do I go to get rearmed?

No special rearming is implemented but if memory serves me right there's some ammo trucks in one of the hangers at the main base.

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Hi Mr.N for this update. Back to the heli, I actually changed all scripts (in fly) from blue to red purely to see what would happen as well as in the helo folder so I automatically thought it was that that helped, sorry to those that thought I found the answer huh.gif

Will test the latest update now.

Mr.N, any chance on using the latest mando_missiles? I did see a demo mission with the sams and if there were random enemy aircraft now and then it would help the overall immersion of an ongoing conflice all over the island.

Great work.


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Ok, I will let those that want to play around with settings what I have found so far.

In the "fly" folder and within these particular scripts;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">extrafly.sqs



I did change blue to red, I did test yellow but again I was having those strange "roller coaster" rides back to base, going was not a problem.

WARNING!! Mr.N has obviously had his mission tested thoroughly and he has put in the most suitable variables.

Choosing "red" will start the gunners in the chop to be on the offensive at all times and will take on enemies at first sight leaving you open to ground fire, but I guess that is as close to reality you will get to having suppressive fire on your landing!

In my own personal take on Mr.N's Dynamic War I have respawning Su34's and Ka50's to really spice up the mission and it works well.

As Mr.N has said, DAC really is the mutts nuts and I know I will base an original mission around that great addition.

SPOILER: The reason I did this (my personal changes to DW) was that on receiving my permission and choosing my LZ I immediately sent an artillery and missile barrage onto the patrol marker. I followed that by having CAS inserted and by the time we arrived most of the enemy was decimated!



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Hello all / Mr N.

Ta for the update and info.

As to the run away, as it's Monty, then I'll keep it... gosh I'm fickle.

And thanks for being "open source" about your campaign.

After depbo'ing, it's quite an amazing piece of work you've done inthere and it's interesting to see what you've left in and named things. Its an insight to the recesses of your mind smile_o.gif

I'll have another go at fiddling with the campain and will let you know what i break.

Keep it up!



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Quote[/b] ]Mr.N, any chance on using the latest mando_missiles? I did see a demo mission with the sams and if there were random enemy aircraft now and then it would help the overall immersion of an ongoing conflice all over the island.

Not in the near future. I've run out of steam with this currently, I have little bursts every now and then but sustained editing is getting boring. I have done as much as possible to try and keep everything running ok, none of it is perfect but it hangs together well enough so I'm leaving alone for fear of breaking more stuff. wink_o.gif

I will go back to it soon but I'm having too much fun with Aliens, DAC and saltbeach island at the moment. I'm toying around with kind of a dynamic mission which should be quite creepy.

Quote[/b] ]SPOILER: The reason I did this (my personal changes to DW) was that on receiving my permission and choosing my LZ I immediately sent an artillery and missile barrage onto the patrol marker. I followed that by having CAS inserted and by the time we arrived most of the enemy was decimated!

Not really a spoiler mate. wink_o.gif That game plan is entirely up to you but you will find 2 things: it'll get a bit boring and your rating won't go up if you don't kill stuff. Low rating = less toys to play with.



Quote[/b] ]As to the run away, as it's Monty, then I'll keep it... gosh I'm fickle.

And thanks for being "open source" about your campaign.

It is a genuine Monty sample, it was a random thing to add I know but it does make me chuckle sometimes. tounge2.gif

I'm not knowingly "open source", I'm just not closed source. wink_o.gif I don't mind helping out if I have time if you have questions about how to change stuff, it's the best way to learn how editing works I reckon, change stuff that's working to how you like it and if you break it you can always work back to the original.

What I wouldn't be too keen on is other versions being publically available that don't offer anthing new apart from unit changes. I don't want to sound grumpy or precious but I don't want to be supporting other versions that I haven't touched.

Quote[/b] ]After depbo'ing, it's quite an amazing piece of work you've done inthere and it's interesting to see what you've left in and named things.

Don't forget that this was based on the old OFP Dynamic War template and there's still some very familiar fundamentals left from that. I've just converted it and try to make the island more alive and variable.

Had I known what I know now when I first started it, I would have done several things much differently and now I've discovered the setvariable command I suspect I wouldn't have had all the savegame issues, but hey ho.


Quote[/b] ]Its an insight to the recesses of your mind




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Quote[/b] ]Mr.N, any chance on using the latest mando_missiles? I did see a demo mission with the sams and if there were random enemy aircraft now and then it would help the overall immersion of an ongoing conflice all over the island.

Not in the near future. I've run out of steam with this currently, I have little bursts every now and then but sustained editing is getting boring. I have done as much as possible to try and keep everything running ok, none of it is perfect but it hangs together well enough so I'm leaving alone for fear of breaking more stuff. wink_o.gif

Shame about mandos but I understand.

Quote[/b] ]SPOILER: The reason I did this (my personal changes to DW) was that on receiving my permission and choosing my LZ I immediately sent an artillery and missile barrage onto the patrol marker. I followed that by having CAS inserted and by the time we arrived most of the enemy was decimated!
Not really a spoiler mate. wink_o.gif That game plan is entirely up to you but you will find 2 things: it'll get a bit boring and your rating won't go up if you don't kill stuff. Low rating = less toys to play with.


As for my way of playing, well I was aware of the bonuses but it was great to kill 'em all no matter what biggrin_o.gif

Now I have marauding enemy aircraft, more aerial defence it is heaven to play!

I just want to say thanks for making an old fella happy  wink_o.gif


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hello all

Quote[/b] ]What I wouldn't be too keen on is other versions being publically available that don't offer anthing new apart from unit changes. I don't want to sound grumpy or precious but I don't want to be supporting other versions that I haven't touched.

I wouldnt dream of releasing anything, all changes are for my own personal edification.

If i managed to actually do something amazing, I'd send it to you for poss inclusion in a future update.

When i quoted "open source" i meant you were around and about to help rather than "open source" in its true meaning. But best to clear stuff like this up smile_o.gif

Actually I was suprised that the campaign wasnt encrypted, otherwise i'd have opened her up ages ago smile_o.gif

And also, I don't think you are being precious, just it's your hard work and you should get the kudos for it.

oh, and it's great to see that someone works as scruffily as i do. But its the end result thats important.

Do you think that you may make any other dynamic missions, perhaps based on other islands?

Would it be alot easier now, with the knowledge you have accrued?

or would it be a bloody nightmare?

I've not looked at DAC for arma, but I believe I had a version for VBS1 which i played with, but i never managed to do much with it, but it would be great to be able to have a live island no matter what the mission.

Dont know where Im going with this, just rambling again...

anyhoo, keep it up.



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