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Be 32K

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Great work. Thenks man for Be 32K. I will love too now how to make plans and wehicles from ofp too arma. I dont now so if u can u make same desert skin for Be 32K and convert sam nig 21 and 29 to arma, or same t90.

Keep up the god work.

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Hmmm. I have a slight problem with this. When I pilot the plane myself, the view through the cockpit window is so bright, it's impossible to see anything.

Any ideas, please?

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That's the problem with the window texture. It needs to be edited to be nearly fully clear or just clear.

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I'm working on a Russian Airborne mission with this addon as well. I generally never fly these planes as I just use them as transport for my units in missions. However still it is fun sometimes to play as a pilot if you make some creative missions like MehMan did. In OFP I made a fun mission with Footmunch's AN-72 Coalar in which you had to make a STOL landing on a beach to drop off reinforcements and then had to make a STOL takeoff. It was a challenging but fun mission with pretty cutscenes and stuff. I might try to make something like that with this addon, but yeah, the super glare on the window would have to be fixed as that is very annoying (and I HATE flying from the 3rd person view).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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To tell you all the truth I did something on my own a while ago, I went and started editing the Pilot View LOD so that it'd be much nicer to look out with a better looking and function loadout of instruments and just a nicer better view but lost intrest half the way in.

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Mmmm... This plane and the RHS VDV skins. Lovely combination! The airborne assault troops strikes back!

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any possibility of getting a bomber version.....

wouldnt be too hard with a downward looking scope for a bomb sight and opening door set in the bottom of the plane. Then just relase a few GBUs with out the guidance.....

its just a thought....

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now since the officiall tools been released i am thinking of fixing it, propertly, this xmas..

Update it little bit, maybe make more versions (still have to consider the armed one.. but weapons are fun so don't be surprised).

Anyway, long story short.. look for an update around xmas.

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Nice to hear about a Xmas present biggrin_o.gif

And nice to hear that GranQ is still around wink_o.gif

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progress report.

Yesterday I installed the new tools from BIS. I haven't done any editing since they was released.

I just installed, got everything working and binarized the model.

Went down like 10 mb, but still almost 20 mb. Not sure if I like that or not,want to see if I can get one model, many textures. (Army, Desert, UN version, would be same but different textures) and then same but with a bomber version.. (give me ideas guys, how many bombs, what seize, bombdoors and stuff)..

and then maybe one or more "civillian" versions.

I want to have only 3 models and then like 10 versions to make it complete but need to figure out:

How to swap textures on models, if possible.

How should the bombdoors look like.

Correct the windows and the cockpit in general.

Damage textures stuff..

Other stuff??

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GranQ i have done some work on your BE32K here is a link


what i have done so far is:

1. Fixed all RPT issues

2. Added a lights system for para drops (Red lights and green lights) activated by pilot used for halo drops in real life

3. Skinned 3 version US, UN, RUS (yours)

4. added the open door option to the pilot as well

5. recoded all code to a single SQF file

6. long hand coded the config so each type has its own complete config with in the config

Ill send you the un binarized version of what i have done so far if you PM me asking but this version is binarized as its in the public forum. I would like with your permission to use this in the ArmA tow Campaign 2 torny that is coming up in a few weeks i only spent a few hours on this but you will see the progression i have done so far.

So what ya say.

Ill add credits where due as always

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I didint notice any overbright and i run tri screens so my answer in NO as i dint knwo the issue was even there download the addon and let me know i still dont know if GranQ will even let me use this hance why im asking promission

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GranQ i have done some work on your BE32K here is a link


what i have done so far is:

1. Fixed all RPT issues

2. Added a lights system for para drops (Red lights and green lights) activated by pilot used for halo drops in real life

3. Skinned 3 version US, UN, RUS (yours)

4. added the open door option to the pilot as well

5. recoded all code to a single SQF file

6. long hand coded the config so each type has its own complete config with in the config

Ill send you the un binarized version of what i have done so far if you PM me asking but this version is binarized as its in the public forum. I would like with your permission to use this in the ArmA tow Campaign 2 torny that is coming up in a few weeks i only spent a few hours on this but you will see the progression i have done so far.

So what ya say.

Ill add credits where due as always

yeah this doest sound bad.

However two things..

the be32 was my "see whats possible project" and still is my favourite "work and test stuff", now its the new tools that i try out so i want to work alittle.. just for my own "skill training".

In other words, i want to do the bomber version and also have a go on different things.

For the lighting window issue i think i solved it.. havent got the time to test (sunday will be next time i touche it), but its really a simpel thing. Just change "reflection" mode in o2, think something went fubar when i did it with the old toys.

An american version of a russian plane.. sure the "bastards" lacks a plane for paradrops.. but wink_o.gif

Another thing, i have a UN version made already.. its white not grey. You should have contacted me long time ago to get the .psd for skinning.

Anyway.. guess we got a UN, Desert, Civillian, Rus and American version..

i wonder if i really should do a desert version or a "racs version"... hmm, i think it should stay east.

armatech, premissions shouldnt be a problem, this is not my final say or a total "ok".. but yeah, lets talk on sunday.. add me on msn or something.

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