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Be 32K

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I'm game.

I can probably whip up something fairly fast. smile_o.gif I'll get back to you after the weekend when I have time to work on it. xmas_o.gif



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i was wondering if you had taken a look at the vulcan B2 thats available on armedassault.info. It releases all its bombs at once like a B26 or B17 instead of one at a time. Is there a way to impliment this into your aircraft?

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i was wondering if you had taken a look at the vulcan B2 thats available on armedassault.info. It releases all its bombs at once like a B26 or B17 instead of one at a time. Is there a way to impliment this into your aircraft?

yeah.. did that on the b52 for vte mod.

Had like rapid release, and spread out..

can do the same for be32.

also, still looking for beta players.

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Have any luck yet in implimenting the bomb script? I figure out how to launch them (salvo=6). and to get the right timing ( reloadtime=.05) but how do we get the spread?

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Have any luck yet in implimenting the bomb script? I figure out how to launch them (salvo=6). and to get the right timing ( reloadtime=.05) but how do we get the spread?

that is fixed.. (well, hope people are happy with the different modes)..

also finaly got the damage texture to work, been trying for months..

the fault was that BIS pbo tool doesn't copy the rvmat as it should..

Anyway, as I am writing this I am uploading the probably last version (some other versions might be released for ACE mod and so on)..

Now I declare the Be32 final.. please check first post within minutes.

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Question for GranQ or anyone else tounge2.gif

I've been trying the following thing :

I put an empty Be32K on Paraiso airport, along with a pilot on the ground, near this plane.

Then, I put a waypoint which orders the pilot to :

- move in the plane as a driver. For this, I use :

piloteUS moveInDriver planeUS ;

and it works.

- shut the engine off. I use the action command like this:

piloteUS action ["ENGINEOFF", planeUS] ;

The plane's engine starts and the plane take off huh.gif

- open the back door of the plane. I use the animate command like this:

piloteUS animate ["RC_Be32Door",1] ;

But the door doesn't open either.

All commands are put in the "On action" field of the pilot's waypoint, one after the other like this :

piloteUS moveInDriver planeUS ; piloteUS action ["ENGINEOFF", planeUS] ; piloteUS animate ["RC_Be32Door",1] ;

Like mentioned, the two last commands don't work whereas it works for a same situation with a soldier and a shilka (movein and engineOFF at least).

To sum everything up, I'd like a pilot to get in the plane, open its back door, and the plane to stand still (engine off), while waiting for further orders from a trigger (not yet implemented).

Any idea ?


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You're trying to animate the pilot.


piloteUS assignAsDriver planeUS; piloteUS moveInDriver planeUS ; piloteUS action ["ENGINEOFF", planeUS] ; vehicle piloteUS animate ["RC_Be32Door",1] ;

( Object animate ["animationName", phase] )

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ODEN @ Mar. 17 2008,17:27)]You're trying to animate the pilot.


piloteUS assignAsDriver planeUS; piloteUS moveInDriver planeUS ; piloteUS action ["ENGINEOFF", planeUS] ; vehicle piloteUS animate ["RC_Be32Door",1] ;

( Object animate ["animationName", phase] )

Many thanks to [ASA]ODEN,

Now, the door does open notworthy.gif


this pilot doesn't shut the engine off confused_o.gif

Any idea ? huh.gif

EDIT : I solved this with a trigger. And instead of everything I mentioned, I've chosen to open the door of the empty plane at start with this animate ["RC_Be32Door",1], and to make the pilot shut it off when he's in yay.gif

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I granQ !

thank you for your work

I've done two texture for my lanparty use, for UN and US version, if u want I can send you the paa and psd.

Here the example

I apply some texture to the surface to looks just more real, and some stuff UN & USAF.

If u like I send you smile_o.gif



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Sorry one question, why you have removed the civilian version? It was very useful...

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Another question :

I've found your advice to use eject with a trigger :

1) Name your plane, in the name field (maybe plane1)

2) create the trigger or what you like for it to "activate" (waypoint works too) and write:

[plane1] exec "\RC_Be32K\scripts\eject.sqs"

This works, but I've noticed that when you are driver, you can inform the passengers of the plane when they must eject via a system of red/green lights.

I've noticed a script in your pbo file : system.sqf

It seems to contain these informations of green/red lights.

How can I use this system for my mission ? Is it possible ?


EDIT : by putting

nil = [plane,0] execVM "\Rc_be32k\scripts\system.sqf";

in the trigger I want to use, the ejection occurs (just like using

[plane] exec "\RC_Be32K\scripts\eject.sqs"

But no Red light/Green light sequence...

Any idea ?

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Sorry one question, why you have removed the civilian version? It was very useful...

i am lazy.. maybe reinclude it later on. However for now I will leave the be32 and work some on other stuff..

oh and Nikoo, i wrote the eject.sqs, while Armatech wrote the system with red/green lights. I will see if he can answer your qustion.

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Ok, thanks.

Should I contact him ? Or do you invite him back on this topic ?

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OK setup 4 triggers in a line along the flight path in the first have

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

//Trigger 1

//Start the system (Trigger 1 might not be needed)

Acc:   nil = [plane,3] execVM "\Rc_be32k\scripts\system.sqf";

/Trigger 2

//Turn RedLight on

Acc:   plane animate [ "RC_lights", 0.1 ];

/Trigger 3

//Turn GreenLight on

Acc:   plane animate [ "RC_lights",  0.2 ];

//Trigger 4

//Start the eject system

Acc:   nil = [plane,0] execVM "\Rc_be32k\scripts\system.sqf";

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Many many thanks notworthy.gif

Actually, I thought it would be more complicated than just activate animations.

But that's really great ! yay.gif

Actually, I use another ejection script. Sort of homemade HALO from LeCulTO (armaFR.net) that also works with AI.

To use them, put this in the trigger where you want to eject:

my_vehicule addEventHandler ["GetOut",{[_this select 2] exec "eject.sqs"}]

And you need to put the following 2 scripts in your mission folder :

eject.sqs :

_para = _this select 0


?((getpos _para select 2) < 5): exit

_parachute = vehicle _para

_para action["Eject",_parachute]

deleteVehicle _parachute

?!(isPlayer _para): goto "loopIA"



?(((getpos _para select 2) < 5) or (vehicle _para != _para)): goto "debut"

_para switchmove "AdthPswmMrunsnonWnonDf"

_para addAction ["Deploy parachute","para.sqs"]




?((getpos _para select 2) > 100): goto "loopIA"

_parachute="ParachuteWest" createvehicle (position _para)

_parachute setpos [getpos _para select 0, getpos _para select 1, getpos _para select 2]

_para moveindriver _parachute



_para = _this select 0

_id = _this select 2

_parachute="ParachuteWest" createvehicle (position _para)

_parachute setpos [getpos _para select 0, getpos _para select 1, getpos _para select 2]

_para moveindriver _parachute

_para removeaction _id


When you choose to eject, it activate an animation and by pressing "Deploy Parachute", it opens the parachute when you want. (not really physics, but it works and seems simplier to use than AAHALO script).

For AI, just order them to eject : they will jump, fall, and deploy parachute 100 meters from the ground. It fully works in multiplayer games.

Thanks to all. smile_o.gif

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Soon i will publish the armatec_halo.pbo this has manday halo combined with the steerable chute

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Soon i will publish the armatec_halo.pbo this has manday halo combined with the steerable chute

I really like this !

if you have the knowlege please make and halo detection by the altitude, so u can open yourself the parachute.

for example above 200 meter, you enter the halo script and u can push ESC to open chute near 100m...

Of course higher altitude are more "safe" but these features are really great to put int the eject event handler..

tell me were to see news about this so we can talk about your works without going off topic smile_o.gif


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I have updated the HALO-like scripts from my post above : now, they work with AI too.


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I have updated the HALO-like scripts from my post above : now, they work with AI too.


Any chance of making some example missions for these scripts and posting them here?

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look for my mission called : Impossible Rescue 1.3.2 on armaholic.com or in this forum wink_o.gif

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look for my mission called : Impossible Rescue 1.3.1 on armaholic.com or in this forum wink_o.gif

Is that the Halo script or the others?

I'll DL it anyway and try it out smile_o.gif

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look for my mission called : Impossible Rescue 1.3.2 on armaholic.com or in this forum wink_o.gif

Is that the Halo script or the others?

I'll DL it anyway and try it out smile_o.gif

Not quite sure to understand your question :

- my mission uses the two scripts I have detailed above, during the mission. I won't tell you when or why wink_o.gif

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