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GranQ thx for those planes but can u pm me or post it here how i can drop Ai out of the plane thx for great addons

now give that Hind lol  whistle.gif

Hind is most probably delayed.

Theres a bug we somehow fail to fix, the rotor spins in all directions like mad...

lol hope its easy 2 fix but i got the time i mean dont rush luv ur addons


if i let the Ai take off the air strip for para drops it wont take off it just spins 360  all the time andbody know what 2 do too

get is airbore thx crazy_o.gif

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You mean Be32? I made a scenario with the plane already airborne and it worked fine. But then again I deleted it at a way point (once it is gone out of sight) from the game.

So I never actually had the plane to take off or land.

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You mean Be32? I made a scenario with the plane already airborne and it worked fine. But then again I deleted it at a way point (once it is gone out of sight) from the game.

So I never actually had the plane to take off or land.

yea i think of that now so looked up on scripts section and i fond out how i can get troops in a airbore plane lol

and i see theres many more this expande my game 2day


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any videos of this baby in action?..

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There was a clip of mi24, but since it has apparently rotor problems I guess that models were rendered at put together outside the ArmA wink_o.gif

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There was a clip of mi24, but since it has apparently rotor problems I guess that models were rendered at put together outside the ArmA wink_o.gif

thats the same chopper...and if you look very closely you will see it.

Look 25-28 seconds into the video and you will see.

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Off-topic, but I fixed the firelods in BMD biggrin_o.gif

You can now kill the exposed crew. Next I'm going after the AI driving issue.

Why did I not download the Oxygen lite before? Stupid me!

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Actually i was able to track down the reason for the problem with the rotor.

If i use the Mapfact Ah-64 and Chinook i always get the rotor that moves like its axis is broken but as soon as i remove all map_ files it works perfectly.

Need to find out what could cause this or you guys have to live with it for now if you wanna use both addons.

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Perhaps there are similarly named selections in models or something  in configs that are conflicting.

I can live if Map choppers and Hind cannot co-exists. I don't know about the rest of community though tounge2.gif

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I would say release a beta or 0.9 version. Give us an egg for the easter.

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we have it fixed now just to run into another lil problem, gotta love that but im positive that we can make it for tomorrow smile_o.gif

Oh and sorry to always hijack this Be32 thread wow_o.gif

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we have it fixed now just to run into another lil problem, gotta love that but im positive that we can make it for tomorrow smile_o.gif

Oh and sorry to always hijack this Be32 thread wow_o.gif

thats some good news i realy hope its out 2morow B/C monday im free so i can play alnite on sunday wo0t


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we have it fixed now just to run into another lil problem, gotta love that but im positive that we can make it for tomorrow smile_o.gif

Oh and sorry to always hijack this Be32 thread wow_o.gif

something more?!

Now i think i refixed it 200 times already wink_o.gif (and probaly unfixed 199 times).

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Only the pop up error you mentioned on MSN but as i dont get it ingame i assume that you found a fix to it before you sent me the file.

So no worries, the stuff is ready.

Maybe me and Kenji add a SLA one for the release, well see xmas_o.gif

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GranQ, still got probs with damage textures?

If so, heres an example of it working in my Ka26.

Sorry if I'm posting something u have already seen.

Quote[/b] ] dammageFull[] = {"\GNT_Ka26\ka26carg.pac", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26carg_d.paa","\GNT_Ka26\ka26eng.pac", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26eng_d.paa","\GNT_Ka26\ka26frt.pac", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26frt_d.paa","\GNT_Ka26\ka26side.pac", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26side_d.paa","\GNT_Ka26\ka26stab.pac", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26stab_d.paa","\GNT_Ka26\ka26top.pac", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26top_d.paa","\GNT_Ka26\ka26wsaf.paa", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26WBrk.paa","\GNT_Ka26\ka26alph.paa", "\GNT_Ka26\ka26alph_d.paa"};

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Hey guys you are masters of teasing and then saying no.

Just makes me wonder what you up to? This is about modding not bedroom olympics tounge2.gif

(Joke and a bad one...)

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in short this is what have happen.

Mapfact is the first to release a chopper with a turret, "oh this saves me time, i just do a "Mapfact_Ah64>replace with>RHS_hind".. for the cfgmodels and skeletons.

Everyone was happy, and then I sent to shadow and he was like "omg, the rotor wobbles like crazy, this doesnt work".

I tweaked but thought it was kinda good, couldnt understand why he complaied hardly notice it.

Then he (dont ask me how) but noticed that if he removed the Mapfact chopper it suddenly behaved as it should.

So I took a look.. mapfact have made a config and "overwrites" helicopter class and their config "forced" them onto ours.

Then i basicly removed 200 lines of code and remade it, so hopefully now its all sweet (and yes shadow, got rid of the error bug) and don't sue me if I am wrong but this should be safe with other addons, unlike the mapfact one.

EDIT. Thanks gnat but it doesnt help, I have no problem with wheeled, chopper and so on.. but for planes I just cant get anything to work. Same code, just diffrent classes and it stop working.

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Well something like this was bound to come up at some point

since everybody is just making add-ons without common guidelines.

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Well something like this was bound to come up at some point

since everybody is just making add-ons without common guidelines.

well, we could just sit back and wait for the CWR team to start publish their tutorials and instructions for ArmA, but guess waiting is what we would have to do wink_o.gif

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What comes to use of damaged versions of models at least BTR80 and U.S. trucks have two versions of geometry one for the normal version and one for destroyed one. If you shoot up an U.S. 5-ton truck you are bound to see the change as the truck starts to burn.

Edit -> just a reference to posts earlier on about damaged versions not working.

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What comes to use of damaged versions of models at least BTR80 and U.S. trucks have two versions of geometry one for the normal version and one for destroyed one. If you shoot up an U.S. 5-ton truck you are bound to see the change as the truck starts to burn.

us trucks dont know about, the btr80 I had big part of.. and still dont know what you talking about wink_o.gif

Like for the choppers, rotors "disapper", its one model, but thru config its "hidden" when damaged. The btr80 use diffrent types of textures.

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Can't wait to fly the MI-24 in ArmA.

All the soviet stuff brings back the good old "OFP feeling".

MfG Lee mi24.gif


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Hey guys you are masters of teasing and then saying no.

Just makes me wonder what you up to? This is about modding not bedroom olympics tounge2.gif

(Joke and a bad one...)

Bit impatinent arent we?

I said easter present and i dunno how it works for the rest of the world but thats sunday and monday for me this year...

It will be availeable soon enough.

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Hey guys you are masters of teasing and then saying no.

Just makes me wonder what you up to? This is about modding not bedroom olympics tounge2.gif

(Joke and a bad one...)

Bit impatinent arent we?

I said easter present and i dunno how it works for the rest of the world but thats sunday and monday for me this year...

It will be availeable soon enough.

yesterday for me wink_o.gif

anyway, let me know if there is anything left you need help with.. almost on 0 projects now so not so stressed out wink_o.gif

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anyway, let me know if there is anything left you need help with.. almost on 0 projects now so not so stressed out wink_o.gif

Slacker rofl.gif ... get back to work biggrin_o.gif

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