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UK Weapons

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PUKF are fantastic. My work is rubish. I'm planning with the help of cobra to make up some rubbish UK addons. Just so we've got something to play with before the realise of the UKF cool stuff.

I want to realise the under the GPL (kind of) so if you modify anything of ours you can do, but you must realise back onto the net.

They are appoling peices of work. They shall be realised before UK ArmA realise date.

Would these be of insterest?





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good idea, nice to see someone doing stuff instead of just sitting and waiting.. but if you wonder how many would actually download this. Then I wouldnt.. ofcourse i probaly wont download UKF stuff either, not saying they are bad or anythign but I am not the type that test everything.

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Yeah. They're too bright indeed. Why the fook is the SA80 yellow? O_o

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I say just do alittle more work and release 'em, otherwise we may have to wait a looong time.

Nice Work. smile_o.gif

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hey, those weapons will look good with more polish if you know what i mean, but i would say release them, it would be nice to have some British kit smile_o.gif, im sure it wouldn't be hard to reskin the Land Rovers in game to British colours.

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the weapons are looking ok so far, maybe the textures are a bit too bright  thumbs-up.gif

No maybe about it. Last time I checked, an SA80 isn't yellow and neon-green...

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How do JB hope you're well.

Like I say chaps I know they're pants it's up to you guys to make them better I've just done a little of the leg work.

More stuff







UGLs a little big but it is big in real life. Not that big but you know I'll tweek

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I hope you dont use those phototextures as the final textures, sorry but, they look really bad whistle.gif.

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Alright, some of you guys say some of the most obvious things.  Trying to stay nice guys I have spent a weekend of my life on these things.

Aye they're not very good you know infact rubbish was the word I used.

I'm going to realise them in the hopes someone will make them better.

They're just fill ins before PUKF realise the good stuff at least we'll have something.

Humm... maybe I shouldn't of said anything. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Don't worry mate, people are just being critical. It's a good thing that you're actually working on stuff instead of just complaining about it. thumbs-up.gif

The weapon's aren't top-notch but practice is never a bad thing. Don't feel rushed in any way. Release any version you want and then keep working to make the next version better.

In short: Don't Panic!

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Haha. I love this community. Only they could jump all over someone who is essentially experimenting with 3d modelling stuff.

"This stuff looks rubbish, but I want to work on them and play with them until PUKF comes out. Maybe I'll even release it so you can muck around with it too!"

"Ew. This looks like rubbish. Just thought I would disseminate my valuable fucking opinion."


It's like a horrible twist on selfish gene theory! Your body is meerly a vehicle through which your opinion gathers resources with which to copy and distribute itself, as if it was a hot commodity! If only darwinian forces were at work here too!

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in other words, there seem to be a lot of complete pricks here.

If someone could improve those weapons a bit they would be awesome, just getting them ingame seems to be a bit of a problem.

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Come on guys sasy had already stated they were just a simple stand in and nothing fancy until UKF manage to create something in the far future. I see no reason why some UK fanboys shouldnt be able to use these in the meantime.

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McNools - keep it civil please..

Whether you like or dislike any work done, say it in a manner that is not disrespectfull.

Critique is valid but only when done appropriately.

The next poster who does not heed the above will receive a nice box as a prize and it will not be a happy meal.

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Good to see you having a go at some addons sasyboy! A lot of people do not actually realise how hard it is to model and texture a addon so keep your head up and keep banging away at your addons. If you need any pointers, im sure i can be of some lil assistance although i do work long hours, and also work away, so please be patient if i do take a long time to reply.

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nicely done fella, like the sas guys you made too - quite embarrased over the kind words you've lavished upon us, and i credit your taunacity at battling with an unknown engine without the tools, i'm certainly too lazy to bother before i get the tools, way too much brain frying otherwise.

you've acknowledged yourself that perhaps the quality is lacking, but then again for what you want out of them, it doesnt matter - addon making should be done to how you want it after all wink_o.gif

keep it up, and we'll try not to dissapoint when we finally get the tools whistle.gif

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Does your SUSAT actually have a magnified image (can't

really tell from the picture)?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean to do with

these (yeh, OK; me thicko). Are you still working on

these for some time yet or are you going to release

them soon...ish?

That second SA80 you showed us looks a decent effort;

not the psychedelic one which appears to have two left

sides (Ooh, hark at me! My own attempts at modelling

weapons usually end up looking more like a collection of

amusingly shaped vegetables whistle.gif  ).

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No offence but judging from the pics, it doesn't look very good


The weapons look very low poly, maybe you should pay more attention to the actual 3d shape of the weapons, not just craeting blocks to fill out the basic shape ( I might be wrong, it's hard to tell sometime by just looking at a pic. would be easier to see if you posted the a pic of the wireframe).


The textures are pretty bad. With a little tweaking in PS they'll probably look much better smile_o.gif  Can't tell you more than that cuz I suck at PS tounge2.gif But I know that good PS work can hide many flaws in the model.


The maping... well there's almost no maping at all. It looks like you just made a planar maping and apllyed (spelling tounge2.gif ) a pic onto it. As you can see it only gives you a good result on the sides while the textures at the other views (front, back, top, bottom) gets very streched out.

Mapping is very boring but still nessesary to get a good result.  wink_o.gif

It's called constructive critism folks wow_o.gif

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