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First ARMA impressions

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Quote[/b] ]I can't understand why they made it to run on unrealistic hardware crazy_o.gif Ok if you are loaded or a spoilt kid you will have the hardware! But "normal" users with normal rigs will get shit fps. Put it another way,when the x-box version comes out it will run fantasticaly on it with a fraction of the p.c's hardware specs just like it did with ofp! I mentioned in a previous post that their is still no hardware out today that can run OFP with all setting's on full.I got shot down by the die hard fan's. Yet i read on this board over and over again thing's like"AA has been designed to run on future hardware"Well i don't want to upgrade my rig again just to play this game pistols.gif And before all the shoot down's startjust ask yourselfs one question-how come al over game's run fine on normal every day comp's but not AA! p.s just wait for a few month's till the console version come's out and it will run perfectly

There are low and medium graphics levels too, you know...

Also some people are just hunting bugs, just play the game and report ones you come across.. confused_o.gif

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This general reaction here is disapointing, there are more complainers who dont have the game than complainers that do, lets have some more impressions from people who do have the game, thats what the topic was made for wink_o.gif .

Quite a few game owners are among the complainers already, it's been out for two weeks now if you havent forgotten. wink_o.gif

Yeah but the worst reactions are coming from those who dont, by now everyone knows that there are issues with the game, instead of setting the barn on fire i would also like to read about the improvements and Arma's potential too.

We have people who havent played the game complaining that the new voice/radio sounds are worse than OPF (in many lines they are better from what i've heard), nobody bothered to post about the positional audio coming from the models or the lip sync. Nobody posted that helicopter tail rotor failure was built in, i happened to grab a few trailers...

Down the line the game will be patched, the noobs will be long gone and the world will be a better place smile_o.gif .

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My worries here are, if BIS dont fix most of the bugs by the release of the 505 ver. or if German ver. isnt patched soon enf. , it can have heavy consequences on sales, internet its a big place.. and bad news run faster then good ones.

I already saw some good games die cause of this in the past , Driver 3 and Deux Ex 2 , were some good examples.

And I hope that if sales dont go as espected BIS dont slow their direct support of the game (pathes).

Im realy confident that by the time 505 is out ArmA will be totally fixed, anyone heard something about any patch yet?

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We have people who havent played the game complaining that the new voice/radio sounds are worse than OPF (in many lines they are better from what i've heard), nobody bothered to post about the positional audio coming from the models or the lip sync. Nobody posted that helicopter tail rotor failure was built in, i happened to grab a few trailers...

Sorry, but you can't be so naiv and say that the voices are fine, after all the vids out there. Neither can you put the tail rotor failure as a big positive point, because this has already been scripted in OFP.

I admit, BIS did a great job with the graphics for example, which in my opinion look better than in BF X. But it's the finetuning of a game which makes the atmosphere, and it looks like BIS missed that, by watching the videos.

Anyway, saturday is the day when we in Germany receive our copies of the big magazines, so I'll wait for the postman tomorrow smile_o.gif

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Erm... sry, but you are seriously comparing current scripted OFP rotor failure with what we see in ArmA? crazy_o.gif

Errr... yes, yes, sure then, OFP is perfect and beats ArmA anyday, in this case

No pun intended to the script designers, they work with what tool they have.

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The only thing they did is they decided NOT to publish the demo so people dont really know what they buying.

Decided not to release the demo? The demo we're actively working on? We're spending time working on a demo we're not going to release? You're talking a smidge nonsense aren't you? Admit it go on wink_o.gif

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The only thing they did is they decided NOT to publish the demo so people dont really know what they buying.

Decided not to release the demo? The demo we're actively working on? We're spending time working on a demo we're not going to release? You're talking a smidge nonsense aren't you? Admit it go on wink_o.gif

Hmm...I wonder...is it just a coincidence that you sound a tad bit like Stewie from Family Guy (when he asks Brian how his novel is coming along)? whistle.gif

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I don't care much about the small bugs. Even the big bugs can be fixed.

But If I can run Gothic 3 with everything on high except textures on medium and get a decent FPS, then I should be able to run ARMA with everything on high. Yet I hear people on these boards with better systems than mine who get low fps.

Thats a problem that the community and patches can't fix. And its a huge problems, because I doubt everybody has a top of the line computer.

BTW, I have a -P4 2.66 Ghz

-2 MB ddr

-Geforce 6800 GT 256 mb

-Crappy AC97 sound card : /

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Performance issues worry me too, if I have to put everything on low to make it playable then I might as well just keep playing OFP.

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There is one thing I can't help but wonder as it doesn't really make sense,why release a game to buy before its demo? Now in this case I can't understand that AA is't like other games where you simply take away maps and such,so what about no mission editor and a few missions?

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Sorry, but you can't be so naiv and say that the voices are fine, after all the vids out there. Neither can you put the tail rotor failure as a big positive point, because this has already been scripted in OFP.

I can clearly hear where the new voices are weird but if you saw all or most trailers you can hear instances where they sound better and more natural than the old robots..

Skip the sound candy and imagine that you can now hear the enemy shouting orders and comands, they no longer comunicate via telepathy wow_o.gif . This is quite a decent gameplay improvement imo since you might hear them shouting ingame... you might know about their behaviour not visually but also by localised sound.

The built in tail rotor failure cant be comparable to a script, it looks and behaves properly and its trigered by localised damage, the a.i. will try to land and leave the helicopter on their own, no scripts involved, its a small yet great adition imo.

Now keep those impresions coming, i already know that there are bugs and the voices are weird sometimes...

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Aside from AI trying to land the helicopter,I think the coding of it was improved more than the community type script. So far we'v seen for tail rotor failures are,smoke or the rotor may stop and helicopter spins but stays level. Armed Assault clearly shows the helicopter going beserk.

Plus the whole sound system itself,yes to the hearing others near you but also the way you hear things varying on distance,even more direction and wether or not an object is blocking the direct path of the sound.

As for the flight model,so far I have heard alot of "its bad" type comments yet nobody has clarified as to why the flight model is worse.

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I first thought the same , as many of you , but after actually playing some missions i had that OFP feeling back.

(The SP BlackOp Mission is awesome.Great atmosphere )

The only REAL major issue i see , that could really cause problems is the instable AI performance ... sometimes they are godlike killing machines , that use tactics and cover each other , and then there are times they run along a street and bump into an enemy soldier ... the next few seconds both stare at each other and do nothing ...

If this could be fixed , along with some other bugs and the helicopter controls , we have all we ever wanted.

greets Chris

I played on all high , except terrain details and antialaising.

i have around 30-75 FPS , depending on where i am on sahrani



2Gb DDR2 Ram

7900GT 512Mb

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I forgot to tell my PC specs earlier, so for comparisons sake:

AMD 2600+ Barton

Leadtek 6800GT

1GB Corsair RAM


MSI nForce2 mobo

- not exactly cutting edge stuff ;)

I have the detail set to high, it only usually gets a noticably choppy framerate when its loading new textures.

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After playing this game for 2 days i can now safely say that in my opinion its just not fun to play in its current state (performance issues aside).

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After playing this game for 2 days i can now safely say that in my opinion its just not fun to play in its current state (performance issues aside).

And in my opninion its a big improvement over OFP (no real major bugs, more like the small bugs OFP had when it got released) and i dont see any reason at all to play OFP again tounge2.gif

The textures that stay blurry for a while and the sometimes strange AI bugs arent that common and the game is in a very playable state. (there was only one occasion where i couldnt finish a mission and that was because the AI got stuck with the car between 2 pillars of some building)

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I just tried Arma and these are my impressions...

I played at 1280x1024 at medium/low details and it looks great...graphic is just amazing...

Movements are realistic and impressive..

All is great but there are 2 things i didn't like at all...

1) Flying with chopper is really hard, i don't like it at all and often autohover turns on automatically (bug i think).

If the chopper goes at high speed there is no way to make it turns with pedals and trying to turn with cloche (turn command) make the chopper only to turn slowly...

So if u wanna turn 180 degrees fast, u have almost to stop then use your pedals command or turn command...

I really liked the OFP chopper flymode.

2) If u go prone, you can't see far AI and almost anything because grass is a bit high but AI can often see u so u have to make semi prone position but u are more visibile and easily killable...AND....firing semi-prone with machinegun is almost impossible..

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1) Flying with chopper is really hard, i don't like it at all and often autohover turns on automatically (bug i think).

I think it works with 'quick keys' like the double tap shift, forward, lean left and right etc...

If im not mistaken.. you can turn on auto hover by pressing twice backward or forward fast. or it might be another button, im unsure.

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If the chopper goes at high speed there is no way to make it turns with pedals and trying to turn with cloche (turn command) make the chopper only to turn slowly...

So if u wanna turn 180 degrees fast, u have almost to stop then use your pedals command or turn command...

When you are flying fast, try fly with a chopper like with a plane. It works fine... far from perfect but is possible to control those damned flying things.

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wow i didnt know about 'x' and 'c' to turn, i was thinking wtf wheres my turn keys gone from ofp,damn choppers couldnt turn ...only strafe,i was having to come to a complete stop to turn the damn things properly lol.just tried it out ,if your going fast it still works,just not as responsive as it was in ofp.

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I just watched this forest fighting movie and noticed there was no noticeable recoil or dispersion on the SAW, it seemed so acurate and stable that the player could easily shoot SLA's, in the kneeling position, without even using the sights... I got this same impression from the movies where someone used the M240 to shoot at the tail rotor of the UH-60.

Any insight on the performance of MG's?

Also, does the AK74 still has burst mode?

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I just watched this forest fighting movie and noticed there was no noticeable recoil or dispersion on the SAW, it seemed so acurate and stable that the player could easily shoot SLA's, in the kneeling position, without even using the sights... I got this same impression from the movies where someone used the M240 to shoot at the tail rotor of the UH-60.

In ArmA it's not a machinegun. It's laser pointer. It has hardly any recoil when standing and when prone, its better than any sniper rifle... especially because you have 5x200 rounds magazines. This must be changed. Makes MP bit unballanced.

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It's a tossup between recoil and realism in this case, since most weapons, especially the M16/M4 series firing the 5.56x45mm NATO round have very little recoil in real life. The same complaint was made concerning the M4 way back in development, and now I think the M4 has far too much recoil - you can fire the weapon stably in one hand FFS.

Heatseeker - no burst mode on the AK, thank god.

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My first impression would be that the graphics are great. I dislike the FOV in some vehicles, mostly the choppers. Sometimes I feel like im flying a R/C. But besides that the recoil is nice except the machine guns may need a fix. I first played it with a nvidia 7800gt and had no problems at all. I place the settings around normal and view distance on around 1.5k and a few options on high, now I tried on a 8800gtx and everything on veryhigh and view distance at about 3k and it is very smooth. But to tell you the truth a 7800gt with 2ghz and 2g ram ran it fine. So most you guys with average system will have no problem playing. It seems that they did a great job on hardware requirements.

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- There are too many keys options so some have to be removed (?), couldn't walk slowlly. (control keys adjustments, hard to find good combination keys)

No I dont think so, the more options the better. It's just a matter of getting used to the new movements, the best way to do it is spend a lot of time in the control options and setup everything exactly how you want it on keyboard and mouse and get used to those settings which will take a few days to remember most stuff.

Currently I use the arrow keys for movement, delete and end for lean left and right which I also have set for roll while prone. To temporally walk I hold right shift and to leave walk on I hit 2x right shift and to sprint I simply use 2x up arrow.

Anyway the game overall is looking awesome, it's just a matter of hopefully optimizing the engine some more with a lot of bug fixes which I'm sure will continue well into the future as it's such a big engine and tweaking the choppers and the harrier. I was flying the KA50 yesterday some more and I think it's also one of the smoother choppers to fly with a joystick, the main problem with it is the roll rate is a bit to slow. I just hope some of the other more twitchy choppers (AH1 etc) fly smoother like this in future.

Also the camel fly's pretty good but the elevators are a bit to sensitive.

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