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SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

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Solus, if I wished to play with the config and turn back the bullet snap to the wgl type, how would I do this? Is it possible?

edit: I found it, for anyone who is interested smile_o.gif... at least I think I did. After messing with many of the bullet crack entries, I finally figured out which ones are for the wgl bullets. It's not in the shotsingle class, but rather, under

class WGL_Bullet: BulletSingle


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// soundFly[]={\wgl_sounds\fx\fly_bullet.wss,WGL_SndLvl_2,1};

// SLX MOD : Supersonic crack sound.


And replace the comments (//) between the two 'soundfly' entries, so it looks like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


// SLX MOD : Supersonic crack sound.

// soundFly[]={"\SLX_GL3\bullet_crack","2",0.7};

I haven't tested it a lot so I don't know, if by some magical mystery black hole of programming alternate-univerness, it completely ripped out all of the bullet sounds. I have ascertained that the SLX for the wgl bullets are no longer singing, though smile_o.gif

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Universal: My hard drive space is dangerously low, so I don't know if I have room to download them right now. Maybe after I clear some stuff out I'll be able to download and get the configs and test them.

gunterlund: Sorry, the readme is incorrect, it will be updated in the next update. Just use "[_x]" in that line and it will work.

-Sniper-: Sorry you can't get it to work. :\

plaintiff1: Almost all changes in the configs are commented, just search for "SLX" and find the "soundFly" entries. The original parts are on top and the modified parts on the bottom. Just comment out the bottom one and uncomment to top one and it will be back the way it was.

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Thanks Solus.. I found it and was writing my post just as you wrote yours. The problem I was having was I was altering the wrong entry. Thanks again for this incredible mod. I'm obsessed with it. Also thanks for your excellent support!

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Quote[/b] ]Which mod did you want a .bin for ?

SLX MOD config.bin. smile_o.gif

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Just given this a go and I'm experiencing a few bugs.

1. Burning vehicle effects don't look like the ones in your screenshots - they appear more like rounded 'puffs' of flame.

2. When shooting at people or the ground with a automatic weapon - huge flat disks of what looks like solid smoke swirl graphics appear momentarily - block my view of the things I was shooting at.

Are these bugs or could this be caused by a bad installation?

In either case thanks for your work!

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I would be really grateful if someone could explain in VERY SIMPLE TERMS what the mod configurations do and how and why we change them.

cheers, IMPI

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Great news about Tonal config biggrin_o.gif


I'm speechless!

You are my favourite modder Solus! You are the first modder since 5,5 years OFP that is ready and capable to implement a fantastic gameplay mod to almost all major mods out there in the OFP community!

FFUR, WGL, CSLA, ECP, and now Tonal redux!

I have only one wish left: Please, please include the AI join option!

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Several CTDs in MP

I don't know if this helps you but anyway...

Date: 11/21/06 Time: 17:09:58


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00482C54

Version 1.96

Fault address: 00482C54 01:00081C54 C:\Program files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE

file: SLX WAR (__CUR_MP)

world: Eden

Prev. code bytes: 34 57 33 FF 85 C9 7E 42 8B 46 2C 83 C0 04 8B 10

Fault code bytes: 83 7A 5C 06 74 0A 47 83 C0 08 3B F9 7C F0 EB 2A


EAX:1FDE5564 EBX:00000000

ECX:00000002 EDX:00000000

ESI:202DEDF0 EDI:00000000


SS:ESP:0023:0012F680 EBP:0012F694

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


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Just a little snippet of GL3 in action -

In the 'Montignac' mission (CWC) after the rescue Blackhawk gets shot down by the Hind, my Officer yells "Take cover!!", which results in my squad running indoors for safety. The RPG men then take pot shots at the Hind while the medic sprints and dives to help burning pilots screaming for help. Eventually the Hind gets shot down but unfortunately my officer ran upstairs and wouldn't come down to advance to next objective.

I love this sort of unpredictable action so I won't turn off GL3 yet I was wondering if there could maybe be some sort of timer to force the officer to move on to next objective.

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1. Burning vehicle effects don't look like the ones in your screenshots - they appear more like rounded 'puffs' of flame.

I had this problem until I ran the installer that was provided in the @SLX root directory. Have you done so?

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This is my firs post as you can see biggrin_o.gif . i have downloaded this mod already, but because i have finnish version, i cant find the Target part where you must put the -mod=@SLX part. crazy_o.gif I really want to use this mod so if anyone have a solution would you please help me or i will goodnight.gif myself.

Thank you. Acetalker out.

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Your obviously new to the whole mod thing so I 'll try to be clear.

Make a copy of whatever shortcut you use to launch ofp (on your desktop probably) right click on it and hit "properties". It will bring up a little window and one of the areas you can type in will be titled "target" I'm on my workcomputer so I can't say exactly, I'm going from memory here. In that box, it will say something like "c:\codemasters\operationflashpoint\flashpointresistance.exe"

What you want to add is

-mod=@SLX after the last set of quotation marks. might need a space in between also.

Let us know if you need more info.

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Hope you can find this by translating this into finish:

(i'm using dutch so maybe not everything is called this in english)

You have to go to the Properties of the Flashpoint shortcut, recommended is to duplicate it.

Then you get the properties screen, in english there should be three tabs, on of them is called shortcut

On it you should see:

- The name

- Targettype: Shortcut

- Targetmap: Operation Flashpoint

- Target: (fillable form) [example:"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -mod=@SLX]

The rest is not important smile_o.gif

Okay and I have a bug report but haven't checked if it's WGL or SLX bug so will place that soon.

It is an WGL(+SLX) bug, the handgrenades don't explode or at least don't make any sound.

And somehow my entire Island select and options screen is way to big for the screen sad_o.gif

Edit: just to late tounge2.gif

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william1: Thanks for that default config!

Rebl Man: I tried converting it but it's just not designed for being binarized and it would take a lot of modifications to make it work so I'm not going to do it at this time, sorry. Maybe in a future update. You could try one of the other mods with a config.bin for the time being.

seminara: Thanks! Sounds like what plaintiff1 said, perhaps you haven't run the install .bat.

impi: Sorry, I added it in the second paragraph on the first post, they add the GL3 and SLX Wounds effects to another mod along with supersonic bullet sounds and different cloudlet effects.

Kroky: Thanks! It's planned for some future update but it's a big feature so it's gonna take a while. Next update also has a VTE config with same JAM supersonic bullet sounds as Tonal config but no GL3 or SLX Wounds yet.

snoofkin911: You can carry dead/wounded people in vehicles by getting into the vehicle while the "Drag" action is in your action menu, then use the action while in the vehicle and they will be moved into a free cargo slot. This should work to medevac people, but it requires player intervention, or you could modify the scripts to do it. AI's can be ordered to use the action too. The wounded/dead person will be removed from the vehicle when the person who brought them in disembarks. I saw a wheeled stretcher in a documentary about medevacs in Iraq. That stretcher could probably be made by someone and it should work with the SLX Wounds scripts as a replacement for the dragger vehicle but with only one person pulling the stretcher. It would probably need a new anim too.

Freshman: Sorry for the CTD's. :/ I had the client CTD in testing last night when a helicopter got shot down by the client. What situations did the CTD's happen in ? Was there anything that seemed to be happening when it crashed ? Thanks for the bug reports! Every one of them helps. :]

froggyluv: Thanks for the bug report! I put it on the "to fix" list and will look into it for a future update.

AceTalker: Try what nubbin77 and paragraphic l suggested, I hope you can get it working. :]

nubbin77, paragraphic l: Thanks!


Here's the latest update:

SLX Mod Update 1.07 5.88MB


Updated SLX_GL3.pbo to version 1.03:

Fixed windage on shots and aircraft. Further optimized shot effects and raised hit effect estimate accuracy.

Changed tail rotor failure effects to have different smoke and add sparks and metal fragments flying off.

Removed objects used by scripts from being visible in editor. Thanks Matt Rochelle!

Made tracers more visible.

Included example mission.

Updated readme to reflect current status and make sure everything works.

Fixed munitions freezing in mid air in MP.

Fixed WGL claymores and satchel charges unable to be laid or seen on the ground in multiplayer also any items placed down to be picked up from your backpack dissapeared. Thanks ONI.au.

Updated SLX_Wounds.pbo to version 1.01:

Made dropped weapons somewhat MP compatible. No more duplicate dropped weapons floating around. Added "take weapon" action to dropped weapons so client players can now pick up non local dropped weapons.

Included example mission.

Updated readme to reflect current status and make sure everything works.

Updated SLX_Melee.pbo to version 1.01:

Remove test tracer effects.

Make binoculars be the active item after using a melee item. Thanks KyleSarnik!

Updated SLX_Vehicles.pbo to version 1.01:

Fixed oval steering wheel on 5 ton truck.

Fixed FFUR2006 2.5 light config: Throwable FFUR grenades in light configs.

Added Tonal Redux config with GL3 Tonal units and JAM ammo with supersonic bullet sounds and working FN FAL Scout bayonet. Includes GL3 mission with tonal african dialect voices shout script.

Added all SLX config changes to WGL 5.12 config: supersonic bullet sounds, hand to hand, bayonets, vehicles with animations, dive anim, extended view abilities. Dive anim is optional and can be uncommented in cpp.

Added VTE+JAM config with supersonic bullet sounds.

Added backup default mod configs.

Updated readmes.

Added example missions for GL3 and SLX Wounds.

To install updates:

Extract the update content on top of the existing content, then use the installer.

To install mod configs:

First backup the other mod's original config.bin or config.cpp in their bin folder, then copy the SLX config to their bin folder and then run OFP with -mod @SLX;Mod

To edit the shortcut command line:

Find or make a shorcut to OFP and right click it then select properties. Find the line that says "Target:" and has something like this:

"C:\Program Files\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE"

Then add -mod=@SLX on the end so it looks like this:

"C:\Program Files\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=@SLX

Remember to keep the quotation marks in the same position. Then click apply and OK. You can also run other mods and disable the spash screen like this:

"C:\Program Files\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -mod=@ECP;@COC;@SLX

Also remember that content in mods listed after the first mod will be used over the previous ones, so other installed replacement packs or configs cannot be used together. To use other replacement packs with the SLX replacement pack you could copy their content that you want to use into the NewData folder then run the Install .bat again. If you want to revert back to the default SLX replacement content, just extract the original content from the archive into your NewData folder and run the Install .bat.

To use Tonal Redux config, Tonal GL3, and SLX Wounds:

Copy the @SLX\Mod configs\@TonalRedux\bin\ folder to the @TonalRedux mod folder. Then in @SLX\SLX_GL3_Settings.sqf uncomment the Tonal GL3 and SLX Wounds paths. Make sure you comment out the paths before using another mod though.

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lol those flaoting munitions were funny in deathmatch my mate fired an mm1 ran into the floating grenade and died! Good that u fixed it now. Does anybody else have floating guns over dead bodies in MP? Usualy RPG's pointing verticaly over a corpse and somtimes when a player gets shot the gun they are using floats in the air beside them but they still have the weapon in hand too

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@Solus Again Amazing work Solus , you are an inspiration , you must of spent a good old time making this stuff , and i love it , if you lived in west yorkshire i would take you out and buy you a pint wink_o.gif

i have no idea about scripts and coding , so this stuff is like magic .

let me not forget how beautifull this game looks , you have a real artists eye , from the dust smoke to the clouds , i cant believe how different and enjoyable this has made ofp , still playing with the ffur config though yet to try CSLA 2 , i just wanted to let you know what a top person you are, and still so considerate and congenial, and i hope "bis" are watching because Solus you have raised the bar


oh and could someone please tell me how to uncomment this:

// Tonal Redux GL3 and SLX Wounds with african dialect shouting. Uncomment to enable. Remember to comment out when playing another mod though.

//SLX_GL3_Path = {..\@SLX\Example missions\TonalRedux_GL3_Wounds.Intro\GL3\};

//SLX_Wounds_Path = {..\@SLX\Example missions\TonalRedux_GL3_Wounds.Intro\SLX_Wounds\};

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anyone else having a problem where ofp freezes when using WGL and SLX and there's an intro to a mp mission? I was using the client-server with a friend.

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Regarding the stressed, tired, spastic nervousness you are trying to display in these optics Solus, I try to make a point of not being so tired and spastic as i make my way nearer into my possition, get my running in the early part of the leg, because i know i can't hit anything if i'm spassing out when i get there; and yet, i am still spastic! It's bad enough i have my own stress and nervousness in those moments and no doubt they are transferred into the game already through my own mouse. Add to that the cumbersome user interface we have - you have to make the gun crooked too?

I'm not sure if maybe you haven't seen what i'm talking about?

Try out an M21 or especially an M-24 and tell me ya might not be better off with an M16 with iron or aimpoint. There is no advantage to having a scope in this mod. It is a deadly hazard.

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punishment: Floating guns should be fixed in the latest update, try it out and see if it works. :]

NeilReed101: Thanks! Unfortunately I live too far away but thanks for the offer. ;] To uncomment a line just remove the "//" in front of it, and you can add them back in to comment it out.

plaintiff1: Can you give me any more info on the crash behaviour ? What mission were you using ? I'll try reproducing it so I can find out what's wrong and fix it in the next update. Thanks for any info you can provide!

Hardcoreâ„¢: Sorry, I hadn't seen how shaky it was. :/ I'll take a look at it and reduce the shakiness in the next update. You can try modifying the AimPrecision values in the config and if you find some good ones that you think work well it would be nice if you could share them here and let me use them in the next update. Thanks for the feedback! :]


Hardcoreâ„¢: I just thought of a compromise for this situation, how about just have the regular movement animations take more stamina so that running around regularly will give a little bit of shaky aim from being a little tired, but crawling or walking into position or running then resting will leave you with a well rested steady aim ?

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Hardcoreâ„¢: Sorry, I hadn't seen how shaky it was. :/ I'll take a look at it and reduce the shakiness in the next update. You can try modifying the AimPrecision values in the config and if you find some good ones that you think work well it would be nice if you could share them here and let me use them in the next update. Thanks for the feedback! :]

in the dma modpacks we used

aimPrecision=3; for the class Default (stand stance) (default BIS was 1)

aimPrecision=2; for the class Crouch:Combat (crouch stance) (default BIS was 0.5)

aimPrecision=0.45; for the class Lying:Default (prone stance) (default BIS was 0.3)

aimPrecision=0.5; for the class Weapon (AT stance) (the same as default BIS as when i tested i noticed the AI was unable to hit anything with AT with higher values)

I don't remember if it were exactly FDF ones we used (we used their recoil though), but those values were close to their settings.

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There is something mentioned in the Read me about Artillery (something referring to the ammo truck?! ) . I Was wondering how one would set this up and get AI to call it in. I am currently testing the AI's ability to use GL3 to call in support (without any scripting or triggers! ) and was wondering if it was possible to get then to call in Artillery.

I'm running OFP:R1.96 with @SLX;@WGL5.12;@CoCUA.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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I'm not too sure but giving them (artillery) the support waypoint may work... it does work for ammotrucks if i'm correct, works with ambulance!

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All I can say is wow on this mod. You did and excellent job. A couple of things have come up in testing.

Using CoC arty there are no explosion sounds

my set up is -mod=coc;slx;wgl5


When I come across a dead nme I thought I read that you can load them in a vehicle. Does this work for dead nme soldiers or only wounded ones. Also If I have my AI guy drag a body far he turns red. Is this the dragger getting tired. He will not return to being normal however even with a medic. The medic doesnt see him as injured.

Great work. Keep it up.

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