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505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

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I'd love a plastic (in the style of those cheap green army men) BMP. The one vehicle that represents OFP\ArmA. This might be a bit much to ask for though smile_o.gif

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My wish list:

- A printed map of Sahrani

- An editor guide with tutorials for advanced mission making

- A printed mug with extra caffeinated coffee (will need to sustain me through the first nights)

- A disk with Armed Assault development notes, the BIS Wiki, commented config notes

- A South-Sahrani or North-Sahrani flag

- A bottle of spirits to celebrate final victory in the campaign



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I read an armpatch and have to second that - South Saharani Special Forces? (S3F)

-Ammo Box/crate

-topo map heavy enough or plasticized for hanging

-a Saharani dollar? A sara? Or DRS coinage even.

Here's my fav - a signed postcard from William biggrin_o.gif

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For real now:

A metal case with the ArmA logo whatsitcall'ed out of it (So it all sticks out)

Dogtags with the ArmA logo in.

A highly detailed map of whatsitsname...


And other stuff from Czech one.

I like the idea of the soundtrack

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Quote[/b] ]The one vehicle that represents OFP\ArmA.

That's so bloody true! biggrin_o.gif

A North-Sahrani armpatch would be cool too.

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hmmmm maybe a special version of OFP? plus some of the other stuffs metioned above

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A female russian in uniform and lots of vodka

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If there is a map it MUST be rolled not folded. Whats the point in putting effort into a nice map only to put creases through it.

All the other suggestions have been good, any of them would be awsome. The DVD bonus that would show the offices, daily live of bis, making of ArmA, resaerch trips where they got to play with cool stuff, and definatly a preview for game 2. Of course I would greatly appreaticate that these things also be included in a USA special edition.

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- Arma of course, but without that spyware/virus named "starforce" mad_o.gif

- Sahrani map

- Arma poster

- Arma T-shirt

- Arma baseball cap

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- A big poster map

- A big manual

- black T-shirt with arma logo on it

- Some sort of north/south sahrani propaganda flyers or posters

- Compass

- No starforce smile_o.gif

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Star-Force Free ArmA DVD (Jumped on the bandwagon)

Huge Hi-res poster of Sarhani

Bonus DVD showing off BIS's "Game 2" and a Tour of BIS HQs.

An ArmA action figure/model of the US Soldier in ACU

Or small vehicle models like a BMP, Stryker, hummer, etc...

Track IR discount coupon.

Soundtrack CD

ArmA mousepad

ArmA Baseball Hat

VBS2 Demo or something showing off VBS2

HUGE manual detailing EVERYTHING in the game. Modding,Mission making etc...

All in a cool ammo box.

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- Iron ammo crate to dump in content

- Map of Sahrani poster size

- Soundtrack CD or CD with many extras like wallpapers

- DVD case in a box package (not those old ones)

- Mission Editor guide, also with advanced scripting

- Compass

- Picture of secret BI forest hq

... well can't think of anything more. yay.gif

Oh yes, mouse pad seems nice also.

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Large 40in by 40in map sounds good, it can go on the wall right above my monitor and i can glance up and see where to go yay.gif

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[*]Pointers on a map so Berghoff knows where to go when he's raiding the BIS HQ.


[*]Key-ring with Arma-logo

[*]head-set mic (kinda like an earpiece on one ear only) [for VoIP]

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a Å50 note.

-- actually the suggestion of bundleing trackIR would be really cool, i'd buy it.

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1: Big map of Sahrani (Possibly military-style with AO marked and other points of interest).

2: Satellite images of North Sahrani military installations.

3: PRC-117 Military Satcom style case that contains the CE contents anprc117f-pic.gif

4: Armor/plane recognition cards (Don't know what you call 'em in english) with silhouettes/statistics of friendly/enemy armored vehicles/air assets.

5: Postcards from Sahrani (Possibly "written" by William Porter?)

6: Army watch with green velcro strap and ArmA logo inside the watch casing.

7: Special DVD casing with the BIS teams autographs.

I think the T-Shirt is a bad idea unless you make them all size XXL - I mean, there ARE some people (Like me) who's almost 6'6" (197cm) tall and can't fit a t-shirt size L.... confused_o.gif

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What about a 50. Cal shell with ArmA printed on it? And a military watch? An a pair of Special Forces Sunglasses

This is what I liked most....

Specially the bullet with ArmA on it ! Everyone should have a bullet ! smile_o.gif

(ArmA watch and SF sunglasses are also a nice idea)

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Behind the scenes DVD.

I like the idea of the case being in a radio design.

Big poster of Sahrani

MIlitary watch or compass

Editor Guide book

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- Compass

That's the one suggestion I like sofar, bonus points if its the same as the ingame compass!

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-Big ArmA map with a "whiteboard coating" so we can write our battleplans on it with whiteboard markers. (I know this is possible)

-Some cloth with ArmA / Bistudio logo

-Anything that can be helpfull to complete your missions nener.gif

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Nice idea about the map rundll

I still think it should come with a live russian girl in uniform. and a crate of vodka...

Maybe just a poster of the girl, eh?

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After reading I'd sum my wishlist up:

Armed Assault DVD

Extra content (of BI members etc) DVD

Map of Sahrani (backside signed by BI Studio-workers)

The ingame-compass

And all this in a shiny metal box biggrin_o.gif

Oh, and a TrackIR bundle would be pretty smart, but I wouldn't buy it though tounge2.gif

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