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Faces / Uniforms

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I've redone my face once again, this time everything should fit perfectly. Will post it up later today.

EDIT - Also, Ian Malcolm was good enough to use my face in Armed Assault itself. Be advised, especially Paragraphic, that one's face will have to be as dark as the original, or else you'll turn out as ghostly as I did!

My latest face has been fixed, this was only version 2 here.


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yourse was allready way darker then mine tounge2.gif

Looks great btw, only I really wonder how the hear turns out smile_o.gif

okay i just edited mine smile_o.gif

If Malcolm would like to make an screenshot of me ingame I would love to see the "tourist" version biggrin_o.gif

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Biggest breakthrough will be to use customizable body structures...i believe BIS has said that it can happen with new bones animations...?

This will be very helpfull to quick recognise ur team mates in Veteran-elite mode...

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is that nose in 'main' face section used at all? ..Or why there is a separate section for nose?

Some of you have posted pictures of your texture applied on model . Is that taken in-game or is there any other method to preview how texture will look on model?

.. I'm still waiting for eng version of game :/

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Reworked my FACE and added some GLOVES smile_o.gif

would be happy if someone could show me how it looks ingame.

FACE (over 100KB)

THX alot

regards benus

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.jpg format

1024x1024 px

104 kb

and works fine in Single play.

When hosting a Multi player session it turns "All white"

Anyone with the same problem ?

And perhaps a solution ?

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That is the same 'limite' like in OFP, so for MP your face needs to be less then 96kb or something around that.

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I'd go with a balaclava, but i'm afraid I might look like something out of GI Joe once I am a civilian. Beachhead in beach cloths...seen it before...lol

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Thanks a lot DaSquade

Just made a "save as" with ACDC, which rubbed it down to 91,5 kb.

Now everything runs smooth smile_o.gif

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If the player models can be loaded into O2, wouldn't it be possible to publish a model for those who want to test their custom faces but don't have ArmA yet? I'd really appreciate this. wink_o.gif

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To which folder should I place face.jpg to use the custom face texture?

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if it's under 100kb wouldnt the quality be shit?

Couldn't you use somethin like Adobe Photoshop and make it lower file size yet still keep good quality?

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Maybe I missed it, but where do you put this face.jpg once you're done to use it in-game?

C:\Documents and Settings\Winprofile\Dokuments\ArmA or ArmA Other Profiles\yourname\

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Could one of you guys with ArmA check out and see how this face looks in game?


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Could one of you guys with ArmA check out and see how this face looks in game?


I even didn't bothered to load it into the game. Just simply putting it over released wireframe tells me, that eyes don't fit, mouth don't fit, nose don't fit and ears don't fit, there is something bad with hair on your back and that's just half of the problems... try again smile_o.gif

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Haha.. Ooops. I should have looked at that. Thanks for the heads up.

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Someone knew some good Tutorials for Photoshop to convert Fotos to Facetextures?


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Hey Ian, Could u test this, i just wana see it ingame so i can edit it.. i couldn't bothered and lack of time to get side shots of my head. first time attempt too i just wana see what it looks like.

My Face

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