sniperandy 0 Posted November 14, 2006 Yes they don't show it at all now. Best guess, the Publisher pulled it after they learned that they send it all over the place and that they seem to be the only czech shop that had a english language option. or they are out of stock and for that they pulled it... we will see... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
binkster 0 Posted November 14, 2006 I bought it today but I think it said in czech that it is a preorder for dec 10, but when you choose english... It just says......"Sorry this item is not available at this moment" but you can still order it.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted November 18, 2006 I tried to order from using my English account, but once I tried to use my US shipping address, I hit a brick wall. I also tried looking on several CZ sites that were advertised on, but I couldn't read a thing. I asked one of the regulars on my server about buying a German version and shipping it over since he lives there, but he pointed to and I was able to order a German version. Â I know I'm taking a small risk since it's not like buying from Amazon, but since you can use PayPal, and it protects you, I don't think there's much risk involved. This version oughta tide me over until a NA version is released at some point. Â Hopefully it won't use Starforce either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 IN 1 0 Posted November 18, 2006 i am also planing on getting one on as soon as i get my credit card statment(online or print, better online as it take me to dec 10+ for the print one), might be some risk but thats just $65 or so (been in deeper trouble b4, salse business you know) by the way how much did i really have to pay on such way? 8.5+45.90+4.0+8.5=66.9........oh wait i forgot about the currency issus hkd$669 for a game, and not to talk about the new computer powerful to run it smooth and nice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trunkz jr 0 Posted November 19, 2006 Quetion: I was thinking of getting it from What does it mean by 899 cz and then next offer 1699 cz, i don't get this but in US price, thats about like $30 difference. Also, I don't see any In Stock or Not in Stock, where can I found out? and I dont have DVD thing, would I still be able to install it somehow? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted November 19, 2006 I dont have DVD thing, would I still be able to install it somehow? By "DVD thing" I take it you mean DVD drive? ( ) You can't play it unless you have an up-to-date DVD drive as it's a DVD ROM game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trunkz jr 0 Posted November 19, 2006 Okay, i can get that easily lol what about the other stuff :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sniperandy 0 Posted November 19, 2006 If all fails it is still got that god gave us ebay... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODDDNAME 0 Posted November 19, 2006 Quetion:I was thinking of getting it from What does it mean by 899 cz and then next offer 1699 cz, i don't get this but in US price, thats about like $30 difference. Also, I don't see any In Stock or Not in Stock, where can I found out? and I dont have DVD thing, would I still be able to install it somehow? Pretty sure the prices are regular version and collectors edition maybe =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M-N-0N 0 Posted November 28, 2006 So does anyone know if these guys have it in stock? kinda wondering that the czech version of he website says? has anyone ordered this in the last few days and recived it yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M-N-0N 0 Posted November 28, 2006 well i tried to order it and after completing the payment stuff it said my order was NOT accepted =:/ dunno whats up with that ... tried it two times ... hope like hell it didnt accept it and i dont get charged for 2 games =:s Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted November 29, 2006 I see a lot of ppl complaining that the 1/6th of the world is able to play ArmA, while all the English players are not! This complaint is false and it isn't nececairy to wait anymore!!! DONT WAIT You can get the game right now, from a Czech or German shop, whichever you prefer, and CONVERT the game <span style='color:red'>FULLY into English</span>... (German patcher is on the way, released in a few days). THERE IS <span style='color:red'>NO NEED TO WAIT</span>, GET ARMA NOW FROM ONE OF THE SHOPS YOU PREFER: ( they all send across the world!! ) Germany: ( Know another shop?! Post it ASAP! ) Czech:: (Know another shop?! Post it ASAP ! ) Can´t pay online etc? You probably got friends around the globe somewhere, see if they can get it and send it to you! Easy money transfers are usually done through paypal, and as I know for almost sure... you can transfer money for FREE throughout whole europe just by bank transfers!! Important links: How to play the Czech Version in English, FULL conversion ( German patch will be up in a few days, when german is released!! ) FAQ: Yeah, when BIS releases a patch, it will probably check the version you're running as well as every single file in your installation folder. What if it refuses to patch because some files are edited? Then you follow my readme in how to put back the backuped files or the files that are on your dvd, both described in my readme. Besides, I don't know how legal it will be to copy the real BIS released English files from your friends copy to your copy when the English one get's released.. BTW, afaik... it doesn´t check all the files in your installation folder, but only the files that the patch applies to. And what about the anti cheat thing ? We are working on methods on how to convert the game to English without having to patch the bin.pbo and the language.pbo,  this will solve anticheat troubles, on servers that specifially check the bin.pbo and the language.pbo if they have changed.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeinger 0 Posted November 29, 2006 And what about the anti cheat thing ? And what if a patch is released ? I have to wait untill you release a language patch for a game I have bought ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted November 29, 2006 And what about the anti cheat thing ?And what if a patch is released ? I have to wait  untill you release a language patch for a game I have bought ? True, I will have to release a new patch, depending on what BIS patches, but this can be done fast and without too much delay. Besides, my work is now on the streets... at this moment I don´t want anyone else to fiddle or re-release it, but if I would not be able to create a patch in a normal time space, it´s going to be easy to change the license of my patch and let the work be continued by others that are in the same boat. Besides, we are working on methods on how to convert the game to English without having to patch the bin.pbo and the language.pbo, this will solve anticheat troubles, on servers that specifially check the bin.pbo and the language.pbo if they have changed.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blanco 0 Posted November 29, 2006 Yeah, when BIS releases a patch, it will probably check the version you're running as well as every single file in your installation folder. What if it refuses to patch because some files are edited? edit : lol, your answer was posted at the same time as my question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted November 29, 2006 Yeah, when BIS releases a patch, it will probably check the version you're running as well as every single file in your installation folder. What if it refuses to patch because some files are edited? Then you follow my readme in how to put back the backuped files or the files that are on your dvd, both described in my readme. Besides, I don't know how legal it will be to copy the real BIS released English files from your friends copy to your copy when the English one get's released, but who's stopping you anyway? (Not that I advertise pir*ting!!!! BTW, afaik... it doesn´t check all the files in your installation folder, but only the files that the patch applies to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FriketMonkey 0 Posted November 29, 2006 Don't know why a lot of people are complaining about release dates. Oke if you live in the US I can understand, but for the people who are waiting for the 505 release. CMON! We have waited this long, so a couple of months isn't a really big problem anymore.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted November 29, 2006 Don't know why a lot of people are complaining about release dates. Oke if you live in the US I can understand, but for the people who are waiting for the 505 release. CMON! We have waited this long, so a couple of months isn't a really big problem anymore.... Â That's for another topic. This topic is for ppl that DO want the game right now m8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FriketMonkey 0 Posted November 29, 2006 Right . Sorry, but had to say that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted November 29, 2006 New where to buy type thread merged into existing where to buy thread. I have asked a number of times that certain sites should not be advertised on these forums due to there being little recourse in the (probably unlikely) event of there being a complaint about payment or delivery or such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 128 Posted November 30, 2006 Don't know why a lot of people are complaining about release dates. Oke if you live in the US I can understand, but for the people who are waiting for the 505 release. CMON! We have waited this long, so a couple of months isn't a really big problem anymore.... it's not a problem but it sure as hell is a pain in the arse when i see how excellent ArmaA is. Thanks for the links sickboy, i'll try and get it delivered to Australia ( won't so maybe or maybe the czech version instead cause the german one seems buggered brutally by securom or whatever protection system it uses.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sniperandy 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Quote[/b] ]cause the german one seems buggered brutally by securom or whatever protection system it uses that has been fixed with the patch. most people are rather pleased with it now unless they run hardware on the limit and still think they have to see further than 4000m or so... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted December 1, 2006 Does anyone know how big the D/L is for the German version on-line? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anders^on 0 Posted December 1, 2006 For the record: Quote[/b] ]Morphicon put up a website for purchasing and directly downloading ArmA online. Since it's been sent to me by Morphicon, I'm asuming that it's not against the rules to write about it.Buy & Download German Armed Assault Please read carefully and make up your own mind before you order a copy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bunkers 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Does anyone know how big the D/L is for the German version on-line? It's in two parts. One is 0,97GB and the other 1,63GB. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites