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Any other (ex) Battlefield 2 players?

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Hello BIS community,

my name is Juraj, I'm from the Slovak republic. I've been playing BF2 the last half-year and am really dissapointed how EA/DICE treat their customers. I quit about a week ago, as I didn't enjoy playing BF2 at all.. Server crashes, CTDs, bugs present after a year of "support", silence from developers, "fixes" causing even more exploits/bugs...........

I've been looking for alternatives of which ArmA to me was the most appealing. Great community, supportive developers. It is a real refreshment for me to be here and follow up on current events smile_o.gif

I hope multiplayer will be good, but judging by only the number of game modes, it WiLL be. I only fear about the pace of the game - will it be too slow compared to BF2?

I am member of an English based clan - ZiiP - great guys who are in for fun and teamplay. We have 60+ members and we are all eagerly awaiting the demo xmas_o.gif

Keep up the good work BIS! *beggs to god BIS won't take EA as publisher*

See you around.

O and my sig WiLL change to a more "suitable" backround image tounge2.gif

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I hope multiplayer will be good, but judging by only the number of game modes, it WiLL be. I only fear about the pace of the game - will it be too slow compared to BF2?

Try OFP, its very slow compared to BF. BF is by many on this forum considered to be too fast, unrealistic and nothing more then 2 hours of fun after which it gets repeating.

Just warning you wink_o.gif

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Of course it will be slower , no run and gun like BF2...

The benefit of Armed Assault is its realism , at least lightyears beyond BF2

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I played BF2 a decent amount. I like that it had potential but that potential was not achieved or was rarely in day to day play. OFP is annoying to play because of the huge hurdle in getting into a game. BF2 you could connect and play any time of day within 5 minutes. OFP is commonly complicated by the addon nightmare, finding the type of mission you want to play, keeping people together long enough to play a mission, ect.

I would suggest Forgotten Hope 0.7 which is a mod for Battelfield 1942. They are about a few months from releasing FH2 for BF2. If OFP was on the left, BF2 on the right, FH would be in the middle somewhere.

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Try OFP, its very slow compared to BF. BF is by many on this forum considered to be too fast, unrealistic and nothing more then 2 hours of fun after which it gets repeating.

2 hours! crazy_o.gif Dam, I couldnt stand it that long, lets say 30 minutes.

Anyway, I have seen many times this kind of discussion where realism vs "fun" comes up. For me realism is FUN and what these

cs/bf/etc players call fun, for me is just dumb and pointless. I mean, why not just go back to chasing big red pixels with a laser beam or something.

Me, I wanna play a game where I have to carry ammoboxes and dig a hole.(we´re not there yet though)

If its supposed to look real, it should feel real too. But we all have different taste, there is a market for everyone. smile_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

I play it from time to time...

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OFP (so probably arma too) is a very slow game compared to bf2, furthermore there is no jumping and grenades take long to throw. It just had a lot clunkier feel to it.

Although weapon handling is easier then in americas army (in OFP, maybe that gets changed for arma). (dunno why i brought up AA)

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maybe i am hardcore ofp fan but there is nothing (from my point of you) since 2001 which is comparable with BIS products. Let me say in my own words: BIS products have there own genre. Its not a shooter like an FPS or Tactic Shooter its a "War simulation". BIS have not competitors.

My suggestion: Try OFP and if you like it, buy ArmA - do not expect newest grafic standards but you will get freedom in the game never seen before.

so long....

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OFP or ArmA doesn't have to be slow just depends on players and map you're playing really. smile_o.gif

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OFP is slow as compared to bf2 yes,you don't just run and shoot somebody,there is no bunny hopping or dolphin diving,any possibility of shooting while diving is but a thought,as it takes a few seconds rather than instant prone,during which you can do NOthing. you are given more time to plan an attack or defense,you have a much MUCH wider area,vehicles (unless scripted to do so) do not respawn,once you loose it its gone. People (once more,unless scripted) do not respawn. OFP has a campaign,bf2 does not. OFP is much easier to change as against bf2,instead of making a mod to have a vehicle or two,you can make them as addons and use as many as you want together. O2 is much easier to use than 3Dmax,keep in mind you don't have any beveling effects and things of that nature,no fancy shmancy renders as O2 was designed solely for OFP models and nothing else. You have to watch your back in OFP because it takes but a few shots to kill or be killed,5 sometimes if your lucky.

Current largest problems with it though is,No JIP and bad collision detection,both solved in Armed Assault.

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Keep in mind OFP (and armed assualt) may not be to every ones liking. Many people get put off by the sheer unforgiven realism of it all and fact it doesnt handel or play like a traditional FPS shooter. One shot is usually enough to kill you. And you wont be able to run and shoot at the same time and be able to hit any thing beyond a few meters away if your lucky.

Try to approach the game with an open mind and not like your typicle FPS.

If you and your clan mates do decide to stick with OFP you'll find a very close knit, mature, and friendly community willing to help you out with any thing, especially if your fancy trying your hand with extreamly user friendly mission editor built in to the game, or addon making.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]there is no bunny hopping or dolphin diving

That's not even in BF2 wink_o.gif

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ArmA will be as fast as anything else as long as you stick to the fast game modes like Death Match.

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Quote[/b] ]there is no bunny hopping or dolphin diving

That's not even in BF2 wink_o.gif

Ah yes,I forgot,nobody bunny hops in bf2 whistle.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Well you can try, but that's the #1 thing to do if you have a death wish yay.gif

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Thanks for your replies guys, appreciate each and everyone of them. I would quote some but this is a different kind of forum as I'm used to so I'll let it be for now tounge2.gif

Well, bunnyhopping IS present in BF2, it's the best way to escape splash damage like that of APC's. Dolpindiving in BF2, please don't get me started on that smile_o.gif All in all, there's just SO many elements about BF2 that make me laugh and cry at the same time...

Lately, we've been playing a mod called Project Reality (www.realitymod.com) for BF2 which was created by very talented ex-military guys. 1 shot = 1 kill mostly, bleeding = death, cooperation = win ... so we MAY be prepared for some "reality" tounge2.gif

A lot of concern for BF2 players are graphics as well. Seeing the latest renders I must say I'm VERY impressed! Look for instance at the Abrams:



ArmA 1 - BF2 0 biggrin_o.gif

The weather is impressive as well! Interactive Wildlife? WoW is all I can say!

What about the textures though. Buildings, towns, etc. Most SSs are from 2005 aren't they? Some seem a bit fuzzy, like shot on a low resolution PC with no AA?

On a scale from "1" to "10", we mostly run grade "6" PCs. How will ArmA look and play for us? pistols.gif

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I dont think Arma will be a BF2 alternative, we know it will be much larger and more realistic/challenging in a way some mainstreamers consider boring, not the same kind of "fun" but a more hardcore experience, this might depend on the server settings, maps and players i guess.

Being angry at EA because their support and patches suck is not much of a reason to praise Arma over BF2. Everyone hopes BIS looks at BF2 like what nobody here wants to see in Armed Assault.

Armed Assault should turn out pretty unique and a great game on its own, expect more coop than the usual MP games wink_o.gif .

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OFP/ArmA is a game that gives the victory to the player/team who uses superior tactics. Speed of reflexes play a small role in the outcome of any given firefight in OFP/ArmA. (This is all assuming that ArmA will be faithful to the OFP formula, which I think is a very safe bet.)

BF2 is great for constant action, but OFP/ArmA is better for providing that lull between firefights that causes soldiers to dangerously drop their guard, providing the enemy the opportunity for setting up effective ambushes.

I've never seen an ambush in BF2.

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I used to play BF2 quite frequently with my squad but we all eventually got annoyed by certain exploits (already mentioned here) and the unrealistic game play. It’s mildly entertaining when playing with a group, using comms, working together. But I couldn’t play it for one minute as a lone soldier. Not to mention that the atmosphere wasn’t one tenth of OFP during an intense co-op mission.

With Armed Assault I can imagine that there will still be a lot of co-op servers but with the introduction of Join in progress, I anticipate the majority of servers running some form of capture the island.

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I played BF2 for a long while with some old OFP friends using Ventrilo & everything. It was fun but then after the first or second patch that changed the ranking it got ghey!

I was #2 best helo pilot for a long time on that game. smile_o.gif

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OFP can be a pretty fast game when on a small CTF or DM maps, theres CTF and DM missions out there that have that fighting in a corridor feeling with limited areas you can go which can be fun for a change. I prefer the large open battles in Coop and CTI's, I'm mosty looking forward to the large CTI battles in ArmA with join in progress which will take good team work to win.

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you tell this guy to try OFP for a taster of whats to come....well i wouldnt say do it as OFP has more cheaters in it the CS and the so called good file checkers that people use on their servers arent any good as cheaters still r around.... Also he wants a game thats gonna be fast well if u like sitting around in a lobby wasting 1 hr of ur life for a game to start then OFP is ur game...lol so id say OFP 0 BF2 2 as at least BF2 u dont sit around wasting away and also there isnt as many cheats..... lets just hope Armed Assault improves on the combatting cheaters rather then letting a game goto pot nener.gif

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Join in progress? That should sort things tounge2.gif

Cheaters? We always have admins present on our servers, hope ArmA is well adminable smile_o.gif

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Just to make clear, CTI means Capture The Island. This mode will be shiped with Armed Assualt where as in OFP it was a Fan created MOD/Mission where the idea was sort of a basic RTS.

Each side had a commander who could build basses and research, whiles the rest of the players would have to move to and capture every town, village, and city on the entire island to earn more money. With the money the players could buy more vehicles and AI squad memebers (Up to 11 AIs per player). The game would end when either side managed to either destroy the oposing teams base (usually the side with air supiroity managed this) or to capture every town on the island (this was a rare occurance)

Although with Armed Assualt the CTI mode may be slightly different then the one in todays OFP itll more or likely be one of the more populuar modes being played on servers just like today.

Dont expect any fast games whiles playing this mode mind, these games usually took hours to play. But with join in progress now implemented id imagine servers running the same CTI game for days on end with players droping in and out 24/7 to rage a constant battle.

Edit: Also dont expect any thing like Half Life 2 standerds in graphics with Armed Assualt. Although the graphics wont be on par with many of todays corridoor shooters and screens you may of seen with next gen titles the true greatness in this game will be in the game play, the constant stream of addons, missions, mods and utilites to keep it fresh and exciting playing experience and not the eye candy. Plus you also get islands so huge it would take you several hours to walk across in real time, whiles enjoying the lively scenery,wildlife and weather wink_o.gif

And if you took long enough, the night and day cycle.

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