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how do BIS expect publishers to publish their work if BIS don't show the good parts of the game? (the ones we haven't seen yet)

If they are waiting for the latest update...

... i have to say bummer! confused_o.gif

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As it happens BIS have never delayed the release of Armed Assault, the lack of a publisher has done that.

Thats not true, ArmA had a release date of Q4 2005, but BIS decided to move it back to H1 2006 and work on the game more which was then moved back to Q3 2006 which seems unrealistic at this stage. Publisher or not the estimated release was delayed.

Chicken and egg. You can't release without a publisher and BIS never had a publisher. We can't know that Armed Assault wouldn't have been released last year if they had found a publisher.

The fact that BIS continue to work until they find a publisher is as much to do with making the game more attractive to publishers. If they don't find a publisher for another year then they will continue to work on it for that year. If one had been found last year we would have got what was originally planned, OFP:E for the PC.

The estimated release dates are meaningless really, the game is ready and was ready. If BIS added 6 months to the ETA tomorrow, it would be because they can't sell the current game and they believe it will take 6 months of work to make it even more saleable.

But surely there is something wrong if the creators of the multi-million selling OFP can't find a publisher by now?

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surely they are just looking for the right publisher that will do the game justice, not every publisher knows what to do with a game such as OFP/Arma.


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I dont belive BiS has to disclose what their plans are, or what is happening in the way of getting publishers, to us... Just because we dont see some action from bis in terms of getting a publisher doesn't mean they are not showing them the goods behind closed doors. Man I just wish that they would at least give us some news, i mean any at all:

-A short story of what they did today AKA: Dev Diary

-Update William Porter's Blog

-One screenshot.

You know it doesnt have to be big, it can be small and sweet!

Either way BiS keep kicking ass! ( I just hope you dont cancel Game 2!wink_o.gif

Edit: Posted Above

Quote[/b] ]surely they are just looking for the right publisher that will do the game justice, not every publisher knows what to do with a game such as OFP/Arma.


Yeah and that too, Publishers are just outright looking for money, sure thats not a bad thing as OFP did sell over one million copies, but they are not in for original ideas. I think Bis should form a Publiser division, it would rake in the extra $$$ from publishing other games that may be new and inovative(sp?), and it would also allow them to distribute the game in soldi form (Eg: no Digital Download Crap, I like having the box to show what i have purchased and so on).

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Quote[/b] ]But surely there is something wrong if the creators of the multi-million selling OFP can't find a publisher by now?

the reason they have a problem is this.


alot of income comes from expansion packs and bis dont want that and have already released the tools to make sure(to a select few,but soon to all registered addonmakers),that most expansions will be made for free by the community,so finding a publsher that also ,wants no expansion packs is very hard.

p.s altho res was kinda expansion it wasnt like anyother.like bf2 expansion quick buck.

Long live Bis and its ethics

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Quote[/b] ]But surely there is something wrong if the creators of the multi-million selling OFP can't find a publisher by now?

the reason they have a problem is this.


alot of income comes from expansion packs and bis dont want that and have already released the tools to make sure(to a select few,but soon to all registered addonmakers),that most expansions will be made for free by the community,so finding a publsher that also ,wants no expansion packs is very hard.

p.s altho res was kinda expansion it wasnt like anyother.like bf2 expansion quick buck.

Long live Bis and its ethics

Ermm...those are mods, and they aren't made by BIS and released for free. BF2 has mods as well, albeit not as much.

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Ermm...those are mods, and they aren't made by BIS and released for free. BF2 has mods as well, albeit not as much.

That was his point. Think about it ...

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Ermm...those are mods, and they aren't made by BIS and released for free. BF2 has mods as well, albeit not as much.

Your missing his point. Publishers looking at ArmA would possibly prefer the BF2 route. Continued expansions to make uber money.

BIS hopefully prefers the OFP route for ArmA. Expansions, but then allowing the community to mod the living hell out of it and they are free to use.

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If BIS were to come out with an expansion I would figure it would be something like what resistance was,adding some stuff so that the community could do alot more.

As for the money,don't forget,they also have the VBS series to help fund them. And yeah its very possible that BIS is showing possible publishers and such things we don't see,afterall. Their having some sort of convention..I can't remember where..but its not open to the public. Another thing in terms of images I would have to say adds suspicion would be the wiki banner of images. There were about 4 enlarged images from that banner and the rest were not there.

Problem here is that the publisher is doing a bit of misunderstanding,yes you can release a bunch of games and expansions that peopl will loose interest with quickly. Thus eventually loosing interest in the series itself. However a good game such as OFP and the C&C series (not counting generals) will keep players playing it for a long time,were talking 5 and 10 year old games with still going communities. Almost everywhere you look you see a C&C mod or two for nearly every game. And fans that are really dedicated will buy an extra copy or so,just incase they play the disk so much they ruin it or something of that nature.

Another issue is that alot of publishers like to think in the 'now' and not the possible future,BIS with their "OFP" series have a bright future,for one its not really like other games. Yes BF2 has nicely normal mapped oceans but OFP:E/AA has 3D waves that move up and down and strength of tide is determined by weather. There is just so many things it has that other games lack,so much more immersion. Not to mention the collector fans like to buy anything that comes out for that game,such that people I'v seen with original CWC boxes,Resistance boxes,Gold Edition and GOTY all together. Thing is BIS promotes modding which will also keep a happy community,EA demotes it,on total bf2 I saw several images of vehicles from mods and the next few days an expansion with those vehicles popped out. With an attitude like that people other than the few will just give up on modding. I wouldn't be suprised if there was some kind of possible "WWII" bf2 expansion sometime.

I suppose the sum of this post is..we don't always see what is going on,but just because we don't see it doesn't mean its not there.

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They won’t be making a total conversion WWII expansion, because that would be too much work for too little financial gain. That’s why they’re making (I see it as a full conversion mod called...) BF2142. Then wait ~4 months and you’ll have an expansion or “booster-pack†that adds very little. Then ~4 more months expect the same thing. Then ~4-6 months from then, they’ll announce they’re new game (maybe BFWWII and probably on the same engine). I mean hell, BF2 was only released just over a year ago. It sounds like the BF series might turn into EA’s sport franchises with annual releases. confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]But surely there is something wrong if the creators of the multi-million selling OFP can't find a publisher by now?

the reason they have a problem is this.


alot of income comes from expansion packs and bis dont want that and have already released the tools to make sure(to a select few,but soon to all registered addonmakers),that most expansions will be made for free by the community,so finding a publsher that also ,wants no expansion packs is very hard.

p.s altho res was kinda expansion it wasnt like anyother.like bf2 expansion quick buck.

Long live Bis and its ethics

Ermm...those are mods, and they aren't made by BIS and released for free. BF2 has mods as well, albeit not as much.

BF2: Euro Forces + Armored Fury:

- One new side

- Six new "kits"

- 10-15 new vehicles

- 5-10 new maps with most of them made up from old content

- Very little new features


Total: ~25€


FDF: Desert Pack + WW2 Pack

- 2 to 4 new sides

- Dozens of new vehicles

- Dozens of new weapons

- New islands, with each the size of 15 to 20 BF2 maps, all with more or less new content

- Whole new gameplay style


Total: 0€


I prefer the second option.

Also I highly doubt BIS would give in to a publisher and gimp the moddablilty of the game, which is one of the main selling points of the game.

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Hello all. I first came across video's and pics of Armed Assault about a year ago. I was blown away. This is the type of game ive been waiting for. Sad thing is, im starting to believe this game will either get shelved or just canned all together. One full year later, I come back to forums and NOTHING has changed. I see the same photo's,vids and whinning about needing a publisher. There's only so long you can string fans along in anticipation before they begin to resent. And once expectations reach unrealistic levels, no game can live up to the hype it has created. Just ask all the fans of GRAW (Ghost Recon sequal). Almost a 4 year wait for a complete let down for the most part. But thats a different forum. Anyhow, I truly hope BI shows its fans some progress, gives you guys more (new) information, announces a publisher.... or even god forbid announced a release date soon. Because they sure have built up the hype.

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Quote[/b] ]But surely there is something wrong if the creators of the multi-million selling OFP can't find a publisher by now?

the reason they have a problem is this.


alot of income comes from expansion packs and bis dont want that and have already released the tools to make sure(to a select few,but soon to all registered addonmakers),that most expansions will be made for free by the community,so finding a publsher that also ,wants no expansion packs is very hard.

p.s altho res was kinda expansion it wasnt like anyother.like bf2 expansion quick buck.

Long live Bis and its ethics

Think you forgot OFP CWC, OFP Red Hammer (Codemasters), OFP Resistance and then OFP GOTY was sold as a complete package. It was not sold as one package from the start like you have it on your pic. BIS did release single free addons for the original CWC, but they were not whole addon modules until Resistance came along which wasn't for free.

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.... or even god forbid announced a release date soon. Because they sure have built up the hype.

icon_rolleyes.gif BIS did not create any hype.

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.... or even god forbid announced a release date soon.  Because they sure have built up the hype.

icon_rolleyes.gif BIS did not create any hype.

Yeah WE created the hype ourselves. BIS just says what they're planning then we go off and speculate the shit out of the little info we have.

BIS (or their TBA publisher) needs to start creating real hype themselves rather then us creating false hype/speculations.

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They won’t be making a total conversion WWII expansion, because that would be too much work for too little financial gain. That’s why they’re making (I see it as a full conversion mod called...) BF2142. Then wait ~4 months and you’ll have an expansion or “booster-pack†that adds very little. Then ~4 more months expect the same thing. Then ~4-6 months from then, they’ll announce they’re new game (maybe BFWWII and probably on the same engine). I mean hell, BF2 was only released just over a year ago. It sounds like the BF series might turn into EA’s sport franchises with annual releases. confused_o.gif

And not even talking about these so called 'patches' they release for BF2 crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]But surely there is something wrong if the creators of the multi-million selling OFP can't find a publisher by now?

the reason they have a problem is this.

alot of income comes from expansion packs and bis dont want that and have already released the tools to make sure(to a select few,but soon to all registered addonmakers),that most expansions will be made for free by the community,so finding a publsher that also ,wants no expansion packs is very hard.

p.s altho res was kinda expansion it wasnt like anyother.like bf2 expansion quick buck.

Long live Bis and its ethics

Well... Remember that OFP had also 2 addonpacks, Hammer and Resistance. Mods for OFP are free, so as for Battlefield 2. So no difference there. You'd maby try to compare a product like SIMS or Medal of Honor.. with 100 of addonpacks wich are almost nothing, but cost a fair buck.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that both companies care about money, but some take it to the extreme. (Like EA)

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Guest Ti0n3r

Looks so life-like inlove.gif


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