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That bus really owns. biggrin_o.gif I'm really wondering how huge Paradiso will be. inlove.gif

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That bus really owns. biggrin_o.gif I'm really wondering how huge Paradiso will be. inlove.gif

Paraiso - No D smile_o.gif

I kept reading it as Paradiso initially, for some reason that's just what I expected it to be.

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nice indeed....

and after tomorrow the "william doesn't update his blog..::" wil start again....wanna bet?

ppp, talking about bets... I won, where is my money tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]Wanna bet that teh blog gets a update in the next few days? I would but a 5er on max. 10 days. Anyone in on this?

Odds are currently 10:1 against it biggrin_o.gif

(posted...9 days ago....) tounge2.gif

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nice indeed....

and after tomorrow the "william doesn't update his blog..::" wil start again....wanna bet?

Pssss, be quiet!

Don't tell them our tactics... xmas_o.gif

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the blue guy looks like a fat ass. Is it the chef? lol

but thats a good sign not everyone will be a clone except for the face. lol

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The first thing that came to my mind when i saw that bus stop picture was that they where a bunch of kids waiting to throw bricks at the bus...or they could be inhabitants from a mental home, looking at how there dressed biggrin_o.gif

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I zoomed in on the busstop a little and tried the best I could get:


The blue guy looks a bit fatter, but He may be standing rotated a bit compared to the other.

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In Portugal we call that place Paraíso and not Paraiso. wink_o.gif

as you all figured out, paraiso or paraíso (more correctly) means paradise smile_o.gif

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Creepy how well the lighting is and everything,the grass there but not so blatantly obvious..seems the saturation effect OFP had is gone..then again that could have been fixed via contrast adjustment and such. Daylight looks excellent,surroundings are great,but I'm curious about night,but I suppose we'll see it when we are meant to see it and not before.

The images on the post card also look veeeery realistic.

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Also I highly doubt BIS would give in to a publisher and gimp the moddablilty of the game, which is one of the main selling points of the game.

If they did that I would be VERY VERY annoyed... wink_o.gif

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Also I highly doubt BIS would give in to a publisher and gimp the moddablilty of the game, which is one of the main selling points of the game.

If they did that I would be VERY VERY annoyed... wink_o.gif

Well it's possible with any developer. Including BIS.

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Also I highly doubt BIS would give in to a publisher and gimp the moddablilty of the game, which is one of the main selling points of the game.

If they did that I would be VERY VERY annoyed...  wink_o.gif

Well it's possible with any developer. Including BIS.

Yeah I know. But when I used to play BF1942, one of the things that made it so awesome was the mods that were available... wink_o.gif

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I zoomed in on the busstop a little and tried the best I could get:


The blue guy looks a bit fatter, but He may be standing rotated a bit compared to the other.

im sure there both the same size, its just that the guy in orange is standing sideways more so he doesnt look as fat.

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Why would any developer kick out one of the main features of their game? Moddability is OFP's (and ArmA's) trade mark. I don't think that BIS would just take any publisher that comes along and asks them to castrate the game by depriving it of it's second best feature (first is gameplay IMHO)

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hum.. looks like we have fat people and thin people? small and taller people in arma? wink_o.gif

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I honestly don't believe I'm speaking like this, as I respect you all and know you're intelligent...  But there has been so many press releases and so many statements by BIS telling of the support for the modding community that it's - not stupid - but ridiculous to make even a passing comment about possible limiting of the customization.

There, I said it.  Let the beating begin, I've been a BAAAAD poster.  band.gif  tounge2.gif

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I'll get the shoe!

Hmm..isn't fatter and thinner people already possible in OFP? You just need to modify the model a bit,or is there something about the selections on the model that screws up?

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they wouldnt limit it anyways, the modding side of ofp is what has kept the game alive for 5+ years...

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@Matt Rochelle

Please don't quote images. : huh.gif


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Hmm..isn't fatter and thinner people already possible in OFP? You just need to modify the model a bit,or is there something about the selections on the model that screws up?

Wasn't the Guba model a little fatter than the rest? Or was it just texturing..?

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Hmm..isn't fatter and thinner people already possible in OFP? You just need to modify the model a bit,or is there something about the selections on the model that screws up?

Wasn't the Guba model a little fatter than the rest? Or was it just texturing..?

Hey, watch it! He was just a little....."big boned".

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