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Guest Ti0n3r

Damn nice pics wow_o.gif

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Is it me or are those troops got ACU camo on ?

That'll Cameron McDonald Happy  wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Is it me or are those troops got ACU camo on ?

Ye, I thought so too xmas_o.gif

Hmm just had a look at this one. Looks like we'll get both Desert cam & ACU cam in ArmA.

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He should be congratulated - the pictures are in focus and everything! wink_o.gif

On a flashpoint aspect I notice new animations?

Hope he gets some decent video footage soon smile_o.gif

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Those pics are so awsm! Will finally got that camera, heh.

Look at the pretty grass, nice animations (well as much as you can see them in pics).

I wish the buildings had interiors though, ahwell you can't have everything i suppose...

//edit: also notice the awsome roadside, gravel and stuff whoo hoo, finally the roads won't be simple gray lines aight!

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Looks great, shame not more of a variety of places shown, but it shows how like the grass seems to work really well (better than Elite's from the looks of it). Makes AA look alot more like i had hoped it would look, as opposed to the videos which dont make it look so great. Good news, if the dates on the pictures are correct and they really were taken yesterday then means this is what AA looks like at the moment biggrin_o.gif

P.S. This guy trying to bayonet his fellow soldier?

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Doesn't it look like they've fixed the relative size of objects a bit?

No longer looks like you'll get the UH60 rotor in your head while boarding.

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Looks great, shame not more of a variety of places shown, but it shows how like the grass seems to work really well (better than Elite's from the looks of it). Makes AA look alot more like i had hoped it would look, as opposed to the videos which dont make it look so great. Good news, if the dates on the pictures are correct and they really were taken yesterday then means this is what AA looks like at the moment biggrin_o.gif

P.S. This guy trying to bayonet his fellow soldier?

this motion is very similar as in BF2, but this is only static screen confused_o.gif

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Nice pics,finally a different light setting as well smile_o.gif

Hopefully William will get around doing some first-light/last-light ones as well in the future

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Hmm yea the bright groundtexture and the dark grass seems to be finally fixed. biggrin_o.gif

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Sweet pics, nice to see all the real objects and colors in place instead of the design proofing ones.  biggrin_o.gif

Not nitpicking, just pointing out something that is probably already noticed - look at the truck's shadow on the left

floating truck

P.S. LOOOve the hangar and grass! inlove.gif

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damn, those soldiers do look really, really good. Their silhouette appears to be just perfect, especially from a distance.

Now if the ground and the buildings also will get an overhaul, (i think they look a bit "cardboardish" compared to the soldiers and vehicles), we'll have some jawdropping graphics.


let's hope the animations and smoke/fire effects will keep up with that quality!

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Very impressive new screenshots, it seems the grass has been reworked, as it looks a lot better than in older screenshots.

The proportions of the soldiers and the vehicles seems very well done too.

Quality work, great job BIS icon14.gif

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The proportions of the soldiers and the vehicles seems very well done too.

It does, though my initial impression in some shots was that the soldiers were midgets (the camera was above eye level).

Generally I'm impressed. Were BIS wanting some constructive feedback I might mention the relatively low attention to detail on this military base compared to the cities. Some barbed/razor wire on top the fence, a resonable sized sign out the front*, maybe a paved/concrete path around the more permanent buildings, a few more objects etc would help enourmously.

* e.g. Something similar to http://www.raf-upper-heyford.org/Main_Gate_Sign.jpg

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*Jaw Drops*

Amazing photos. Especially liking the look of the ground.

Quote[/b] ]Generally I'm impressed. Were BIS wanting some constructive feedback I might mention the relatively low attention to detail on this military base compared to the cities. Some barbed/razor wire on top the fence, a resonable sized sign out the front*, maybe a paved/concrete path around the more permanent buildings, a few more objects etc would help enourmously.

* e.g. Something similar to ttp://www.raf-upper-heyford.org/Main_Gate_Sign.jpg

Problem with that though is that in the event you want to go with a different timeline or you don't want US forces on the island for your campaign then the sign will ruin it.

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*Jaw Drops*

Amazing photos. Especially liking the look of the ground.

Quote[/b] ]Generally I'm impressed. Were BIS wanting some constructive feedback I might mention the relatively low attention to detail on this military base compared to the cities. Some barbed/razor wire on top the fence, a resonable sized sign out the front*, maybe a paved/concrete path around the more permanent buildings, a few more objects etc would help enourmously.

* e.g. Something similar to ttp://www.raf-upper-heyford.org/Main_Gate_Sign.jpg

Problem with that though is that in the event you want to go with a different timeline or you don't want US forces on the island for your campaign then the sign will ruin it.

Exactly, this sort of thing can be done in mission anyway.

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Hm, if it's a 6MP camera, why no 2000x1500 images? sad_o.giftounge2.gif

Though videos.. yay xmas_o.gif


Hmm, it seems strangely varied terrain, from

http://www.armedassault.com/william/photos/beach.jpg to http://www.armedassault.com/william/photos/base/02_.jpg

On an island that isn't exactly huuge.. Infact, ignore that, the google-earth map has a big deserty bit at the bottom smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Quote[/b] ]

* e.g. Something similar to ttp://www.raf-upper-heyford.org/Main_Gate_Sign.jpg

Problem with that though is that in the event you want to go with a different timeline or you don't want US forces on the island for your campaign then the sign will ruin it.

Then you swap the textures? The same problem would go for the billboards and road signs, yet they are included.

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nice grass smile_o.gif

hey BIS!!!! Will be new positions with RPG/LAW? (pose, kneel and maybe crawl) thumbs-up.gif

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What if there is no way to swap the textures easily for a mission maker?

There would be no problem with billboards or road signs because they would be there no matter where the US Army is at. Only difference that would make is if you are trying to make a mission that is back in the 1940s and there is a laptop add. If you were trying to make a mission in the 1940s you would need a mod for it anyway so swapping out the textures or the models wouldnt be that big of a deal.

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Anyone realise that the date on the pictures says: 04/27/2006? Yes, very modern indeed. I think this nearly proves that it's faking a real conflict going on day by day, and when the game releases or E3 hits or what not, it'll turn into a combat blog or what not. Seems interesting.

Also, screens look nice.

Edit: Looky here. Game-2 hi res screenies.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Mmm yes, looks like the campaign will take place sometime around 2006.

Nice yay.gif

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Well the beach pic and the "new camera" pic look way diffrent cause the beach pic was taking from a monitor ie point a camera at a monitor and the new pics are taking in game.

Maybe the ingame screenshot code wasent ready?

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