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It does look like the same vally. In those last two shots you can see the same mountain range in the distance.

And...what the hell is this?

I think it's in the distance in a few other shots too.(the curvy thing I mean)

Here it is again from the "front".

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And...what the hell is this?

I think it's in the distance in a few other shots too.(the curvy thing I mean)

Here it is again from the "front".

Part of a destroyed aircraft i think, since the purpose of this shot was to show off the new damage engine for Game2. Does look weird thought!  wink_o.gif

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Maybe it's a crashed alien fighter and both West and East are fighting to get it into their hands biggrin_o.gif

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Those screens of `alien spaceship` are in fact screens of a plane, moreover they were taken from game2, and have been discussed on game2 forum...ygh

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Looks like Armed Assault to me. Just about very desert type pic I've seen of ArmA has those rocks in them. Though that doesn't mean Game2 wont have them...

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As funnyguy said that screenshot is from Game 2, don't fight us on this smile_o.gif It was released by BIS as a "Game 2 screenshot" which I would suggest is a dead giveaway, even if you ignore the Game 2 player models, the Game 2 vehicle models and the Game 2 dynamic building destruction icon_rolleyes.gifnener.gif

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Its an su-34 a ground attack version of the flanker design


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Quote[/b] ]Games to be presented:

Game 2 - by Bohemia Interactive Studio

Alpha Prime - by Black Element Software

Fish Fillets 2 - by Altar Games

From the idea games section, nothing on Arma tho... There is a BIS link but doesnt say what they'll be showing.

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Quote[/b] ]20.–21.03.2006

Representatives of IDEA Games are ready to meet you at the industry event Game Connection at San Jose where they will present the upcoming titles Armed Assault by Bohemia Interactive and Alpha Prime by Black Element Software. Don’t hesitate to request a meeting.


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i just cant wait, dont u think that crashed su-34 looks a bit clean to have crashed. it looks like it was just made in perfect condition and placed there crazy_o.gif

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Like we ever get any info from those conventions, those are mostly for developers to rub shoulders with other dev. and show off their ablities more than an official infosession for the press and fans...

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i just cant wait, dont u think that crashed su-34 looks a bit clean to have crashed. it looks like it was just made in perfect condition and placed there  crazy_o.gif

Those are pre-alpha shots ffs, that game is suppsed to be realsed in late 2007/2008  tounge2.gif

EDIT: I hope we get some good info soon! biggrin_o.gif

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I really hope, they will announce a publisher sad_o.gif

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Today the Game-Connection in San Jose will start. I hope we will see some new stuff soon smile_o.gif

This sounds promissing, i hope more new info and articles come out about armed assault, media coverage is always good smile_o.gif .

I also hope the media will be more "carefull" than they were at E3 icon_rolleyes.gif .

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well today is BIS's first day of their 2 day presentation infront of some publishers, i hope we get some news of how it goes once it's over.

we might see some new "current" screen-shots, and posibly a new video.

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Quote[/b] ]20.–21.03.2006

Don’t hesitate to request a meeting.


Well then: I request a meeting. Tomorrow is OK for me. I can drive to Brussels if that makes life easier for you.

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Quote[/b] ]20.–21.03.2006

Don’t hesitate to request a meeting.


Well then: I request a meeting. Tomorrow is OK for me. I can drive to Brussels if that makes life easier for you.

Let us know how you get on!  biggrin_o.gif

By the way I think we're all off topic!  whistle.gif AHEM! Screenshots - Oh eah! We want more screen shots!  inlove.gif

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All the screen shots i have seen look amazing so far, This game has me the most excited i have been in a long time over a game, really looking forward to more media on this one.

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