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I don't really get your point. We have introduced rating on all our screenshots on our site, and I find it very usefull. And so do our visitors, since you can see the screenies that have the best votes, also get most visits.

All people visiting the site have the ability to vote, not just registered users, so I don't think it's biased.

But maybe you can explain a little more, what you meant?

True. It's not biased,just at times uselss,there have been more than one ocassion where people will vote for a screenshot that was 'worse' than another. I'v always been of the opinon of,do not take somebody elses word for it,check it out yourself. Its like a game. People can tell you its good and great,but in the end it is you that decides if it will come onto your computer to be played,what somebody thinks is great is not what another person thinks.

I suppose what I am trying to say is it is better to look at everything,not just take somebody elses word for what looks great and what doesn't. Sorry,I was a bit vague at first.

Yea, well... Noone is stopping you from looking at the poor rated screenshots smile_o.gif

I just guess as a dedicated democratic person, I like giving out my oppinions about stuff etc.

Maybe that's why I made the site in the first place - who knows tounge2.gif

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Nothin wrong with that,each person has their own preference which is good,otherwise everyone would be the same,world with people being the same...boring world that would be..

Nothing wrong with giving opinions,its a good thing to do,but in the end you must follow your own...or is it you will follow your own...ah hell this thing fell apart.

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I don't understand why you think these simple voting systems are a bad thing, meyamoti. They provide information about what other people think, which can be very valuable for someone with time constraints. While this information is sometimes flawed (other people's preferences may be different from my own, votes may not be representative of the whole population, etc), some users will find it useful in getting the best information quickest. And as Espectro pointed out, those that don't find the information useful are also free to ignore it - there is literally no downside. Personally speaking, I found the voting system on AA.eu to be accurate and very helpful in finding the best quality pictures. The old shots of what must have been a souped up version of OFP:E sunk to the bottom, and the glorious choppers, tanks and frontline infantry floated to the top - just like it should be.

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Hmm...good point,guess I was too close minded to see that,thanks guys. I guess I wrong,I wasn't thinking in the same sense of images in terms of newer to older,it was mostly something else. Can't really argue with your points,seeing the older images rather than newer of AA due to nonvoting system would be rather bad,not to mention bad for publicity.

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Basicly most if not all websites have a useless star rating. People can choose from 1 to 5 and eventually it will rise or fall,depending on the number of votes and whatnot,my opinion,a very uselses waste of coding.

Yawn, get over it...it seems that anything that remotely bashes ArmA, you fanboys will call it useless or stupid. IGN posts bad review? "IGN are idiots!!11 they dun understand about the amazing gameplay of realism!!11".

Get over it, some people dont like this game, just like some people dont like BF2 (Surprise, more people play BF2 than OFP!wink_o.gif. You're not any better then them and vice versa.

Are you retarded Ukraineboy? meyamoti was talking about websites having a "star rating" but yet you have to come in and post something totally different and flaming the whole community by calling us "fanboys".

I did not call everyone here fanboys, I said "you fanboys" i.e. people like Meyamoti. I did not say the whole forum is full of fanboys. Also no, I am not retarded. I am mentally healthy, thank you for your inquiry.

And no i am not talking about something totally different. I have seen this over and over again, that everytime there is the slightest hint of someone or something not liking ArmA, it's off with their heads! There's always subtle attempts at insulting or degrading this something or someone who posted this negative opinion of ArmA. Thus my IGN quote, which alludes to the fact that if IGN did make a negative review, fanboys here would go crazy and start insulting IGN and calling it a bad website. Fanboys does not mean every single person here, but there are fanboys in this community.

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Well, ratings on the the most sites like IGN are very subjective. If reviewer doesn't like the game, it doesn't mean millions of other people won't like it. If you want to check if the game is up to your standards, buy it. I can also call i.e. CoD3 piece of shit, but I haven't actually played the finished product, noone has unless someone invented time machine on the date the game is released.

On the topic:

Great screenshots, one of the best released so far.

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You seem to have misinterpretted the meaning of my post Ukraineboy. I was moreso bashing the voting system in general,not somebody voting for or against AA,thats their choice,they have their opinion as I have mine.

But in terms of the voting system I meant moreso for things like image shack and what other websites of that sort,but enough of the off topicness from me.

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I have seen this over and over again, that everytime there is the slightest hint of someone or something not liking ArmA, it's off with their heads!

Not entirely untrue but you have to keep in mind which forum this is. The vast majority of people remaining here are truly dedicated fans. Armed Assault is essentially the culmination of most of their requests and suggestions so it's easy to see why everyone is happyhappyjoyjoy over it. It happens every day in all aspects of life - new toys always bring out the little kid in all of us.

Seems like you just have a chip on your shoulder about something. Most of your posts are negative and argumentative. My suggestion is if you don't like it, don't read it. And if you HAVE to reply, read what you've written a few times over before you post. Sometimes just typing it out for yourself to see is enough.

Back on topic, the latest screenshots are looking good. The AT and Blackhawk images are the best I've seen yet.

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I have seen this over and over again, that everytime there is the slightest hint of someone or something not liking ArmA, it's off with their heads!

Not entirely untrue but you have to keep in mind which forum this is. The vast majority of people remaining here are truly dedicated fans. Armed Assault is essentially the culmination of most of their requests and suggestions so it's easy to see why everyone is happyhappyjoyjoy over it. It happens every day in all aspects of life - new toys always bring out the little kid in all of us.

Seems like you just have a chip on your shoulder about something. Most of your posts are negative and argumentative. My suggestion is if you don't like it, don't read it. And if you HAVE to reply, read what you've written a few times over before you post. Sometimes just typing it out for yourself to see is enough.

Back on topic, the latest screenshots are looking good. The AT and Blackhawk images are the best I've seen yet.

I myself am a truly dedicated fan, and I love OFP and will love ArmA. However, I am also a realist and some things I just have to point out...Some things like, BIS is not infallible, and the game won't be perfect, and there will be things missing from it.

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Have we seen any pics/vids of a bloody soldier? I would like to know how blood is being handle in this game. OFP style wouldnt look so good, y'know, when you get shot and suddenly the body part is covered in red. Recently most shooters either have no blood or some red mist when the bullets hit with no blood actually on the soldier.

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Oh we could have bf2 style dustheads rofl.gif

But yeah,I hope they leave the blood in,it was one of the things many liked about OFP,plus it would set itself aside from other games by having it,other games have blood and gore yes but have you seen a 'real life' war game that has any lately... banghead.gif

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Dust is surprising seen more often then a 15ft jet of blood or huge blood cloud, trust me smile_o.gif

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Dust is surprising seen more often then a 15ft jet of blood or huge blood cloud, trust me  smile_o.gif

yes, soldiers these days get more often killed by missiles, bombs or heavy cannonfire(most often from the air) then by a rifle...

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Dust is surprising seen more often then a 15ft jet of blood or huge blood cloud, trust me smile_o.gif

But you do know what I mean right? When you shoot somebody in bf2 there is a cloud of sorts that looks more like dust or sand,hence the name dusthead ^^;

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We need a pined exclusive media thread with pictures and media of armed assault only and a discussion thread where people can post/quote links of the media and discuss/coment, etc without the dramas of fanboyism, anti-fanboyism and user rated democracy confused_o.gif .

No ofense to anyone but this forum section is becoming anoying.

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Anyone else think the soldiers look a bit too goofy? They have very thin arms and the way they stand looks also a bit strange. Soldier uniforms should be a lot more baggy... looks as if the uniforms were skin tight in some areas.

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Anyone else think the soldiers look a bit too goofy? They have very thin arms and the way they stand looks also a bit strange. Soldier uniforms should be a lot more baggy... looks as if the uniforms were skin tight in some areas.

Yes, noticed that too and i agree.

Also believe BIS will fix it too look more natural.

from latest screens we can see that BIS hear our requests..



Notice that the chopper gun(s) are pointed down.. smile_o.gif

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Hey anyone notice that open 5 ton has a .50 cal on it? Thats pretty cool.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Hey anyone notice that open 5 ton has a .50 cal on it? Thats pretty cool.

Ah, well spotted wow_o.gif

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Hey anyone notice that open 5 ton has a .50 cal on it? Thats pretty cool.

Ah, well spotted wow_o.gif

you mean this one?


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