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Dang Placebo, the article said you 'take aim' at battlefields cap points, I think your comment was a polite broadside - a simple and nice way of making BF's method of play seem insignificant. thumbs-up.gif (You PR mastermind you. tounge2.gif )

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Ha! BIS didn't include the top stuff in the demo,I was right on the moneh....hmm....interesting idea and yet I don't understand how it would simply make things more smooth,yes I can understand lower graphics but those are tweakable,when somebody plays (yet again) bf2 and they dont have the card to play the highest graphics on it,its their fault if they want to bitch and moan about the inevitable (buy another card if your not happy,if no then use what you got like the rest of us) However not everyone is foolish enough,some play with what they only need and thats good enough for them.

This makes me wonder what else BIS is hiding,with textures then obviously they didn't add the missing vehicles and probably only US soldiers were playable (unless they included some kind of editor) as I have yet to see the desert camo SSF (South Sahrani Forces,just a name) in any of the demo images,just developer. As per how things are hard...flying and gunning at the same time if forced to is not hard,it just takes alittle bit of practice and a not so null mind.

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The alpha the germans had was already TWO GIGABYTE, imagine that with hi-res textures...

Anyhow, I wonder what those two gigs are comprised off..... I mean... assuming it's compressed, it's still an awfull lot of unknown stuff...

Considering the mission editor isn't accessible, or nobody of SimHQ tried to unPBO the files, it'l remain a mystery for now smile_o.gif

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hehe bigger and better thats the way of today... wink_o.gif

more and more new games eat up more and more space on the harddrive, so people need to buy bigger harddrives .. i got a feeling my 80 gig on one of my comps' wont' be enough in 5 years time crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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A large portion of it could be the island,considernig its size is much larger and detailed than that of most if not any game I'v seen,who knows,but I doubt it will be too big in the end,if not,I'm sure the community will be able to make a few gigs obsolete wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Facts:

Genre: Tactic-shooter

Developer: Bohemia Interactive

Version: Alpha

Release Date: October 2006

is it officially confirmed? (another delay -> Q4 2006?)

BIS site still say Q3 2006

edit: wich is it?

Nah, Placebo told me not to lay much into those release dates...

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edit: wich is it?

All of the above, none of the above smile_o.gif

No publisher = no confirmable release date (as I'm sure you've read numerous times).

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Im tired of all these previews. I want game! Now. crazy_o.gif

As do the rest of us,but thats not going to get the game out faster and won't do anything other than irritate others.

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No publisher = no confirmable release date

So it's official? No publisher yet? Either BIS/Idea Games is playng 'hard to get' with hitting an acceptable agreement or no publisher is yet interested enough in making a deal!

I hope it's the first!  ....Don't sell your masterpiece away to some big wig vulture interested only in $$$$$$ and total rights to everything!  wink_o.gif

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Perhaps BIS could be the publisher? They could make the developers penny and the publishers dollar? Yeah that's it! Start burning dvds in the basement, and/or offer ARMA online as a 4+ gig download! LOL.

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And yet again we restart the pointless steam debate. Lets just stop it here and now. Half hate steam, the other half love it ... Result is that using steam pisses off half your potential customers. The End.

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hmmm...i have steam but no matter...

but a system like steam...just to download ArmA would be nice too...i already bought 10euro for only the case of the dvd and a lill piece of paper with a number on it.

so if they dont find a publisher then they can sell it over the internet!

i will wait the few weeks to download it... tounge2.gif

but i still believe that they will have a publisher when ArmA is fully done!


so lets hope that they r close to finish it and r only working on the campaign!


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BIS, just give the adress of your main office and I'll go and get it personally, with the money in my pocket! :P

Just want to add that I love that it's only a few months from now! biggrin_o.gif

And still love the fact that this totally makes up the time for waiting on Game2 smile_o.gif

For all of you that can't wait any longer, get FFUR 2006, ECP or WGL05 and find some friends to LAN with or something, make your own style missions with them and enjoy the best game of all time!

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Steam...bad idea,but I'm just going to point out the most 'obvious' and not really rant on it,the downloading and connecting to verify files,it takes a long time and those without internet are basicly screwed.

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Let them make their work (make the game better every day, and make a good deal with a publisher), then we will make our work (play it, love it, and mod it forever)



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The game is not finished yet... when the AI is working, and the game runs smooth, it should be interesting for many publishers.

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BIS, just give the adress of your main office and I'll go and get it personally, with the money in my pocket! :P

Hehe, it wouldn't be bad to visit Czech republic again, and what reason would be better than ArmA xmas_o.gif (and girls and beer and...)

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wow 187 pages

world record?

thread out of control?

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