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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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More than anything I want the weapon limitations for vehicles removed meaning:

-multiple doorgunners for helos (most important to me)

-turrets on planes

-missles for car class vehicles

Id also like to see car class vehicles have the same options as tanks such as commander postions, turn in/out, proper weapon sight views etc.

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I saw Kegetys´s Spectate mod for OFP Elíte. Beautiful work!!!! notworthy.gif

I would like this achievement in ArmA inlove.gif

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playing through PMC FURY. one thing i find very clumsy is the command interface.

i hope there is a streamlined way of giving orders to troops. the F* key selection works fine but going through all those menus is SOMETIME FRUSTRATING. especially when getting 4 LMG gunners to get in psoition, go prone and watch different directions. All while the enemy is advancing up the therside of the hill.

hell, i['m not sure how. maybe being able to select the troops (maybe have hotkeys for group white, group red, etc) and then point and click on the ground where you want them to go - which you can do already - but if you keep mouse button down then you can get options of what you want them to do. so you can choose Watch horizOn > N.

Also hope to see more inuitve commands like hit the dirt. watch for enemy. suppress. take cover. these would work well with the smarter AI who would hopefully act like a trained soldier.

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You can point 'watch direction' or 'watch target' by holding alt (look around) and left clicking smile_o.gif

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The command system for BiA was pretty good. I think it would be a good idea, you could keep the old F# for more intricate commands but for speed i think the hold right click, possition, let go thing work quite well.

Also surpession fire would be very nice and add a whole new level to ArmA.

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Personally, I'd like to see:

*Better weapon reload animations that are remotely realistic.

*An AC130 SPECTRE gunship to provide fire-support.

*The ability to call in mortar/artillery fire.

*A specific CAS system on radios, and the ability to select a position you want blown up, then transmitting that information.

*Helicopters/Jets crash-landings that the pilot can survive (tail rotor shot off, engine failure, whatever) with/without injuries.

*Weapons jamming from time to time, with the jam probability changing for each weapon on different terrains.

*Ragdoll physics.

*Improved rifle physics with decent sniping weapons, Not just M21s/Dragunovs - M24SWS, M82, L96A2, Mk12 SPR Mod0 etc. And multiple target pentration.

*Being able to dig-in and create a prepared position.

*Far better AI, who act like humans under fire. For example, a civilian wouldnt stand around if you discharged your rifle into the air; they would make a run for it. And just because you may put out 2 more rounds than the AI soldier next to you, you shouldnt become the prime target.

*Ability to drop large amounts of airborne troops from C130s/C5s/C17s for invasions etc.

Thats what id like to see, hopefully ArmA should be the answer to my prayers.

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- Somehow they have to fix, smooth out character control - it's very clumsy when it comes to up-close battles.

- leaning option to be able to stick out from behind a corner to shoot without stepping out

- for the sake of realism there should be animations of people mounting/dismounting vehicles properly especially apc's and tanks with opening hatches etc. now it works like this: u stand next to a vehicle and then u are magically teleported inside the cockpit. Ppl are very vulnerable when they are trying to get in or out of hatches. Getting into a tank will be much more difficult that way. U'd need to climb it, open hatch, slide in - meanwhile u can be shot at.

- all sorts of shellshock effects like disappearing hearing, blurring, being knocked down to the ground by an explosion. Blackouts from extrenious physical stress or when being injured. for example when running overloaded with equip. for long periods would evetually cause blackout.

- airborne vehicles upon collision with the ground have to be disintegrating in explosion and cloud of fire. now we have some smoke, fire effects and a bouncing piece of slightly crumpled model of the aircraft which looks like a damaged pop can. When planes explode they do explode actually!!!

- realistic AI behaviour when being fired upon - bots would have to actually start running or taking cover when being suppressed with lets say an MG as opposed to acting like maniacs that pay no attention to flying bullets. Ghost Recan had it realized real good - in an enemy AI formation u'd have one guy always kneeling laying down covering fire when the rest would are running for cover when u'd fire upon the formation.

- AI characters should have voice overdub besides the simple 2-3 cries they make when wounded or being killed. Again as in Ghost Recon they should be shouting commands, cursing, calling for backup, or simply exchanging some phrases. This aspect of gameplay adds to much deeper emersion.

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I hope you could do Tank Dassant (riding on top of tanks, like real soldiers)

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all that i v read is ~ok,

but i want real sea and swim possibility,

cause we'll play on island.|||

and real wind & fog effect for all that include.


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This is Flashpoint not Game2. None of this stuff will be in ArmA.

I hope they put proxies in for sidearms so I can see that pearl handled Python I'm carrying.


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This is Flashpoint not Game2.  None of this stuff will be in ArmA.

I hope they put proxies in for sidearms so I can see that pearl handled Python I'm carrying.


whats game 2 ? never seen out something

simulator whith unreal physic water is just unreal, swim has been forget in ofp 1.. comando marine need that boue.jpgicon_rolleyes.gif

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onli 1 ting never have been seen in eny game

this will boosdt the campaine game ply 100%


this meen u can ply whit 2 or 4 frend or online pepol.u can ply the campaine out whit frends and not home alone.whit a savegame optione so u cane ply the nexst day wher u stopt

the coop comunity is big and is getting bigger no cheaters no russers no spoilers nicer pepol more tacktick plying more fun ...

tanks for reading mi posdt sorry for the bad englis

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You got all the sounds of the words right, just the proper spelling of our messed up language is missing.  smile_o.gif

*Grumbling incoherently about helping my 4 year old learn to spell*

Playing the game in Co-op will be fun, as I'm relatively sure the campaign can be edited as the origional OFP was.. And just about as sure that someone will convert it.  thumbs-up.gif

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What I *hope* to be in ArmA (but could easily be a suggestion for Game2)

During multiplayer, press a key to show a screen of players and their custom face for that mission, for easier recognition of who's who. Particularly good for when teams split into groups to get into different vehicles heading to different objectives. I'd find it usefull anyway. Maybe it can be scripted already? Maybe I should get to know people better.

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go one better have they name above their head in the game smile_o.gif

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go one better have they name above their head in the game smile_o.gif

If that is what you want then just play in cadet mode with friendly tags switched on.

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I think he means in MP. I never know who the player I'm looking at is unless he has a very different face from the rest, but as players generaly use camo faces or original ones it's hard to tell.

This could be done I suppose wth scripting but it'd be a bit too much effort for something so small.

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If they have spatial voice chat (the voice comes from the unit that's speaking) will help with recognition quite a bit.

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- Somehow they have to fix, smooth out character control - it's very clumsy when it comes to up-close battles.

- leaning option to be able to stick out from behind a corner to shoot without stepping out

- for the sake of realism there should be animations of people mounting/dismounting vehicles properly especially apc's and tanks with opening hatches etc. now it works like this: u stand next to a vehicle and then u are magically teleported inside the cockpit. Ppl are very vulnerable when they are trying to get in or out of hatches. Getting into a tank will be much more difficult that way. U'd need to climb it, open hatch, slide in - meanwhile u can be shot at.

- all sorts of shellshock effects like disappearing hearing, blurring, being knocked down to the ground by an explosion. Blackouts from extrenious physical stress or when being injured. for example when running overloaded with equip. for long periods would evetually cause blackout.

- airborne vehicles upon collision with the ground have to be disintegrating in explosion and cloud of fire. now we have some smoke, fire effects and a bouncing piece of slightly crumpled model of the aircraft which looks like a damaged pop can. When planes explode they do explode actually!!!

- realistic AI behaviour when being fired upon - bots would have to actually start running or taking cover when being suppressed with lets say an MG as opposed to acting like maniacs that pay no attention to flying bullets. Ghost Recan had it realized real good - in an enemy AI formation u'd have one guy always kneeling laying down covering fire when the rest would are running for cover when u'd fire upon the formation.

- AI characters should have voice overdub besides the simple 2-3 cries they make when wounded or being killed. Again as in Ghost Recon they should be shouting commands, cursing, calling for backup, or simply exchanging some phrases. This aspect of gameplay adds to much deeper emersion.

I also hope for all these^

And I would add;

- Ragdolls physics (but only realistic ragdolls, random animations but not always with the legs and arms flapping like crazy everywhere...)

- A "CTI" in coop and/or a non-linear coop campaign, players against AI, it would resume in a more realistic battle/conflict where everything players do would have consequences later, rather than only a simple mission, I think it'd be very interesting with the new MP system.

- Everything that could improve realistic gameplay. tounge2.gif

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playing through PMC FURY. one thing i find very clumsy is the command interface.

i hope there is a streamlined way of giving orders to troops. the F* key selection works fine but going through all those menus is SOMETIME FRUSTRATING. especially when getting 4 LMG gunners to get in psoition, go prone and watch different directions. All while the enemy is advancing up the therside of the hill.

hell, i['m not sure how. maybe being able to select the troops (maybe have hotkeys for group white, group red, etc) and then point and click on the ground where you want them to go - which you can do already - but if you keep mouse button down then you can get options of what you want them to do. so you can choose Watch horizOn > N.

Also hope to see more inuitve commands like hit the dirt. watch for enemy. suppress. take cover. these would work well with the smarter AI who would hopefully act like a trained soldier.

There is Go prone command, haven't you played as a squad leader?

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Heck, the only command he listed there that wasn't in OFP was surpressing fire...

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i dont knwo about all you guys, but im getting a bit tired of there hope, wish, want, like, threads about the features of ARMA, i want threads say are, is, will be put, in ARMA.. whistle.gif

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i dont knwo about all you guys, but im getting a bit tired of there hope, wish, want, like, threads about the features of ARMA, i want threads say are, is, will be put, in ARMA..  whistle.gif

I agree. But if I get to make a wish, it would be a smacktard filter so I don't get stuck playing with a buch of smacktards.

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lol Blook...

A thing i would like since early 2002 is some real geomatic as ultra realistic landscapes and towns, bases of actual conflicts.

Like a real on scale bagdad or falludja as other areas too.

Something that come from satelite imaging and then 3dlized would be the greatest thing into a game but i know it's asking a lot.

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I hope ArmA will have more advanced weather...

For example seasons. We have different times of year in OFP along with daylight hour changes, and constellations and stuff.

But we don't really have visual changes (at least none I've noticed  tounge2.gif ). It would be nice if grass, leaves, and ground textures changed.

Some form of temperature control would be awesome. When the temp goes below 0 instead of rain it would snow, maybe ponds freeze. It would be interesting for weather to affect the soldier, like in cold weather he shivers and aim is shaky, and in desert heat he gets tired faster.

I hope Realistic wind will be put in, at least for ballistics. But it would also be nice to see trees sway, and hear the leaves.

I think these things are really important for immersion, that's what made OFP stand out for me.

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