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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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@thread: discussed to death...and sorry, but *HOPE* implied suggestions...

Hope does not imply suggestion in this case because there is a sticky at the top of this forum saying that ArmA is feature locked.

Hope in this case is a bit like seeing a wrapped present with your name tag, underneath a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. You know it's for you, but you can't open it yet. So, you let your imagination run and cross your fingers... When you finally open the present it might meet your expectations, it might disappoint them. Sometimes it can exceed them. As long as people keep it in perspective (which they have done) I don't see any harm, but I'll leave it to the Mods discretion.  xmas_o.gif

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NETCODE NETCODE NETCODE! Deffo need this sorted as its practically the most frustrating part of Flashpoint that really let it down. Be nice to play (as big red said) a 20 v 20 game with no lag what so ever. Specially as now the normal connection speed has increased so much over the past 4 years. biggrin_o.gif

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-50vs50 matches

-total ofp addons compatibility

-many new players

thats all! smile_o.gif

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I can only agree in what has already been mentioned, so here's my personal whishes:

- A build in multiply language Text To Speech engine - giving the missioneditor or scriptor the possibility of giving his radiomessages real speech instead of just text.

- A Towing-script in the hardcode which means the missioneditor only has to write a short line in the addons init.field (Like a campfire: This inflame true)

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Again all of the above, and somthing that will dowload addons needed of servers just like maps are now (maybe not possible but ah well). Im sick and tierd of not being able to connect to games because im missing one small addon that i cant find. mad_o.gif

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IQ test preventing stupid people get past install screen ...

+ all the stuff i mentioned in many threads before ...

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Already mentioned at times, but little zones for each soldier where voice can be heard, winding down at fringes coupled with a voice recognition engine so that when you look at an AI and say 'hey private' he turns to look (or glances if under fire). In network play then voice has the same realistic range in game. Radio's can be used but require frequancies etc to be setup in the orders area before the game launches. Simple commands understood, like:

'go prone'

'stand up'

'fall back'

'flank right/left'

'covering fire'

'get in'

'get out'

etc, I'd be happy to train a voice recognition part of the game to my speech for that playability smile_o.gif

Ability for soldiers to capture, ie: 'we have 10 guy with guns you are alone, we wont shoot because you'd be killed if you tried anything so surrender' code. Then including ability disarm and 'hold' under guard.

More AI shot's 'missing closely' against moving targets. pistols.gif

Water environment for swimming, diving...Better sounds, and other general improvements to everything else already in game of course!!

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Guest major gandhi

- Reliable multiplayer code!

- Multiple guns on vehicles

- Better performance

if you concentrate on these three things and don't waste time on all the other stuff I'll definitly buy Armed Assault biggrin_o.gif

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Already mentioned at times, but little zones for each soldier where voice can be heard, winding down at fringes coupled with a voice recognition engine so that when you look at an AI and say 'hey private' he turns to look (or glances if under fire). In network play then voice has the same realistic range in game. Radio's can be used but require frequancies etc to be setup in the orders area before the game launches. Simple commands understood, like:

'go prone'

'stand up'

'fall back'

'flank right/left'

'covering fire'

'get in'

'get out'

etc, I'd be happy to train a voice recognition part of the game to my speech for that playability smile_o.gif

Ability for soldiers to capture, ie: 'we have 10 guy with guns you are alone, we wont shoot because you'd be killed if you tried anything so surrender' code. Then including ability disarm and 'hold' under guard.

More AI shot's 'missing closely' against moving targets. pistols.gif

Water environment for swimming, diving...Better sounds, and other general improvements to everything else already in game of course!!

You tried Shoot?

Very nice program... really adds to the game!

Its not quite the same, and cant distuingish who you are looking at (since its a 3rd part program).

But it still works... you can say "3, go prone"... and your player will comand it ingame.

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Hoping for (but not suggestions - its far too late in the day for that and this is quite a nice thread so far! ) :

All of the above plus:

Game supplied on DVD (or at least optional)

Game optimisations and more load put on the graphic card/off the CPU


Not fussed about that green triangular thing though. Got 2 of them and didn't use either. smile_o.gif

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IQ test preventing stupid people get past install screen ...

Now that would be original! rofl.gif

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IQ test preventing stupid people get past install screen ...

Now that would be original! rofl.gif

Don't know if someone remembers Leisure Suit Larry (don't know which part it was), you had to do first a test to prove you're really an adult before you were allowed to play it.

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id like it as realistic as it can get , for example about snipers (sniper + a spotter with an uber binocular to determinate range/wind speed etc , optics too so u could just set it like real snipers do , instead of raising your aim high) , real bullet dropoff ,recoil , warming up barrels , maybe diff running speed depending on your equipement ( with M16 u run as hell and u run the same with heavy primary weapon and a huge AT weapon, admit it , kind of silly smile_o.gif )

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I agree ATR. While Joint Operations sucked, the realism was second to none. With the sniper, you had to take your binos and scan the target area to get an approximate range, then zoom your scope appropriately. Very cool.

One thing I am REALLY SUPERLY DUPERLY hoping for, and it's probably way too late in the game for AA (maybe, just maybe, OFP2huh.gif) is the ability to hide in grass. You couldn't do this in OFP. I am a big stealth guy, and you can do this wondefully in very "old" games like Ghost Recon (which I still play). Hididng in some grass or a bush concealed you from a patrol. In OFP, they still see you, but you can't see them. sad_o.gif

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just another name for a suggestion thread (even if you dont think so)

getting desperate here, lastest update has given me hope for a little longer.

What i will HOPE for is tech vids and teaser trailers. HIGH RES!

even if i have to pay to see 'em biggrin_o.gif

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I hope for cheat codes that can be entered into the game and be able to fly as a soldier, shoot LAW's out of the M16 and be able to run 5x times as fast. nener.gif

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yeah jayson ! remids me of Sniper movie , with his ghillie suit , impossible to spot smile_o.gif

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I hope for cheat codes that can be entered into the game and be able to fly as a soldier, shoot LAW's out of the M16 and be able to run 5x times as fast. nener.gif

I hope that HE is NOT in ArmA.

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I hope ArmA will have animated arms while steering any form of car now its just weird only the steering wheel moves around and the arms just do nothing smile_o.gif

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As for seeing the update at OFP.info today about ArmA, I was quite happy to see one picture, but that one picture also got some questions rising.

See for your self what I mean:

Picture [100kb+]

If you look good you see a Russian tank, but if you look even better you can see the command's gun firing!

So does that means that ArmA will have multipile gun supports on vehicles or is this just like in OFP:1 where you need to switch to the gun?

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See for your self what I mean:

Picture [100kb+]

If you look good you see a Russian tank, but if you look even better you can see the command's gun firing!

I think thats a flame from the tank infront of this T72, and I can't seem to find a MG on either of the T72 on the pic. confused_o.gif

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I hope for a much larger community of mod makers, squads, and other community variants.  More/Better publicity and attention.

I already know ArmA will be great, I don't need to worry about any ingame issues.

and yes that looks more like a flame

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