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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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*Let's not turn this into a demand/suggestion/thread* smile_o.gif

What are you crossing your fingers for?

New functions / commands for vehicles and ordering troops?

More scripting possibilities?

Mutiplayer stuff? Single player stuff?

Maybe you're hoping for some interesting feaures of the new island?

Personally I'm hoping to see some more scripting power available and proper artillery coded into the engine.

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Im hopeing for destructable buildings as shown in the one VBS trailer. Obviouslly it probly wouldn't be the lego houses of Game2... but still would be a lot better then what we have now, and make the game a lot more fun. And since it IS possible, it just might find its way into ArmA

Also, the abbility to walk around freely on aircraft, transports, and shoot out of hatches. Again, also from the VBS trailers.

I think if these features were added ArmA would be one hell of a great game. And with better collision detection, destructable buildings would be a great addon, since people might actually go inside now

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Improved viewdistance

real number off crew, in tanks helis, loader for west Tanks

move inside vehicle

heavy tanks, better weight sim, not butterfly tanks

improved damage values, ERA sim possibilities, sabot, heat, missile difference in damage.

funktional jaming for, laser,ir,radar weapons

more units

less lag


real bullet drop values on every weapon, include tanks

projectile not dissapear in 2500-3000m go on till drop, include missiles

possibility for artillery use, long range missiles, like scud, tomahawk, possibilities to shoot them down, with fighter air, patriot, SA-300C o other

functional ARENA defence armor like weapon system.

more detailed ground, and bushes to hide in.

destroyable houses and all trees, everything should be destroyable.

thats enough for AA i think nener.gif

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Better looks, better performance and better ai would be nice for cristmas xmas_o.gif

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The only thing I'm hoping for but which I'm unsure of whether they implement are new skeleton models and improved animations. The current models are only slightly enhanced OFP models and in my oppion they aren't that impressive.

Things like multiple gunner positions, improved AI and CQB, dynamic enviroment, real time lighting methods, enhanced scripting posibilities etc. are things I'm quite confident that they'll add.

Whether they change the skeleton models or not probably depends on how much delayed the game will be. I don't think that we will see ArmA before mid 2006 so the chances are big that my wish comes true.

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What i hope :

-More scripting possibilities

-(a lot) Better animations

-Better CQB collisions

-Better unit AI and squad AI

-Better vehicle damage system

-Overall more mission making possibilities

The other parts , graphics especially, are of absolutely no importance for me, as i am already satisfied with OFP graphics.

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Hmm my hopes for AA are:

- massive optimized Engine

- No Mouse or Alt + Tab Bugs

- a bit bette Graphic

- fully backward compatibility to the Addons made in OFP

- maybe a new Versions from Oxygen and Binarize whistle.gif

-and a release in this Year wink_o.gif

Edit: And yes some new Sounds from Seventh wink_o.gif

Second Edit: Tomorrow is my Birthday.. What will i get from BIS ? ^^

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I hope for:

- better vehicle acceleration configuration

- better weapon configuration

- correct zoom rates on optics

- possibility to allow fixed zoom rates only

- multiple gunners

- different weapon loadouts on vehicles

- improved AI

- improved mp compatibility of scripting, etc.

- improved texture format

- better physics

- imporved netcode

- support of weapons with multiple barrels

- better inventory system (based on weight and amount and type of pouches on the soldier)

- better destruction models

- backward compability

- moving inside vehicles

- ability to define max speed of landvehicles in water

- improved damage/armor system

- global setObjectTexture

- have setObjectTexture working correct without having to preload the texture itself.

- multiple gunners per vehicle

- multiple gun optics for gunners (e.g. Tiger: RMK optics, OSIRIS optics for rockets, etc)

- allow selections to be animated by multiple 'animations'

- realistic simulation of ballistics

- ...

this list will never end smile_o.gif

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Multiple gunner positions

Better AI

Replay function

Mission-creator controlled JIP

Better collision detection

Smoother graphics

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Things I realistically hope for in Armed Assault are:

-Improved performance with modern hardware drivers

-Better AI in close proximity to buildings and other objects (better driving and CQB)

-Improved enemy and friendly AI (better use of cover, fire support, flanking manouvers etc)

-Slightly better appearence of damaged vehicles and buildings (I'm not expecting individual pieces to come off models or holes where shells hit, just not the "crumpled paper" shit we have now)

-Better support for all weapon types on all vehicle classes; like the ability to put zooming optics, large calibre guns, missiles, grenade launchers etc on cars so that player kills with these weapons count towards points.

I'd also like to be able to move in and around moving vehicles and be able to transport other vehicles similarly, or at least have greater scripting resources available that would allow such a thing to be done by addonmakers at a later date if it's not done by BIS; this would kind of lend itself to multi-gunner scripts too. This is just somet I hope to see, I don't expect it to be possible.

I'd like to see vehicle armour being more realistic too but I could live without it if it's not.

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I'd like as good graphics as I could see on the first exclusive screenies and better air vehicle control(like in BF2 - yeah, yeah, BF2, but OFP's not a vehicle sim so make it BF2 style). smile_o.gif

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One of the best thing in addon of Flashpoint was Base creatino and buing all kind of technik and squad.., I Think It will be very interesting mode, were you can take some position Earn money and buy Army.... In multiplayer it was very interesting, I think with this MODe of game, Armed Assault will be one of the best game of the year... Multiplayer - it`s your opportunity!!!!!

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There´s too mayn things I´d like to see, but I guess most of them will find their way into either ArAs or OFP2.

My personal highlight that will keep me busy for hours :


and the result:


Deformable terrain would be great. This includes the possibility to build nests in trees smile_o.gif

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-*Just* updated graphics allowing better performance.

-Animations with more breakpoints (or seperate upper and lower body movements). More neutral positions to change to a different anim.

-And finally, getting rid of that model limitation of ~75m... sheesh! THAT would allow for a lot to be done! smile_o.gif

P.S. - Having a hovercraft config.

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Jake's Top <s>Ten</s> Five

1. AI capable of realistically fighting in CQB Battles

2. New and Improved Visitor/ World Creating Program

3. Terrain capable of being Deformed

4. Platoon Command

5. More Stable Engine

That is pretty much all I want to see. Everything else for me can wait until Game 2. Ofcourse after having ArmA for 4 Months I will probably want even more. smile_o.gif

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- multiple gun positions

- better performance and use of modern hardware features

- more flexible classes (example : car with gunnerview)

Hope its not too much to expect

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weapon handling as close to real life as a game can get.

this includes being able to define the weapons characteristics depending on the players moevemnet, stance, fatigue, etc and has little touches like being able to support weapon on wall and deploy bipods while prone on ground.

also weapon damage close to real as possible in a gme.

what's the point of a game that supposes to use real life wepons but imbues them with science fiction qualities.

PS - OFP is still the best for the above even when compared to the most recent shooters. but there is much room for improvemnet and added enjoyment and rewarding of tactical application and skill in aiming (even though it is just a damn game).

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Damn you colt, the worst thing you could do is start another of these 'what do you hope for in AA' threads banghead.gif

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- Cheat free online gaming

- A Great net code so we can play 20 vs 20 games lag free

- no jumping it will ruin the game

- BIS Soldiers, Vehicles, and Islands in Desert, Winter, and Woodland themes so we don't have to download so many addons and map idea's will be unlimited.

- some gore would be nice too like if someone gets blown up they lose a limb

- realistic hand grenades

- not to be able to tamper with graphics, the graphics are set by the game so people won't abuse it. (they can have low, med, and high but not the details you can screw with now it ruined MP)

- skicky bombs smile_o.gif

I got more but its all just a wet dream I will be happy with what ever they put out and will be the 4+ year OFP crack head that I have always been.

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A scripting command that detects where the mouse is on-screen inlove.gif

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@thread: discussed to death...and sorry, but *HOPE* implied suggestions...

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Better colision detection, building interaction, clipping problems solved.

Better performance and compatbility with new HW.

Improved weapon, vehical, equipment config to more realistic values.

Better a.i. capable of interacting with the environment properly and behaving more acurately.

Decent anims.

Better damage model.

Realistic units modeled closer to the RL counterpart.

Multiple weapon mounts on vehicals..

Whole new content/game wink_o.gif .

I could go on and on...

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