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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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...about 1800km away...

Now thats what I call an accurate rifle. crazy_o.gif

Anyways, yes, but bullet drop in OFP is pretty weird by itself, so that *could* pose an issue.

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i belive theres a mistake

you cant shoot from Helsinki to Berlin(?) with a sniper rifle.

(distance is the same)

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the M2 50Cal is very bad accuracy in FFUR but after watching a few documentaries of Black hawk down the true story

the US Rangers were saying they were able to fire at very far ranges and still be very accurate, and they could fire further and accurate then the Soldiers on ground who were using the M4A1 which IIRC should fire about 600-800m so the M2 should fire further with still good acuracy

anyway looking great

and shouldnt the pistols be black as the silver can shine more so then black weapons but looking great anyway cant wait but hopefeully i can get Resistance working again

I agree, for a long time, the record for longest range kill belonged to Marine Carlos Hathcock [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Hathcock ] who killed a Vietnamese soldier from 2250m. In the Gulf War, another USMC sniper took out a BMP from about 1800km away with two well placed shots from a Barrett. 50 cals are very dealy and very accurate when used correctly.

That record has been broken in 2002, by a Canadian sniper from the PPCLI battlegroup who was assigned to the 187th Airborne Regiment.The Master Corporal killed a Taliban driver from 2,430m using a Macmillian Tac .50 sniper rifle. Unfortunately due to allegations that the sniper had mutilated the body, the Soldier (can't remember his name) has since been released from military service, and due to politics the 5-man sniper team did not reiceve the bronze star.


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Driver? I heard, from a FDF sniper, that the "target" was a radioman, his radio to be exact... but the sniper missed a bit and killed the man instead... crazy_o.gif

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Driver? I heard, from a FDF sniper, that the "target" was a radioman, his radio to be exact... but the sniper missed a bit and killed the man instead... crazy_o.gif

mmm.....That kinda thing tends to happen when you're firing a big gun at someone whos nearly 2.5km away

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"Mutilated"? With a .50CAL? Inhumane? What do they expect when they fire a half-inch slug through someone? Its not a .22 round that upon entry hardly has enough energy to punch its way out the otherside (hense its wide-spread use by hitmen, so for the execution style shots to the head, the bullet enters the skull, but just ricochets around and tears up brain-matter).

Anyway, back on topic, the M82A1 is a highly accurate rifle, so this should be reflected in FFUR.

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"Mutilated"? With a .50CAL? Inhumane? What do they expect when they fire a half-inch slug through someone? Its not a .22 round that upon entry hardly has enough energy to punch its way out the otherside (hense its wide-spread use by hitmen, so for the execution style shots to the head, the bullet enters the skull, but just ricochets around and tears up brain-matter).

Actually the allegations were that the Master Corporal after killing one of his targets, went to him and started cutting his fingers off (I dont remember the details) of course it was after it happended and the Corporal had a few too many. The allegations were thrown out because there was no proof that he had actually done it. The Corporal had had a history of drinking and saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

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FFUR certainly has the best AI improvments of any mods I have seen. I hope down the Rd you can do more work on AI improvments such as advanced squad tactics (flanking, advancing under fire and retreating) and formations.

To me thats as imprortant as the addons if not more.

My 2cents.


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Quote[/b] ]Anyway, back on topic, the M82A1 is a highly accurate rifle, so this should be reflected in FFUR.

ive been talking about the 50Cal M2 heavy machine gun not the M82A1 also ive got a video which shows a mrine sniper calling it the M82A1A is it the same ?

anyway ive been talking about the Machine Gun at the moment on FFUR about 200m away i cant hit anything all i can see are the bullet holes around the soldier but never actually hitting the soldier an M2 is much more acurate even if it is a heavy machine gun

this may help ?

that has some info about the machine gun im tlaking about

edit - some new stuff about the Vulcan cannon


well mostly im just sending that about the tracers, the tracers in ofp when using a vulcan cannon look nothing like in that picture shouldnt they be a bit more of a line ?

couldnt youe change the viewing of original ofp tracers make them very faint and turn them red ? that would add a very faint red line effect

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Quote[/b] ]Is that the move where the Mig pops up creating some lift and a huge amount of drag then quickly levels and anyone who was on their six is now on the Mig's 12?

Nah... Pogatchev Cobra seems to be exclusive to Flankers, I've never seen another jet fighter carrying it out.

It is the maneuver he's talking about, and in fact, it was first performed by a MiG-29, but the Su-27 made it famous since it does it with greater ease from level flight (the MiG requires a bit of AoA before starting the maneuver)

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The M2 and M82A1 accuracies have been increased as requested.

Quote[/b] ]couldnt youe change the viewing of original ofp tracers make them very faint and turn them red ? that would add a very faint red line effect

The tracers effects we incorporated in FFUR 6.0 are quite realistic, they look more authentic and hundred times better than the previous ones.

Quote[/b] ] I hope down the Rd you can do more work on AI improvments such as advanced squad tactics (flanking, advancing under fire and retreating) and formations.

Enhancing the AI in order to make 'em' that efficient would require the use of scripts, unfortunately there's nothing one can do via the cpp, OFP's engine is definitely limited.

Btw, the current progress of all new FFUR 6.0 packs is reaching completion, exactly as wished.

We still wait for some addons in order to replace the current used ones.

(RHS Mi-24/ RHS Su-25)

(OWP General Pack/ OWP Mi-8 pack)

(Spetznatz Mod Shilka).

I'd like to thank all people & mods who supported and helped us and who're still supporting us as well.

Let's give a last blow to OFP before ArmA will come up.


Best Regards


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Is the default BIS uzi planned to be replaced in FFUR 6.0? (I didn't think it was replaced in FFUR 5.0, just new iron sight added). wink_o.gif

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great job tb and all the team within the furr  notworthy.gif

1 question did you change the camo for russian sniper with the sam that you used by the sniper OSV-96 that would be great


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Damn i better get my new copy of OFP before this is out

On the topic of enhancing AI, ive noticed something which slows down and makes combat a lot more boring

In all missions this is not just certain ones every mission ive played. When in Danger/Contact situation the soldiers very very rarely stand up therefore covering very little ground

A good example is where you have to destroy those Skilkas on the CWC campaign when you are a machine gunner

After clearing the first town your team very very very slowly moves forward to the second it takes very long and makes youe very bored waiting for them to catch up

Is there anything you can do to improve there speed in combat ?

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Quote[/b] ]456820 Posted on Dec. 03 2005,11:22


Damn i better get my new copy of OFP before this is out

On the topic of enhancing AI, ive noticed something which slows down and makes combat a lot more boring

In all missions this is not just certain ones every mission ive played. When in Danger/Contact situation the soldiers very very rarely stand up therefore covering very little ground

A good example is where you have to destroy those Skilkas on the CWC campaign when you are a machine gunner

After clearing the first town your team very very very slowly moves forward to the second it takes very long and makes youe very bored waiting for them to catch up

Is there anything you can do to improve there speed in combat ?

i think its depend on how the mission is made, u want ffur men to run fast?

try this mission


try to keep up with them, and get kills before they do.. smile_o.gif

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but you shouldnt need to edit all the missions to get your soldiers to run or atleast move faster in combat

since i think it does interupt with all missions the fact that on Montignac must fall CWC campaign it hink

where its dark and you have to secure the town the other team takes out most of the soldiers before you get into firing range or can even see the town

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The only problem with making the soldiers stand up more often is OFP's slightly unrealistic uber-vulnerability which occurs to a standing soldier. Anyone standing about 200m away from a squad can be assured of instant death, normally.

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The only problem with making the soldiers stand up more often is OFP's slightly unrealistic uber-vulnerability which occurs to a standing soldier. Anyone standing about 200m away from a squad can be assured of instant death, normally.

= real combat warfare

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but with the sounds of the new recoil effects and the realism on the guns makes it sound like if you stand up at 200m away bullets wont hit you or rarely wll but mostly land near you

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Btw, the current progress of all new FFUR 6.0 packs is reaching completion, exactly as wished.


Hello again,

I have some questions. Will there be desert FFUR 6.0 pack like FFUR 5.0? And will there be only one desert pack with US vs Russia or e.g. another one with USA vs China (or Libya or Iraqi or whatever) ?

I'm trying to merge FFUR 5.0 desert pack with FFUR 5.0 asia pack to make US vs China pack (I hope you don't mind) and I need information... should I replace PLA green camouflage to some desert camouflage or can I leave it? Will it be politically/historically correct if I leave green camouflage on PLA units? BTW it's really long "replacing" work... it takes me whole day to undestand and replace base russian soldier & weapon with base PLA soldier & weapon (+ optic version). I think this takes me whole life crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I have a problem installing the FFUR1985 mod, FFUR2005 i install and play with no problem but when i put "-nosplash -nomap -mod=ffurxxx" where xxx=1985 i always get the default OPF screen.

Also i'm still new so here is a dumb question. Does these mod come with missions or is it only a bunch of addons that you can play the BIS campaigns with? If it comes with missions i can't find em

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well does it load up FFUR 1985 ? if so i think it does that anyway but i cant play OFP at the moment so thats just a guess

FFUR is just a mod a load of addons no extra missions any missions without addons you can play with the new addons included in the mod

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well does it load up FFUR 1985 ? if so i think it does that anyway but i cant play OFP at the moment so thats just a guess

FFUR is just a mod a load of addons no extra missions any missions without addons you can play with the new addons included in the mod

I got it working i needed to put W in front for winterpack

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could you make a version that ONLY replaces units, vehicles and maybe explosion effects?

like a light version?

i find the current version very heavy on my CPU sad_o.gif

that means, i cant use it...

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