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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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could you make a version that ONLY replaces units, vehicles and maybe explosion effects?

like a light version?

i find the current version very heavy on my CPU sad_o.gif

that means, i cant use it...

I think that one of the new MP configs will be a strictly 'units replacement' only option.

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Quote[/b] ]Is the default BIS uzi planned to be replaced in FFUR 6.0? (I didn't think it was replaced in FFUR 5.0, just new iron sight added).

BIS uzis are quite decent, the same goes for BIS Heavy grenade launchers.

Quote[/b] ]1 question did you change the camo for russian sniper with the sam that you used by the sniper OSV-96 that would be great

FFUR 2005 Russian snipers don't wear the same camo than 1985 soviet Guillie snipers and both of snipers (SVD & OSV-96) do wear the same sniper battle dress in FFUR 2005.

Quote[/b] ]Will there be desert FFUR 6.0 pack like FFUR 5.0? And will there be only one desert pack with US vs Russia or e.g. another one with USA vs China (or Libya or Iraqi or whatever) ?

There would be enhanced and updated versions of the previous packs.

Quote[/b] ]should I replace PLA green camouflage to some desert camouflage or can I leave it? Will it be politically/historically correct if I leave green camouflage on PLA units?

Chinese have their own 'desert' camo as you may see here.

Only a few units wear it. (The People’s Liberation Army stationed units in GOBI desert).

But VME mod haven't made it and as far as I know they don't expect to make one.

You might use the woodland one For your own use,though.

Quote[/b] ]i find the current version very heavy on my CPU

Weird, if your system's clean and your ofp folders as well, then you might not have any cpu problem with any of the curent FFUR packs, if not then wait for the incoming FFUR 6.0 packs, all addons have been regrouped in kind of 'FFUR_...' folders in order to decrease the loading time of 40%.

Quote[/b] ]The only problem with making the soldiers stand up more often is OFP's slightly unrealistic uber-vulnerability which occurs to a standing soldier. Anyone standing about 200m away from a squad can be assured of instant death, normally.


real combat warfare


Quote[/b] ]I think that one of the new MP configs will be a strictly 'units replacement' only option.

Right, one of the two envisaged MP configs would make the packs very light.

Quote[/b] ]Is there going to be a FFUR 2005 Winter or Desert pack?


At first because there aren't too many of visual differences between 85/05 except equipement variants/versions.

and secondly because we don't have enough of time to do that due to the fact we're quite busy with the new expected FFUR 6.0 packs.

and you should know that the FFUR mod first objective was to carry out only 85 packs. 2005 & asian are 'just' additions.


Best Regards


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New feature:

As promised a few days ago, I did a new script that makes the enemy unable to fight when it's heavly wounded in order to increase the medic's role.

It's quite harsh as anim, though (inspired from real movies) ,I hope it would enjoy some 'Ultra-realism fanatics'.

Some shots.

'...russian soldier sniped to the torso at 200 meters with a M24 sws '7.62' while running...'


'... the second bullet let him no chance...'


Best Regards


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Oh, and the new AI would DECIMATE my squad in an infantry battle, let alone that I'm the only survivor.

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looking good, I presume this doesnt cause huge lagging when everyone is half-dead?

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YES ive got my new OFP and i havent missed the release

anyway i love the idea of those new anims sounds great cant wait to play the new versions

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New feature:

As promised a few days ago, I did a new script that makes the enemy unable to fight when it's heavly wounded in order to increase the medic's role.

It's quite harsh as anim, though (inspired from real movies) ,I hope it would enjoy some 'Ultra-realism fanatics'.

Some shots.

'...russian soldier sniped to the torso at 200 meters with a M24 sws '7.62' while running...'


'... the second bullet let him no chance...'


Best Regards


OK, Question:

I love this feature, BUT, in OFP, units come to medic, not the other way around, so if I or any AI is injured, how do I heal myself or them, because medic will not come to me or to any AI I ordered to heal. It could work in MP, but seeing this probably won't make it in to the MP config becuause of the compatibility reason. Or maybe you solved it somehow?

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there are some scripts that make the medic come to the soldier

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Can somebody please help me solve a pointer problem:  While in game, the pointer shows up in addition to the hammer/scythe pointer.  Tried reloading OFP GOTY edition + 1.96 patch and ffur mod.  Worked fine with a fresh download, however, when I shut down and restart the game.......the pointer is there once again.  No problem with the game.....just a little distracting.  Anybody else having the same problem?  Any suggestions / solutions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


AMD Athalon 2.5 (~2Ghz)

512 Ram

GeForce 6600

p.s. :  Awesome Mod!!!  Great work FFUR team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Can somebody please help me solve a pointer problem:  While in game, the pointer shows up in addition to the hammer/scythe pointer.  Tried reloading OFP GOTY edition + 1.96 patch and ffur mod.  Worked fine with a fresh download, however, when I shut down and restart the game.......the pointer is there once again.  No problem with the game.....just a little distracting.  Anybody else having the same problem?  Any suggestions / solutions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


AMD Athalon 2.5 (~2Ghz)

512 Ram

GeForce 6600

p.s. :  Awesome Mod!!!  Great work FFUR team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had this problem quite a while ago now. Try changing your screen refresh rate in OFP video options. I was told that if your video display refresh rate in desktop is the same as OFP's then you will have windows cursor showing up in game.  xmas_o.gif

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@ Tomislav. True that standing will get you killed in real life at short ranges. But the problem is not only that the standing soldier in OFP provides a bigger target area, but OFP's combat routines automatically make that soldier stand out like a glowing, neon-powered, screaming sore thumb even at 300 metres = instant AI magnet. This happens regardless of camo, surroundings etc, and is not likely to happen in real life.

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D'oh, double post. By the way, Thunderbird, reckon you could post some work in progress pictures of the US infantry, crew and pilots in the same pic? I can't wait until they come out.

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great release this. thank you.

looks great.

2 questions.

1. the LMG's are all very difficult to fire with (recoil and lots of built in inaccuracy it seems) and also difficult to see where are shooting due to big muzzle flash. is this the way it is in real life and that's why you done this. great recoil tho. this is based on real weapon characteristics you say?

2) i do not like the cross hairs. thats simply personal taste. how do i revert to OFP's defualt crosshairs (the one that looks like a disected T shape)?

once again really stellar release. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]looking good, I presume this doesnt cause huge lagging when everyone is half-dead?

No, it doesn't make occur any lag in game, this script's quite light.

Quote[/b] ]I love this feature, BUT, in OFP, units come to medic, not the other way around, so if I or any AI is injured, how do I heal myself or them, because medic will not come to me or to any AI I ordered to heal

Indeed, in real life soldiers usually carry a small 'medical bag', I think we would implement that in order to allow to soldiers to heal themselves even it might not be that realistic according to the gravity of the wound.

Quote[/b] ]Thunderbird, reckon you could post some work in progress pictures of the US infantry, crew and pilots in the same pic?



Quote[/b] ]the LMG's are all very difficult to fire with (recoil and lots of built in inaccuracy it seems) and also difficult to see where are shooting due to big muzzle flash. is this the way it is in real life and that's why you done this. great recoil tho. this is based on real weapon characteristics you say?

We enhanced their smoke by decreasing its visibility and by making it greyer, muzzle flashes sizes have also been decreased, the ironsights have been improved as well, the vertical recoil value has been reduced too and the most important addition is the realistic tracers that bounce or even become particles at impact with an object.

Here's a real movie showing a M249 firing sequence.

Quote[/b] ] i do not like the cross hairs. thats simply personal taste. how do i revert to OFP's defualt crosshairs (the one that looks like a disected T shape)?

will replace it by a better one.

Best Regards


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Hi TB,

I have a suggestion to make. Bear in mind that I have only played with the 1985 Woodland Pack, so if the feature I am about to suggest has already been implemented, just disregard this post.

We all know that OFP's AI behaves in an unrealistic manner in built-up areas. Soldiers drop on the ground in the middle of the street where they're a sitting duck, soldiers spread out too thin, etc. etc. The PLA VME mod features special CQB units with enhanced AI. They use team stacking, don't go prone just anywhere, and actually enter buildings as they are supposed to. The best part perhaps is that when they enter 'Danger' mode, they don't fall flat on their faces. In other words, if a soldier who is inside the house spots an enemy, he stays in an upright position, enabling him to actually engage the enemy, instead of dropping on the floor and shooting at the furniture.

These AI enhancements are very nice but they require you to put specific CQB units in a mission. Furthermore, if you move out of the urban area into a rural one, the AI behaviour becomes weird. Now, I may be a total noob when it comes to game editing, but I am assuming that these AI enhancements are run by scripts. I am also assuming that you can extract these scripts and run them at any desired time. Wouldn't it thus be possible to add the option to execute these scripts to the radio menu if you are the leader of a squad? Something like "prepare for CQB". This would enable you, as the leader of a squad, to change the AI behaviour when in a built-up area, similar to how you change it with the "Danger", "Aware" and other commands.

I admit I have no idea whether this is even possible, or whether VME would be willing to donate their scripts, but it's just a thought that was buzzing through my head last night. And they say insomnia is counterproductive! Anyway, let me know what you think.

Regards, X.

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This idea sounds very interesting, but you have to know that AI scripts in 90% of cases use the scripting command 'nearestobject', after checking out the specifical lines done for the purpose you asked about, I have to say it would make occur a lot of lag because it uses that command more than 40 times,


Quote[/b] ]?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousedum_podloubi03klaster"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousehangar_2"] distance _ap < 50:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousehasic_zbroj"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseinvisible_house"] distance _ap < 1:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousekostelin"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousenabrezi"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousenabrezi_najezd"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseOrlHot"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseruiny_3_dvere"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseruiny_3_prasklina"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseruiny_3_roh"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseruiny_obvod_3"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseruiny_obvod_kompl"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseskola"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousestodola"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousestodola2"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHousestodola3"] distance _ap < 20:goto"Main"

?nearestobject[_ap,"ResHouseZalChata"] distance _ap < 30:goto"Main"


This command does detect the object nearest the player or the AI and each line uses a big part of cpu resources, that's why several people complained about the lag occured in VME.

As you know, we manage FFUR packs as best as possible in order to avoid the use of such scripts, even a lot of them might very interesting in game but unfortunately OFP's engine's too limited.

Btw, I enhanced the script done yesterday by making the enemy dying after 10 seconds of anguish, it makes more sense,though.

Best Regards


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When your 2006 packs will be released? And will it be released all or some packs first and after some time the rest? BTW I'm looking forward to especially desert and asia packs;)

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They'll be released when they'll be totally accomplished, it would be, as usual, a surprise.

Btw, the main/biggest changes carried out (visual ones) are done on FFUR 2005.

Best Regards


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Thunderbird, Just like 2 know - did U manage to solve the problem with AI blindness in the High Res Islands forests. U remember it reported that AI could not see U in the forests even when at point blanK range! icon_rolleyes.gif

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This problem's due to BergHoff's trees, hopefully he'd find a way to fix it.

Best Regards


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2) i do not like the cross hairs. thats simply personal taste. how do i revert to OFP's defualt crosshairs (the one that looks like a disected T shape)?

The crosshair you are reffering to is the one used by the M21's scope. However, the new one in the screenshots is a Mil-Dot scope which is used pretty much universally by the US Military.

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